Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby FlipMode » September 7th, 2012, 10:19 am

Nothing else really comes to mind for me; the FF board hasn't changed ever since I joined it has always been simple to use and covers all bases already.
But then if I trust anyone to make improvements to it; it would probably be regulus to be fair.
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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby KopsTheTerminator » September 7th, 2012, 3:40 pm

[quote="LemonMode"]May sound like a trivial thing, but for readers and authors its actually a little bit of a nuisance (at least, to me).
Basically, if you look at the roleplaying boards, the signatures are disabled there because they distract readers.. I think the same applies to fan fictions as well, especially if it is chapter formatted. I mean, if you haven't written one before you have to realise that one shots usually take an hour to write at minimum and then there is editing and formatting... the readers should not have to see signatures, especially all of the GIFS you crazy kids have in yours these days.[/quote]

Sounds fair to me, though I'm fine either way.

As for other improvements, what else could we do?

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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby Regulus » September 7th, 2012, 7:06 pm

Well, most of my ideas would require a complete overhaul of the system. However, I think it would be worth it.

For starters, I think it would help to have [complete] or [in progress] tags, like the topics in the RP board.

Additional statistics, such as word count and number of chapters would be helpful to have for every fanfic posted.

I'd also like to see a rating system for each story. It would be kinda like pride points, but for each individual story. The stories with the most points could be featured in a 'Best fanfics on MLK' thread, or something like that.

It would be nice if there was some way to separate posts in a thread which contain the actual story, and other member's comments on the story. That way, it would be possible to implement a show/hide reviews function.
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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » September 7th, 2012, 7:59 pm

No signatures would be better, I agree.

[quote="Regulus"]Well, most of my ideas would require a complete overhaul of the system. However, I think it would be worth it.

For starters, I think it would help to have [complete] or [in progress] tags, like the topics in the RP board.

Additional statistics, such as word count and number of chapters would be helpful to have for every fanfic posted.

I'd also like to see a rating system for each story. It would be kinda like pride points, but for each individual story. The stories with the most points could be featured in a 'Best fanfics on MLK' thread, or something like that.

It would be nice if there was some way to separate posts in a thread which contain the actual story, and other member's comments on the story. That way, it would be possible to implement a show/hide reviews function.[/quote]

I love this idea! It would make the Fan Fiction board alot more organized, and it might encourage more people to write, I'd know I'd make more of an effort to write TLK fan fiction, seeing as I mostly RP at the moment ^.^ Does this idea apply to the OT Fan Fic board as well?
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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby DGFone » September 7th, 2012, 9:00 pm

While I agree that having [complete] and [in progress] tags is a good idea, (BTW- what about having an [abandoned] tag as well?), I don't think that having a "best of MLK" system is a good idea:

1. I doubt that even Moka will be able to implement it. You are talking about Pride Points that are related to posts, not members, and only in one section of the board. I don't see how Moka will be able to technically pull this off without putting in way more hours than is worth it.

2. Only recent fan-fictions will be voted for, because they get all the attention. Some of the older fanfictions which are also good will simply not get the attention they deserve, due to their age, if everyone only read these 'best of MLK' fics that people voted on.

3. The fanfiction section is only 11 pages long. That's not that much. If someone really wanted to read all the good fanfictions, it's not that much hard work to read the ones you like, and skip the ones that you don't.
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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby Azdgari » September 8th, 2012, 1:45 am

I don't mind the tags and word count (although they're not exactly super necessary, they can't hurt). Rating stories is a bad call in my opinion. That's totally arbitrary; who decides what's a good story and what's not? Unfortunately, the quality of the writing and story don't always (read:rarely) correlate with how popular fics are on MLK. The system would be frustrating unless there were some sort of review committee of strong writers. And do we really have a vibrant enough writing community to justify that? Not right now, methinks. It would be interesting to try if we got an influx of authors, though.

As far as improving things, I'd pin Akril's story. It's by far the best piece of writing on the forum and a marvelous example for everyone. <3
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Re: Disable Signatures In The Fan-Fiction Board

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » September 8th, 2012, 11:11 am

After reading DGF and Az's opinions, I kinda change my mind. Rating would be a bit risky, because everyone has a different taste in writing. But I still love the tags! ^.^
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