Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby KingKivuli » June 24th, 2009, 10:53 am

my history involving TLK

When it was released in the UK i remember watching in total amazement. I remember the emotions i felt watching each scene fear at the graveyard upset at the death happy at the romance even though i was too young to fully understand the feeling. After the movie i kept pestering my parents to but the video of it. I got it on my birthday in 1995 and from there i must have watched it almost every other day. Every time i felt the same emotions. Sadly this only lasted about a year. When we moved to Germany the tape was damaged and un-watchable. We couldn't find a replacement

For 11 years i forgot about the film that made me so happy as a child, then by chance it returned. Im not sure how it started but 1 day me and my mum were joking around and unknown to m until my mum said i did an impression of Timon singing in the jungle after Pumbaa leaves. From there the memories came back, but i was still missing something. I needed to see it. Thankfully a friend of my mums had to kids and guess what. They had the special edition DVD so we borrowed it

After watching that magic unfold in front of me again my love was restored and anew hobby began. AMV's i knew that there were Lion King fans out there but i never realized how many there were until i joined the community. SInce making AMV's i have met amazing friends who share the love on the same level. Its more that just the members of this forum. Its on youtube and my friends in real life who also had kept their love for it hidden until i stepped forward. I now have friends worldwide to share my love and experience with.

Thank you TLK for giving me this chance and have a great 15th birthday. You deserve it
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby CubbieSimba » June 24th, 2009, 11:57 am

OK here it goes.... :D
I saw the Lion King when I was just six years old and have loved it ever since.... I actually acted out a scene (Simba's Presentation,I was Simba) with some classmates in Kindergarten and also played the movie (from what I could remember) on the playground and with my then-best friend Alexis (She grew tired of us playing it all the time and moved on... :ehh:) I also loved jumping up and down on my bed belting out "I Just Can't Wait To Be King" a million times when the story on tape came out. I can't pick a favorite song because ALL OF THEM are so beautiful in their own way...The way Hans Zimmer scored the film is just magical! I STILL love to draw the characters (canon and non-canon like Tojo, Kula, and Malka) and watch the video in Spanish and English and French (even though I HAVE NO CLUE what the french one is saying..I can barely understand the Spanish...XD) and Listen to the soundtrack. I'd have to say that my favorite character in the film is Young Simba (hence my user name :) ) For some odd reason I INSTANTLY felt connected with him.. I guess maybe it's because he's so cute or something... ;) This movie has also impacted me on a personal level as well... When I was five my dad had cancer (don't worry he survived :D ) and there were some other problems in the family as well (aunt getting a divorce, death,etc.). The Lion King taught me about "Hakuna Matata" (which by THIS TIME YOU SHOULD ALL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS... :D ) I still sort of live by that philosophy today (procrastinating on homework....LOL!) The Lion King has taught me SO MUCH....Thank You Disney For Creating The BEST ANIMATED MOVIE EVER! LONG LIVE THE LION KING! Happy 15th Anniversary!
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby Katelyn23 » June 24th, 2009, 2:05 pm

Wow great stories everyone. ^^ You are all truly dedicated fans as well. Seeing all these long speeches makes me feel like I belong here, and that's always a good thing right? Once again, happy 15th, TLK!! :)

Also, awesome TLK trailer TS. It was very well done, and definitely worth the time waiting that I had to wait for it to load lol. XD

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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby KiarasMate » June 24th, 2009, 2:29 pm

Ooo, I think this one is going to be as long as Kate’s, since you all know how wordy I can be with posts. Lol. Okay, let’s get this started. ^^ First off, HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSARY TLK!!!. ^^ Secondly, I’m writing this when I’m like dead tired, since I’ve been up all day and night making AMVs, but I just couldn’t wait to be ki…wait, NO! lol. Sorry, TLK moment there. ^^ I just couldn’t wait till I woke up to post this, so this is Sleepy KM typing. Forgive any typos that you might find. ^^

My love for lions was apparent long before TLK even came to be, as I had always enjoyed watching nature specials on TV and documentaries about lions that my parents rented for me at the public library. They weren’t too big on the whole renting at the good video stores, since the library was free and they loved to save money. Lol. Back then, there wasn’t a huge selection of videos you could get from your local library, as opposed to today. You can get like almost any movie at the library now if you look hard enough. Funny how times change like that but anyways, back on track. ^^

Fast forward to 1994, and I hear about this new Disney movie coming out about lions! Now, to give a quick backstory, I was never really a Disney Movie fan, although I did see almost every Disney movie up to this point, whether it be on VHS or in theaters, but I was never a huge fan of them, as is the case these days too, with the acception of TLK of course and a few other Disney movies that I enjoy, but none will ever top TLK in that aspect. Now, with that said, I remember going to see The Little Mermaid when it came out and I was pissed, since we didn’t go to see whatever stupid movie I wanted to see back then. This was my sister’s choice and being the youngest, I got the short end of the stick in this case. Lol. I remember sulking in the back row of the theater, refusing to watch the movie, even though it sounded fun. But enough about that movie, this ain’t the place for that. Just giving you all an idea about how my view of Disney movies was up until TLK. ^^

So, now we arrive at TLK. Once I heard about the movie, I was totally hyped! Like I stated, I loved liones to an unnatural extent by this point and I just HAD to see this movie or I swore I would die. (which I probably would have, so thanks TLK! ^^ *gives thumbs up* lol) So yeah, I begged and pleaded with my parents to go take me to opening day of the movie, which was on the 24th of June, not the 15th like some lucky people. LOL. ^^ Anyways, much to my surprise, they said yes, which was a shocker to me, since usually I had to do backflips just to get them to take me to the stupid library to get a new lion movie or something, so I was surprised to say the least. I suppose they knew I was going to ask them to take me, since they knew how much I loved lions by then too. Practically anyone who knew me then knew that though. Lol. ^^ So, with that being said, we move onto opening day at the theater. I drug my parents and my sister too…if my memory serves me correctly, although she might not have gone that first time (yes, there were many many times of seeing this movie in the theaters for me but I’ll get to that soon…in chapter 10 of this post. LOL. ^^) Any-who, we got there before the theater opened, since I was too excited to wait. Typically, my parents would have made me wait but I just couldn’t on this movie. It’s a good thing we didn’t too, since I still remember there being a LONG line at the ticket counter and the theater hadn’t even opened yet. I think that was the first time I had actually seen a line for a movie. Lol. Given, I didn’t go to a lot of opening day movies, seeing as I wasn’t interested in any movie as much as I was for TLK. J So, we got in line and got our tickets when the box office opened. Lucky the show didn’t sell out before we did, but it was a sold out show! I remember that much. There wasn’t an empty seat in the house. The only other time I’ve seen a theater THAT packed was for Star Wars: Episode 1 on opening day, but that’s a given since every nerd takes up like 2 seats for that film. Lol. Okay, getting off topic again.

So, after getting tickets and a drink and some popcorn (typical staples for me as a cubby back then whenever I saw a movie, I had to have a drink and popcorn, and both were typically gone before the first 15 minutes of whatever movie I was watching. Lol) So, into the dark theater we go and I sit down, totally amped for this movie. The lights finally dim, the theater goes quiet and the stupid previews, which I usually care about but not in this case, passed by and BOOM! The movie starts, as does an unforgettable chapter in my life. One that still is going on to this very day. ^^

I sat totally riveted to my seat, popcorn and drink getting completely ignored as my eyes were glued to the screen. I tell you all, it was pure magic! Every single second of it. I honestly can’t describe in words how much I enjoyed watching TLK for the very first time. The characters were simply amazing and lovable, the music was so awe inspiring and catchy and the storyline was absolutely enthralling!

Okay, fast forward to the end of the movie (yeah, I know, that’s a crime! Lol) and I was utterly dumbfounded by how much the movie had impacted me on just a single view. I was 11 at the time, so I had a bit deeper view on the movie than perhaps some viewers, but still, a few points of the movie went over my head. For the most part though, I understood the complex nature of the storyline and the valuable life lessons it taught. As I walked out of the theater, throwing my almost full flat soda and cold popcorn away, I knew there was something unmistakably special about this movie. I didn’t quite know how far my love for this movie would go back then, but I knew that it was going to be a big part of my life in some way or another. J

Now, we move onto…the very next day. LOL. I begged my parents to let me see TLK again, but they weren’t quite as generous this time around. I had to end up paying for my own ticket, which was perfectly fine by me. Lucky enough I had some allowance money saved up, (yeah, I got an allowance as a cubby, all be it a small one but it was enough to pay for a movie ticket…back then at least. >.> Now-a-days, it probably wouldn’t cover the surcharge of buying a ticket online or something. LOL. Again, my how times have changed.) So, it’s my second time watching TLK and again, I’m just enraptured by every moment of the amazing movie. ^^ This time around, I did my utmost to try and memorize the lines of characters, songs and everything else in regards to the movie. ^^ It didn’t quite go as according to plan, but I learned some of the lines by the end of my second viewing. ^^ Also, it should be noted that each new time I saw TLK in theaters, the movie seemed to get shorter and shorter. >.> I know I’m not the only one who probably thinks this, as any good movie will seem like it’s over before it even begins. Lol. This definitely was the case for TLK. ^^ I remember who you are, you are my son…Sorry, another TLK rant. Hehe. ^^ I remember once the movie hit the Can You Feel The Love Tonight scene, it always made me sad, since I knew the movie would be over shortly there after, even though there’s still a lot of the movie left at that point, but you all know what I mean. lol. J

Okay, so let’s just skip ahead past all the other times I saw TLK in theaters during the time it was first released, which is probably about…oh, 10 or so more times, no joke. ^^ I don’t want to bore you all with every little detail about each viewing. Lol. J So now, TLK is out of theaters and I’m a sad cubby. Lol. I had no way of entertaining myself in regards to TLK, that is, until I finally saved up enough money to buy the cassette tape of the soundtrack! That was like my TLK fix! J I didn’t have a CD player back then (since those were the iPods of yesteryear back then. Lol. ^^) so I had to settle for the cassette, which was fine by me since TLK is TLK no matter what format it’s on. You could have handed me a napkin with a TLK line written on it and I would have flipped. Lol. ^^ Anyways, the cassette got played quite literally to death. J Me and my friends (who were into TLK but not nearly as much as I was back then) used to blast the soundtrack out of their dad’s truck while we played at the local park. We acted out the entire movie, although since there was only 3 of us and NO ONE wanted to be the minor characters or Scar, it was typically just Simba (me. LOL! I never gave up Simba’s role. Mhuahaha!) Nala and either Mufasa, Rafiki, Timon or Pumbaa, whoever the last person wanted to be. ^^ So yeah, those were fun times until the cassette tape got chewed up and died.

(bows head in respect to the fallen cassette)

Now, we flash forward to 1995 around my b-day. ^^ TLK was announced to come out on VHS, so my love for the movie was, well, I won’t say rekindled, since it was still a raging inferno bthen, so I’ll just say, more fuel was added to the fire. ^^ I told my parents that all I wanted for my b-day was TLK on VHS and that was it! I knew that by doing this, I would be sure to get it. Lol. My parents were never gracious with the b-day gifts, but I knew a $15 VHS *yes, back then it was that cheap. Lol, well, actually, I got a sealed copy of TLK on VHS off eBay for 1 cent, so I suppose this is one rare case where prices have gotten cheaper? >.>) Back on track. So, lucky me, I got TLK on VHS the day it came out and man, I tell you, the poor VCR in the living room NEVER got such a work out. LOL. J I must have watched TLK at least 5 times straight before my sister kicked me off the TV and I had to go back to playing the movie in my mind until she was done. ^^

Okay, skipping over the countless number of times I watched TLK, both alone and with friends and family, until the sad day when the VHS broke and I didn’t have enough money to get a new one. Lol. Trust me though, I probably got a million views out of that poor VHS, so it lived a long and abused life. Lol. ^^

(bows head in respect to the fallen VHS tape)

Ok, now comes the dry spell like many of you had. I always loved TLK and always had an interest for it, but back then, there was no real creative way of expressing my love for the movie, at least publically. J I do recall writing some stupid report in school that was based around Tlk but that’s pretty much about it, up until the time when I got to play the TLK game on the SNES! ^^ Yeah, I never got to own it, since I was too poor to afford a SNES and only got stuck with a Genesis, which I did play TLK on too, but the SNES version was WAY better. Lol. That was my next TLK fix and then came the long dry season to where I didn’t watch TLK for quite some time, given the rare and occasional viewing at a friends house or be it a rental. ^^

Now, let’s move onto when TLK was re-released in iMax theaters. ^^ Yeah, I skipped the DVD release but I’ll get to that afterwards. ^^ So, during this time, my life wasn’t all that good, as I was suffering from a bit of depression over my long term relationship with my ex-lioness ending. We had been going out for like almost 5 years and were even engaged, in a way. Lol. It was your typical high school love afair though although it extended a bit after high school. ^^ Anyways, I was too darn depressed to even pay any mind to going to see TLK at the local iMax theater near where I lived, even though I probably would have benefited from it immensely, but yeah, I didn’t go. Love is one powerful device and heartbreak is also another. Lol. Won’t get into details about that though. Again, not the time nor the place. ^^

So now, let’s REWIND, yes, rewind lol, back to the DVD release of TLK. J By this point, I had started to collect a few TLK items, at least the ones I could afford and find. ^^ When the DVD hit shelves, it was an instant buy for me. J I actually bought two DVDs back then. One to watch and one to use as a back-up, just in case something happened to the first, since I still had the memories of my poor VHS tape lying motionless on the ground, tape hanging out of it’s sides. Such a horrid picture. >.> Okay, so I got the DVD and watched TLK again, maybe it had been a couple of months or so since I had seen the movie. I tried my best to at least watch TLK once per month but a lot of months slipped by where I failed in that aspect. Lol. J So yeah, got the DVD and life was good again.

Okay, fast forward past the unpleasantries of my relationship and we get to 2006. ^^ This was the year I discovered YouTube and actually started to understand how the freakin internet worked and how amazing it was. Lol. ^^ I started watching the very few AMVs and songs from Tlk that were found on YouTube and it started to rekindle that burning fire that I once had for TLK, that had then died to a mere smolder. So with a new passion for TLK, I started looking for a place to share my love for the movie that had touched my life in so many ways. (will touch upon that near the end of this long post, if any of you manage to read that far ahead without falling asleep or getting bored of my story. Lol) So, I didn’t have much luck at first, mainly because I wasn’t looking in the right places. ^^ I tried looking for some TLK chatrooms but that didn’t go too well. Won’t even get into some of the things I came across while trying to find those. Lol. So, with my hopes a bit tainted, I reverted to my only other creative muse at the time, which was writing. ^^ I figured that I could at least write a story about TLK, whether anyone would want to read it or not, I was never for certain about, but my love for TLK drove me to sit down and write out my very first Fan Fiction, which back then, I didn’t even know other people did. I just thought I was the lone crazy lion sitting in his room typing up a fictional story to an already fictional movie that already existed. Lol. ^^ It didn’t take me all that long to write my first Fan Fic, but it wasn’t all that long or greatly detailed (in my opinion that is) but I still wanted to share it with the world in any way I could.

So now, we move onto me trying to find a place to share my first ever Fan Fic with other Tlk fans. I took up the search again, now it being 2007 and me being a bit smarter on how to find stuff online. Lol, yeah, I’m a slow learner when it comes to something. Hehe. ^^ At first, I had no luck, as every site I found that delt with TLK and Fan Fiction writing, was either dead or they never accepted my stories. (either that or I didn’t send them the right way. Who knows. Lol) But after much searching, I chanced upon The Lion King Pride Forum.. *Dum, Dum DUM!* J I took a quick look around the forum and decided it was my best (and probably only bet) at that point, to post my fic on. ^^ So I joined in May of 20087 and posted my fic. Sadly, it didn’t get a lot of hits, but that wasn’t a big deal, since during the time I was wating for someone, anyone, to read my fic, I started actually posting on the forum and got to know a few of the members there. ^^ After a month or two on TLKPF, I was totally hooked to TLK again and my fire for the movie and every aspect about it had completely exploded into some unholy wild fire of posting and TLK Marat honing like crazy! ^^ Yeah, I didn’t mention that I had bought TLK2SP and TLK 1 ½ by this time, since we’re here to talk about TLK1 and my post is ungodly long enough as is without mentioning TLK2SP and 1 ½. Lol. I’ll save those novels for the appropriate times. ^^

Okay, so I’ve been on TLKPF for a couple of months and my fingers are about to fall off from posting so much on that forum. I needed a new muse to keep me going, so I decided to write a new Fan Fic! I planned on making this one nice and long and detailed. ^^ I even set a goal for myself on how long it was going to take to write it. ^^ I shot for a chapter a night and for the most part, met that goal most nights anyways. Hehe. ^^ So yeah, with two Fan Fics under my belt and a small group of Tlk friends who I could confide in, I was one happy lion. J

Now. Let’s fast forward to early 2008. I had become a staple member on TLKPF and had even become the top spam…erm, poster on the forum but I needed a new way to express my love for Tlk! Lucky for me, I had made some awesome friends on TLKPF who helped mne get into the AMV making business, or at least the start of it anyways. ^^ I won’t go into a whole lot of detail about my AMV making career, as it’s not really all that important given this situation, but I’ll just say that it is one of the best ways that I am able to express my love and passion for this marvelous movie series. ^^

Okay, I’m drawing to a close here on the backstory of my TLK life. J Seeing as TLKPF went to Heck In A Handbasket, I was encouraged to come and join MLK, so here I am and that is that! ^^

Now, for the mushy stuff. ^^ This is how TLK has impacted my life. J

I was born legally blind and have always had to deal with the pressures and challenges of living with a disability. ^^ It’s not that bad and I’m not trying to gain any sympathy here. ^^ Just trying to shed some light on why I love TLK so dang much. J For me, I really connected with Simba. The way he was blamed for something he didn’t do or in my case, something I didn’t have any say in. He was looked down upon for this very reason, and that’s why I connected with him. For me, society could be viewed as Scar (or at least some of society. Lol) and I often felt like Simba, being judged for something way beyond my control. The life lesson of facing your past though and rising above the odds was definitely something I tookk to heart. I mean, I was always that type of person growing up, since that’s how my parents raised me to be, but TLK just helped seal the deal. ^^ I learned so much from that movie. Way more than I could even begin to explain, that and I’m tired and this is turning into my TLK auto-biography it seems. >.> Hmm, wonder if I could get Jeremy Irons to narrate it for me. Lol. ^^

I hold a deeper connection with TLK2SP and Kovu’s character for some of the same reasons that I listed above, but I’ll save that for TLK2SP’s 15th Anniversary speech I’ll be sure to give when the time comes. ^^

Now, the things I’m most grateful to TLK for. >.> That sentence is horrible. Lol. I’m so tired. J

First and foremost, I probably wouldn’t have met my best friend in life, you know him as TeenSimba, I know him as a million other nick-names, but yeah, we’re talking about the one and only TS. Lol. ^^ If it wasn’t for me joining TLKPF and actually sticking around there long enough, I wouldn’t have met this wonderful lion. ^^ TS, you totally rock and I truly thank TLK for that honor in my life. J Nextly, not to keep all of you out in the cold, I wouldn’t have met all of you either! There’s way too many of you to mention, both here on MLK and YouTube, so I’ll save you all the trouble of reading a list longer than Santa’s inbox, and just say that all of you are so freakin’ amazing and I love you all. ^^ We truly are one and one big big BIG happy Pride and we owe it all to TLK! ^^ I’d like to thank Moka for keeping MLK nice and awesome and active, as well as all of its members, to which there wouldn’t be a MLK if not for. ^^ I’d like to thank Knarrly for keeping TLKPF up and running for as long as she could, even though I doubt she’ll read this but yeah, you’re amazing Knarrly and I thank you truly from the bottom of my heart. ^^ I’d like to thank YouTube and all of it’s talented AMV makers for giving me the inspiration to start making AMVs of my own. ^^ I’d like to thank all of my fellow Fan Fiction writers who help keep TLK alive and well in writing form! We shall have our new TLK and it will be stole…um, borrowed from one of our Fan Fics I’m sure. LOL. ^^ Lastly, I’d like to personally thank Disney and every single member who worked on or had anything to do with TLK, since without all of them, we all would be really really sad liones and lionesses and whatever creature you might see yourself as. ^^ Every single person who helped make TLK possible should be given a freakin’ nobel prize or whatever honor would be most befitting in this case? An Oscar? Emmy? Tony? Webbie? Lol, okay, maybe not the last one. ^^ Anyways, thank you all for baring with me through this REALLY long post, so I’ll end your suffering now and simply close with the line that I’m sure we’re going to hear for many years to come!


(blows on noise maker, throws confetti, cheers and falls down, dead asleep)
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby KingKivuli » June 24th, 2009, 2:49 pm

wow what a story. it seems we all have the same background. we fell in love with it, we had a dry spell, our love was rekindled and now we are one big happy pride. i don't think there is another movie that has been made or will ever be made that will have the impact on peoples lives as TLK or will another movie ever have such a long lasting legacy
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby Katelyn23 » June 24th, 2009, 2:49 pm

WOW.. That was an amazing story you have there KM. :) I really wish I could have remembered seeing TLK at the Drive-In but I was only 1, I really couldn't. That was definitely the LONGEST speech I've ever seen about TLK. You truly are ONE Dedicated fan, KM. :) We should all thank TLK for our very enjoyable lives we have today hehe.

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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby SimbasMate » June 24th, 2009, 3:32 pm

^^ Here's mine! :)

I first received The Lion King on VHS tape when I was about 4 years old. When I first watched it, I was so amazed of how
Disney could make such a wonderful movie. It instantly became my all time favorite movie! I never thought I'd see such a wonderful and heart touching movie in my life, until I watched The Lion King. The storyline and plot was just breath taking! Simba was obviously my favorite and how he just went through a lot with friends by his side was just amazing. I don't think any movie could replace The Lion King. The Lion King just touched my heart that no movie could ever do!

As I got older, I had met more problems along the rocky road I was riding on. The Lion King helped me in so many ways!
My mother and father got divorced, so it actually felt like I had lost my father. All the stress I went through as a kid, I know I could put the past behind me and move on, thanks to this beloved film. When ever I felt sad, I would just turn on TLK. It just helped me so much, I can't explain it. Especially going through school, having a learning disability and couldn't do much. So, now if I have trouble I just take deep breaths, and think, "What would Simba do?". I just can't express how much I LOVE The Lion King. It has made a HUGE impact on my whole life! I just like to watch it everyday now, draw TLK and do more TLK everyday. I just fell in true love with this movie! I think any other TLK fans out there should celebrate and share it with others. I swear, this movie takes a very VERY special place in my heart that nothing else can take.

When I was a little kid, I did ANYTHING related to The Lion King! I remember back when I used to go visit my grandmother, I'd go up on all fours and ask her if she knew who I was, and say some of Simba's lines. She'd guess right every time! Hehe ^^ I also remember just turning up my TLK soundtrack on FULL blast and singing I Just can't wait to be King!
The neighbors didn't mind too much. LOL When I went to Disney World, that was one of the BEST weeks of my life. I remember seeing that HUGE statue of Simba up on Pride rock. I swear I felt like fainting. Seeing The Festival of The Lion King was a huge treat as well. All those bug marionettes moving blinking and it just felt so real. :) Getting Rafiki and Timon's autograph in my little book was fun! Getting to take a picture with them with my big Simba hat on was a real treat!
Back to now where I live, when Easter came around I remember getting a little mini TLK coloring book. ^^ Then I used to play with little LK figures with my friend. For Christmas I got a TLK board game and a huge Simba plushie.

That's all my history with The Lion King!

Happy 15th Anniversary, The Lion King! :)
[quote="Amanda"]And just like that she vanished, like a fart in the wind.
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby Katelyn23 » June 24th, 2009, 5:12 pm

Wow VS, that was such a heartwarming speech from you, once again you are definitely a truly devoted fan like the rest of us. ^^ I faced similar problems when I was younger, except my parents never divorced. But with friendship issues and things, anytime I felt sad, I just put on TLK and no longer was I sad. :)

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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby CubbieSimba » June 24th, 2009, 8:14 pm

I don't think I've EVER had a dry spell of TLK EVER! :)
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Re: Happy 15th Anniversary, TLK!

Postby ScaЯ » June 24th, 2009, 8:23 pm

Wow, these are all great speeches, here's mine:

First off, I hadn't been born until after The Lion King had come out, so I never got to see it in theaters. When I was really little, I saw the movie for the first time, but I was so young, I couldn't understand it. So at the age of 8, I watched it again, and I fell in love. I started to collect things from the movie, and began to really become a fanatic.
Though there was one particular charterer that caught my attention, Scar. I didn't really know why I liked him so much, my grandma says it's because I relate to him, but back to the big picture.
My love for the lion king has grown so much over the years, that everyone I know calls it my "longest lasting obsession".
Although some people like my love of the lion king, some people make fun of me for it. Whenever I tell them what my favorite movie is, they'll laugh or say "That dumb baby movie?".
I get really mad when people do this but I try to calmly explain that it is a movie for all ages.
When I found My Lion King, I was so happy, I created an account on the spot. Now I've got so many friends here on My Lion King, I finally feel welcome.

Happy 15th Anniversary Lion King!
from ScaR :evil:
"Doing something shouldn't be as easy as just telling your butler or caddy to do it, you gotta earn it."~Dan, Dan Vs.

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