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How did Kiara and Kovu knew where the fight was?

PostPosted: March 2nd, 2018, 8:19 pm
by TheLionPrince
Or much less knew that there was a fight in progress when they returned back to the Pride Lands? None of the characters told them. Earlier, Simba had sent Zazu to find Kiara, but it was never told that Zazu did find her.

Re: How did Kiara and Kovu knew where the fight was?

PostPosted: March 8th, 2018, 9:48 am
by SimbasGuard
You raise a very good point. One I never even gave any thought to. It does make perfect sense though. Kovu And Kiara are on their way back to the Pride Lands, Zazu having head out from the Pride Lands to look for Kiara runs into them. Zazu tell them of the war and them of the war, thus causing them to rush to the battlefield.

As for how they knew where to go when Kiara came of age to hunt it is also likely that (if she was not informed of this as a cub) she was informed of what the standard military procedure was for fending off an Outsider attack. I imagine plans were in place regarding attacks from other distractions and/or other enemies.