Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby FlipMode » June 13th, 2016, 12:58 am

[quote="Ninaroja"]I'm running out of things to say when stuff like this happens. Some people may consider this a controversial opinion but America needs to sort out it's gun laws.

There was a mass shooting in the UK ~20 years ago (Dunblane massacre if anyone is interested in reading about it). As a result, gun laws here were changed and now gun related violence is almost unheard of. Maybe it's just because I don't live in the US, but it honestly baffles me why things like this continue to be allowed to happen by lax gun laws.

Love and sympathy to the victims and their families, of course, but something NEEDS to change.[/quote]

Personally I think the gun laws here are far too strict. :) the World needs less idiots with guns not less guns.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 13th, 2016, 1:18 am

[quote="Flip_FTW"][quote="Ninaroja"]I'm running out of things to say when stuff like this happens. Some people may consider this a controversial opinion but America needs to sort out it's gun laws.

There was a mass shooting in the UK ~20 years ago (Dunblane massacre if anyone is interested in reading about it). As a result, gun laws here were changed and now gun related violence is almost unheard of. Maybe it's just because I don't live in the US, but it honestly baffles me why things like this continue to be allowed to happen by lax gun laws.

Love and sympathy to the victims and their families, of course, but something NEEDS to change.[/quote]

Personally I think the gun laws here are far too strict. :) the World needs less idiots with guns not less guns.[/quote]

Maybe so, but I think I like that extreme over overly-lax gun laws. :ehh2:

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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby HasiraKali » June 13th, 2016, 3:36 am

I was woken up by friends letting me know they were ok. Then I spent a few hours making sure those that didn't reach out to me were ok. I still have one that I haven't heard from. I'm pretty sure he's still on his cruise, but that doesn't make me worry less.

I just don't understand how anyone could do these things to other people. I just don't understand.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby Timon the great » June 13th, 2016, 6:34 am

What bothers me the most about this is that the media is now calling Donald Trump the demon now instead of the Muslim guy who committed the shooting. Very simply because Trump himself said the cold truth of what it really was that the suspect committed: Terrorism.

Way to go very liberal American media. You truly never wanted to be friendly to Trump at all whatsoever, and I guess you never will. But that's why it looks like now you'll actually be having a lot of enemies from the U.S. public in the coming months considering that this is also a presidential election year.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby TheLionPrince » June 13th, 2016, 7:03 am

[quote="Timon the great"]What bothers me the most about this is that the media is now calling Donald Trump the demon now instead of the Muslim guy who committed the shooting. Very simply because Trump himself said the cold truth of what it really was that the suspect committed: Terrorism.

Way to go very liberal American media. You truly never wanted to be friendly to Trump at all whatsoever, and I guess you never will. But that's why it looks like now you'll actually be having a lot of enemies from the U.S. public in the coming months considering that this is also a presidential election year.[/quote]

Who specifically is calling Trump a demon? It isn't so much that he is being criticized for being right about warning of the dangers of Islamic terrorism, but he is using the tragedy to score political points. He tweeted a message of patting himself on the back that he was right about it that can come off as insensitive. And not all the victims have been identified yet.

On an unrelated note, while I do support Trump's idea for a moratorium on emigrating Syrian refugees until they are properly vetted, The New York Times reports he is using the tragedy to promote his idea of a ban. However, in this case, it wouldn't have stopped Omar Mateen himself who was born in New York City in 1986 to Afghan parents. Not to mention, native-born Muslims and other potential non-Islamic terrorists can be radicalized from the dark web on their computers.
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Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Postby KionofTheLionGuard » June 15th, 2016, 2:32 am

To those who have lost their loved ones in the shooting, I am sorry for your losses and i hope nobody else has to go through that same pain. To those who kill for the sake of killing (or because they think that their religion requires it) you are the biggest waste of human anatomy, and you automatically forfeited your right to live the second you thought that you needed to harm anyone else.

However, every single time i see someone pull up the Orlando shooting, there's always that one person that uses this as an excuse to push their political agendas and ideals on gun control onto us. WHY?! Are you seriously telling me that by making guns harder to or impossible to get a hold of, that criminals are gonna find it harder as well?! That they're suddenly gonna stop trying to be the psychos that they are?!

I've got something to say to those that think stricter gun control laws are the way to go: NO IT'S NOT!!

There's a fine line between those that respect and abide by the law, and those that say "screw all of that", and start shooting up the town or whatever. MENTALLY.

First of all, A GUN IS AN INANIMATE OBJECT/TOOL THAT CAN'T SPEAK FOR ITSELF, THINK FOR ITSELF, OR ACT FOR ITSELF. A gun can only function and do evil work when it's in the hands of someone that wants to harm others. BUT, it can also be used as a self-defense weapon as well as a means of imtimidation for those that try and make a move onto you or your family, so long as it is in the possession of a SANE, SMART, SELF-CONTROLLED INDIVIDUAL.

By getting rid of, or making it next to impossible to defend ourselves, we are making it easier for scum to attack us. To beat us into submission. You are literally telling them "PLEASE HURT ME!" and making yourself an easy target, rather than telling them "You won't hurt/kill me or my loved ones today!". Getting rid of guns, or making them ridiculously difficult to get a hold of even a pocket pistol at least, is not gonna stop scum from getting their hands on them easily, nor slow them down. They know people. People that can import and ship them the weapons and tools that they need to get the job done.

Yes, i understand how scared you are about everything that's happening. Yes i understand you just want this all to end and for everyone to love each other. But the thing is....stuff like this is just gonna keep happening whether you want it to or not. People will hurt and kill other people because they don't value life like we do. They see everyone else as toys. Toys that they can just simply dispose of once they're done playing with them. But the one thing they don't do often, is fight those that are capable of fighting back successfully. Scum only properly flourish because they pick off the weak and oppress the others that cower before them.

And to those that think words are gonna make all the difference in the world, i am sad to say that they are NOT gonna work. Scum don't care about what you say, when you say it. Words do not phase them. You can't just stop a criminal by walking up to them and saying "LEARN TO LOVE!" and seriously expect them to stop hurting others and start helping them instead.

Let me put it this way. If you want to continue to love those that you love so much, you gotta be able to fight for them. Protect them. If you don't defend those that you love, then you won't be able to love them anymore when they are gone now will you? Would you rather lose everything you care about, and leave with the scars they caused you and not be able to hold or hug the people that you loved so much ever again? That to me is worse than at least saving some of those you loved and still be able to continue to hold and love them while remembering the ones you lost. Yes, there are certain situations where this will seem improbable, but you gotta try, and i'm not saying that it's gonna be easy. Even when you know that the person is doing the wrong thing, it will be hard to bring yourself to hurt them. But if you don't act, who will? And who's gonna be left if you don't?

Do you get what i'm trying to say? Getting rid of our self defense is like giving up your own life, and the life of those around you. Whether you like it or not...fighting back or defending you and your loved ones is the only way to solve this issue in the end. We gotta fight power with power. Only then will they think twice before they decide not to mess with us after that. Then we also gotta teach our kids to respect and love each other so that the generation after us can be better and learn from our mistakes.

So please, don't use fatal events like the Orlando shooting or any other reason to try and reduce our defenses. It's disgusting, and you know damn well that it still won't work in the end. It'll only make it easier for the scum of the planet to harm us more.

To those that took the time to read this, thank you. May we remember those that we lost in the shooting.

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Re: Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 15th, 2016, 1:52 pm

America has lax gun controls and constant shootings.

Europe has strict gun controls and, what a surprise, near non-existent shootings.

Sorry for not wanting to see more human life wasted so some people can maintain their gun worship hobbies.

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Re: Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Postby Rollo » June 15th, 2016, 2:25 pm

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Re: Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 15th, 2016, 2:32 pm

[quote="Rollo"]'Using it to push control'...the mere fact that we have to have 50 people DIE before someone realises that guns are the issue is abhorrent.[/quote]

The sad part about is is that clearly people are still not realising the problem here when you get people supporting lax gun control after such a tragic event. OP sounded like we're being disrespectful for "pushing an agenda", but we're only saying this because people still don't see the problem here after so, so many regular shootings in the US. We're just sick of seeing people die in the US while some are completely blind towards the problem.

[quote="Rollo"]I mean, honestly, you're fighting fire with fire. Imagine you meet a shooter and you whip out your own gun and start shooting the place up together. Really? Are you the hero here? I'd be running from the both of you.[/quote]

Also thank you, and really... who has actually ever done this?

We're not saying stricter gun control will be a magic cure-all for gun violence in the US. It won't be. But any death prevented because it was harder for a malicious individual to get a gun so easily is a life saved. If that's not worth your time because you think you can play hero against a criminal...

I'm not sure if I'll keep posting in this thread, tbh. This is something I feel very strongly about and I'm afraid it'll get more heated than I would like it to.

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Re: Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

Postby it means no worries » June 15th, 2016, 2:36 pm

[quote="KionofTheLionGuard"] WHY?! Are you seriously telling me that by making guns harder to or impossible to get a hold of, that criminals are gonna find it harder as well?! That they're suddenly gonna stop trying to be the psychos that they are?![/quote]

Criminals do find it a lot harder in other countries-that's why most other countries dont have these shootings anywhere near as often as the USA.

[quote="KionofTheLionGuard"]There's a fine line between those that respect and abide by the law, and those that say "screw all of that", and start shooting up the town or whatever. MENTALLY. [/quote]

In a country where guns are legal, it is very difficult for the government and/or guns sellers to differentiate between them and to prevent those types of people getting guns.

[quote="KionofTheLionGuard"] And to those that think words are gonna make all the difference in the world, i am sad to say that they are NOT gonna work. Scum don't care about what you say, when you say it. Words do not phase them. You can't just stop a criminal by walking up to them and saying "LEARN TO LOVE!" and seriously expect them to stop hurting others and start helping them instead.

This i agree with. That's why you try to make guns as difficult as possible to get-cos you're not gonna stop them with a nice word or two.

And the argument about the good guy with a gun? Yeah having a group of untrained randomers whipping guns and starting a firefight in the streets is gonna make stuff much better... :roll:

It's not like the movies-most times it would go badly.
Last edited by it means no worries on June 15th, 2016, 2:49 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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