Ask Nuka

Ask Nuka

Postby Ninclow » August 8th, 2017, 11:04 pm


"Oh yeah?" Nuka snorted haughtily, turning his back to the cub with a supercilious throw of his head. "Don't think I won't!"

"Kovu?" He said, frowning and blinking rather foolishly when his baby brother did not throw some smug remark back his way, he turned around and, noticing he had vanished again, rolled his eyes and groaned loudly. Rising to all four paws, his eyes flickered around, scrutinizing the dry, dusty landscapes after any trace of where that little termite might have gone off to this time. Useless. It was literally no sign to suggest there had ever been someone accompanying him at all. He cringed, a faint yelp of horror escaping him as he realized that their mother might not take kindly to the prospect of him returning home one family member short. Again. He began to move rapidly across the cracked ground, for once retracting his claws as to make sure he would make no sound as he did so. If nothing else, he figured, if he did find that little fur ball before their mother did, at least he could take revenge on him for giving him the slip by scaring the living daylight out of him - and THEN tell him how wimpy he was. Letting out a wheezing laugh as he bolted off, oblivious at the pettiness of his prank and surely ignorant that Kovu sneaking off only served him right for threatening to leave him out here for the crocodiles in the first place, he vanished through some dead bushes into the evening. Ten minutes later, however, he had officially called off his search for that little nuisance, and five minutes after that, he was surrounded by a bunch strangers:

"Hah! Told you Vitani, I do have loads of friends!"

He shouted the claim over his shoulder and ran forwards, leapt into the air and landed right in front of (you) grinning excitedly: "You were looking for me, weren't you? Knew it! See? SEE VITANI?! What did you want to ask me?"

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Re: Ask Nuka

Postby SimbasGuard » August 8th, 2017, 11:59 pm

Are there any lionesses that you have a crush on?
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Re: Ask Nuka

Postby Ninclow » August 9th, 2017, 3:32 pm


"I'm not gonna answer that so close to the den!"

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Re: Ask Nuka

Postby SimbasGuard » August 15th, 2017, 8:12 pm

Well O.K. was she one of The Lionesses that helped take over Jasiri''s Clan's watering hole?
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