MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Which is the best story?

Poll ended at December 31st, 2012, 7:49 am

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Total votes : 8

MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby DGFone » December 24th, 2012, 7:49 am

I have to say that for me personally, these past two weeks have been quite taxing. And I am quite certain that for many of you, they have been as well. Despite tests, vacations, and numerous other reasons that can easily get in the way of writing for this contest, we still got four authors who took the time to sit down and type out a story that they feel is great enough to submit for our writing contest. So for this week, please take the time to read the stories of these brave four authors, and vote on the story that you think deserves the title of the best story for MLK's fourteenth writing contest. You will have until Sunday, December 30th to vote!

Story 1:
Spoiler: show
An Unexpected Ally

Simba followed Scar up to the top of Pride Rock. Simba walked up to Scar.
‘Murderer.’ Said Simba severely.
‘Simba, Simba. Please. Please have mercy. I beg you.’ Said Scar, being frightened.
‘You don’t deserve to live.’ Replied Simba coldly.
‘But, Simba, I am… ah…’ said Scar unsure of what to say, ‘family. It’s the hyenas who are the real enemy. It was their fault; it was their idea!’
‘Why should I believe you?’ Simba said. ‘Everything you have ever told me was a lie.’
‘What are you going to do?’ Asked Scar, ‘You wouldn’t kill your own Uncle…?’
‘No Scar, I’m not like you.’ Replied Simba.
‘Oh, Simba, thankyou. You are truly noble. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. How can I, ah, prove myself to you? Tell me; I mean anything.’ Said Scar.
Simba replied in a very angry tone, ‘Run. Run away, Scar. And never return.’
Scar replied, ‘Yes. Of course. As you wish…’ Scar saw a pile of hot coals, ‘your majesty!’
Scar swiped the red hot coals into Simba’s face and with a cry of surprise and pain, Simba pawed the coals away and Scar attacked Simba. They started fighting, hitting each other with tremendous force until Simba was knocked to the ground. Scar pounced for Simba and Simba roared out in pain as Scar landed on him.
Scar wasn’t very strong, but he had and iron hard grip and would not let go for anything. As Simba was too weak to move, Scar dragged Simba over to the edge of the peak of Pride Rock.
‘Well Simba.’ Said Scar, ‘It looks like you have failed. You have come back to challenge me so you may be King, but you were not strong enough. And now that you have failed, there is nothing left for me to do but to kill you.’
Simba looked up at Scar, knowing that his fate was sealed. He was going to die. Simba had a look of sadness on his face, for there was nothing he could do.
‘It will be a shame.’ Continued Scar, ‘You were always my favourite nephew.’
As Scar pushed Simba off the ledge, a single tear fell from Simba’s eye. Simba did not cry out, he just let the circle of life take its course.
The lionesses watched in horror as they saw Simba falling to the ground. It was as if they were watching in slow motion.
The last thing Simba thought about was seeing his father again before he hit the ground and joined his ancestors.
‘Well that takes care of that.’ Said a pleased Scar as he made his way back down to the base of Pride Rock. The lionesses had gathered around the base of Pride Rock, and Scar was going down to announce the news that he thought was most pleasing.
‘Simba is dead.’ Said Scar. The lionesses already knew this, but hearing it from Scar made them feel terrible. ‘You will now all sleep, and if you do not there will be consequences.’
The lionesses started to move because they knew what the consequences would be. Scar went into Pride Rock.
‘Where are those hyenas?’ he thought to himself. He didn’t worry himself with it though. So the hyenas left? Good, they were just taking up space anyway.
‘This is terrible!’ said Timon, ‘What are we supposed to do?’
‘Maybe we could ask the lionesses to help us overthrow Scar now that all the hyenas are gone.’ Said Pumbaa.
‘Pumbaa!’ said Timon, ‘I have a great idea! Now that the hyenas are gone we could get the lionesses help us to overthrow Scar! Come on buddy, we’ve gotta find ourselves those lionesses.’ Timon hopped onto Pumbaa’s back and Pumbaa set off from where they were hiding in a nearby cave.
‘We need to overthrow Scar’ said Nala to the other lionesses. Nala had been effected greatly by Simba’s death the day before, and now she was out for revenge. ‘If we could find Timon and Pumbaa they could help us a lot.’
Just then Timon and Pumbaa ran into the area where the lionesses were.
‘Nala!’ shouted Timon, ‘Do you think you and the other lionesses can help us overthrow Scar?’
‘Well Timon,’ started Nala, ‘I was just thinking that we could use you and Pumbaa to help us overthrow Scar.’
‘Great!’ replied Timon, ‘Then we’re all on the same page.’
Timon, Pumbaa, Nala, Sarabi and the other lionesses stayed up most of the night planning out how they would attack Scar. Their plan was to attack Scar when he was down at the waterfall early the next morning. When they had worked out all the details, they had a good sleep, resting up for the day ahead of them.
Scar woke up the next day, still wondering where the hyenas were.
‘They were here yesterday, where could they be now?’ he thought to himself. He walked out of Pride Rock and headed off towards the waterhole, which had almost dried up.
‘There he is.’ Said Nala to the other lionesses. ‘Get ready.’ They waited until Scar was taking a drink and just as they were going to attack, the hyenas came from nowhere and surrounded Scar.
‘What do we do?’ asked one of the lionesses.
‘Just wait.’ Replied Nala, ‘We’ll see what happens.’
‘Come to think about it, I haven’t seen those lionesses since yesterday either.’ Thought Scar as he bent over to take a drink. All of a sudden, the hyenas came from nowhere and surrounded him.
‘Ahh, my friends.’ Said Scar to the hyenas.
‘Friends?’ said Shenzi. ‘I thought we were the enemy.’
‘Well, you see, I was trying to convince Simba to let me off easy and…’ said Scar trying to get himself out of the situation.
‘Well we don’t believe you!’ said Banzai.
‘You sounded pretty sincere when I heard you say it.’ Said Shenzi.
‘Get him!’ shouted Banzai to the other hyenas.
The hyenas all lunged at Scar at once, but Scar was convinced he could overcome them because of the events of yesterday. Scar was holding the hyenas off, but he was getting tired, when all of a sudden, a lioness came running for him.
The lionesses watched the scene before them. The hyenas weren’t looking very happy towards Scar, edging ever so closer to him. The lionesses were about to attack Scar, when the hyenas did just that. They watched as Scar fought the hyenas, and they were disappointed at first because Scar was winning. The lionesses got filled with joy though as the fight went on, and Scar began to lose. They were sure Scar was done for until one of the lionesses shot out from where they were hiding and ran towards Scar.
‘I’ll save you, Scar!’ yelled that lioness.
That lioness was Zira.
‘I’ll save you Scar!’ yelled Zira as she raced towards Scar.
Scar knew he had hope now for Zira was the only lioness that actually liked him, and Scar knew that Zira was strong and could fight better then Scar. Zira started to fight the hyenas, and with renewed strength Scar started fighting again. They both fought well, but alas, not well enough, for in no time they were overpowered by the hyenas. Zira and Scar both felt a sharp piercing pain, and then everything went black.
The lionesses watched Zira and Scar fight the hyenas, and were pleased to see that the hyenas had won. They watched as the hyenas had a good meal of Scar and Zira, and waited patiently for the hyenas to finish so that they could talk.
When the hyenas had finished eating, Nala and the lionesses walked over to the hyenas.
‘What do you want?’ asked Banzai.
‘I’d like to make a proposition.’ Said Nala.
‘We don’t want to hear any stinking proposition.’ Said Shenzi rudely.
‘Please just...’ started Nala.
‘Shut up!’ said Banzai, ‘Or we’ll eat you too.’
‘Everyone stop fighting!’ yelled Timon, who everyone had forgotten was there. ‘Just hear each other out will ya?’
‘Go ahead then.’ Said Shenzi, ‘Make your proposition.’
Nala cleared her throat. ‘We would like the Pride Lands back and in exchange we will give you a portion of land, big enough for all of you but not that big it takes up most of the Pride Lands. You may have it on one condition; if any of you ever come back into the Pride Lands you will be killed. Deal?’
‘We’ll leave you alone,’ said Shenzi, ‘if you leave us alone too. We weren’t going to stick around for long anyway, this land is a dump,’
‘It is agreed then. You shall have your land and not disturb us, and we shall do the same.’
The hyenas and the lionesses worked out what land they would each get, and the next day the hyenas left the Pride Lands for good.
‘There is just one problem now.’ Said Sarabi. ‘Who will be King?’
‘We shall have a vote; the lioness that has gotten the most votes shall become Queen.’
And so the lionesses had a vote on who should become Queen. Nala won this vote, and became Queen of the Pride Lands. Nala had also found a young cub the previous day, and deduced that it must have been Zira’s. Seeing as Zira was dead, Nala adopted the cub, Kovu, and named him her heir.
The Pride Lands had eventually regrown and were looking a lot greener. The animals had returned and the rivers were full of water. At the presentation of the Pride Lands’ new Queen, Nala, and her adopted cub, Kovu, two great lions were watching the ceremony from above.
And they were smiling upon the Pride Lands.

Story 2:
Spoiler: show
An Era of Contentment

“Now this looks familiar...” Scar began, pretending to be immersed in thought as he watched Simba struggle to hold on to the ledge Pride Rock. “Where have I seen this before? Let me think.”

Simba extended his claws deep into the rock above, but continued to slide. It would only be a matter of seconds before he fell.

Scar continued to taunt his nemesis, placing his paws above Simba’s. “Oh yes, I remember. This is just the way your father looked before he died.”

Lightning struck a dry tree below, igniting the plains with a purifying flame. Both Simba and Scar began to feel the scorching heat from under Pride Rock.

Scar drilled his claws directly into Simba’s flesh, causing him to roar in agony. “And here’s my little secret: I killed Mufasa.” As he finished his words, Scar loosened his grip on his opponent.

Simba’s hind legs dangled below, unable to grasp on to the edge. Without Scar holding him up, he slipped. The lion plummeted into the fire below.

“Ugh!” he exhaled heavily, as his spine collided with the burning Earth. For several seconds, he could not breathe.

Scar walked gracefully down the promontory of Pride Rock, grinning more with each step down the stone path. “I should have done this a long time ago,” he admitted.

Simba struggled to maintain consciousness, coughing helplessly as he inhaled nothing but smoke. In the corner of his eye, he noticed the lionesses and hyenas approaching as well.

Simba waited for his uncle to approach him. Using his last burst of adrenaline, the lion did not hesitate to move in for the kill. In a desperate move, he attempted to sink his teeth into Scar’s neck. It would be all or nothing.

Scar noticed the lion lunging directly towards his weak spot, and stepped out of Simba’s path. Simba managed to grab onto Scar’s flank, but failed to secure his kill.

His uncle gasped, once again pretending to be innocent. “I... I told you! He’s a murderer!” He glanced over at the lionesses to make sure they saw Simba attack before trying to fight back.

Scar twisted around rapidly, causing Simba to fly off. The lion’s head rammed violently into the base of Pride Rock.

Nala screamed in disbelief. “Simba!”

Scar watched his adversary closely for any sign of movement- or lack thereof. After several seconds, he was able to reassure himself of his status. “The Pridelands belongs to me.” He stepped closer to the fallen lion, and extended his claws to finish the job.

“No, Scar,” Sarabi asserted. Meanwhile, the massive inferno approached slowly.

The lion turned around and raised a brow. “What?”

“That’s enough. You are the king. Let him go.” The lioness’ voice was calm, yet authoritative.

“No... no!” Scar yelled. “He’s a murderer. He can’t be allowed to live!”

Meanwhile, Nala watched as the grass below Simba’s carcass began to ignite. His life was unquestionably at an end. The lioness stepped forward carefully.

“Wouldn’t you hate to be responsible for the death of a family member?” Sarabi asked, creating an excellent distraction.

“But I’m the king! I can do whatever I want,” Scar insisted. “He tried to kill me, and now I will kill him.”

Nala grabbed Simba’s paws, and pulled her unconscious mate away from the flames before he could suffer from any severe burns.

“What are you doing?” Scar hissed, exposing his teeth to Nala.

The lioness let Simba go and stood her ground. “He’s not a murderer!”

“Oh?” Scar paused. He began to pant with nervousness. “Why do you-”

“I brought him here to kill you.” Nala shifted her gaze down to the lion below her momentarily. “And now I know why he didn’t want to come.”

Scar grimaced at the lioness. He was too angry to speak. “You...”

“I’m the murderer. You’re going to have to kill me too,” Nala taunted. The other lionesses stood behind her. “There’s only one way for this to end,” she continued. “Only one possible outcome.”

Scar stepped back, gulping heavily. “Oh, yes... I see.” He winked, and a large pack of hyenas ran to his aid.

The hyenas approached from behind, and within seconds a skirmish erupted between them.

With the lionesses distracted, Scar approached Simba once more. In a swift motion, he slid his claws across the dying lion’s throat, in an attempt to terminate Simba’s life once and for all. “Long live the king!” he yelled in anger.

Scar’s paw was stopped directly in its path by a staff, as Rafiki leaped down from the promontory above.

The lionesses ceased fighting immediately, and watched as Rafiki quickly maneuvered his stick around Scar’s heavy blows.

In a final motion, Rafiki leaped forward into a flip, swinging his staff down on Scar’s head.

Scar dropped flat on his stomach, unable to move. After Rafiki had finished, the evil lion was in no better shape than Simba. His brilliant mind had transformed into nothing but peanut butter.

“I am the king now,” the baboon announced.

Sarabi’s jaw dropped. After she regained her composure, the lioness nodded. “Well...”

The remaining lionesses looked at one another in a perplexed state of emotion.

Nala scratched her head. “I guess I’m okay with that.”

Simba opened his eyes, groaning loudly.

“Simba?” Nala asked. It took her a second, before the realization finally sunk in. “Simba! You’re still alive!” The lioness ran towards her mate as quickly as she could.

“I’m so sorry,” Nala apologized, feeling overwhelmed with both happiness and guilt as she nuzzled her mate. “I had no idea that is what you were hiding.”

A drop of rain hit the lionesses’ head, followed by several others, as a heavy downpour began to soak the land.

“Wh-” Simba coughed. “Where’s Scar?”

“Rafiki killed him,” Nala replied. “It’s finally over... he’s the king now.”

“Well...” Simba muttered, seeming surprised by the news.

The lion pulled himself up on his paws. He scanned the horizon to find that the fires were mostly extinguished. “You know... I guess things will be pretty okay.”

Nala smiled, and gestured towards the den. “Yeah. Let’s go play a game of Scrabble or something.”

Story 3:

Spoiler: show
Better Than Him

The sounds of a battle waging between lions and hyenas radiated through the air, carrying with them the sounds of a final fight from a kingdom at its end. The lions fought to remove their oppressor, while the hyenas fought loyally to defend their king. Ever so slowly, the lions started getting the upper hand, but despite that, the hyenas still fought on.

Ironically enough, the very one who the entire fight was about was not in it. As soon the fight started, Scar fled the scene, hiding out behind the various rocks and holes of Pride Rock in order to avoid having to confront anyone, friend or foe.

It was when Scar tried to slink away though the back of Pride Rock that he was spotted, by no less than Simba. With a loud roar, the younger lion tore off towards his uncle, the one who had caused his life so much pain and suffering. The one who banished him for a crime he didn't commit.

And the king who brought the Pride Lands to the verge of death.

Scar didn't care what the others thought of him. With Simba behind him, he turned and ran. He was never the one to fight. He always used his brain to win his battles. It was how he won the fight against Mufasa: not with brawn, but with cleverness. Whenever he needed muscle, his hyenas would provide it.

But now, when he needed them the most, there weren't any that can help him now. They were all preoccupied with fighting off the lionesses. Scar was on his own. Not willing to take a chance and fight his nephew, Scar ran.

As the fight had started, a large storm had gathered, and now rain was pouring all over the place, making the rocky ground slippery and hard to run on. Despite the torrent of rain, fires were burning furiously all around the Pride Lands, caused by lightning striking down on dead and dry vegetation. Even if the lions would win, they will remain with a kingdom that was now busy burning itself to death.

Simba chased his uncle through Pride Rock, eventually cornering his uncle right back where the fight had started: at the edge of Pride Rock. Except for a few wounded or dead hyenas, the fight had moved on, leaving the place bare. Without anywhere for Scar to run to, Simba slowed down to a slow walk, growling lowly. “Murderer...”

Scar's eyes flared around everywhere, desperate to find an escape route. There wasn't one.

“Simba, please! I beg you! I- it wasn't my fault! It was the hyenas! They forced me to do this! I'm your uncle, after all! Why would I ever want to harm you?”

Simba growled loudly, silencing Scar. “Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.”

Scar backed slowly away from Simba. “I uh, I uh, I'm family! You wouldn't kill your own uncle?” It was his last chance to live. To play on Simba's naiveness and lack of experience in order to convince Simba that letting Scar live was the noble thing to do.

Just as Scar hoped, Simba paused mid-stride. His thought were almost readable through his facial expressions. But almost as soon as he stopped to think, his anger returned, masking his decision. Finally, he spoke. “No Scar. I'm not going to be kill you. I'm better than that. Better than you. So this is what I'm going to do-”

Scar's eyes widened in fear, waiting for Simba's decision. But inside, Scar couldn't have been happier. His nephew was still a foolish cub, and was falling right into his trap. He could already see Simba exiling him, the worst decision he will ever make in his life, and one that Scar was already planning how to shorten tremendously. However, there was one factor he failed to calculate: Simba using his own tools against him.

“Run. Run away, Scar,” Simba continued. “Run away, and never return.”

As soon as Simba said this, Scar's plan changed. For what Simba had done was unacceptable. By using Scar's mind games on him, Simba struck a nerve in Scar's pride that he hated the most. The same one that Sarabi had struck when she compared him to Mufasa only earlier in the day. For this, Simba must pay with his life, for daring to try and compare himself to the intellect of Scar. Eying an escape route, Scar saw his move.

“Yes, yes of course, your MAJESTY!”

With this, Scar stomped at a pile of burning embers, sending them at Simba's face.

Caught of guard, Simba narrowly avoided having his eyes getting burnout by the fire, pawing at his face to get the burning wood off him. This left him vulnerable to attack, which was exactly what Scar did.

Colliding furiously, Scar clawed at his nephew, letting his anger and desperation fuel his blows, striking Simba time and time again.

Simba fought as hard as he could, just narrowly avoiding getting gouged open by his own uncle. As he fought for his life, he felt just how much his life with Timon and Pumbaa was hurting him now. Scar was physically weaker, but Simba didn't know the first thing about fighting, made evident by the wounds that Scar was able to inflict on him.

Which wasn't to say that the fight was one-sided, because Scar still left a few holes in his attacks open to retaliation, which Simba did. Scar roared in anger and pain when Simba managed to strike him hard over the head, but recovered quickly enough to return the favor, hitting Simba as hard as he could over the muzzle.

When Scar hit him, Simba stumbled back, dazed from the blow. He shook his head to try and regain his senses, but that only meant that Scar lunged at him again, seeking to kill him once and for all. But this time, Simba was ready, and caught his uncle mid-pounce, and twisting in place as he sent his uncle flying off.

Right over the edge of Pride Rock.

Simba expected to hear his uncle's cry of fear as he fell to his death, but it never came. Scampering over the wet rock, Simba peered over the edge, surprised to find Scar hanging on for dear life.

“Simba! Please, help me!”

Simba hesitated again, emotions flowing through him. Scar killed Mufasa. Scar was his uncle. Scar just now tried to kill him. Scar was so funny when he was a cub. His wounds burned as evidence of Scar's betrayal. Scar was his uncle.

Red eyes wide with indecision, Simba stared at Scar as his uncle slipped a little closer to his death. “Why should I help you? After all you did? After you killed dad! After you tried to kill me!”

“Simba, please! I beg for forgiveness! I'll do anything you say, just get me UP! Simba! I'm begging you! I- I'm the monkey's uncle, remember? Don't do this! Get me up!” Scar's claws slipped again, causing him to yelp in fright.

Scar was his uncle.

Simba's jaw clenched tight, but he made his mind up. He lunged down and grabbed onto Scar's limbs. “Hand on, Scar! I got you!”

Wrong move.

Scar suddenly grinned. “Oh, Simba, when will you ever learn?” He quickly shook one of Simba's paws off, using his freed limb to grab onto his nephew's mane, and pulled down, hard.

Instead of Scar, it was Simba who screamed in fear as he found himself falling off Pride Rock towards his death below. He closed his eyes, not ready and not wanting to meet the cold unforgiving ground that would kill him.

As if by miracle, instead of cold, hard, wet rock, Simba crashed instead into a tree, breaking its dead and brittle branches as he fell through the it, his body crying out in pain wherever he collided with a wooden limb. But the tree was enough to slow down his fall enough. Landing in the cold mud below, Simba groaned as he struggled to remain conscious, his entire body feeling as if it were on fire.

From above him, on top of the pinnacle of Pride Rock, Scar had managed to claw his way back up. “I am KING SCAR!” He roared loudly. “I WON! SIMBA IS DEAD! I am KING! SCAR!” His roars of triumph turned into laughter as Scar comprehended that he had just fought his greatest challenge, and won.

Next to the tree, Simba struggled to get up. He didn't dare look himself over, for he was feeling enough. Most of his body was completely numb, but what wasn't was either burning from a cut caused by either Scar or his fall though the tree, or painfully aching from his collision with the mud.

Daring to take a step forward, Simba stumbled, nearly falling over. As he stabilized himself, he heard Scar's gloating from up above. He winced as Scar began to laugh, but what happened next made him look up in horror.

As Scar laughed, a bolt of lightning flashed from the heavens above, striking directly into his uncle. Simba froze in his spot as Scar's laughter got silenced by the ensuring thunder, which in turn got replaced by Scar's laughter again, but this time, the laughter of a maniac, laughing to his death, pain clearly mixed in with the twisted, insane hollowing of the tyrant. Very quickly, Scar fell silent.

Simba regained his senses from his frozen state, and resumed his painful walk back to Pride Rock, to see what had happened to Scar.

As he walked, the rain fell on him, clearing away the mud and blood, although new blood still flew from his wounds. Never the less, with the rain washing him, Simba slowly regained his natural colors as he stumbled towards Pride Rock.

On his way there, Simba meto Nala, who ran over to him as soon as she saw him. “Simba! Are you alright? I- I saw the whole thing! I couldn't believe Scar would do that! And when you fell, I... I thought you died! Are you..?” She clutched onto Simba, sobbing quietly into his wet fur.

Simba placed a comforting paw on Nala, wincing as her hug pressed on a few wounds. “Hey, it's okay... I'm alive...” He didn't bother telling her how badly he felt now.

Nala moved her head away from his mane to look at Simba in the eye. “You do know what that means, right?” She started to grin, feeling her hopes rise up.

Simba didn't return Nala's grin, instead looking away from her, ashamed and scared. “But I lost... And Scar might still be alive. If he is... he's still king, Nala. And his hyenas... You'll have to listen to him- OW!” He was interrupted by Nala, who hit him hard over the muzzle. “Nala! Why did you hit me there?” He winced as he rubbed the painful wound with a paw.

Nala was breathing heavily from her sudden attack, caused by anger, but it quickly faded away from her. “I'm sorry, Simba, but I can't accept that.” She removed Simba's paw from his face and gently licked the area. “I saw it all. You didn't lose. If it wasn't for you, it would have been Scar who would have fallen. You saved his life. Whatever the fight was, I know you're better than him.”

Simba sighed, looking away again. “But if Scar is still alive, I'll have to fight him, and... I can't fight him now, not like this.”

“NO, Simba!” Nala nudged him to walk up to Pride Rock. “I don't care! I'm not living under Scar's rule! Not again! And if he's still alive, I don't care! I'll kill him myself if I have to! But I'm not going to let you die, and I'm not going to let Scar win!”

Simba grinned slightly. “Thanks, Nala.”

With her help, he crossed the last of the path to Pride Rock, and stopped next to the den; his home from so long before. The rest of the pride was there, waiting for him. One of the lionesses broke from the group and ran towards him.

Simba grinned at her. “Hey mom.”

Sarabi looked over her son, clearly concerned about his state, but at the same time, glad to see him alive again. “How are you?” She reached out, and much like Nala, pulled him into a tight hug. “It's so good to have you back again, Simba.”

Returning the hug, Simba smiled fully now. “I'll be alright. And it's great to be back. And... I really missed you mom. I missed all of you.” His smile faded a little. “Where's Scar?”

Nala pointed. “Over there.”

Simba looked, and was horrified at the sight: Alone lay the body of his uncle, twisted and charred. Scar was dead. Simba didn't know what to make of it. “But.... I lost....” He repeated again.

Nala pretended to hit him again. “I don't care. Scar's gone. You're king now.”

Simba looked up at the rest of the pride. They all looked back at him, hope in their eyes. He felt Sarabi move close to his ear.

“You don't always have to win the fight,” she said softly. "Mufasa always taught us that violence is not always the best answer." She nuzzled Simba gently, hoping to make him feel better. Her son returned the gesture, making her smile with happiness, a feeling that she hadn't felt in a long time.

As if to prove Sarabi's point, a quiet rattle of dried beans inside of gourdes made their way through the noise of the rain. Simba turned to the source, towards Rafiki.

The mandrill motioned for Simba to come over, which after another hug to Sarabi and Nala, he did. “Don't you worry about dose, you'll be fine” the monkey muttered quietly, looking over Simba's wounds. "Be glad now, that you're home, my king.” With his staff, he motioned towards the tip of Pride Rock.

Simba nodded, knowing what he was supposed to do. Instead of going there he reached out and embraced Rafiki, surprising the mandrill. “You're not going to hit me over the head now?” he asked, causing the other to chuckle quietly. Rafiki returned the hug, not saying anything. When Simba lessened the hug, Rafiki separating himself from the lion, and motioned again towards Pride Rock's end.

“It is time.”

Story 4:
Spoiler: show

It was a normal day at priderock and Kiara was as Hyper as ever running around in a hurry then nearrly sneaking off Priderock!
"Wow" Said Kiara as she looked over the lush plain pf grass and was just about to sneak off when...
"Woah! Where do you think youre going in such a hurry?" Simba said with a slight hint of amusement in his voice.
"Daddy! Let go!" She giggles whilst trying to escape her fathers paw prison struggling she finnaly gets free.
Simba with a tone of concern in his voice said "I just want you to be careful Kiara" "Kiara are you listening?
Accidents can happen" Kiara chimed in with simba. "You can get hurt or stepped on, okay can i go now Please?"
A hmmph was sounded by Simba then Nala pounced on Simba she saw kiara off with a "Mind your Father kiara!" Kiara ran off leaving everybody at priderock to have their fun and not have a slightist care in the world.
The curiouse cub she was she decided to goto the Outlands when she bumped into a young cub that went by the name of Kovu. "Who are you Pridelander" Kovu growled meanincingly.
Kiara looked into his poisonouse green eyes but instead of evil she saw a good freind.
"Oh Im kiara!" "Folllow me on the way here i found a great spot to play Kovu!"
"Ermm.... play? Ok....." Kovu said.
They came to a grassy clearing where kiara would breathe her last.
"Tag your it!" She tagged Kovu with a paw but dident get a reply or movement from him.
"Duh? Dont you get it? I tag your it? We chase?" However both cubs wer unaware of mencing red eyes watching them from the tall secluding green grass.
Kovu started playing with Kiara only to be greeted with a bat with a paw knocking him Unconciouse.
Kiara was startled and tried to run when Zira jumped out and attacked kiara. "A deathening scream went around the Savanna loud enough for simba to hear"
Simba in a frantic tone "Rally the lionesses i cant lose another cub NOT AGAIN!" He ran and when he got there he was met by a lifeless cubs body and Zira stood there laughing.
"Kiara? Wake up please Daddys here...... plase wake up! I can lose you like Kopa PLEASE WAKE UP! Tears crept down simbas muzzle until they were gushing down in rapid waterfalls.
"I should have done this years ago Zira... *A paw was raised up and struck Zira in the throat*
Zira died. "Nala come here..." "Simba? What is *A shocked scream was heard and all the lioness came rushing in to see the same site*"Come on kiara my little baby girl wake up!" Sorrow filled the pridelands... Kiara the future queen daughter of king simba and queen Nala was now dead thanks to the paws of Zira the cold blooded cub killer.... Rest in peace Kiara.

These are the four stories for this week's writing contest. Enjoy reading them, and when your done, vote on the one that you like the most! Standard voting rules apply: Don't vote for yourself, don't ask others to vote for your story, and don't vote for a story that you simply know was written by a friend. Read and judge each story equally, and vote on them based on how you felt while reading them, and not how you feel towards the author (which I try to minimize by keeping this contest anonymous). But most importantly:

Good luck and have fun!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » December 24th, 2012, 11:46 am

Voted, nice submissions everyone! ^^
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby Scars Mate » December 24th, 2012, 5:50 pm

[quote="AmyMarie"]Voted, nice submissions everyone! ^^[/quote]
All so good, I had trouble deciding who to vote for!

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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby Azdgari » December 27th, 2012, 5:18 pm

Hah! Two was absolutely hilarious. Whoever wrote that, kudos!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby Scars Mate » December 27th, 2012, 6:28 pm

[quote="Azdgari"]Hah! Two was absolutely hilarious. Whoever wrote that, kudos![/quote]
It was funny!

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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby DGFone » December 28th, 2012, 12:58 am

I liked all of them, because it's rather hard to go wrong with TLK fanfiction. After all, why do you think I run this contest? :P But stories 2 and 3 really caught eye. I'm quite happy at the quality we got in this contest. (Not that I'm implying that the other contests were bad - they're also good)

And there are roughly 3 days left to vote!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby FlipMode » December 28th, 2012, 5:01 pm

[quote="Azdgari"]Hah! Two was absolutely hilarious. Whoever wrote that, kudos![/quote]

I think I have a pretty good idea who wrote that, based on the style of humour. But still...

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It had peanut butter and Scrabble in it. I liked it :D

Also, voted!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #14 [Voting]

Postby DGFone » December 30th, 2012, 6:17 pm

One last day to vote, everyone! Tomorrow, the winner's announced!
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