Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy?

Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy?

Legit Movement
Black Supremacists
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Tora » April 9th, 2016, 8:14 pm

[quote="Kops"]Of course they're there to benefit blacks, that's the whole point. You wouldn't see the first feminists trying to fight for men's rights because men already had the rights women didn't have.[/quote]
Yet the very definition is about men and women having equal rights. Can't just fight for one side. Oh wait they don't anyway. Some individuals might, but the ones actually doing anything are indeed bat crazy feminazi's that the left is always protecting.

[quote="Kops"]As for All Lives Matter.

[quote]"If there's a subdivision and a house is on fire...the fire department wouldn't show up and put water on all the houses because all houses matter, they would show up and turn on their water on the house that was burning because that's the house that needs help the most."[/quote][/quote]
That makes little sense to compare, because the actual scenario would have all the houses on fire not just one. It's like saying only black people are seeing racial issues.

[quote="Kops"]Matter of fact is, racism is far from over. It's not just an American phenomenon either, seeing the rise of far-right neo-nazi parties in Europe in response to the refugee crisis.
Well your first source has an issue with correlation and causation. There is disparity in the places which are cited, but in no way does that prove racism. All it proves is that black people are more likely to be criminals or get in trouble. This is caused by 67% of blacks growing up in single parent homes and 72% being born out of wedlock. The families of blacks are deteriorating quickly, and that will play a huge role in what is going on today. Institutionalized racism is nonsense. The second source is solely based on call back rates and not hiring rates, and still isn't a large enough scale to suggest that it exists nationwide. As for the third source it's clear he has no idea what he is talking about since he contradicts his whole argument in the very beginning of his article. "I expected that police prejudice would be a major factor in accounting for the killings of African-Americans. But when I looked at the numbers, that’s not exactly what I found."

[quote="Kops"]Honestly though, even if you take race out of the equation you've still gotta admit there's an issue of excessive force amongst US policemen compared to other countries indicating a problem.

As for the interview I'll have a look at it later, however it's not surprising that there's differing views in the black community because groups aren't hiveminds.[/quote]
Is there an issue with excessive force? Based on those statistics you have a case. :)

lelizwes quote: show
[quote="lelizwe"][quote="Kops"]Of course they're there to benefit blacks, that's the whole point. You wouldn't see the first feminists trying to fight for men's rights because men already had the rights women didn't have.[/quote]


Honestly, I can't help but feel that this entire discussion is based on the same hatred that many people hold for feminism. You are NOT looking at the bigger picture, or the majority of the followers or supporters of the movement. You are looking at the selective groups who back up the opinion you have. You're only taking into account the minority of people, be it 'femi-nazis' or black supremacists, and deciding that yes, this is what every single black person is advocating for, this is what this movement is based on, what it's working toward and this is why you should hate it. How on earth can you be so foolish as to assume that every single black person wants this? That this is what they all support and thus, this is what the movement is? This is what a portion of the movement is. How could we ever judge an entire movement based on what a few people agree on? How is that remotely fair?

What Kops said about hiveminds is so true. I'm honestly in awe that one could assume otherwise.

The people in BLM who want more justice in the system are not doing it for the good of society. Not doing it to get justice for the poor men and women who suffered and had their lives ended for no reason other than racism. Nah, they're out to enforce supremacy. Of course that's it.[/quote]

Nonsense as I have already proven in the first post the Co-founder of the movement is inciting violence against whites and shows extreme racism. If the movements leadership is racist the movement in general is racist. That doesn't imply that individuals are racist, but the movement is tied to it's leadership which is racist.

[quote="Simbaholic"]This is one of the worst thought out topics I've read for a long time.

The first post is incredibly biased against BLM whilst providing absolutely nothing to compare it against. Reading that alone of course it's going to sound like some evil 'black supremacy' movement. Reads more like an ignorant one sided opinion piece than an actual discussion topic here.[/quote] So submit an argument? Or is that too difficult? And #factsareracist #factsareignorant. However I'll admit I suppose I should have just submitted the question and later posted the facts.
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Rollo » April 9th, 2016, 8:58 pm

[quote="Tora"]Yet the very definition is about men and women having equal rights. Can't just fight for one side. Oh wait they don't anyway. Some individuals might, but the ones actually doing anything are indeed bat crazy feminazi's that the left is always protecting.[/quote]

What on earth. You're making accusations that you can never prove here. 'The ones actually doing anything'. Have you personally noted every single feminist who participates in protests and the like? Are they all bat crazy? But, then again, you seem to be seriously against feminism. Perhaps we should have never brought it up because you will always exaggerate childishly in your responses.

Again, just because the co-founder of the movement displays such views does NOT mean that every single person in the BLM displays these views too. Having a racist co-founder does not make the group racist. It means the group is in bad management and I'm sure there's probably BLM members out there who are desperate to get rid of them. I know it's quite an incredible thought but there are many people in these movements capable of thinking for themselves and are against what the leader wants.

Consider Trump. Are the things he supports what every Republican approves of? Do they all share the same views that he does? Are Republicans inherently racist because he is? Even Mitt Romney has spoken out about how much of a fraud he is. A bad leader. A questionable party.

You're only looking at the major players in these movements. You aren't stopping to consider anyone else but those who are flaunted by the media, probably for the very reasons that it causes a controversy and makes good television. They're not going to want to show a peaceful protest on TV because who cares? It isn't sparking up any flames. And the media will always twists words. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but by god it does happen a lot.

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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Simbaholikov » April 9th, 2016, 8:59 pm

[quote="Tora"][quote="Simbaholic"]This is one of the worst thought out topics I've read for a long time.

The first post is incredibly biased against BLM whilst providing absolutely nothing to compare it against. Reading that alone of course it's going to sound like some evil 'black supremacy' movement. Reads more like an ignorant one sided opinion piece than an actual discussion topic here.[/quote] So submit an argument? Or is that too difficult? And #factsareracist #factsareignorant. However I'll admit I suppose I should have just submitted the question and later posted the facts.[/quote]

Why would I submit an arguement when what I would say has already been said by everyone else? You've already been proven wrong on many accounts both by sources and by simple logic so I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here, trying to hold on to what little is left of your baseless argument? There's no reason even trying to have a proper discussion about this with someone as inherently racist as you because you'll always bring up some bullcrap article or opinion from somewhere and pretend it's credible and absolute truth whilst attempting to downplay everything else to counter it, from what I've seen you only care about something that'd affect you and are against anything else which is why you are against both BLM and Feminism. Philanthropist my ass. Just another biased American, the reason something like BLM exists in the first place.

I think I'm done here, trying to reason with racists is pointless.

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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Tora » April 9th, 2016, 9:16 pm

[quote="lelizwe"][quote="Tora"]Yet the very definition is about men and women having equal rights. Can't just fight for one side. Oh wait they don't anyway. Some individuals might, but the ones actually doing anything are indeed bat crazy feminazi's that the left is always protecting.[/quote]

What on earth. You're making accusations that you can never prove here. 'The ones actually doing anything'. Have you personally noted every single feminist who participates in protests and the like? Are they all bat crazy? But, then again, you seem to be seriously against feminism. Perhaps we should have never brought it up because you will always exaggerate childishly in your responses.

Again, just because the co-founder of the movement displays such views does NOT mean that every single person in the BLM displays these views too. Having a racist co-founder does not make the group racist. It means the group is in bad management and I'm sure there's probably BLM members out there who are desperate to get rid of them. I know it's quite an incredible thought but there are many people in these movements capable of thinking for themselves and are against what the leader wants.

Consider Trump. Are the things he supports what every Republican approves of? Do they all share the same views that he does? Are Republicans inherently racist because he is? Even Mitt Romney has spoken out about how much of a fraud he is. A bad leader. A questionable party.

You're only looking at the major players in these movements. You aren't stopping to consider anyone else but those who are flaunted by the media, probably for the very reasons that it causes a controversy and makes good television. They're not going to want to show a peaceful protest on TV because who cares? It isn't sparking up any flames. And the media will always twists words. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but by god it does happen a lot.[/quote] Well I did say that individuals might be about equal rights, and they may want to find a way to decrease disparity, but if your parties leaders are racist the movement will suffer. What you're trying to do is justify a movement solely based on the idea that not all of them are racist and they some of them or stretching it as it may that most of them just want to tackle a problem that really isn't there. I acknowledge there is disparity, but it isn't caused by racism. It is caused by economic, and family issues. Why would American's be specifically targeting blacks? If the system was so racist why not Asians or Natives or Hispanics? Why just blacks?
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Carl » April 9th, 2016, 9:52 pm

Let's try not to resort to personal attacks or jump to conclusions, guys.

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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Gemini » April 10th, 2016, 1:23 am

Tora, I think you should probably abandon ship on this one. I'm still not entirely sure of what you were trying to accomplish but I think you already achieved whatever it was.
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Regulus » April 10th, 2016, 2:13 am

This is just silly. The whole attempt at characterizing a group this way is meaningless and futile. I have nothing more substantial to add, other than that parts of this thread have been... kinda painful to read.
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby TheLionPrince » July 13th, 2016, 5:31 pm

I would like to resurrect this thread since the #BlackLivesMatter movement has resurfaced back in American news, partially thanks to the death of Alton Sterling in my hometown. As I was driving back home from work last Friday, there have been protesters annoyingly blocking traffic off an intersection of Airline Highway and Goodwood. I even managed to record them on my mobile phone. My opinion still stands on the movement, although I personally feel the killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were unjust, but that remains to be determined in the court of law.

While the families of those killed have called for peaceful demonstrations, nevertheless, regardless whether they are affiliated with the movement or not, it's their reaction to those killed that make me despise this movement. Some of those choose to respond with inciting retaliatory violence with a fraction of the protestors being out-of-towners. There have been messages floating around on social media calling for a "purge" campaign against police officers, and three young men were arrested for stealing handguns from a pawn shop (that I'm familiar with) with a fourth suspect on the run, all of whom were planning to retaliate against the police. Some of which are acting on an economic boycott, which had their place during the Civil Rights Movement, but with our fragile economy as it is, it remains to be seen what the long-term impact will be. Hopefully, no businesses get closed and people become unemployed.

Lastly, the assassination of the four police officers killed in Dallas is heartbreakingly tragic. My thoughts and condolences go out to those families. To conclude, they have a legitimate cause to combat against, but some of those affiliated with the movement go about with the wrong responses that makes them no better than trigger-happy police officers. I have given up hope that they will eventually target black-on-black crime, which is an even bigger systematic problem.
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Elton John » July 13th, 2016, 8:14 pm

At the dallas protest, before the shots were fired the cops were hanging out with the protestors and were also having a fun, peaceful time.

It's as the saying goes 'a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch'. Most cops aren't corrupt, trigger happy lunatics and most people in blm want peaceful solutions.
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Re: Is #BlackLivesMatter a legit movement or black supremacy

Postby Chavratheserval » July 14th, 2016, 5:10 am

What some of guys wrote...makes me really sad. Just depressingly sad.

I dont know about you guys, but Im actually black. In my eyes this is a movement. Yeah, of course you got the extremists, in a group like any other. But most is just peaceful protest. These people want there voice to be heard, MY people actually. Though people dont see it, theres a lot of racism in our country. A lot, some people still treat you differently because of color. I support Black lives matter, the peaceful kind. Since I am a black person, just because your a part of this group...doesnt mean you hate white people. Oh, if you got your source from Fox news, that is the most biased news network ever. Go to CNN for your sources please. And the all lives matter? Of course they do, duh. But thats not the point. Black people are getting killed by police and most of the time there's no justice. I feel scared now, for my own daddy to be driving in a car. Cause Im afraid the wrong police officer is going to come up and shoot him. I should not feel that way... at all. How would you feel about that? Just because of your skin. Its not right. Thats what Black lives matter really is all about. More equality for us. Just because I support this fully, that doesnt make me hate you guys, I love everyone.
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