MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Which is the best story?

Poll ended at September 10th, 2012, 8:08 am

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MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » September 3rd, 2012, 8:08 am

After a two week period to write, we now have the one week to vote for the best story! And guess what? Even with school starting for many of us, and two regular authors not submitting anything for this reason, we still have an excellent number of stories written and submitted! I am delighted, really am. I was so certain that with school, that it will be a low-period, but instead, we have six stories to go though! So for the next week, read every single story and vote on which one you think is the best. Voting will end on Sunday, September 9th.

Submission 1:
Spoiler: show

Simba's eyes filled with tears as his first born sons blood was on the ground, leaving a trail out of the Pridelands. The King had sent scouts to receive him, but they had come back with bad news. The young Prince of the Pridelands was never found.

The grass seemed wet from the morning dew and the light fog from the night before. The air still lingered with a damp feel, much like the jungle felt. Not a dry eye was in the Pridelands, except for one lioness who seemed to be licking crimson blood off her paws with a wide grin.

"Scar was avenged!" Whispering in a menacing voice to her crying daughter, who befriended the Prince when they were just a few days old. Her named was Vitani, and everyday she would have adventures with the young Prince and they'd stay with eachother all day. Morning until night their laughter and playful yelps could be heard through the Pridelands as they ran after eachother.

'But not today.' Vitani thought, sitting away from her mother and cuddling her older brother, Nuka and her younger brother, Kovu, who still needed his mothers milk to survive. Nuka liked playing with Vitani and Kopa too, they disregarded his age, and father then continued to play. "Kopa was my best friend, mother. How could you do that?" Vitani's young voice rang through the den, her voice sounded like there was a ball in her throat as she swallowed her pride.

"Oh, my pretty daughter. You'll have to learn that Simba had killer Scar, and to get my revenge, I killed what ment most to him! That would be his lovely, young son." Not loosing the smile she had when licking the blood from her paws, then saw the tears dripping from her daughters face. "You're crying? Why would you be crying?" Her mother questioned, then continued to lick her paws.

"He was my best friend, mother! I just told you that! Oh no, but you don't care about anyone else, but yourself!" Vitani spat out filled with rage, and without another single word, bolted out of the den and towards Simba and his Pride. Tears still streamed from her face as she ran, she didn't look back but the screams of her mother seemed to scare her to slow. Before she knew it, she was running into Simba's leg.

"Oh Vitani, what are you doing?" Helping her up as he noticed tears streaming down her face, he couldn't help but to let his own do the same, letting them stain his golden fur. His ears picked up with wild screams of cubs mother in the distance. "Vitani, what's wrong? Why did you come here in such a hurry?" Questioning the cub, and why she was so far away from her own den and mother.

"My-My, uh, mother k-killed Kopa. In revenge," Pausing and letting out a few sobs. "She got revenge Scar!" Spitting out before she screamed in emotional pain, then nuzzled up against Simba's muscular leg, letting out several whimpers.

The heavily pregnant, Queen Nala's motherly instinct kicked in and nuzzled the crying cub. She was careful not to let her own tears stain the cubs fur. Nala's brain was going crazy, to loose a cub but to gain another, still didn't seem very fair. The Queen did not want this cub to feel like a replacement, and she did not want to feel it aswell. Feeling the cub inside of her kick and punch, she could feel the pain and depression lerking upon her. It creeped up to her like she once did to an antelope. Stalking behind it, waiting for the right time to surface and attack. Now was the time, her body felt different and the motivation she once obtained had disappeared.

Yet, Simba was full of rage. How could he have let her stay in the Pridelands? How have he could have been so stupid to trust her? She was the mate of King Scar for King's sake! Letting out an ear piercing roar, he ran the way Vitani had once come. Towards her mother, Zira, who still lick the blood off her paws. She was guilty and the proof was on the crimson stained paws. Zira had stopped screaming, and felt a ping of fear induce her body, then felt a paw strike across her face. To her, it felt like the world was in slow motion as King Simba struck her face. The pain surfaced and she fell to the ground, the breath knocked right out of her.

The King stood over her, and growled loudly. The fire in his eyes scared whoever looked into them, mostly Zira, who now was cowering in fear on the rocky floor. All she wanted was sweet, sweet revenge for her mate, and getting away with it would've been perfect. Her own daughter betrayed her, how could she? After this menacing creature killed her adoptive father, she still betrayed her?

"Ahh, Simba! What are you doing here?" Zira let out while breathing heavily, and letting out a nervous smile. The only thing she had left was to manipulate Simba not to kill her. Looking around, she saw Kovu, still too young to be away from his mother, perfect.

"You killed my only son! Don't act like you didn't do it! His blood is on your paws and now everyone knows why!" The King screamed in Ziras face, then growled once again. For a moment, he could feel Scar in his soul, but drove him out instantly. His father wouldn't want him to act this way, but to let it out in a more reasonable way. Simba snorted, then stepped off of Zira, and she smiled.

"My dear, Simba. Your son deserved to die, but Scar did not." Smiling at Simba, and to his now arriving mate, who carried the crying, Vitani. It was built up inside Simba. The hate for Scar, the hate for Zira, the pain of Kopa's death. Quicker than a cheetah, Simba threw himself at the lioness, who didn't expect Simba to react this way. Zira fell to the floor, and Simba picked her up by the ear, then flung her against the wall. Taking a chunk from her ear, and spitting it out beside her.

"How does it feel? To feel so small, compared to something so strong? How does it feel, Zira! How does it feel?" Screaming at her, and hitting her once again, slamming the body of the lioness against the wall, which Scar had sharpened his claws on the day of Simba's ceremony. His eyes were glazed over with tears, and the fur on his face was stained with lines of tears. The King felt terrible, but had to expel the killer lioness from the Pridelands. "Zira." Looking over to her cubs, and feeling terrible for what he was about to do. "I hearby exile you from the Pridelands, under account of murder and hostility." Dropping his head when he finished, feeling the pain he once felt when Scar exiled him.

Zira gasped, and looked to hee cubs, including the betraying Vitani. Wide eyes in all of them, but Kovu didn't understand quite yet. "What about my cubs? Kovu is too young to leave his mother!" Yelping to Simba as he started to walk away, then slowly got up with blood gushing from her ear. Tears also filled her eyes, so did regret. Regretting she ever laid a paw on Kopa.

"If they want to, they can go too. Don't force them." Simba didn't even look at her as his voice rung through the ears of everyone surrounding them. Instantly, Nuka ran to his mother with Kovu in his mouth. Yet, Vitani was cuddled on Nala's leg.

"Are you going to stay with us, or go with your mother?" Nala whispered, nuzzling the crying, soft cub. Vitani was shaking, scared for what punishment was held for her in the near future.

"I'm going to go with my mother. After all, I can't betray her twice." Getting up onto her feet with no help and walking slowly towards her mother who brought her into a hug like the rest of her cubs. Why was she acting this way?

"Come children, Simba wants us to leave." Letting out a soft growl, then walking away from the den, her cubs in tow. Nuka still held Kovu, and Vitani slowly walked behind, staring at the wet grass.

The Royal Family watched as the murderer of their Prince left the Pridelands. Killing an innocent cub to have revenge on a tyrant king did not seem fair to anyone, including the now dead Kopa. "No one must speak of Kopa, our new cub must not know of its brother." Simba announced, as the lionesses dried their tears and nodded at Simba, including Nala. "Zira is not aloud back into the Pridelands. She will not be tolerated." The fire in his eyes died, and a calming tone now filled them. "Kopa will be remembered on our hearts, forever and always!" Roaring into the sun, as his pride soon joined him.

Nobody would know this, but Kopa lived silently in the desert. A past friend of Simbas joined his journey, named Malka. Kopa took the name, Upendi, after memory loss from the fight with Zira. Soon, Kopa would find his true identity and return to the Pridelands. For now, he was just a young cub, named Upendi, still finding his way back home.

Submission 2:
Spoiler: show
Scar Survives Simba’s Take-Over

Chapter 1: Simba Confronts Scar.

As Simba sneaked his way towards Pride Rock he saw his Uncle Scar.


Simba gasped after Scar yelled out his mother’s name. As he looked over he saw Sarabi walked her way fearlessly through the angry crowd of snarling hyenas. Soon Sarabi was standing proudly in front of an angry Scar.

“Where is your hunting party? They’re not doing their job!”

“Scar there is no food. The herds have moved on.”

“No! You’re just not trying hard enough!”

“It’s over. There’s nothing left. We have only one choice: We must leave Pride Rock.”

“We’re not going anywhere!”

“Then you have sentenced us to death!”

“Then so be it!”

“You can’t do that!”

“I am the King I can do whatever I want!”

“If you were half the King Mufasa was!”

“I am ten times the King Mufasa!”

And with that Scar slapped Sarabi into the ground out of anger. Simba showed himself and growled in anger after what he just witnessed causing Scar to jump in shock and fear.

“Mufasa no! You’re dead!”

Simba softly jogged towards his mother and gently nuzzled her.

“Oh, Mufasa?”

“No, it’s me.”

“Simba? You’re alive? How can that be?”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m home.”

And with that Simba and Sarabi embraced.

“Simba? Simba! What a wonderful surprise to see you… alive?”

Shenzi, Banzai and Ed gulped and scurried away once they realized that Scar found out that they didn’t finish the job.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip you apart!”

“Now Simba you must understand the pressures of ruling a kingdom.”

“Are no longer yours. Step down Scar.”

“Oh well of course naturally but we have one little problem.”

Scar points upwards to reveal a whole clan of hyenas snarling downwards.

“They think I’m the king.”

“Well we don’t. Simba’s the rightful king.”

“The choice is yours Scar either step down or fight.”

“Oh, must this all end violence? I’d hate to be responsible for the death of a family member. Wouldn’t you agree Simba?”

“That’s not going to work Scar! I put it behind me.”

“But what about your faithful subjects have they put it behind them.”

“Simba what is he talking about?”

“Ah so you haven’t told them about your little secret. Well Simba now’s your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa’s death!”
Sarabi and Nala looked at Simba in shock and sadness. Slowly Sarabi walks over to her son.

“It’s not true. Tell me it’s not true.”
Simba looks at Sarabi sadly.

“It’s true.”

“You see he admits it! Murderer!”

“No it was an accident!”

“If it weren’t for you Mufasa would still be alive it’s your fault he’s dead! Do you deny it?!”


“Then you’re guilty!”

“No I’m not a murderer!”

“Oh Simba you’re in trouble again but this time Daddy isn’t here to save and now everyone knows why!”
Simba slips off the ledge of Pride Rock.


A lightning strike sparks a fire underneath Simba.

“Now this looks familiar. Mmmmmm where have I seen this before mmmmmm. Oh yes I remember this is just the way your father looked before he died.”

Simba gasps as he slides down the ledge. Then Scar lunges his black claws onto Simba’s paws.

“And here’s my little secret: I killed Mufasa.”

Simba had a look of horror on his face as he remembered his father’s death.

“Nnnnnnoooooo! Murderer!”

The lionesses gasped in shock.

“No Simba please!”

“Tell them the truth!”

“The truth? But the truth lies in the eye of the behold.”
Simba chokes Scar.

“Alright. Alright! I did it.”

“So they can hear you.”

“I killed Mufasa!”

Chapter 2: The Battle.

Out anger Nala charged where Simba and Scar are followed by Sarabi. At that moment Scar’s hyena army charges towards Simba, throws him off their leader and pin him down causing him to roar in pain sending the pride of lionesses to attack the hyenas. Suddenly a scream from Timon and Pumbaa can be heard as they crash into the chaos.

“Excuse me, coming through, watch out!”

“Hot stuff!”

After their rampage Timon and Pumbaa charged in different directions to continue their fight. Simba then chased two hyenas. A hyena climbed on Simba’s back. Simba turned around and ripped the hyena off his back but another jumped on his chest and bit him causing Simba to fall and roar in pain. But a staff knocked the hyena out and a baboon screamed in anger and jumped down knocking out five hyenas with his kung-fu. As the hyenas run out of Pride Rock the other hyenas are being thrown off into the fire from Pride Rock by the lionesses and Simba himself.

Shenzi and Banzai can be seen chasing Timon. As Shenzi got closer to Timon she snapped at Timon. Timon screamed and ran into the Den.

“Let me out! Let me out!”

“Let me in! Let me in!”

Later the two hyenas laughed at the two possible meals are trapped in a cage made from animal bones.

“Please don’t eat me.”

“Drop ‘em.”

“Hey! Who’s the pig?”

“Are you talking to me?”

“Oh he called him a pig.”

“Are you talking to me!?”

“You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Are you talking to me!!?”

“Now you’re in for it.”

“They call me mister pig!”

Pumbaa charges at the two hyenas full force,

“Take that you stupid!”

“Take that and that!”

Shenzi and Banzai run into Ed where all three run away in fear.

“Yeah run you yellow-bellied!”

Timon, Pumbaa, and Zazu whoop in success.

Chapter 3: The Final Fight.

Simba looks over to try and find Scar. But then a lightning bolt revealed Scar and Simba gave chase forcing Scar to the highest point of Pride Rock. Scar turned around but it was too late Simba was coming towards him with hate in his eyes.


“Simba, Simba please have mercy I beg you.”

“You don’t deserve to live.”

“But Simba I am uh family. It was the hyenas who are the real enemy it was their fault, it was their idea.”
Shenzi, Banzai and Ed growled and backed away from Scar’s betrayal.

“Why should I believe you? Everything you told me was a lie.”

“What are you going to do? You wouldn’t kill your own Uncle.”

“No Scar, I’m not like you.”

“Oh Simba thank you. You’re truly noble I’ll live up to it I promise. And how can I prove myself to you? Tell me anything.”

“Run, run away Scar and never return.”

“Yes, of course, as you wish your majesty!”
Simba roared in pain after Scar threw some embers on his snout. When he was sure Simba was distracted Scar jumped onto Simba. They continued to tussle until Simba scratched him away. Then Scar and Simba kept on each other until Scar slapped Simba on the face causing him to land on his back. Scar lunged towards Simba but he was flipped off the ledge and fell down to the bottom of Pride Rock. Simba looked down at the ledge. And Scar slowly got up where he saw his former henchmen.

“Ah, my friends.”

“Friends I thought he said we were the enemies.”

“Yeah that’s what I heard Ed?”

Ed starts laughing crazily as the hyenas start to close in.

“No le-let me explain! No you don’t understand! No no!”
The hyenas jumped onto Scar and the fire took its toll on them.

Chapter 4: Scar Survives.

After while Simba is reuniting with the lionesses one lioness and two lion cubs walked up to Scar’s body. The lioness tan in color with red eyes is built the same way Scar is walks up to Scar and gently nudges him.

“Scar wake up.”

“Mom is Dad going to be okay?”

“Nuka leave Mom alone.”

The two cubs are Nuka and Vitani. Nuka resembles just like Scar except for the ridiculously unkept fur and lack of a mane tuft. His sister is Vitani. Vitani has Zira’s fur color with blue eyes and bangs.
Suddenly Scar stirs. And when he wakes up he sees Zira with tears flowing down her cheeks and his two cubs looking at him with concern in their eyes.

“Zira I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Dad you’re alive!”

“Are you alright?”


When Scar, Zira, Nuka and Vitani turned around he is faced with Simba and the pride.

“What do you want?”

“Don’t talk that way he is the King.”

Scar just ignored the comment.

“Scar you have two choices: live here civilly or live in the Outlands.”
Scar knew he and his family couldn’t survive in the Outlands so he decided to stay and live there civilly.

“I choose to stay.”

“Although you agreed to live here civilly you and your family are not to be in Pride Rock. But you can stay in your den.”

Scar nodded and he and his family made their way to his old den while Simba and pride returned to Pride Rock.

Chapter 4: Epilogue.

A few months has passed since Simba reclaimed his place as King of the Pride Lands. Months had passed and Simba and Nala had a cub they named Kopa. As with time Scar had grown old to the point where he wasn’t considered a threat so he and his family were allowed to stay at Pride Rock with supervision. And one day Scar had passed away due to natural causes. Although Scar wasn’t the most respected member of the pride Simba felt that Scar still deserved a proper funeral. At Scar’s funeral, Simba gave his speech as it was expected because he is king.

“Although Scar was viewed as an evil lion with no heart he is still my uncle. It stills pain me that he murdered my father and he sent his hyena henchmen after me. He is still part of the family. He was my uncle, my mother’s brother-in-law, my father’s brother, my mate’s uncle-in-law, my mother-in-law’s brother-in-law, my son’s granduncle, Zira’s mate, and Nuka and Vitani’s father. In his heart and in your own he is a great lion. Let us bow our head in respect. And pray that the Great Kings of the Past accept him.”
And with that Simba and the lionesses bowed their heads in respect and continued on their day. A few months later, Zira committed the ultimate crime. When the lionesses including Nala were out to hunt and Simba was with Zazu to take responsibility of being a king. Zira lured Kopa into the cave and murdered the young prince.

“Auntie Zira why are we here?”

“I have a marvelous surprise for you?”

“Really what is it?”

Zira unsheathed her claws. “You’ll find out prince.”

Kopa started to feel uncomfortable. “Okay.”

“Close your eyes little Kopa.”

Kopa did. Not long afterwards he felt a strong painful blow hit his head. Kopa yelled in pain. Then Zira grabbed

Kopa by the back and flung him to a wall where he was knocked unconscious. Afterwards Zira continued to claw and bite until Kopa died from massive blood lose. After Kopa’s death Simba exiled Zira, Nuka, Vitani, newborn Kovu, and the rest of Scar’s followers to the Outlands.

“Zira I exile you, your cubs, and your followers to the Outlands for the death of my son Prince Kopa. Your descendents shall remain in the Outlands long after your death for your crime.”

As Zira walked away from Pride Rock into the Outlands she swore she can feel Scar’s presence with her. Later that night, Scar’s ghost appeared to Zira gently speaking to her.

“Zira my queen since I feel Nuka can’t take my place I choose Kovu as my successor.”

“As you wish my dearly beloved.”
Afterwards Zira had an ominous deathly smile on her face.

Submission 3:
Spoiler: show

“Can I go play mom?” an anxious cub asked his mother. “Please?”

“What are the rules?” The cream colored lioness asked, expecting an answer.

Kopa groaned, “Don’t go too far from Pride Rock, don’t talk to strangers,
and stay on the path that was marked for me,” he concluded, looking for his
moms approval.

Nala smiled lovingly at her son. “Good, now go along and have fun,” The cub
grinned from ear to ear and ran off.

Kopa took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air that greeted his nostrils.
So many things to see in his home known as the Pride Lands. The grass was
painted and splashed with splotches of green. Beautiful flowers of all
sorts held diverse colors in their petals and stems. Particles of pollen
glided through the air, as if led by the Great Kings themselves.

Around him, the animals were galloping. The gazelle, with their bright
orange pelts went prancing around the Prince as he walked. The black and
white striped creatures grazed in the tan grass around them. What a
beautiful day, Kopa thought to himself. I can’t wait to see ‘Tani again.

The suns’ rays warmed his cheeks, giving him a peaceful feeling. He and his
best friend Vitani had a much forbidden friendship. Vitani’s mother, Zira,
was out for revenge on Kopa’s father, King Simba. Before Kopa was born –
when Simba returned home to reclaim the kingdom – he was forced to fight
his uncle for it. After discovering that his uncle Scar had killed his
father, Simba gave him a chance to leave the Pride Lands and never return.
However, Scar refused to leave and tried to win it over in a battle to the
death with Simba. In the end, Scar was thrown over the side of Pride Rock
and received death by hyenas…

Of course, Zira didn’t know that. She believed that Simba had murdered her
mate, and so, wanted revenge on him and his family.

Kopa knew the dangers of being friends with Vitani, but he loved their
friendship too much to give it up.

Each morning, Kopa would meet Vitani in a small patch of forest near Pride
Rock. It was scarcely populated and rarely ever used. Only a handful of
animals chose to make their homes there.

It was just like any other day. Warm and inviting. Familiar scents in the
air. However, something felt out of place. It was not the sounds or sights
or even the smells that surrounded him – oh no! - It was his feelings.
Something in the back of his mind was nagging him like a bee, endlessly
buzzing around in his ear. He shouldn’t be there today…

Despite his conscious telling him to turn back, he treaded on. Although,
there was not the familiar sight of Vitani running towards him, that
familiar glint of adventure in her ocean blue eyes. - No, not today.
Instead it was empty. Depleted. He was virtually alone, yet he still felt
an eerie presence around him. As though a pair of eyes was burning into his
flesh, watching his every move. He stood alone in the middle of the trees,
the feeling growing worse in the pit of his stomach.

“Vitani?” He called out, hoping that this was all just a game that she was
playing with him. Kopa glanced around the opening, calling again, “’Tani?”
His voice grew quiet, merely a squeak now.

A low growl erupted from behind him. Kopa couldn’t detect exactly where the
sound came from, but he knew it was close. “Who’s there?” Kopa asked
apprehensively, all his confidence gone within seconds.

As he stood still, the growl grew louder, until it was almost deafening.
The young Prince decided that he should be there no longer. Turning around,
he was going home. Before he got far, Kopa was smacked, knocking him off
his feet, and sent him flying into the side of a nearby tree. He shrieked
in surprise, suddenly finding it harder to breathe. What’s going on? He
asked himself groggily.

A large paw pressed down on the small frame, practically crushing his tiny
body. The cub could feel his lungs being squeezed, shrinking in their
ability to hold air.

“You made a big mistake coming here, cub,” A female voice hissed.

Kopa couldn’t respond, for his windpipe was almost closed shut. He was
lucky to be getting the little bits of oxygen that we circulating in his
body. He squirmed under the lionesses grip.

“Mother, please, leave him alone!” A young voice yelled, causing Kopa to
bend his head to the side. It was Vitani!

“Vitani!” Zira bellowed bitterly. “I told you to stay at home!”

“Mother, let him go!” Vitani sprinted towards them, tears staining her
cheeks. “He’s done nothing wrong!”

“He is a sin!” the scarred lioness responded harshly. “and for you to be
‘friends’ with him, it is unacceptable!” she turned her attention back on
the cub below her paw, whose life was slipping away by the second. “You
have made a grave mistake,” bearing down more pressure on him, Zira laughed
manically - a somewhat happy feeling pulsing through her veins. The look of
Simba’s pride and joy struggling from under her paws gave her a cheerful
feeling. She would sleep peacefully tonight…


“Kopa!” The mighty King Simba bounded towards the grey lioness and his son.
Ramming into her shoulder, he freed Kopa of the death grip. Queen Nala
followed closely behind, quickly going to her sons’ side. He heaved and
shook in pain when she bent over him.

“Ahh, why if it isn’t King Simba,” Zira spat the word, as if it left a vile
taste in her mouth.

Simba growled lowly, “Zira, I thought I made myself clear that you were not
to come back here,”

“Well, I wouldn’t have had to if your little heathen had not been engaging
in a friendship with my daughter,” Vitani shrunk down beside her mother,
attempting to hide herself from the eyes.

“No, Kopa would never-“

“Oh but he did,” Zira interrupted. “Face it Simba, your little ‘Angel’ has
broken your number one rule and now he must pay!”

“No!” Simba roared, his anger growing with every word. “He will pull
through! Get out, before I do something that you will regret!”

“Look at the little brat, he is already dead as it seems!”

“Out!” Simba let out a roar which shook the very ground and left his throat
stinging. Zira understood the message and picked up her own cub by the
scruff of her neck. She turned slowly, but not before saying, “this isn’t

The lioness stalked off, her cub dangling from her lips. Vitani looked at
Kopa’s seemingly lifeless body and whispered, “I’m so sorry,”

Simba’s urgency went directly from Zira to his child. Looking down at his
offspring, Kopa’s body was bruised and battered. He had taken quite the
beating. Nala held him lightly in her paws, tears streaming down her soft
cheeks. “Simba…”

He couldn’t believe it. – No, it couldn’t be true! – but alas, it was. The
young Prince had lost all his sparkle. All his enthusiasm, happiness, and
love, were all gone in the blink of an eye. How were they to move on
without a future ruler for the lands? What would happen when Simba passed
on and joined the Great Kings of the Past?

Kopa lay motionless in his mates’ paws. He had failed. His son was dead and
there was nothing that he could do about it. There were no redoes, no do
overs. What was done was done. It was final. In this world of happiness,
love, excitement, and more, there were always days of sadness, despair,
cruelty. – this was one of those days.

He was always taught to live in harmony with the things and animals around
him, but at the moment, it felt as though everything was against him.
Working against Simba in his efforts to do right – not wrong. The Circle of
Life could be cruel at times.

Just as soon as his life had begun, it was swept away from him too. Kopa,
was dead.

Submission 4:
Spoiler: show
Those Fools

That's odd. I don't recall ever feeling like this before. It's so... strange. The fallen king known as Scar was not really aware of anything yet. He was barely able to even concentrate on the fact that he can think anything at all, and it took all of his effort just to continue any coherent train of thought. Why do I feel so strange? It's like... I'm nowhere. Where am I? Why can't I feel anything? And why can't I see anything? Is it because I can't see, or I am somewhere very dark, or..?

Slowly, ever so slowly, Scar began to regain his senses. At first, he began to feel the pain, the tremendous pain that felt like his body was nothing more than a pile of many bits and pieces. And when Scar finally opened his eyes and saw his first glimpse of a mangled limb of his, wet with blood and rain, he was surprised that it somehow stayed in one piece.

Trying to get up, Scar collapsed right away on the cold wet ground as his legs gave out from under him before he could stand. His head hit the cold rock, sending a sharp wave of pain throughout his body, and Scar decided to just lie and wait for now.

Not moving, Scar tried to recall how he got here, wherever here was. Looking around with his eyes, he saw that he was underneath Price Rock, lying on the ground as the heavens above unleashed a torrent of rain. Rain is good. Scar thought. But How did I end up down here? Something familiar, but what was it?.. Something... some.. Simba! Yes, Simba... That fool. How could he have ever beaten me? Well, I suppose it's not to hard to topple someone of my stature. If only I had Mufasa's build, oh, how glorious it would have been! But no...

Scar groaned mentally upon thinking of his dead brother. It seemed that no matter what Scar tried, Mufasa would always appear in one form or another, laughing at him at every turn, every day, every moment Scar spent awake.

And not just Mufasa. But my friends as well. How could they have turned on me? They thought that I was the enemy? After all I did to them? Scar chuckled quietly, feeling a sickening amusement rising in him, no matter how much pain the laughter caused him. “I thought he said that we were the enemy...” That's a good one! Bah! Shenzi is such a fool, the whole lot of them are nothing more than fools. I hope their dead, every single one of them.

From where he lay, Scar began to laugh out loud, finding it nearly impossible to comprehend how in one short day, his entire world flipped upside down from under him. Betrayed by his friends, dethroned by his 'dead' nephew, and everyone he ever knew now openly against him, Scar just couldn't believe it. To turn on me? But I am the KING! I am to be honored and worshiped! Not turned into a scapegoat at the first possible instance! So what if I killed Mufasa? If anything, they should have known that if I was able to dispose of him so easily, then clearly I was the better... KING! Oh, those fools...

Again, Scar found himself describing everyone he knew using that word. Even those he believed that he could trust, they turned on him. Scar was, quite literately, alone in the world. His eyes wandered back to Pride Rock above him.

Doesn't even look that good. It's just a large rock... Broken and gray. I can't believe I would have traded the world for it. Bah!

At that instance, Scar knew that his future no longer lay tied to Pride Rock. Somehow, when he tried standing up again, he succeeded. He stood shakily, blinking as he kept himself from falling over again.

They don't want me anymore? Very well! Scar is gone! So long, you fools! Scar's leaving the kingdom!

Taking his first step forward, Scar had to command his muscles to move, but eventually, with an unsteady wobble, he began to walk away to the horizon so far away, away from his past life.

I wasn't the enemy, but you turned on me! Shows you how good you are... not! Oh, if only you couldn't think at all. Better a mindless slave than a fool that you are... Scar growled under his breath, feeling anger rising up against all those who betrayed him.

And my own pride. Do they really think that they can survive without a king? I don't think so! But you know what? Let them die! They deserve it! Let them reap what they have sown!

Scar continued to slowly walk though the mud and ash covered ground, the rain covering up and hiding him from any lookouts. Just as he had turned his back to the world, it turned its back on him. Or so he thought.

“Scar! Where are you going?”

Scar froze, turning his head to see non other than his trusted queen, Zira, running towards him as fast as she could. As soon as he recognized her, Scar rolled his eyes and resumed his walk away from what used to be his home, now ruined beyond repair.

“Scar, where are you going? You're hurt!” Zira said, catching up to him. “Let me help you!”

“No!” Scar said coldly. “You will not!” He ignored Zira's shocked expression. “You will not do anything! I am done with you! Done with you and everyone else! I'm going!”

Zira roared at him, but he didn't stop. “You will not treat me this way!” She shouted. “This is not how the Scar I know would act! You will return! Return and set things right!”

Scar kept walking. “The Scar you knew? Nice choice of words, Zira!” That's a good one! He thought again in delight. “The Scar you knew is gone! He's dead! Killed off!” He looked at Zira just in time to see a flash of anger pass through her eyes, but it wasn't directed at him. No... it was directed at whoever 'killed Scar.' Even in his delusional state, Scar knew that he can use this to his own advantage, perhaps as a form of revenge against all those who wronged him.

“Then who killed you?” Zira growled, looking ready to tear through the world to get to whoever was responsible. “Who... Killed Scar?”

Scar didn't bat an eye. “Simba did. He and those hyenas. They are the ones who are responsible.” Even though Zira stopped as he said this, Scar kept on walking. For him, there was no turning back.

“I will avenge you then!” Zira shouted at Scar, already disappearing down the horizon and away from the Pride Lands. “I will get them all! You will always be with me, Scar! And when I succeed, return to me! Let us be together again!”

From the fading of her voice, Scar knew that Zira was not chasing after him anymore. He didn't reply to her calls. Oh, Zira, my dear, sweet, not-innocent-at-all Zira. Don't you know? You responsible as well. Where where you when I needed you most? When I finally needed you, you failed me. You are not a queen Zira. You are a fool... You all are. I don't need any of you anymore...

You fools.

Sumbission 5:
Spoiler: show
Sixty-two feet

Sixty-two feet.

That was the height of Pride Rock. I knew so firsthand, through all the times I had walked across the promontory and studied the hulking mass that was its dazzling peak. The listless bouts of staring and studying the hub of my former kingdom—the key word being, of course, former. For now, at this time, I was falling. Brutally experiencing gravity as it pulled me downwards… through all sixty-two of the feet which had separated me from the cold, rocky ground below.

My nephew, Simba, spared me but a passing glance over the ledge. This supposed prince, perceived as the epitome of righteousness and salvation, hardly batted an eye. The usurper didn’t offer me help. Oh no. He was beyond that point, notwithstanding the fact that he was the one who had thrown me roughly off my throne in the first place. Of course, it was easy to watch, and easy to be a spectator of an uncle’s downfall. But it was significantly less amusing to experience it firsthand.

I couldn’t see very well. Everything was twirling around, mixing and blending dizzily as I plummeted hopelessly. Nothing had clarity. There were only intangible blurs of dazzling colors—and then the flame. Bright flickers of red and orange accented every other shade and hue, overwhelming me with the sheer confusion and disastrousness of the situation. Shots of fiery pain rolled through my shoulder as I collided with the sharp edge of a rock, and then bounced… only to land on another harsh, jagged edge. And then a third. I hadn’t even reached the ground yet, but could still feel the flesh-piercing tips of the boulders as they coated me with bruises and gashes.

I had but moments to ponder all of this, to think about the strange set of circumstances that had led me to this point. For I was absolutely, irrevocably sure of one thing: I would die once I hit the ground. One way or another, I would. The only question was how life would choose to extirpate me. Perhaps I would be shown mercy—maybe my very spirit would leave my body from the brute force of the collision, and that would be the end of the story. I would die by falling. But on the other hand, life had never struck me as being merciful. Cruel and bloodthirsty, yes, but merciful… no. Chances were higher that I would scrape by the impact with my life, too battered and bruised to stand, and then would succumb to the heat of the flames. Like a piece of unwanted meat, I would end up being roasted alive. But no, that didn’t seem… right… either. It wasn’t severe enough. Maybe somehow the flames would be extinguished instead, and I would be left to die alone, left to suffer and writhe in pain through my final moments…


As predicted, the first option was momentarily disproven. I lay on the ground, a sudden and acute pain forming in my chest—certainly a causation of the jarring impact I had just experienced. I had shattered a rib: I knew it. It was absolutely irrefutable. Blood began to seep from my wounds, and I tensed up in fear of my own vulnerability. I was defeated and left for dead, broken and injured. But the rib was not the sole source of my newfound despair… and neither were the painful scratches peppered across my sprawling form. For something else was crushed inside. Something… more. Deeper…

I looked up. Pride Rock seemed so far away—indeed, at this point, it was merely an irretrievable star in the distance. Something that had been cast away, forever out of my reach. The one who had so callously overthrown me was gone. He had slithered off the rock face, just like the two-faced serpent he was. Now I was on my own, abandoned to my fate… whatever it was. But then I received a prick of hope. A small, faint light of ambition trickling into my spirit. Maybe my allies, the hyenas, would find him and finish the job. Maybe they’d slaughter him for his strike against me. Maybe, just maybe, they’d…

My thoughts trailed off, unfinished. What? What would they do to him? Most of them were dead, having been killed by the lionesses. The others had run away like the cowards they were. I had not a single supporter, and there was no one behind me to back me up: I had been betrayed by my own loyalists.
That was when I heard the roar. First one, then others. An earth-shattering chorus which seemed to be ripping open the still, flame-infested air around me. I shuddered, understanding what this meant. He was the king now. Yes, he was. That very thought only deepened my sorrow, practically rending me in two. For every previous grain of ambition, there was now only hopelessness. And for every victor in battle, there was the pathetic loser. Me. It was my turn. The time for my own crown to be taken. Prince Simba had ascended to my righteous throne, and was now proceeding to dirty it with his paws. He was mocking me. The worst part was the fact that the others accepted him. They accepted his roar, which was, in my eyes, little more than a brusque and hateful jeer towards me. He deserved nothing. He was taking what was mine, and the guilty thief was escaping unpunished. I would not, could not let this happen. Not while I was still alive, which I was—my heart continued to beat resolutely, and my lungs were still respiring... even if each breath caused a sharp and jagged pain to surge through my battered, damaged chest. There must have been a reason for this, for my remainder in the mortal realm… unless, of course, life was joining in the joking as well; unless… unless this was merely another taunt. Another razing torture to be endured. Which, really, was only in character with the slew of torments I had been pitted against. It wasn’t fair, and I was quickly growing… weary. Oh, so weary… my body felt heavy as I lay there, slumped weakly and helplessly across the ground. It seeped into my very core, weighing me steadfast to the dark rocks below me. I took a staggering breath, vision swimming as I lifted my head to face the flames which would surely take me…

They were receding, parting themselves and making way for no one. The deadly brilliance of the fire was suddenly submitting to an unseen force. Something was attempting to rescue me, and my salvation was near at hand…


A single raindrop greeted me, the wetness of it gently touching my nose… and then silently rolling down, down, down. The singular droplet gathered on the ends of my goatee, before commencing its brief trip to the ground.

My eyes narrowed, and I could feel my pulse quickening behind my temple. Rain. It was there, clear as day. For a single moment, that one drop reflected all the burning light of the dissipating inferno, and shone with a blinding fury. A blinding fury which pitifully matched my own emotions.
It was here. The water I had needed. The water my subjects had needed. The water, which was now trickling down in rivulets from the thunder-split sky—the same sky which was dotted with hundreds of twinkling stars… no, it couldn’t be. No.

My brother, Mufasa. It was him—there was no doubt. He had been lying in ambush, just as a predator waits on its prey. The very one whose throne I had taken, the owner of the blood which coated my paws, was anticipating my downfall… for this was surely it. My final chapter. And with the closing of my life, my brother would likewise end the drought I had suffered through for nothing. In the end, I was completely, utterly insignificant, and my valiant efforts had been abated. I could not endure this—it was the death blow… my final obstacle. I knew it was. Every piercing shred of logic suggested it, and every ounce of pragmatism austerely stated that it must be so. But there was something else. An emotion which was much more visceral… and much more stubborn.

I screamed my heart out. The result was a cacophonous, blood-curdling personification of my innermost anguish, yet I was hardly aware of it. All I was acutely conscious of was the warmth trickling and flowing slowly down my face… tears. For the first time since I was a cub, I was weeping. I again drew a shaky sigh, horribly ashamed, as my entreaties did nothing to ease the hurt. The rain still fell, and I still jerked with pain from every uneven breath. Torrents of cold drops saturated my fur, chilling my insides as I shivered uselessly. More and more… the life-giving rains fell, heedless of me. The silvery slivers of wetness themselves were absolutely cavalier and aloof to the pain they were causing. But my brother was not. He seemed to be tickling my pelt maliciously with the droplets, a brutal reminder of all I had done to him.

Something had to change. I would not let my red-head big brother get the best of me this time. Indeed, there was a reason he was dead—or, to put it more aptly, a reason I had killed him. He was not going to dominate me in death as he had in life. This time… this one time, I would beat him. Namely, I would destroy all that he held dear: his son. Just like I had intended to do; nothing had changed. Nothing except the fact that I was now known as a murderer, and that I had suffered possibly grievous injuries. I would not live to see the invigorating light of dawn, as the lionesses would surely be upon me the moment I begat my revenge. My final act would be regicide, and my death would be caused whilst ensuring his.

I ceased to wallow in my self-pity—crying out did nothing. It was only my pitiful and vain entreaty towards the world to cease inflicting pain upon me, which was never hearkened to. There was but one way that Simba would die, and that was if I killed him myself. Just like every other situation I had been in, the only solution was for me to do something on my own. Surely enough, no one was here; no one intended to come to my aid. Slowly and with utmost caution—lest I harm myself more—I rolled onto my stomach, and then proceeded to reach out one of my limbs and plant it on the ground, testing it…

Staggering to my feet there was one of the hardest things I’d ever done. As an object at rest remains at rest, so it would have been easier to stop there and give up. But, with effort, my jarred limbs were able to support my frail and beaten figure. Blood, rain, and sweat mingled and mixed, dripping off my sides and matting my sopping fur. Each breath felt like a sharp stab inside my chest, and it was sheer luck that kept me from toppling to the cold, hardened ground…

I took a single step, watching vapidly as the last of the lapping flames surrendered to the pouring precipitation. Gathering my resolve, I gritted my teeth… prepared to do whatever was necessary…

Wait, what was that? That… shadow?

It was late. The atmosphere was darkening, and the fire was receding quickly. All of this must have been playing tricks on my vision. I glanced at the rock wall—the same one I had fallen down—and watched in plain confusion as my own shadow twisted, mingled, and morphed into another shape… The shape of a lion: larger than myself, with blotches of flame-lit rock accenting the color of the mane; the familiar, red mane…

“No, please…”

To my surprise, I uttered the words aloud, staggering out the syllables under my raspy and uneven breath. I attempted to back up a step, but tripped over an unseen obstacle and fell to my knees in the process. Please… please don’t be Mufasa.

I looked up, half-expecting to find my brother twisted with rage and vengeance. Alas, I remembered his murder—I remembered it with more clarity and vividness than I would have liked. For years I had been entirely convinced that he wanted nothing more than to see my blood spilled in retribution, but this was not the case. There, in that shadow, I could barely see his face… and on that face was a countenance of austere sadness, and… pain. Regret.

Mufasa, regretful? No, this had to be some kind of trick…


A faint, surreal voice tickled the inside of my ear, and I stiffened up. This wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. Indeed, there were surely a myriad of other possible explanations. It had to have been the fire, the loss of blood, the injuries, the fall, the adrenaline—something, anything else…

“What do you want from me?” I staggered backwards as well as I could, my breath catching in my throat as I remained sprawled out and seemingly on the verge of a hallucination… I cringed in fear, not wanting to see that shadow… that calm, brotherly shadow.

“Taka, please… don’t be afraid… I don’t mean to hurt you.”

“Then what do you want to do to me?” I snapped, the long-buried tendrils of anger and animus rising up within me and briefly surpassing the overwhelming fear I was experiencing. “You’ve made me suffer for long enough, brother… and you’re sending the rain…” my eyes narrowed dangerously, body sopping as the water continued to pelt me mercilessly. “You’re sending the rain… Why? WHY?”

I knew this was insane; I was probably talking to myself. But that didn’t matter. No one else cared, and I was as alone as I always was…

“Brother, I can do many things, but controlling the weather is not within my capabilities. The drought may well continue… But that’s not of importance.”

“Not of importance? H-How could you say that?”—I gasped for breath—“how could this not be of importance? My kingdom suffered and died under my rule, and they’ve blamed it on me! Not to mention your son has overtaken Pride Rock…” Staggering to my feet, I growled, not liking to reminisce on past events. But how could I not? Right in front of me—whether a figment of my imagination or an actual apparition—was my brother, the one I had murdered. This was a trick. Another torment. It had to be. How… why… else would he be here? Why?

“I cannot stay for long, Taka. Please… remember. You have received what you have always desired most, by stealing it from me… But I implore you: do not harm my son. I paid all that I could—my life—in being king, but I do not want my son to pay the same price at my own brother’s paws.”

“No. No, I won’t, and I didn’t! I didn’t get what I wanted, Mufasa. I failed. You always had everything I didn’t. What was I supposed to do?” I growled in fury, kneading my claws deep into the rock floor I was standing on. I didn’t want to remember—oh no. Not those memories again…

“I apologize, brother, if you felt that way—it was not my intention. But alas, you must learn to appreciate what you already possess.”

“Which is what?” I spat the words out in contempt, obviously wondering what response he could conjure up to that… the kingdom? Ruined. The throne? It wasn’t mine, anymore… A family? Never would I pride myself in my relatives… especially not him.

“A mate. A mate who truly loves you, and would follow you to the ends of the earth. Indeed, I had Sarabi… but our relationship was not as calm and tranquil as it seemed.”

“A-a what?” I momentarily froze. Zira. Yes, I had Zira… But he was still wrong. It was ridiculous—he had to be wrong, somehow… “If she loves me as much as you say, then why isn’t she here?”

“Oh, but she will be. She was away on the hunt when my son returned. Right now she searches for you worriedly… and soon she will find you.”

I shook my head confusedly, trying to clear of it of the questions that were brimming in my mind. How could he know this? It wasn’t possible. No one missed me. No one. … Did they? The shadowy image which had depicted Mufasa slowly began to dissipate, the edges becoming less clear, and more like those of my own proper shadow…

“W-w-wait…” I panted, somehow thinking that my request would slow or halt his departure: it didn’t. Slowly, and like a mist, he was disappearing.

“My time here is short, brother. I know you do not want to leave Pride Rock for the sake of your pride… but I entreat you to do so. There is still a chance for you to have a new life, a new life with Zira. Perhaps you will have a family—perhaps you will even be king of your own pride. But you must learn that there are other ways to gain than by taking what others already have. The lionesses and Simba think you dead: there is no shame in leaving this place behind…”

That was it. He was gone. I rubbed one of my temples with a paw, pondering this over… I had to be seeing things. It was ridiculous: I was contemplating taking advice from a shadow. The shadow of my brother, who would surely never forgive me and never think of coming to my aid. Whatever he—or, to be more apt, it—was, it was clearly wrong. I couldn’t just leave—

Pitter-patter, pat-pat-pat.


I jumped back, barely registering the wet slapping of Zira’s paws across the muddy bottom of the nearby promontory: until, of course, she had called my old name so loudly. For a moment, I was surprised… but then I remembered: my brother had said she had been looking for me. And apparently she was. She had found me in the most unlikely of places…

“What happened to you? I thought you were dead! Are you hurt anywhere?”

The question was clearly rhetorical: a mere moment later, she had bridged the gap between us and was already studying me intently, mouth slightly agape as she beheld all of my battle wounds. Then it was back to the original query.

“What happened to you? Why, we’ve got to take you to the shaman!”

She reached up a paw, but I firmly batted it away, shaking my head in the negative as she prepared herself for the journey across the savanna.

“No! No… they think me dead, Zira. This…” I rasped unevenly again, “… this is our chance.” I approached her, making sure that her blood-red eyes caught my gaze as I looked at her gratefully.

“Our chance to what?”

I sighed, glancing at Pride Rock… a land of broken dreams, where the occasional, randomly-instigated victory roar still accentuated the still air. Where everyone knew of my past, and where everyone surely hated me. A place stained by blood and vengeance, to which I could never properly return.

Then my vision found its way back to Zira, and to the vast, picturesque savanna far, far behind her. To a land of unknowns, of new beginnings, and of… companionship. I had made my choice.

“Our chance to leave, Zira.”

“And go where?” She asked me quietly, not disinclined to the idea—only curious. I knew she would follow me, that she would go wherever I would go, and that she would make her home in the same place I made mine.

“I don’t know…” I gritted my teeth, knowing this was final…

“Somewhere, anywhere, but here…”

Submission 6:
Spoiler: show
Bread and Circuses: Abridged version

I meticulously planned it all down to the minute details. I was tenacious and made sure that all the variables were covered and yet, he still loomed over me like a ghost. That is what I originally believed until I saw him in motion. That’s when I knew it wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

He survived. There was that capricious detail that did not fit. I made a mental note to vituperate those fools who could not even complete this one simple task. . I could feel my energy drain out of me upon realizing that he had thwarted my plans. He was no longer a chubby little cub I could wrap around my claw. He was all muscle and brute strength, just like his father. My victory was too sweet to savor without planting that one little nugget into his head, that final piece of the puzzle that would die with him. That I had done it and he was a scapegoat. That he was nothing more than chess piece in my game.
I was not expecting mercy or forgiveness. This was no longer the annoying chubby little cub who would bite my tail tuft or ruffle my mane. No longer was he the small golden cub who would call me refer to me as the endearing “Uncle”.

I laid down the chips on the table. Now I really was wishing I had been the one to kill him that day at the gorge.

I had hit something solid. I felt pain which meant that I meant I was still breathing. I noticed Shenzi and her followers circling me. I offered sweet words and hoped that they had my words. They came closer, looking like demons. This was my ‘second’ family. Now, I was no different than a zebra on its last legs. I begged and pleaded. Then I felt her leap onto me. A piercing pain shot through my spine. I heard a crunch or two. I could feel bone crack and my hide break. So it all came to this. Was this the final chapter in my book?

If there is one thing I know about hyenas is that they are nothing but numbers. If you wish to get at them, you must go after their weak points. In this case, it was Shenzi. She was the brains of the group. If I was going to have a means of escape, I had to go after her. She seemed to savor my misfortune. I knew I had to time it right. I saw her pace towards me. I let her get close enough to think that she was going for the death bite. That’s when I pulled my ace. I snapped my jaws shut onto her snout. She let out a blood churning cry and it was then that the hyenas focused on her. One by one, I felt them let me go. I had no time to kill her. This was a distraction. There was a small opening between the fire and a rock. I held on tight until I could move. I knew that I would use the chaos to make an escape. I used the flames and shadows as a distraction.

My back and legs suffered contusion and cuts. I ran away to never return. Let him have Pride Rock. It was a skeleton of its former glorious self. I lost my grip of power, but I let a small dose of pleasure comfort me: I destroyed what was his. I knew that I had to nurse my wounds and that it would be hard to find friends.

My mane was shagged and I had cuts. I was far from looking like royalty. There was nothing for me here.

I do remember stopping at a clearing. I managed to tap into the water source which was well outside the savanna limits. I suppose Sarabi was not lying about the water source being dwindled. No matter, I was filling my stomach. I laid down to recharge and that was when I felt something tap into my nose. I was resting underneath a barren tree when I felt the rain. There had been a nasty drought and the lionesses were complaining that I had funneled out the resources. I promised them that the rains would come. After all, zebra migrations are sometimes late. I proceeded with my journey. I had no specific destination. Just so long as I could not being disturbed it would be the perfect paradise.

I had not seen any greenery. In fact, it had been quite some time since any signs of life. I had eaten a couple of days before. I could certainly manage a few more before I would have to feast again, even if that meant if I had to resort to spring hares and mice. My body felt my body was lighter from the lack of food. Now this was a tragedy. I was a King and now I had become a nomad. I had been reduced to living on the outskirts, stripped of power. My pelt had lost its rich luster and my mane was dirty. I was deprived. My wounds had healed but I still looked like I had seen better days. I was a pathetic mess. My stomach had gotten shriveled up to reveal bones. It hurt to walk. I was lucky enough to catch small mice, though it was nothing compared to buffalo or wildebeest I had craved.
I managed to catch a small monkey. Come to think of it, I don’t believe it was a monkey.

It was hairless and walked on two legs. Its flesh was certainly different. I waited until I made sure he was alone and had no means of escape. Its screams were dulcet tones to my ears. I savored the fact that I could instill fear in my weakened state. I did not finish the meal for I saw an adult run in my direction. I ate what I could and ran. My taste for this strange new flesh had consumed me. I knew I had to have more. The best part was that these strange beings seemed to live alongside this strange breed of fat antelope.

I waited until nightfall. These strange beings had an unusual ritual. Night was prime hunting time for lions. They used this time to sleep. I was tempted. The buffalo antelope knew I was near, but they couldn’t escape. They were entrapped in this flimsy protective barrier. I crawled underneath one of the makeshift borders and aimed for a cow. She bellowed. I was originally aiming for a bipedal snack, but why go for a small pond when you can have a whole river? I had my first taste of meat for the first time in a full moon but my heaven was short lived. Immediately, those strange two legged beings emerged like ants carrying fire on sticks. I gave them a warning not to come close. Their tongue was certainly strange one, but I could tell that my presence had caused quite a stir. They tried aiming their weapons onto me. What these fools fail to realize is that I have no natural fear of fire. I just wished to eat and be left alone. I felt a sharp pinch on my side. I found no blood, but I felt a wave overcome me and that was when I lost consciousness.

When I woke up, my eyes refocused. I was in an extraordinary environment. It was cold, dark and quiet. I rose up carefully, letting the pain and numbness in my legs subside. It looked like a cave as the floor was unusually cold and the place was barren. There was no sign of life. What seemed odd to me were the strange apparatuses surrounding me. I had no idea what this was except that it tasted like iron. I was surrounded by thick iron sticks. Now I knew how Zazu felt when I caged him up.

“Ah, Simba!” I directed my attention to the other side. I saw one of those bipedal hairless beings. How did he know about ‘Simba’? Was this his idea of a trick? I let out a warning. He spoke in a peculiar speech. I saw him speak to a few more and they turned to glance at me. It was the same looks I got from the lionesses back when my brother was King. Whatever it was they were talking amongst themselves, I knew it wasn’t good. I made sure to let them know that I was not impressed. My protests seemed to have unsettled them which gave me pleasure but as long as I was entrapped, I was at their mercy. That was when I saw one of them wield something. It was one of those weapons. It sprouted fire and thunder. He aimed it at me like a buffalo aiming a horn. I saw a blinding white light and the sound cracked loudly. It was a warning. Then I saw them laugh. No matter what language, no matter what species, that was one sound I never forgot.

I can still hear Mufasa laughing during hunting practice when I had not yet honed my skills. I could still hear father commenting about my body and how sickly it was. I could hear the hyenas. I stopped

I saw that this was no dream. This was very much real as I bore witness to the whole troop surrounding me. Had I become belle of the ball? I could see that they were studying me intently. Some pointed with their paws which had long digits like Rafiki’s. They glared at me. I had done nothing! Their stone faces told me that I was the enemy and I was about to pay for my ‘crime’. That was when I saw her. She was female and she had tears. Then, she nodded. Bawling loudly, she seemed to confirm something which only created a loud ruckus. That was when I made the connection: she was holding a blood stained article. It was his mother. I had feasted on her cub. I had also taken notice of something else. They all seemed to make a gesture with their flimsy paws. They were pointing to their left eye. I immediately knew they were referring to my mark, my scarlet letter.

I noticed one of them step forward while the others gave him space. I saw this being hold one of his weapons. Hippos use their large mouths, we lions use strength and our natural talents. These beings relied on this shiny tool that shot fire. They surrounded me like the hyenas, anticipating my execution. I saw two empty black holes aim at me. I refused to submit like I had done Simba.
And that was the end of the first half of my life.

Today, I have a paradise I can call my own. My new home comprises of lush falls, a fortress storied by large flynt, grass to rest on and my own cave. It’s no Pride Rock but the solace is second to none. I am scrapping the meat off of bone when I notice something. It’s one of those bipedal hairless animals looking back at me. I ignored her as I was more interested in my meal, savoring the fact that I had a beautiful home, my every whim catered and I was taken care of. I was loved.

“He was in such bad shape.”

“I’m glad they found him when they did. The lion skin trade down there is horrible,” a woman in shades nodded.

“He’s was covered in ticks and had bad cuts, like he had been in a fight,” a woman in green shorts and a bun nodded.

“From what I am told, the farmers blamed him for the death of their livestock. That’s when the animal sanctuary came in. I knew he would have better chance here.” The dark haired woman observed. Her voice
was deep and sultry, almost like a purr.

“We couldn’t have done this without you, Miss Kyle.”

“Please, call me Selina.”

She would return later that night though not in the same garb. Her movements were more feline that human. His best days were behind him.

“She noted the pink gash on Scar’s eye. “You remind me of someone I know, handsome. I wonder what secrets you have.” Scar let out a warning growl to keep her distance. He liked his privacy. “Hey, that’s enough of that. You’re home now.”

So what do you guys think of the stories? Remember to vote on the story that you liked the most. Please don't vote for yourself, and please don't ask others to vote for story, or even to vote for someone else's story. Along these lines, please don't say which story you voted for (or want or do not want votes for) until after the voting period is over. Remember: you have one week to vote! The winner will get a special banner made by me, and will be able to create a prompt for people to write on in the next writing contest!

But the most important rules: Have fun and have a great time reading the stories!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » September 3rd, 2012, 8:22 am

OMG six entries! i guess mine wasn't needed. With my story It was scar vs Taka. but since i had a lot of assignments to do; so i hadn't the time. But anyway i'll read the stories now.
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby Gemini » September 3rd, 2012, 11:30 am

Oooh, this should be fun. :D
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby SNAZ » September 3rd, 2012, 3:56 pm

Wow these are really good!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » September 3rd, 2012, 11:35 pm

I have to agree with everyone: These stories are great!

Even though I only briefly read them (so I didn't vote yet), I can already tell that when it will come time for me to vote, it will be a close call, and a hard decision to make. And this makes me very glad, because as much as it hurts to choose one great story over another, I do get great enjoyment from reading said great stories. Even though I say it in almost every contest, I will say it again, and I truly mean it: Well done to everyone who wrote and submitted a story! This contest is worthless without dedicated members like you!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby Meskhenet » September 7th, 2012, 4:55 pm

[quote="LinkCoolKitva"]OMG six entries! i guess mine wasn't needed. With my story It was scar vs Taka. but since i had a lot of assignments to do; so i hadn't the time. But anyway i'll read the stories now.[/quote]
Hey you should've added your story. :(
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby DGFone » September 9th, 2012, 9:13 am

Nice tie we've got here. :lol: One more day to vote, everyone! Let's get those votes in and see who wrote the best story!
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Re: MLK Writing Contest #10! [Voting]

Postby SNAZ » September 9th, 2012, 11:42 am

[quote="Abigail Beatty"][quote="LinkCoolKitva"]OMG six entries! i guess mine wasn't needed. With my story It was scar vs Taka. but since i had a lot of assignments to do; so i hadn't the time. But anyway i'll read the stories now.[/quote]
Hey you should've added your story. :([/quote]
It would have been very interesting.
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