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MLK Writing Contest #30 [Winner]!

PostPosted: October 6th, 2014, 8:10 am
by DGFone
I was somewhat worried about this contest, and with 1/3 of the vote coming in too late to actually vote, well, it wouldn't have made a difference anyways. Please congratulate our winner for the 30th writing contest:

Julie Skywalker

Well done on a well written story! Yeah, the other one was written by me at the very last minute so that you wouldn't win by default, so it wasn't much of a contest, but still. There was a voting round. at least. ;)

Stay tuned for the next contest starting this Friday!

Re: MLK Writing Contest #30 [Winner]!

PostPosted: October 9th, 2014, 7:01 pm
by TheWhistlerify
Congrats, Julie! Your piece was written beautifully, as always according to what I've read by you. You carried out the whole emotional aspect wonderfully (the whole oneshot was hurt/comfort themed, so that's obviously a good thing).

Oh, Yoni, Yoni, Yoni... Your entry definitely does have traces of hasty writing. I wouldn't have guessed that it was yours hadn't I recognized Julie's writing style and brought the fact that you always enter into consideration. And that's saying a lot, because I've RPed with you for, eh... over 3 years. But, then again, you said you did write it at the last minute so that there would be more than one entry, therefore I'm assuming you weren't planning on participating this time around. :p

Re: MLK Writing Contest #30 [Winner]!

PostPosted: October 11th, 2014, 6:17 pm
by Carl
[quote="TheWhistlerify"]Congrats, Julie! Your piece was written beautifully, as always according to what I've read by you. You carried out the whole emotional aspect wonderfully (the whole oneshot was hurt/comfort themed, so that's obviously a good thing).[/quote]

Thank you very much. :) I channeled what I was feeling into writing and worked in a little to make it fit one of the topics so I could submit it. Honestly I think that entry is one of the best things I've written to date.