How well can you relate to the story??

How well can you relate to the story??

Postby SimbaTheShiningStar » June 7th, 2015, 1:57 am

I grew up with this movie... but now seeing from an adult point of view, I can see how well my life has actually fitted the story.
Growing up, carefree, expecting that the future will be great, your whole life seems worked out... and then something happens to make your life turn for the worst. What happened in my life made me forget who I was, made me lose all confidence and self esteem, lost just about all hope for my future...without any idea how to find out where my place in life was and how to get there. Then just when you need it most, something (or someone) comes along to show you the way and to help you get your life on track. You still feel afraid of what lies ahead, but at least you feel a lot more brave and can go on with more courage than what you had before.

I'm able to see this story with new eyes now because of what I've gone through and how much it fits the storyline.

Is there anyone else out there who can personally relate to The Lion King like me??
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby TheLionPrince » June 9th, 2015, 9:05 pm

I can definitely relate with the story. During my childhood years, I was very close to my grandmother, and she passed away when I was nine years old. From what my mother has told people over the phone, she and my grandmother were not on friendly terms, much like Scar and Mufasa were not very close with each other.

Also, whenever an area of life grows discouraging and not how I planned, I just have to encourage myself and remember who I am and the good things I accomplish in the past, and embrace the future with high hopes, optimism, and faith in myself and God.
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby Elton John » June 9th, 2015, 9:15 pm

This is a deeply personal movie, mostly because it helped me during two of the darkest periods of my life...1994 and 2014...

I don't really want to go into too many details, I did tell 'it means no worries' about how it helped me in 1994.
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby Lauren » June 14th, 2015, 5:19 am

This movie focuses on coming into terms of growing up as you get older and reaching your responsibilities as an adult, along with the difficulties of life.

As a child, I was diagnosed with Autism and I've had to overcome a lot of personal struggles that resulted from my disorder. My social interactions with kids around my age were never that good and my physical behavior was off from time to time. My parents, doctors, and teachers had to work with me on a very close level since I required a lot of counseling and special education up until the second grade where I had to go back a grade to start regular education. By the time I was around 13-14 years old, I started to attend therapy since I needed to talk to someone about my issues and continue improving on my interaction skills with other peers. Even though I've overcome a lot of it throughout the years growing up, I still suffer from a specific level of Autism, which is High-Functioning Autism (HFA for short). Sometimes, I often fear about the future and how I function independently out there in the real world as an adult. My interactions with people is still not the best, but it's developing, I'm improving little by little, and it's much better than it used to be as a kid. I'm a very emotional person and I tend to get sad about many things (even if it's seen as something that I shouldn't be upset about). I value the quality of my friendships more than the quantity and I have many interests while my curiosity is very high.

Just like Simba, my past really affected my growth as I was starting to enter my adulthood and my Autism shaped me into who I became today. I value family and life just like he does. His father's wisdom and death shaped him into becoming who he was destined to be as the next king. We both became very mature and responsible as individuals. The guidance I received was similar to Simba receiving his guidance from both Mufasa and Rafiki.

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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby SimbaTheShiningStar » June 21st, 2015, 1:33 am

[quote="Lauren"]Just like Simba, my past really affected my growth as I was starting to enter my adulthood and my Autism shaped me into who I became today. I value family and life just like he does. His father's wisdom and death shaped him into becoming who he was destined to be as the next king. We both became very mature and responsible as individuals. The guidance I received was similar to Simba receiving his guidance from both Mufasa and Rafiki.[/quote]

That's exactly the same as me. My past has had a massive effect on my development, my interaction with other people, and it took someone outside of my family to make who I am now. The guidance and love I found in them is also similar to Simba receiving his guidance from his father and Rafiki.
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby zerodix » June 22nd, 2015, 3:57 pm

I actually, can relate a lot. I was 8 when the movie was released. My childhood was pretty much worry-less, and I also was playfull and a lot outside the house. we lived near the beach, and that summer of 1994 (or 95, don't pin me on it) was one of the best summers. As a youngster I was sort of obsessed with the lion king, and many other kids too, those days. We played it out as kids. I was simba/nala and my friends were the others. I drew them a lot.
As a teenager, I got bullied. I am a dreamer, didn't get "grown up" as fast as the others. While my age group was more interested in going out and having boyfriends, I stayed home or went with my best friend those days. She got ill and I lost her. In that time that was a very big thing to deal with. But if she stayed it would have been unfair because of her illness. long story. not gonna write it all down,
Then, I grew up. Got myself a nice little place. Met my former husband which whom I lived together with for 5 years. And guess what, he got sick. Not physically but mentally. and it was not safe for me to stay there so I moved in back with my parents. and now since a few months i have a new love of my life and we just know each other for 3,5 month but I moved in with him and i like it. love my life, even though it has been rough, unfair sometimes, I have lost all, money house friends family, but also regained a lot in return.

The relation to the movies? Well simba lost his father as a cub, but with that, he lost his home, his identity, everything that was his world. He got very sad, leaves because the danger of the hyenas and scar.
But when he is at the point of giving up, he meets his new future friends, timon and pumbaa, and new times, better times, come. He also finally learns to step up for what he thinks is worthy to step up for. He reclaims what he believes is his, and refinds himself. In the end it gets all good, even though he lost a lot and was hurt a lot before.

the crazy thing is, the lion king has Always been a movie of my heart. is it coincidence that it became a thread in my life or is it just the way things go with all of us?
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby Carl » June 26th, 2015, 4:53 pm

Pretend Simba never came back and defeated Scar. Now pretend I'm Nala.

Yep. That's how I relate to the movie. I have lost lots of people important to me. She lost her best friend Simba, my best friend is among those I've lost as well. The people who meant most to me (who weren't family) are all gone. I live with my family, my mother, my younger brother, my sister, in my dad's father's house. This man has broken laws, he made advances on me (and my mom), he abuses children... It's a lot like how I imagine Scar's reign would have been, except that this guy has none of the intelligence or charm Scar has. He's a liar and a piece of scum, and there's nothing we can do about him. Literally. If we send him off to a nursing home where he belongs, we'll lose our home, our pets, etc. Our only option is to buy ourselves a home, since rentals around here all have a strict 'NO PETS' policy, and we can't ever save up the money for a down payment because some weeks we can't afford to get food even. Going hungry under the tyrannical rule of an aging sociopath and having lost so many people I loved... Yeah. I can relate to Nala.

I'm just trying to figure out how to leave and find help. Who knows if I'll ever be able to relate to the end of the movie. Last week, I thought I would; I could see it. Now? Now I'm not so sure.

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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby KiovuLove » June 26th, 2015, 6:12 pm

Well I think my reason is the same as most. I grew up with the movie and I used to just love how cute all the lions were and the music and such.

Growing up though, the music is still FANTASTIC and I love the Rythme of the Pridelands because it just enhances the movie's score for me. I could tell you what song is from what part of the movie and everything. Other than that, yea I couldnt wait to grow up. I expected to be in college right now or maybe even a singing career (yea I love to sing and write and stuff lol) but life got in the way of college and other reasons got in the way of that, then I lost all confidence in the music but I still have a love for it like Simba had a love for his family and the kingdom he just lost his way. I struggle with confidence and depression and sometimes even Hakuna Matata doesnt work. I noticed that I shop when Im kinda down more than I shop usually. I started collecting Lion King stuff and it makes me happy at least for a brief moment. The movie and franchise take me back to simpler times when I used to dance around in the living room, 5 years old, with my cousin. A lot of disney movies make me happy like that. There's a peace in knowing I can come home to a rough day and just put in a good happy cartoon movie, especially Lion King. I could do 99% of the script by memory. My VHS tape is worn thin and probably would break if I tried to use it again lol

2 year ago I was in a car accident. Before that day, my life felt dark. I was in deeper than I am now. A couple weeks before that, one of my friends gave this guy my number randomly and we talked but had no full conversation. The next day after the accident, I apologized for not answering him the night before because of the accident. He was just like "I hope you're okay, but I was just in one recently too!" and that was our first legit conversation. Now Im still with him, he helped chase the dark clouds away. It reminds me of Nala coming into Simba's life and helping him down the right path (well Mufasa too, but I didnt have a loved one in the clouds, sorry lol).

Sorry if that's too personal, but yea I relate in a lot of instances and a lot of ways it helps me feel better.
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Re: How well can you relate to the story??

Postby NaiaRulez » July 5th, 2015, 11:46 am

Well, let's say my life is quite similar as Nala's and quite from Simba's (as cubs)
I always, meaning everyday, I hang out with my best friend, and so much times we get into a trouble xD
Anyways, when my parents argue, my dad is the one who leaves our house for months, and I stay alone with my mother, and we have "mother and daughter" hang outs and things like that (just like Nala and Sarafina).
On Simba's side, I almost lose my father on a traffic accident when I was just 4.
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