Pain Through Out the Movie

Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby Regulus » July 1st, 2014, 2:28 pm

Doesn't anyone realize that just before you die, you don't feel any pain? There's an entire set of chemical reactions that occur in the brain, which prepares it to accept death. Consider it nature's morphine. Thus, a quick death like Mufasa's was probably painless. Scar's death is questionable, depending on how much he burned or whether or not he was tortured by the hyenas.
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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby Carl » July 1st, 2014, 3:15 pm

^ Well who do you think suffered the most physical pain then? I can't think of anyone that experienced very much. As for Scar, at least, he experienced pain before his death as well during the battle with Simba. Flames, claws, biting... yes, Simba experienced those as well, but he didn't end up being thrown off of a cliff.

Simba's brief fight with Nala didn't seem to really injure either of them, and their cubhood brawls surely weren't much pain. Sarabi was struck down once, obviously taking less pain than Scar and Simba did fighting each other. Rafiki doesn't seem to take any damage. During the battle with the hyenas, Simba is shown to get bitten and rescued by Rafiki, but the others aren't shown very much, so we can't say how much damage they took.

And Mufasa took a lot of damage during the stampede before Scar threw him off.

If you're not going to count Mufasa or Scar, then Simba would probably be next, but I think the other two took plenty of damage before those chemical reactions took place, because there were chances for them to come out on top, as it were, until the very last moment.

[quote="GeminiGemelo"]No problem. ;) I was referring to the one with Scar and Nala (I now see you have a sig rotator), but I like the Shadowland one as well. You did a good job with both.[/quote]
I suspected you meant "the Madness of King Scar" one. :P Thanks about the "Shadowland" one as well.

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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby Regulus » July 1st, 2014, 3:38 pm

I'm not sure. Just saying, I don't think it's as simple as saying those were the two to die, and so those were the two to suffer the most. Dying does not necessarily equate to pain.

Non-canonically, I would probably say Nala. It's anyone's guess what she had to suffer through under Scar's reign. Some of the fan theories, at worst, easily place her among Mufasa and Scar in pain. Starving lionesses, antagonistic hyenas, and the whole (likely nonconsentual) Scar x Nala thing... yeah, I'd say she went through a lot of suffering.

However, just going by what we see on the screen, I'd say Simba has the single most painful moment. When Scar kicks burning cinders into Simba's eyes, I always thought that was the most painful thing to happen to any character throughout the entire movie. In reality, I'm pretty sure that would have blinded him at the very least.

Overall, it's a bit different. Sarabi gets nipped and slapped around on a continuous basis, Mufasa headbutts a wildebeest and gets trampled before he dies, Scar gets burned, eaten, and falls off a cliff, Zazu gets knocked out and smacked around, Banzai can't sit for a week... and so on. The better question is what character doesn't experience pain?
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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby Todd23 » July 6th, 2014, 10:11 pm

[quote="Zazus Mate"]
9. Got his feathers picked at by monkeys.[/quote]

Didn't they just pick bugs out of his hair? I wouldn't think that'd be very painful, unless you have sensitive skin...

Hell, considering the rest of the pain Zazu experienced throughout the movie, that's probably the least bit of pain. Hell, considering how much he was abused in the song, they could've done a lot worse to him! He could've been chewed on by crocodiles for one!

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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby EdtheHyena » July 9th, 2014, 8:53 pm

[quote="Zazus Mate"]Who, physically gets hurt during the most through out the movie?
I would have to say Zazu.
1. Almost got eaten by Scar.
2. Got pounced on by Simba.
3. Got whacked by an elephant.
4. Got ran over by ostriches.
5. Flew into a rhino's rear end.
6. Almost fell off a waterfall.
7.Got gassed on by zebras.
8. Got stampeded by a bunch of animals.
9. Got his feathers picked at by monkeys.]

10. A rhino sat on him.
11. Birdy-boiler scene.
12. Got thwacked by Scar's paw.

I'm curious about your opinion. And remember, this is physical pain we are talking about.[/quote]

I'd like to point out that most of those injuries took place during a Disney-acid sequence...I'm not positive whether to believe them...

Poor Banzai gets hurt the worst of the hyenas, since Mufasa beats him up worse than Shenzi or Ed, and then he falls into cactai, and is later beaten up by Pumbaa. While Shenzi does get her face scratched, a few minor scratches from Mufasa, and beaten up by Pumbaa, it's not quite as bad for her.

Simba gets a few scratches during his fight with Scar and, of course, the "bump to prove it" from Rafiki. Oh yeah, and he gets bitten by the hyenas and flames thrown at his eyes by Scar.

Sarabi nearly gets knocked unconscious by Scar, which looked pretty painful.

Mufasa was bitten by Shenzi, injured twice during the stampede, got his arms slashed by Scar (oh, I forgot Simba had that too) and then crushed by the stampede.

Nala and Rafiki are never injured, to my information.

If we are to go by the midquel, Timon and Pumbaa fell off the waterfall and suffered injuries during CYFTLT.

Scar gets at least one scratch during his fight with Simba, and then falls down the cliff. And mauled by hyenas.

Ed is the least injured of the hyenas---all he gets are a few minor scratches from Mufasa and a cactai thorn through the nose, thanks to Banzai.

All in all, I'd say Mufasa, even if the majority of them happened just prior to his death. Or maybe Scar. I dunno.

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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby AbbeyRoad2014 » September 4th, 2014, 2:39 am

What a fascinating topic.

[quote="Julie Skywalker"]
Simba's brief fight with Nala didn't seem to really injure either of them, and their cubhood brawls surely weren't much pain[/quote]

I didn't get the impression that they were really trying to injure each other, just scare each other off.I would have dramatized it more, or they would have apologize , or there would have been some scratch marks.

Most of the injuries (aside from Mufasa's and Scar's before their deaths) are for comic relief.

[quote]Sarabi was struck down once, obviously taking less pain than Scar and Simba did fighting each other. [/quote]

Sarabi seemed to be knocked out and couldn't get up. It looked like she took just as much..

[quote]Rafiki doesn't seem to take any damage. During the battle with the hyenas, Simba is shown to get bitten and rescued by Rafiki, but the others aren't shown very much, so we can't say how much damage they took[/quote]

Well, going by the midquel, Timon does get quite bruised, and a ton of hyenas fall down a hole, which could result in a bruise. Oh, and I think I did read about Rafiki taking damage at some point.

[quote]The better question is what character doesn't experience pain?[/quote]

That mole at the beginning, lol.
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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby Carl » September 4th, 2014, 4:29 am

[quote="KingOfPrideLands"]I didn't get the impression that they were really trying to injure each other, just scare each other off. If it had been a more serious fight (to the degree that they injured or were trying to injure each other), it definitely would have been dramatized, or they would have apologized or something, or there would have at least been some scratch marks.[/quote]
Nala was hunting for food when Simba stopped her. She was trying to hurt him. And as for him... she had been trying to eat one of his best friends. To imply that neither of them was trying to hurt the other displays a lack of understanding in the way animals act when that hungry and in the way that humans and animals react to threats on the lives of their close friends and/or family. In a way, they did apologize, by ceasing to try and kill each other and having the good time that they did, even though they weren't shown to say "I'm sorry;" but it wasn't necessary they say it either in that the joy of being reunited ended their dispute and they bore no ill will upon realizing who the other was. The battle was dramatized, and you don't know Disney if you think there would have been scratches. The only reason we saw one in TLK2 was because they had to do that to make Kovu look like Scar. Disney almost never shows injuries.

[quote]As for their cubhood brawls, I don't even know how one could possibly interpret those as resulting in injuries.[/quote]
That is the point I was making, though since you want to bring up bruises, being someone who's been around cats all my life I can attest to the fact that when they play, it does, in fact, result in minor cuts and bruises. Surely tumbling down into the Elephant Graveyard while sparring would have left the cubs with a few bruises.

[quote]I beg to differ. Sarabi was nearly knocked out and couldn't get up. I'd say she took just as much, if not more.[/quote]
You're wrong. She got up not long thereafter. Likely, Scar's attack knocked her down like that because she was probably weak from hunger... which while unpleasant and difficult to deal with, is not the same as pain. I'm not saying it didn't hurt or that she wasn't in a bad way because of it... I'm just saying, Scar hit Simba a lot more times than he hit her, and Simba hit Scar a lot more than that as well. She couldn't have taken more pain from that blow than the two of them did fighting. It's impossible--unless Scar put all of his strength into that strike and didn't have any left to fight Simba with... which is obviously not true or Simba would have easily defeated Scar.

[quote]Well, going by the midquel, Timon does get quite bruised, and a ton of hyenas fall down a hole, which could result in a bruise.[/quote]
Those were, again, for comedic effect. The midquel was made for laughs, and most of the pain in it was for that specific purpose, thus being different entirely to this. And even if it were the same kind of pain and therefore relevant, Timon's agony can't possibly compare to that of Simba's or Scar's, or even Sarabi's or Nala's.

[quote]Oh, and I think I did read about Rafiki taking damage at some point.[/quote]
Not that you're wrong per se, but where?

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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby AbbeyRoad2014 » September 4th, 2014, 7:25 am

So far we've got (serious injury-wise)

Simba and Scar beat the crap out of each other
Simba got coals flung in his eyes
Nala and Simba beat/clawed each other up in their fight
Mufasa getting crushed in stampede
Scar falling
Mufasa falling
Mufasa getting clawed by Scar
Simba getting clawed by Scar
Mufasa getting clawed by one of the hyenas (?)

The rest were minor enough, I guess (or used for comic relief)

So technically, pretty much everyone suffers an injury, although the only ones who suffer really bad ones seem to be Simba, Scar and Mufasa.

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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby SimbasGuard » September 4th, 2014, 8:03 am

It's a toss-up between Scar and Mufasa for me, however I will go with Scar as being eaten alive is one of the most horrible ways to die that I can think of. :horrifiedoutsiders: :horrifiedoutsiders2:

[quote="Julie Skywalker"]Disney almost never shows injuries.[/quote]
Just to illustrate that point, notice how quickly Shenzi recovered from the scratches Simba gave her in The Elephant Graveyard. They were gone by the next time we saw her.
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Re: Pain Through Out the Movie

Postby AbbeyRoad2014 » September 6th, 2014, 4:21 am

[quote]You're wrong. She got up not long thereafter. Likely, Scar's attack knocked her down like that because she was probably weak from hunger...[/quote]

She only got up with help from the other lionesses...and she didn't look weak before to me...

...also, Simba was injured when he collapsed in the desert, right?

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