i need some dating advice

i need some dating advice

Postby zerodix » August 2nd, 2020, 10:39 pm

how can i ask some body on a date without completely traumatizing them?
the last time i asked some one they told me no and then i asked why not and they said it inflicted them with severe psychological trauma butt i was just giving it a shot.

now there is this guy i am into but he doesnt know i like him that way. so i want to ask him out on a date but i dont want him to be scarred for life afterwards.
tips anyone?
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Re: i need some dating advice

Postby MeerkatOnTheMoon » August 3rd, 2020, 4:05 pm

Not an expert in the area but based on experiences, try to see what kind of person he is. Is he the spontaneous kind or does he not react well to surprises? Your strategy to ask him out can be one that matches his personality. If you already know him maybe you can just ask him out and see what happens. All the best.
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