MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Which is the best story?

Poll ended at August 13th, 2012, 7:03 pm

Total votes : 12

MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » August 6th, 2012, 7:01 pm

Yes, it's the voting round again! For the past two weeks, a few of MLK's great members wrote out stories for you guys to enjoy, and now it is time to vote on which will get the honor of being the best for the ninth MLK Writing Contest! I was panicking with this contest, because I got all the submissions at the last minute. But I got them, and we can proceed! Voting ends on Sunday, August 12th! The winner will get a special winner bar made by me.

Submission 1:
Spoiler: show
World of MyLionKing-craft

The scorching daylight of the afternoon had faded away. However, despite the cooling atmosphere begging her to rest, Nala continued her expedition through the outskirts of the jungle.

She lowered her pace as she neared a trickling sound amongst the chirping crickets. A thin stream of water flowed through the luscious hills. She lowered her head for a refreshing drink, while observing her reflection.

Nala began to shiver, noticing two glowing orbs peering behind her. She shifted her head, unable to identify the creature through the reflection.

"What are you doing out this far?" The creature asked, looking at the frightened lioness.

"I'm ugh... it's... nothing," she sighed. Realizing the stupidity of what she said, she decided to continue. "I'm looking for someone. Someone strong, someone to kill Scar and take his place." Though she was well aware of the fact that not many would be willing to help, given the sheer number of hyenas at Priderock, she knew she had to try.

"Oh, you don't know, do you?" The creature responded incredulously. "It's over; it's all over. Everything we've worked towards will be lost forever," he spoke with a hopeless tone of voice.

Nala cocked her head to the side. "I'm sorry, I don't even..."

"Sit down," he responded as he looked at Nala's puzzled expression. "I will explain everything."

"You can start by explaining who you are," Nala retorted, lying down by the water.

"I'm just a simple leopard at heart, trying to make my way through life."

Nala frowned in disbelief. "I see."

"That's why I left the Pridelands," he explained. "That's why everyone left the Pridelands."

"Because of Scar?"

"Pretty much. That jerk trashed the entire server, killing innocent newbies to boost his own level," the leopard explained with anger and disgust.

"Yes, but there must be something we can do to stop him," Nala replied anxiously. "We can't just let him-"

"And that's where you're wrong. This world is hardly worth the effort it takes to keep it running. The server is going to be shut down next week; Mochakeetah confirmed it."

Understanding little of the leopard's words, Nala asked for clarification. "The... server? I'm sorry; I don't understand..."

"So you really don't know," he muttered. "I… I don't know how I can explain this. It's like... actually, first, let me ask you something. What would you do if the world were to end?"

"I... ugh... I don't know." As she spoke, Nala was hit by a surge of fear.

"You should think about it, because that's exactly what will happen soon," the leopard whispered, struggling to speak. "Everything you see, it isn't real."

"But it is real! I'm here, and I'm talking to you, and-"

"This is just a shell, it isn't who I really am. There's an entire world beyond this one. All of this... it really doesn't matter."

The seemingly bright and colorful jungle world faded away, into a small black rectangle sitting atop an ugly wooden desk. Stacks of discs, diskettes, and papers surrounded the screen, reminding a certain human of the unnecessary complications of the real world.

He sighed again, for what he guessed to be the hundredth time. "That reminds me," he continued, speaking into a small microphone. "I've got a lot of work to do tonight, so I guess I'll be logging off now."

"Wait, no!” Nala yelled.

“Everything you see is just a bunch of computer files; a code of zeroes and ones. Even you. Even Scar.”

Nala quickly moved her head away in disbelief. “That can’t be true.”

“You were programmed to think that,” the leopard retorted. “Now, I’ve really got to go; I don’t even know what I’m doing here anymore,” he said, as his mind slowly transitioned back to reality.

“If we can kill Scar, we’ll gain more experience points than we could ever imagine,” Nala replied, trying a new method of persuasion. “He’s level 176,” She added, raising an eyebrow. “The loot would be-”

The leopard corrected her. “He’s level 177 now. I’m 53, and you’re what… 90? We can’t win. And even if we do, it doesn’t matter.”

“Then what do you suggest?” she asked angrily.


“That’s not an option,” Nala yelled, clenching her teeth in frustration. “I’m not going to do nothing while my friends and family die!”

“They’re not really dying,” the leopard continued, for what he promised himself would be the last time. “This is just a stupid game, made after a stupid movie. None of us really exist. Now, goodnight!”

With a few clicks of a mouse, the human logged out and shut down his computer. At last, he was free. He stood up from his squeaky chair, and proceeded to walk to his kitchen, where he planned to make a sandwich to satisfy his ever-increasing hunger.

“Geez, that lionesses was nuts,” he yelled to no one in particular as he smeared mayonnaise on a slice of bread. “She needs to get a life more than Scar does.”

He sat down, and momentarily chewed a bite before spitting it across the table. “Figures; taste like crap, as always.”

His eyes wandered down to an opened textbook while he continued to eat his nasty concoction. Example four presents the basic premise behind… he read, before his mind shifted to a subject of greater interest.

Dude, what the heck are you doing here, reading about hypothesis testing when a beautiful lionesses is begging for your help to assist her in killing Scar? he told himself, creating a full-scale war in his mind.

“Screw this!” He stood up from his table, and walked back to over his computer with a raised fist. “Scar, you’re going down!”

Meanwhile, Nala continued to lie down beside the stream of water, even after the sudden disappearance of her newly-acquainted leopard friend. “If only Simba were here,” she thought. “He, of all lions, would understand.” The tranquil sound of trickling water put her mind at ease, and eventually to sleep.

Only minutes later, she found the silhouette of an unidentifiable feline. “Simba?” She called, not yet entirely conscious.

“No, it’s just me.”

“Oh,” Nala replied, flattening her ears in sudden disappointment, as she recognized the voice to be the same leopard that left her earlier.

“You have a crush on him, don’t you?” He took Nala’s silence for a yes, and continued, smiling. “I understand. Maybe the prophecy is correct; you are destined to convince Simba to come back and kill Scar.”

“uh… what? Simba died, a long time ago.”

“Nope. Scar tricked Simba into thinking he killed his father, so he ran off. You have been deceived.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there. ” Nala demanded in her confusion. “First you tell me how everything I try to do is futile, and now you come back, speaking of some crazy conspiracy?”

“I realized something. This world isn’t real. But that doesn’t matter; it means a lot to me. What you’re doing… I think it’s the right thing.”

“I don’t believe that for a minute.”

“Use the /find command. You will find him. Level 173, in the Shadowlands.”

Nala’s jaw dropped in shock. “Th-this is great!” In her state of overwhelming joy, she leaped up and hugged the leopard tightly. “Thank you!”

“Either this, or I could be working on a 10-page research paper right now. The choice is quite simple, really.” he muttered in return.

Feeling slightly embarrassed, Nala backed off. “So, are you coming with me?”

“I can’t; I need to be level 70 or higher to go the Shadowlands. Just be careful. If the prophecy is correct, Simba will think he’s responsible for Mufasa’s death. His makeshift friends have fooled him into not worrying about it.”

"Oh, I see," Nala replied with a slight frown. "Anything else I should know?"

"You might need the assistance of Rafiki. And if you see him, ask for adrenaline boost level 8. I think it might prove useful, in the battle ahead. I’ll talk to Mocha about keeping the server up if Simba can turn things around."

"Okay, but still-"

"Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. I can provide support in the final battle, and I’m sure the rest of MLK will too. Ever since I was a little cubbie, it has been my dream to fight alongside Simba. I’m about to get that chance." A wide grin escaped the leopard's mouth, as he thought of a quote from the aforementioned 'prophecy.' "This is our server. If we don’t fight for it, then who will?"

"But I still don’t understand something. If you know all of this, and are capable of such things from your outside world, why can’t you just delete Scar from the server?"

"You know… I never thought of that," he replied, as a mysterious and uncontrollable force brought the leopard's paw up to cover his eyes.

Disclaimer: any references to actual persons within the MyLionKing community are purely coincidental in nature. All persons portrayed within this story are entirely fictitious.

Submission 2:
Spoiler: show
‘The plan’

Part 1: Training
Kovu has been training years for one moment, the moment he kills Simba. He still has a couple of years to wait. But it is not his eagerness that is making him do it; it’s his mother Zira’s. His mother was bitter in the demise of her mate Scar, she wants to get revenge. Kovu’s training will continue until he’s ready and when he is ready than it will be his time to strike.
The next day, Vitani woke Kovu up to do his training at the crack of dawn. His training was brutal. He had to learn to scratch, to growl, to pounce and very most importantly to kill. He needed to be stealthy, that was the whole aim of the training that day. He had to sneak around all the guards to the middle of the Termite Mound. If he got the stick from the middle without being caught he had succeeded.
He started Right outside the termite mound; one of his hardest challengers was to sneak into the termite mound. They were fixed on the front door. So he had to find an alternative way in. He that went around to the back, and then he was caught, he had failed. His mother was really not happy of her son’s failure on the training field, she expected better of him tomorrow.
The next day he tried again. This time he decided to sneak in by climbing, he almost got to the centre which is where is mother was waiting; therefore he had failed, again. But he did improve; he almost snuck right in without being caught. The next day he tried again, and this time he got in through the front door, the guards were setting a trap for him, they were expecting him. But he found his way around it to the target room. But he knew he couldn’t just go in. he had to go in unnoticed. So he waited till his mother wasn’t looking and got in and managed to get to the target unnoticed. But that he got out the room, were a guard was waiting so he failed again.
This is his forth try, he felt lucky. He was confident he could do it so he just snuck in through the back and went straight for the target, but his mother caught him almost instantly. Than he knew he couldn’t be to confidant. He the next day for his fifth try, he got inside, he got to the heart of the mound, he got that charm, and he made his way out. He had succeeded, he was happy that he passed. But his mother was disappointed that it wasn’t his first try.
The next major training session he had to defeat his sister in a fight. Every move he made Vitani always expected it. The aim was to take her down; Zira was brutal so she didn’t really care what happen to her children as long as they were strong and always ready. It was his first try in defeating her so of course he knew he probably wouldn’t win the first try. He tried head on trying to scratch her and going all out. But she anticipated his every move. He finally went for a final blow, which backfired right on his, he that was hurt badly. His sister was worried about him, but he said he was alright. His sister said maybe that they should skip the test. Zira refused.
The next day, Kovu almost beat his sister; they both were badly injured so they couldn’t fight anymore. The next day Kovu became overconfident, therefore he lost badly. The next day he Finally beat his sister, and she was knocked out. He passed. His final test he found the easiest, it was the one that he had to take down 3 lions at once, they weren’t as skilled as Vitani, but still strong. But he passed first try. From that he just had to wait a week to attack. The plan was going to be in motion. It was almost time.
Part 2: In motion
It was finally the day for ‘the plan’; the outlanders were all in position. Kiara was now going on a hunt, her first one on her own, but little did she expect ‘the plan’ was in motion. Two lions were getting the best grass they can find to near the animals towards the gorge. All the animals fell for the obvious plot. Kiara never got to the gorge that day. But she got no kills, she failed. She was too noisy. So she just went home to try again the next day.
The next day she tried to hunt again, she wanted to successfully hunt. She than found Timmone and Pummba watching her, her father has broken his promise. She got angry and then got careless trying to hunt. She that chased a gazelle into the gorge, she that noticed the gorge started to crack. So she ran, she ran as fast as she could. She didn’t have time to climb out, the gorge had already cracked and water was starting to flow. She was running really fast-as fast as she could in hope that she could outrun the water.
She kept on running, she made it out alive. Kovu was disappointed that he was too afraid to help her. So the plan had failed. Zira had a backup plan, all the outlanders returned home. It was a good thing Zazu didn’t see Kiara Running through the gorge away from the water; it was a good thing no one was watching. Zira saw that it was a bad plan, and she told Kovu that it was her fault not his.
The next day Kiara went on another hunt. Kiara knew that it was her carelessness that got her in that situation, so she stayed right away from the gorge. Then she chased a wildebeest towards the elephant graveyard, where there was a minefield. Not knowing that the plan that scar set up for Simba, was being put on her. But Kovu was going to save her from the stampede.
The wildebeest stampede was coming; they then ran as fast as they could from the lions that were chasing them. Kiara that became trapped, she couldn’t escape the stampede, until Kovu finally jumped out and saved her, she fainted. The lions were long gone, and Kiara was safe. ‘The Plan’ was back on track.
Simba that saw that Kiara was near the elephant graveyard, with Kovu, unconscious this was bad. Simba than went to confront Kovu, and that he did. But Timmone told Simba that Kovu saved Kiara.
“what is your business saving Kiara?”
“I Humbly ask to join your pride.”
“No, you’re an outcast you were banished from the Pridelands. Your one of them”
“I’m a rouge, I left them. I am no longer a part of their pride”
Nala than said
“You own him your daughter’s life”
“Fine, I’ll give further judgement later.”
‘The Plan’ was still in motion. Kiara was happy that his father let Kovu Join the pride-For now.

Submission 3:
Spoiler: show

Pain was not a foreign word to her. It was a feeling as familiar to her as the seasonal rains. Since that terrible tragedy, Nala had gotten more or less used to life’s terrible stings. She still remembered that feeling of dread when Scar made that announcement. It was like a pool of blackness that sucked all out the happiness she had ever known. Not only was the only father figure she had known gone, but her best friend, her playmate was gone too. Happy days were becoming a distant memory that was replaced by dark clouds. Still, she pressed on. Her mother and the Queen taught her perseverance, strength, and most importantly, gave her love. Though she had gotten more or less used to the new management, there was this feeling, this dark and ugly mood in the air that she could feel in her bones. It was amplified whenever she was around Scar was around.
King Mufasa treated her like his own daughter. Scar was as warm and caring as a cobra. As a cub, she felt safe around him because her mother offered her protection, but as she was getting older, she could feel the King’s eyes burn into her skin, judging her, critiquing her.
She could feel him sizing up her ‘potential’.
Whatever it was, she did not want to know. She would rather tire her body and wear herself out mentally than keep Scar company. Even if it took the third or fourth hunt before she could fill her stomach, she kept her distance and only spoke to him unless instructed. That was easy at first but lately, their ‘interactions’ had taken on a slightly different tone.
Her mother taught her to respect the King. She still remembered her mom giving her tips, telling her how to address him. She could still hear her mother telling her how to curtsy, how to say ‘Good morning, King Mufasa’ or ‘Good evening, your majesty’. At least he acknowledged you and treated you with dignity. At the time, she did not realize it but her mother had made an arrangement with the King and Queen. She did not know what exactly but it had something to do with Simba, her only playmate, her friend, her ‘brother’. The first time she had heard about the ‘betrothal’ from Zazu, she was so disgusted that she would have rather licked a piece of rhino dung. Now, she would give anything to turn back the time. Such carefree childhood days seemed like a distant memory now. She still remembered the blue skies, the green grass, and the various herds ripe for the picking. One of her favorite memories was how King Mufasa would let her and Simba eat with him. He would give them tips and share the juiciest pieces of meat. She remembered asking the King why the wildebeest or zebra would be happy that they were eating them. She could still hear his warm voice as he explained ‘the circle of life’.
Scar did not share his meals. And she did not want to eat with him either. Now that she was older, she noticed how he was getting more ‘friendlier’ with her. Reluctantly, she would greet him, bow, or do show a sign of respect. Anything she tried to do to stay on his good side.
“Yes, King Scar”
“Hello, your majesty”
“Please enjoy, my Lord”
The sayings were automatic and flat.
She hated being alone with him. She dreaded going to him if she needed permission to get a drink for the nearest watering hole which was just outside of the borders. Overhunting had depleted the Pride Lands of their resources. When Scar looked at her, she could feel him judge her. It felt like the heat of a rock after it had been sitting under the sun for so long.
“You look just like your mother,” he would whisper. At first she brushed it off as a compliment. There was no doubt a resemblance, a fact she was proud of. It also tugged at her heart for she had lost her mother a few seasons back during a hunt. Her mother was grazed by an old bull’s horn on her side. She made it a few days before she took her last breath. She sought solace in Queen Sarabi’s presence. She was like an aunt, a surrogate mother. Then came those words.
“Your mother and Scar were close at one point”.
Nala chose not to investigate the truth behind the statement. There was a myriad of possibilities; theories that she was afraid would be true should she ask. Questions burned in her mind and when they were particularly taxing she would go on a hunt, trying to do anything to purge herself of these thoughts.
“You know there’s only one reason why you are alive,” a husky voice broke her silent thoughts while she drank from a small pitiful pool.
“Stay away from me, hyena,” Nala hissed. She recognized the creature as Scar’s second in command.
“Hey, I wasn’t gonna eat you that time at the graveyard, anyway. Your daddy was going to have my head and give it to the buzzards.” The hyena was female. She was one of the three from back at the elephant graveyard.
“You are a liar. King Mufasa was not my father, but he was like one to me,” Nala declared with all the grace she could muster.
“I wasn’t talking about him, sweets,” Shenzi observed. The words struck at Nala like thunder.

“Watch your mouth, vermin,” the young lioness let out a warning.
“Girl, you are lucky that I am in a good mood. You ever wonder why Scar never killed you? Isn’t that what they usually do in lion society after a new King takes over?” She was a macabre mixture of death, perversity and stench.
“I am giving you one last warning, stop it.” Nala said finally.
“If you don’t believe me, go ask your mama. Whoops, I forgot. Heheh.” She could see tears begin to roll down the lioness’ eyes. “Banzai told me she tasted really good. He called it ‘just desserts’”.
With that, she ran. She ran back towards Pride Rock, a home that was now a derelict run down facility filled with vermin. She tried to look for company, but it became obvious to her that the lionesses went hunting again. She was all alone. She found a quiet spot, letting a few tears stream down her face.
“Something wrong, dearest?” A husky male voice cooed.
She looked up and saw him looking down at her from a ledge. He had caught her alone and vulnerable. She hated that. She felt like she was exposed.

“Scar, is it true?” She asked. He insisted on going past the formalities and she did it out of concern for her safety. Without going into details or asking to deeply about what had upset her, all her saw was that she was in dire straits, she was weak. She needed aid and he would happily provide it for her.
“You know you have no choice,” he said softly. She knew that he meant more than just a shoulder to cry on.
It was the final nail to the coffin. That night, she left. She left what was once familiar with her. She knew the risks. She knew that as a nomadic lioness, she would be subject to unimaginable dangers. Joining another lion pride was out of the question for she needed to return. She needed to find help. As a nomadic lioness, she would be liable for unwanted attention from rogue lions. No help, no safety net. The only things she had to carry her were memories and an instinct.
The days were hot. The nights were cold and lonely. She barely ate and water was scarce. At times she wondered if she was in a nightmare but reality would hit her when she felt thorns brush against her pelt or if she felt the unforgivable hunger pangs. The desert was especially merciless. For days on end, it was nothing but sand. No sign of life anywhere. It was an endless terrain that would test one’s mental strength. Quite a few times she passed skeletons of other animals that had treaded this unforgivable terrain.
Pools of water that were once plentiful were practically nonexistent, but sometimes she was so desperate that she would take the hot water, which was mud some cases and ‘drink’. She believed that as long as she felt pain, even in her throat she was still alive and that she must still soldier on.
Her muscles tensed, and her vision blurred from lack of nutrition. She tried catching random antelope but they had leapt away before she could even attempt to catch them. Her concentration was beginning to be compromised. She tried speaking to the birds in the trees but they would ignore her. They called her a ‘she-demon’. She did not blame them and yet no matter how hard she tried to convince anyone that she was not hunting, no one was willing to help. Who would trust anyone who had sharp teeth and claws? She was almost lucky when she caught the attention of a gazelle baby. It was only a few weeks old. She tried to appeal to him and he seemed interested in helping the ‘nice lady lion’ but his mother ran up and shooed Nala away. She tried to reason and tried to explain that she was not hunting, but the mother would not have it. Soon, the males came charging forward with their horns aiming at Nala.
“Excuse me, can you help me?” She said as she looked up the trees.
“Well, what do we have here?” The monkeys hooted. “It’s a live one! Where’s your family, hon?” One of the older ones asked.
“I-I am alone,” she began.
“Awww, look the poor baby is all by herself!”
“Don’t believe her! She probably has her friends hiding in the brush somewhere!” They cackled.
“No, that’s not it. I need your help!” Nala shouted back.
“Well, you made it this far—!!”
“You know, I used to know a lion once-“ a younger one pointed out.
“What happened to him?” His brother asked.
“I saw him on the back on one of those er, um, what they call them, hunters!”
A hoot of laughter greeted Nala’s ears. She had heard cautionary tales of Kings on patrol never returning because of these strange two footed animals called ‘humans’. She hoped that she would not encounter any of them. She left the troop of monkeys who were as helpful to her as a stick in the mud. She saw them as the hyenas of the trees. They always spoke in riddles.
On the eighth day, she collapsed. When she woke up, she had no idea for how long she was out. She proceeded with her journey with her legs aching, her back hurting, and her mind about to snap. Then, she saw a something.
Was it a mirage? Then came a smell. Meat. It was unmistakable but she decided to investigate just to be certain. Surely, there had to be someone dwelling here and sure enough, she found her target.
It was a warthog and it was a very smelly one at that.

Submission 4:
Spoiler: show
For Zed

Simba chased after the zebra fowl in a game of tag. “You know I'm going to catch you, Zed!” Simba shouted after the running herbivore. “Sooner or later, I'm going to get you!” He lowered his head and put on some extra speed, hoping to catch up. The lion cub knew that if he will not catch up soon, Zed will be able to continue running off while Simba will tire out and have to stop.

Finding himself edging closer to Zed, Simba braced his muscles and with one last burst of speed, covered the last distance between him and his target, and jumped at Zed's legs, sending the two of the rolling and crashing into the ground in a dusty heap.

The two of them laughed as Simba separated himself from Zed's limbs and allowed the zebra to get back to its feet. “Gotcha!” Simba said, gasping for air, hardly able to remain standing himself. “I got you, Zed!”

Zed grinned at Simba. “Yeah, but you don't look like much yourself,” he replied, standing up straight and smug. He might have lost the chase, but unlike Simba, he was all ready to run again, while Simba looked like he was ready to fall over from even the slightest breath of wind. Just for fun, Zed reached out with a hoof and gently pushed Simba, who fell over even from such a light hearted nudge. The zebra laughed as the cub took his time getting back up, resting on the ground while at the same time not giving another opportunity for Zed to push him over.

“So you think Nala is easier to beat?” Zed asked, “kinda bad that she couldn't come today. It'll be fun to beat on of you lions. Because you, I can beat some of the times, but Nala, she-”

“yeah, Nala's slower,” Simba said, still out of breath. “it's what I know I'm better than her at. But you wouldn't want to lose to her. She may be slower, but she can pin you before you will even know what happened...”

Zed grinned. “Bet you she pins you all the time!”

Simba turned bright red. “No she doesn't!” He automatically shouted, but stopped. “Alright, she does. I keep trying to get back at her, and... I don't know how she does it, but I can never pin her.”

Zed laughed again. “Relax. I'm sure you will get her one day,” he said, “although I would appreciate it if you won't get me...”

Simba laughed at the joke. “Relax, Zed. I won't.” He was about to say something else when Zed's name was called, and the zebra turned his head towards the herd that was nearby.

“Sorry Simba, I have to go now,” he said, tapping the ground with a hoof nervously, “mom and dad will get mad at me if I don't come back soon.”

Simba nodded. “Alright. Catch ya later?”

Zed chuckled loudly as he turned and headed to the herd. “Not if I can help it!”


Simba lay, semiconscious, in Sarabi's arms, shivering violently and gasping for air as Rafiki hovered over him. For the past few days, he fell sick and was having a hard time recovering. Even under the care of the mandrill, Sarabi and Mufasa were extremely worried that their son might not make it.

As Simba let out another labored cough, Sarabi looked up anxiously at the shaman. “Please, there must be something we can do!” she pleaded, not daring to imagine what would happen if Simba stopped breathing.

Rafiki shook his head. “Der is nothin' I can do for him now,” he said quietly, “I did all I could, but de herbs can only do so much. Simba needs rest... rest and strength to fight back de sickness.”

Mufasa looked at his son. “But he's already resting all he could. There needs to be something else we can do! Look at him! He's-” Mufasa fell silent as Sarabi pressed her head against his, groaning quietly as they both contemplated the fact that Simba just might not make it.

Rafiki placed a hand on Simba's stomach. “When was de last time he ate?” the mandrill asked.

Sarabi thought back. “Before he fell sick...” she finally whispered, “we feared that the last meal he ate might have been the cause of this... And right now non of the herds are in any hunting territories. We will break several treaties if we hunt now...”

Rafiki shook his head, cutting her off. “He needs to eat. If he is to live, he needs more strength den he has now.”

Sarabi nodded, understanding. “Alright. I will go. I will lead a hunting party.” She hoped that whatever they will catch, the herd won't argue too much. Simba's life depended on it, and Sarabi knew that whatever will happen, there will be a lot of apologizing to do later on. Sarabi looked at Mufasa. “Take care of him.” She passed Simba over to Mufasa, who took their son and carefully wrapped him with his paws. “If anything happens,” Sarabi said, pausing as she fought back her fears, “send Zazu to go and get me. Don't... Don't surprise me. I won't be able to handle it.”

She got up and gave Simba a lick across his body, shivering at the feel of all the heat radiating from his fevered body. “Stay strong, Simba,” she whispered, “for all of us. We need you...” She doubted that he heard her, and after she gave Mufasa a long goodbye nuzzle, she left the den, giving one last worried glance at Simba as she passed the entrance of the den.


“Simba, wake up. We caught you some food... Rafiki says you need to eat... Wake up... please...”

Simba groaned and slowly opened his eyes, trying to blink away the burning feeling that made it hard to see as his eyes watered. “Mom? But, I'm not hungry,” he whispered. He felt to horrible, and all he wanted to do was make the pain go away. “I just want to

Sarabi let out a sigh of relief when Simba spoke back. “Rafiki says you need to eat,” she said, “come on, I'll take you outside to the food. And the fresh air will be good for you.” Gently, Sarabi picked Simba up from Mufasa's paws and carried him outside to where the hunting part carried to kill to.

Simba winced when Sarabi picked him up, as now even the smallest of changes caused him pain now. Eventually, she placed him on the ground and Simba saw the kill that was made. It was a young zebra, but as he looked at it more, Simba began to feel even more sick to his stomach. “I... I can't!” he whimpered, motioning at the kill. “I know him! He's... he was my friend!” He felt tears start flowing from his eyes, and he turned away, trying to crawl away to a more suitable place where he can throw up whatever was or wasn't inside him.

Sarabi looked at her son with concern, moving her gaze to Mufasa who had emerged from the den at that moment. “It was the only thing we can catch,” she pleaded, “and I didn't know- if only -”

Mufasa shook his head, motioning that he did not blame her. “Let me try talking to him. He will understand.” He walked over to Simba, who was crying against a wall of Pride Rock. “Simba, Sarabi didn't know that he was your friend. We needed to get meat for you... Rafiki says that if you don't eat... that you can die.” He gently hugged his son, trying to comfort Simba. “You are very ill, and we're doing whatever we can to try and help you. But sometimes, things that we don't plan for happen.”

Simba sniffed into his father's foreleg. “But Zed was my friend,” he whimpered, “I promised him that I will never eat him! I promised him that as long as I was around, he would be safe!”

Mufasa smiled warmly at his son, glad to hear that Simba was already getting along well with regular subjects of the kingdom. “And it's a noble promise to keep,” he replied, “but as much as I hate to say it, and I know what I told you about how it's important to keep promises, sometimes you simply can't.” He motioned at Zed's body. “Would you want us to go and catch something else? You won't have to eat your friend, but it will mean that we will have to take another-”

Simba shook his head. “No, don't do it. I- Zed always told me how he wanted to be like me. Now he can be part of me...” He allowed Mufasa to carry him over to Zed's body, and carefully looked over it. Even though he hardly knew anything about hunting yet, Zed's expression was calm, and Simba was able to tell that he was killed quickly and suffered little pain if at all. Simba placed a paw on his friend's body, shuddering at the natural cold he felt, realizing how much he hoped that Zed will suddenly jump up with a playful cry and laugh at some big prank that everyone pulled on him. But Zed was dead, and Simba knew that there was no point in delaying the inevitable. Right now, his life depended on his friend.

“I'm so sorry, Zed,” Simba whispered, and bent down to take a bite.


Several days later, Simba was feeling better enough that he asked Mufasa to take him down to the zebra herds. Despite the king's protests, Simba won out and rode on his father's back down to the savanna. As they approached the herds, the zebra started to pace around them nervously, clearly still agitated from being hunted on what was normally designated as safe lands.

Simba asked Mufasa to let him go and slowly wobbled closer to the herds, who eyes him wearily. Simba stopped when he felt like he couldn't go on anymore, and stared up at the herbivores “I- I'm sorry!” he cried out. “I didn't mean to! Please forgive me!” He collapsed on the ground, to exhausted both physically and mentally to stay standing. Immediately, Mufasa was at his side and nudging him nervously.

From the herds, a pair of zebra approached the lions. Simba looked up at them and recognized them as Zed's parents. He looked away, feeling ashamed, but they simply walked into his field of view again. He closed his eyes, afraid of what they would say. He had no doubt that he broke his promise about keeping Zed safe.

“We forgive you, Simba,” they said softly, “we know you couldn't stop it. And everyone must die eventually. It's the circle of life... and Zed, it might have been to early, but if he had to choose the way to go, we are certain that he would have wanted it to be like this. Zed, he... he saved your life, didn't he?”

Simba looked up at them, and after some hesitation, nodded.

Zed's parents smiled. “He's part of you now,” one of them said, “the future king! We can now say that one day, we will be ruled by non other than our own son!” The mother approached closer to Simba and bent her head down to Simba's level. “I have only one request from you,” she whispered so that only Simba could hear, “don't let my son's death go in vain. Survive. And rules these lands as if everyone in them are your family.”

Simba froze when Zed's mother asked him this, and finally nodded. “I will,” he whispered back. “For Zed.”

Usual rules apply: Don't vote for yourself. But most importantly: Have fun! Have a great time reading all of the entries and vote on the one that you think it the best.
Last edited by DGFone on August 10th, 2012, 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » August 7th, 2012, 6:44 am

lol submission one is nor a narrative nor a recount, its a script. How bout lets do something different for #10, like a poetry option. Like to right a poem on a character, place or event. It will add a great twist.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby Carl » August 7th, 2012, 7:03 am

[quote="KopaKovuVitaniKiar4"]lol submission one is nor a narrative nor a recount, its a script.[/quote]

I don't even know if I should be bothering with this, but submission 1 is a narrative;

[quote="Wikipedia"]A narrative is a constructive format (as a work of speech, writing, song, film, television, video games, photography or theatre) that describes a sequence of non-fictional or fictional events.[/quote]

[quote="KopaKovuVitaniKiar4"]How bout lets do something different for #10, like a poetry option. Like to right a poem on a character, place or event. It will add a great twist.[/quote]

I think if we were going to have something like that it would have to be a separate contest specifically for poetry; the 2000 word count goal is rather high for poetry, I think most poems would be significantly shorter than that. Anyways, I think there's probably a better place to suggest that than this thread. ;)


And about the submissions, I haven't read them all yet, but I will be voting later on. So far they're all great. :)

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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » August 7th, 2012, 7:08 am

The only problem I had with submission 1 is that I had to read over it to make sure that it fit one of the prompts. After reading over it (I never read others' submissions before I finish my own), I saw that it does in fact work for the second prompt (Nala leaving in search of help), and therefore it works.

And yes, the first story is in fact a narrative.

And if you want poetry in the contest, win it, and request poetry to be the prompt. :P
That's right: if you want something in this contest, write a really good piece of fan-fiction so that people will vote for it and make you win. Nothing better for innovation then a bit of competition. :P
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » August 7th, 2012, 7:21 am

But still aren't the paragraphs a bit short, i try to keep my paragraphs to 3 sentences minimum, but i guess your judgement is right. I came to that conclusion because the paragraphs are quite short, and there is quite a lot of direct speech. and about the poetry I never meant for it to reach anywhere near the 2000 word limit. It was just a suggestion, maybe I should ask an administrator if I can do it. I might be able to make a pole about weather there should be a poetry competition or not.
And OK maybe i will hope my submission gets 1st.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » August 10th, 2012, 8:49 pm

it's still on lol.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » August 10th, 2012, 9:48 pm

Due to KKVK4 asking his friends to vote for his story, I am afraid that I have to disqualify entry 2 from the voting round. I won't stop him from participating from future contests, but only if he will not ask others to vote for him.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #9! [Voting]

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » August 10th, 2012, 10:02 pm

i seriously didn't know that there was a rule. I am really sorry.
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