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Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 28th, 2017, 4:17 am
by FlipMode
This is an RP that myself and Queen Elsa have been discussing and planning.

The premise is that Taka and Mufasa are searching for a new home for the kingdom (this will eventually lead them to pride rock and the pridelands) and so the RP focuses mostly on their bond and how they used to get along as brothers. But somewhere along the line Taka will turn into the iconic Scar we all know and love. Either by jealousy or possibly by feeling betrayed somehow as the thought of a new prince being born gradually turns him more evil.

So right now it's a private RP for just the two of us and this thread is to plan out the plot a bit more and possible characters. If we need more then this may become joinable by request in the near future. I can see maybe some OC being encountered by the two along the way? :) that I think would make for some interesting stories.

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 28th, 2017, 4:25 am
by Queen Elsa
Okie dokie. So, now that we've got the plot figured out (for the most part), I think the next step should be figuring out which characters we need and who will control which. So obviously there will be Taka, Mufasa, and their parents. Should we include a royal majordomo as well? And which characters do you want?

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 28th, 2017, 4:30 am
by FlipMode
[quote="Queen Elsa"]Okie dokie. So, now that we've got the plot figured out (for the most part), I think the next step should be figuring out which characters we need and who will control which. So obviously there will be Taka, Mufasa, and their parents. Should we include a royal majordomo as well? And which characters do you want?[/quote]

Sarabi will have a minor roll as well at least in the early stages of the RP before Take and Mufasa leave, after that the story should focus on them I think. Perhaps we could include your idea about having a major-domo as well. Someone to assist them and who can fly to scout around for potential places to set up the new home.

I definitely want to play Taka in this I think, if that's all good with you?
I may bring in an OC as well as a character they can meet along the way.

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 28th, 2017, 4:40 am
by Queen Elsa
Aw. But I wanted Taka. =( No. That's fine. Okay. So, tentative list time:

Taka: FlipMode
Mufasa: Queen Elsa
Sarabi: FlipMode
Majordomo (name?): Queen Elsa
Mufasa and Taka's father (name?): Queen Elsa
Mufasa and Taka's mother (name?): FlipMode

(I'll just edit this post as we continue the list, if that's alright with you?)

Okay. So who else do you want?

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 1:45 am
by FlipMode
Okay so if I take Sarabi
Which of the parents would you like?

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 1:51 am
by Queen Elsa
If you don't mind, I'd like to have their dad. And since you have Sarabi, I guess that means I get the majordomo? Unless you want him. Doesn't matter to me.

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 2:04 am
by FlipMode
Okay and I'll play their mother. That sounds like a good set up :)
We can always add in other OC later and open up to more players per request as well.

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 2:06 am
by MalibuTrashDog
Might I be able to RP as well? I've been wanting to get back into it.

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 2:15 am
by FlipMode
That's okay ^^ which characters were you wanting to play? Did you want to bring an an OC into the story?

Re: Brotherhood (tentative title)

PostPosted: January 31st, 2017, 2:16 am
by Queen Elsa
@Flip: Okay. :D I updated the list. So what now?