Orlando shooting, and those using it to push gun control

2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby TheLionPrince » June 12th, 2016, 7:38 pm

In the early morning on June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen opened fire inside a gay Orlando nightclub, killing 50 and wounding at least 53 people in the U.S. history's deadliest shooting since the September 11 attacks and the deadliest attack on LGBT people to date. Mateen called 911 moments before the attack and pledged his allegiance to Islamic State. (source) His father claimed his son was angry after seeing a homosexual couple kissing months prior to the attack. (source)

I pray for the families of the fallen in the community of Orlando, Florida and offer them my condolences, as well for the family of Christina Grimme, who died from gun violence unrelated to the attacks a day before the terror attacks. :cry: Hopefully, this tragedy renews our commitment against the Islamic State and tolerance for the LGBT community.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby Rollo » June 12th, 2016, 7:49 pm

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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 12th, 2016, 7:53 pm

[quote="lelizwe"]As a member of the LGBT community myself, I want today to be both an awakening and a source of motivation. I'm scared and shaken knowing that there's still hatred against people like me because we dare to love who we want to love. Our fight is far from over, but let's take it as motivation to not back down from said fight. 50 brothers and sisters have died simply for being who they are in a world that demands you conform to it. But we can't let it bring us down. Love will always prevail. Don't let anyone or anything ever tell you otherwise.

Please also remember that Muslims are NOT to blame for this. Don't give into the stereotyping and bigotry that led to these deaths in the first place. The largest Islamic civil rights group have called upon their community to donate blood because so many cannot due to outdated laws: https://twitter.com/GarrettHaake/status ... 5055861760 / http://www.vox.com/2016/6/12/11911994/o ... d-donation

There is still good in the world, please don't ever forget it. Let's stand together today. #LoveWins[/quote]

Couldn't sum it up better.

Really, this is just horrifying and unexpected. :/ I wasn't expecting ISIS, and in Orlando of all places...

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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby FireAndSun » June 12th, 2016, 7:56 pm

2 instances of gun violence within a day of each other in the same city. *sigh* Why does this keep happening? It just keeps happening. And though I'm sure plenty of people do care, instances like this have so commonplace that so many people have also become desensitized to it. It's sad this has become common place in this country. It's just so sad. My heart goes out to the family of Christina Grimmie and the families of the victims of the mass shooting.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » June 12th, 2016, 7:58 pm

[quote="lelizwe"]As a member of the LGBT community myself, I want today to be both an awakening and a source of motivation. I'm scared and shaken knowing that there's still hatred against people like me because we dare to love who we want to love. Our fight is far from over, but let's take it as motivation to not back down from said fight. 50 brothers and sisters have died simply for being who they are in a world that demands you conform to it. But we can't let it bring us down. Love will always prevail. Don't let anyone or anything ever tell you otherwise.

Hear hear. Honestly, I forget that some people still hate those who identify under the LGBT+ community (including myself) - I thought people were beginning to catch up.

RIP to Christina Grimmie too, didn't know an awful lot about her until now but she seemed like a really positive influence and a great talent.

Gun violence, heh...
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 12th, 2016, 7:59 pm

[quote="FireAndSun"]2 instances of gun violence within a day of each other in the same city. *sigh* Why does this keep happening. It just keeps happening. And though I'm sure plenty of people do care, instances like this have so commonplace that so many people have also become desensitized to it. It's sad this has become common place in this country. It's just so sad. My heart goes out to the families of Christina Grimmie and the families of the victims of the mass shooting.[/quote]

Honestly... I became desensitized to this stuff a while ago. It just happens so often across the world, especially recently, that it'd be draining not to distance yourself. :/ Not really the brightest of times right now, really hope this kind of violent radicalism will be dealt with so innocents don't have to die for nothing anymore. :/

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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby FlipMode » June 12th, 2016, 8:02 pm

I'm not even thinking about the LGBT or Islamic State stuff just yet. Right now my thoughts are with the victims and their families. The scumbag who was responsible got what he deserved, so for right now my thoughts are with the victims before I will comment on anything else linking to this.

Also I really like Orlando, there's so much cool stuff to see and do down there, I saw someone earlier about to cancel their holiday over this and I had to encourage them not to. I know it's terrible but it could have happened anywhere or at any time, don't let the scum of the Universe put you off of trvavelling.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby Regulus » June 12th, 2016, 9:21 pm

Yay Orlando!

Always nice to see we're in the list of top somethings.

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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby Ninaroja » June 12th, 2016, 11:28 pm

I'm running out of things to say when stuff like this happens. Some people may consider this a controversial opinion but America needs to sort out it's gun laws.

There was a mass shooting in the UK ~20 years ago (Dunblane massacre if anyone is interested in reading about it). As a result, gun laws here were changed and now gun related violence is almost unheard of. Maybe it's just because I don't live in the US, but it honestly baffles me why things like this continue to be allowed to happen by lax gun laws.

Love and sympathy to the victims and their families, of course, but something NEEDS to change.
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Re: 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting

Postby KopsTheTerminator » June 13th, 2016, 12:00 am

^ The fact that that opinion can be considered controversial concerns me more than it should.

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