Is Sarabi fat?

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Is Sarabi fat?

Postby FavorsLions » May 3rd, 2016, 10:05 pm

Sarabi is a very beautiful, delightful and excellent character in the Lion King franchise.

She is also a very adept fighter and hunter, and quite brave, too, even in situations that most would be scared in(like during that time she stood up to the ever so evil, tyrannical and ready to be nasty with his subjects Scar).

However, I cannot help but wonder's been said on Disney wikis, Lion King wikis, what have you that Sarabi is heavily built, one of the largest queens ever, noticeably larger than the other lionesses, etc.

That being the case, and for how she looked just the way she did even after giving birth to Simba(she'd have to have eaten a lot to keep him alive beforehand, but she looked exactly the same as we first saw her throughout the movie), plus how there have been some questions on "Ask Sarabi" having to do with how much she weighed, this brings the following questions to mind.

1. Is Sarabi, in fact, a fat lioness?

2. And if so, how is it that she is still beautiful, fast, skilled in fighting and agile along with being strong and durable, plus having a lions natural assets like sharp teeth, equally sharp claws and a loud roar?

3. Plus, if she's fat, why is it that Scar, given how rotten he was, didn't comment on her bulk, nor did any of the hyenas, Shenzi, Banzai and Ed or otherwise, despite their hatred towards lions and, albeit to a lesser extent than Scar, also being rotten?

4. Finally, just for fun, how do you think she'd react if she allowed you to pet her and, while you were rubbing her belly, hugging her, rubbing her ribs up and down and all of that other stuff, you told her what a lovely, fun and big fat cat she was?

I want these questions answered one by one, btw.

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Re: Is Sarabi fat?

Postby Elton John » May 3rd, 2016, 10:40 pm

Why do we fall? So that we can learn to pick ourselves back up again.
Elton John
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Re: Is Sarabi fat?

Postby Carl » May 3rd, 2016, 11:02 pm

I don't really see any real discussion to be had here. Locked.

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