Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important)

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Re: Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important

Postby Woeler » October 7th, 2012, 8:56 pm

[quote="DGFone"]After all, this reminds me of during the summer, when Regulus, Woeler, and I were trying to get the media group up and running again. KK only placed me in the media group after a long and somewhat brutal Skype conversion in which we repeatedly reassured KK that no, we will not try and dethrone KK from power.[/quote]
Really? I can't recall the part in which KK was afraid of losing his ''power''.

There is a weird and bad atmosphere developing in this topic, even I don't like it (Both sides)
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Re: Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important

Postby FlipMode » October 7th, 2012, 9:22 pm

[quote="Azdgari"]This topic is completely ridiculous. Hash out the issue with the staff, this has nothing to do with the members.[/quote]

It kind of does, if it about switching up the staff members. Remember it is the staff's role to make sure your time here is an enjoyable one, and if there is a possibility of bias, unfairness and other such things then it does have a little something to do with the members. The staff, at the end of the proverbial road, are still members, just like us, we are all part of the same community, right? So I thought that it maybe should be bought up. And half the time I dont seem to get a response from the staff, other than Regulus.

[quote]So that is what this is about. You want to be a mod again.[/quote]
Well yeah I do, and more so, I believe I have a right. I chose WS to replace me (I SWEAR I was NOT friends with him at the time, this was like a few days after I had just got done banning his account... Long story, dude) but it was because I was busy with college. Sure I still am at college but I have more time now and can return especially if WS is leaving anyway.

[quote]Says KK.[/quote]

And says who, before him? Or is he just making up these rules all of a sudden?

I don't know for sure, I had a few ideas, but I would like to give some other members an opportunity to prove themselves as mods.[/quote]

Well okay then.

[quote]You have a point. Why do you have to be so good at arguing?[/quote]

Years of experience, most of which comes from this site.

[quote]I wouldn't ban you for that, nor would any of the other mods, as far as I know.[/quote]

Why would you mention I could be banned for it, then? lol. I will give you that the thread is "ridiculous" but if doing ridiculous things like this is the only way for me to be heard, I am willing to look ridiculous. (According to the poll, it worked, 9 people were able to see the point I was making, thus far.)

This thread did not start drama, not to the level some threads usually get to. Yes I knew people would post here disagreeing but that is the point - wanted feedback, got it, replied to it... Sorry if this is breaking the rules but I do not see how exactly. I am not promoting arguing, or spamming, or trolling so... I can not really see it myself.
I might give you "discussing mod actions in public" but I mentioned earlier that the staff should be doing this a little more and you said I had a point... But it is your role to tell me if I am breaking the rules, so if you could point out which rule I am breaking, I would appreciate it and may even consider dropping the thread if I agree.

[quote]You've had great suggestions, and I've always enjoyed reading your posts, which are much more thought out than most others. You're a great member, I have no doubt about that.[/quote]

Likewise, same to you.
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Re: Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important

Postby Azdgari » October 7th, 2012, 10:24 pm

Fip, my feeling is that you aren't entitled to being on staff. To me, it seems as if you're acting like something's being taken from you unfairly--I don't think it's that way at all. You left the post. I don't recall you saying "I'm leaving staff for a bit, be back in a year." Apart from WS recommending you, you have no more reason to be on staff than anybody else.

Now, seeing as I'm barely on here these days, I probably don't know the half of the situation, so go ahead and correct me if I'm wrong. That's just my two cents as I understand the situation. :3
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Re: Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important

Postby KingKivuli » October 7th, 2012, 11:26 pm

Ok yeah this topic is getting locked and before you all start you KK is a Nazi rant at least let me say why

first of all last night when we talked about flip coming back on the team WS was very aggressive about him coming back. turns out WS had talked to flip before hand and practically already said 'you have the job ill convince the others' that's the jist of what I put together anyway the rest of us didn't agree simple as. WS made a decision that could affect the entire forum without confirming with the rest of us

Also putting up a poll and making at thread basically whining about it? do you want someone like that on the mod team? As for members picking the mods.. yes we want you guys involved with stuff round the forum BUT the last time we held a puplic vote to make a mod.. there was a hell storm of rage anger trolling spamming you name it.

As staff we pick people who we think we can trust who will benefit the forum, members and the team as a whole.. not who has the most friends or is the most popular. Sorry if you guys feel a bit cheated but every time a new mod has been announced you have been on our side. Yes some mods go bad but at the time you agreed with us, you trusted us all I ask is that trust continues we want this to a friendly community.. not one full of hate and spite cause decisions are not respected.

if anyone has questions please direct them to me via PM or IM

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Re: Need Some Feedback From The Comminuty (Kind-of Important

Postby WildSimba » October 8th, 2012, 5:56 am

[quote="KingKivuli"]turns out WS had talked to flip before hand and practically already said 'you have the job ill convince the others' that's the jist of what I put together anyway the rest of us didn't agree simple as. WS made a decision that could affect the entire forum without confirming with the rest of us[/quote]

Don't put words into my mouth, I never once told Flip he certainly had the job and that I'd convince the other staff into it. I just told him he was the one I was going to suggest.
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