Remembering the Old Times

Remembering the Old Times

Postby Regulus » April 16th, 2024, 4:38 am

I'm surprised MLK is still around. Last I remember, this place was rather dead, and that was years ago. I think I just stopped logging in at some point, as it became painful to see the nest of spam and troll-posts this forum had become, with otherwise no real activity. Meanwhile, things happened and life moved on. This is probably my first time visiting in maybe 3 or 4 years. I thought Moka was going to shut the site down back then, but maybe part of me is actually kinda happy to see it's still up.

I joined this forum when I was 17. I was very active on here for several years after that, up until some point in my mid-20s. This was such a critical time in my life, trying to figure out who I was and where I would fit into the world. It was that entire struggle that drew me into The Lion King and its fandom in the first place. In a way, I guess I'm fortunate that this community was alive during that time, and a home when I needed it. This forum was where my friends were. This was where I would go to ask for advice, vent my frustrations, or brag about my accomplishments. As I struggled to get through college, live away from my parents, and navigate my way through early adulthood, everyone here made me into the person I am today.

I still remember all the arguments over politics, religion, philosophy, and other topics. This place was a haven for that like no other. The long, thoughtful posts here were the best. Even when we disagreed on things, there was still a certain degree of respect we had for each other--a certain respect that I don't see on the internet anymore nowadays. I miss that a lot. Sometimes, I wonder what's happening to the internet now that forums like this are nearly extinct. When online interactions are between strangers rather than people you share interests with, it seems the internet only sends people down into chaos.

Of course, I still remember the drama we had here, too. It always amazed me how there were so many cool chill people around this site, and yet somehow it could still flame up in a blaze of insanity from time to time. Sometimes it was rather stressful to deal with it as a mod, but looking back, I don't regret anything.

I also remember photoshopping signatures, the fanfic writing contests, the member of the month/year shenanigans, the MLK radio, the Minecraft server, the chat rooms... we had some good times.

I hope everyone here is doing fine now that we're all older and we've grown apart from the site. As for myself, I'm 30 now. I've held a stable, good-paying job for about the past 4 years, since I finished my master's degree. I've been able to contribute technically to the projects I've worked now and that's been a huge boost to my self-esteem. My work-life balance is pretty good too. I got married last year, and my wife and I managed to buy our first house together even in spite of the sorry state of the economy and housing market.

With conflicts in the middle east and Europe, high inflation, record corporate profits, government dysfunction, climate crisis, and AI generated content flooding the internet, I can't say I'm too happy with the state of the world right now, but there's little anyone can do about these things. I've been trying to relax more, get outside more and get in better shape. Spending so much time on the internet used to be fun, but I find I'm happier when I'm absorbed in other things now.

I'm curious if any of the other old timers are still checking in here from time to time. Anyone remember me? Are you all still alive?
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby BrianGriffinFan » April 20th, 2024, 7:34 am

I miss when this place was active. :(
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby Sigurd » May 2nd, 2024, 7:38 am

I agree, I miss the old forums too and particulary this place. It's much harder to get in touch with people on the internet nowadays. Discord is decent, but it's still not the same as forums like this.
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby SimbasGuard » May 5th, 2024, 8:39 pm

I remember You Congratulations on Your Marriage and other accomplishments.

I have nothing noteworthy to mention but I'm doing alright. I just don't stop by Here as much as I should. I am 48 now.
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby SimbasMate » May 6th, 2024, 3:01 am

Hi Regulus. I still come on here from time to time but only for nostalgic purposes. Wish the forum would be fixed, but unfortunately everyone that used to post here came and went and there probably won't be any future for it because of it. :(

Congrats on your marriage! Tora and I Have been married for almost four years.
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby Iberian » May 12th, 2024, 1:01 am

I was also 17 when I joined in. For the same reasons as many of you did [color=orange][/color] to discover who I was as a person on the brink of adulthood. Now that I am fully grown up (in body at least). I can say that this forum and this fandom has helped me alot, it was because of this Fandom that I became an artist and learned all about arts and culture, I fell in love with hand-drawn animation in late highschool, and from there I went on to pursue a liberal arts program in college (not my smartest move considering the job market, but hey I was 18 and I was going to be an artist :P ). After that didn't work out, I had to become a productive member of society (and be able to feed myself), so I I got into engineering and am currently trying to finish my degree so I can create beautiful machines that will change the world for the better. Ultimately this movie is about learning to take responsability and to grow as a person. Without this movie and the fandom, I would probably be jaded and depressed because my career as an artist didn't work out. But I didn't like Timon said: "When the going gets though, the tough gets going." Life is just to short and precious to be wasted wondering, life is ultimately meaningless and its your responsability to assign a meaning to it, and to fight for it.

Sorry for the rant. So thank you all for the good old times. Who knows maybe this forum will see some movement in the future after the 2024 movie.
PS: Yes I remember you Regulus. :D
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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby MusicLion101 » May 25th, 2024, 9:39 am

2009 to 2011 was such a great time here. I'll never forget it

And don't forget it..

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Re: Remembering the Old Times

Postby SimbasGuard » May 26th, 2024, 8:03 am

Congratulations to You as well SimbasMate.
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