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A important video

PostPosted: August 25th, 2014, 9:37 pm
by gothprincesskiara
Can you please watch this its important that people know

Re: A important video

PostPosted: August 25th, 2014, 11:19 pm
by FlipMode
Could you not have just named the thread "biodiversity"?

Well that's a thing. Although I think global warming needs to be addressed first since it is having more of an impact as a result of pollution and destruction right now than biodiversity DECLINE incline will in our lifetime.
Alas, this has been going on ever since humans became the dominant species of Earth.
How many wild animals are classed as endangered again? A lot.
But oh well, we can always just throw buckets of iced water over ourselves instead.

Re: A important video

PostPosted: August 26th, 2014, 5:28 pm
by Tsuki
Global Warming is happening and will continue to. Alas we have gone past the stage of reversing the effects. In fact, it was bound to happen as we are still recovering from the last Ice age and thus the planet will be affected by this. We have just speeded up the process. Global Warming has happened in the past and it is happening again. We need to adapt or suffer. Same with most species. However, animals do need protection when it is our fault that they are in decline such as Tigers and Leopards. We also need to save Amphibians as they may become the next mass extinction and will have a massive impact on the planets ecosystems.

However...I don't agree with saving Pandas. They are a dead end.