The rebirth of great war of fiction chapter 4 puppeteer

The rebirth of great war of fiction chapter 4 puppeteer

Postby SuperED » September 5th, 2014, 2:48 pm

Hey everybody superEd here with a new GWOF chapter enjoy ! I only own my ocs
The baby naming would have to wailt today was Coppers exile ceremony . Bambi and Ronno went to get Copper from his cell which was a large rib cage . But he was surprised when they led him to the throne room . " Hello Copper wonderful night isn't it?" Scar says with a smirk. " What do you want ?!" Copper growls he was in no mood to talk to the tyrant . " Well since your being exiled I was hopeing you'd do one last duty as an Outlands citizen ." Scar said nonchalantly " and what would that be ?" the dog said slightly interested ." after you are exiled go to the Pridelands and meet one of us every so often at the boarder with a few traitors that want to join us " Scar instructed " of coarse you'll still be exiled with the same brutality as any traitor " the king added . " Well what if I say no ?" Copper asks boldly . " I had a felling you'd ask that well since he relocated here dr Faclier took the liberty of creating a voodoo doll of you so if you double cross us we'll pull the plug so to speak " Scar smirks and shows the dog the voodoo doll . " what about Vixey will she be kept safe ?!" Copernicus pleads bewildered " oh yes she'll be alright and we'll alert you if she gives birth but if she tries to escape or if you betray us .." he trails off motioning to a Vixey voodoo doll .Copper gasps " fine I'll do it !" he says quicky " excellent now you know I have lots of kingly things to do so your voodoo doll will be kept by Todd , Scamp and Nuka he says as his 3 former friends trot up Scar tosses the doll this makes Copper feel like he's tumbling through the air . The doll is caught in Scamp's jaws . Copper can feel the teeth in his pelt . Scar gives the Vixey doll to Dixie , Angel and Kiara then Copper walked outside so his ceremony could begin . It was tradition that before exile every citizen must insult the traitor in some way . There were some interesting ones Todd kicked a bowl in Copper's face and glared at him , Scamp kicked a mouth full of dirt into his mouth while Angel kicked a cart over his head and it fell on him causing massive bleeding . Dixie nearly crushed his head between the doors of the bus . Cartman kicked him in the nuts , Kenny puched him hard in the stomach , Butters showed everyone an embarrassing video of copper dressed up like a girl , Stan poured cow blood on him , Kyle hit him hard in the head with a bat , Craig flipped him off , Tweek gave him cold coffee , Bolt peed on him , Cody threw a dodgeball , Duncan threw a knife , Dodger stole al his food etc . After the entire thing Copper was without food , scared , beaten , bloody , kicked , insulted and humiliated . It was now time for the ceremony to start . Scar jumped up on a termite mound to speak . " Copper Slade you have committed the crime of treason against the kingdom of the Outlands your punishment will be exile !" He roared ( not one of us plays ) . After his exile Copper convinces the Pridelanders to let him join at first they didn't trust him but he saved a cub from a hyena earning their trust by good deeds . Almost every night Copper would bring new recruits to the Outlands mostly new lions but also he brought Kovu , Aleu's father Balto and her brother Kodi , Tito's girlfriend Gerogette who Tito was ecstatic to see again much to the annoyance of Dodger and Oliver . He also captured both recruits and prisoners he captured Blu , Jewel and their other bird and money friends getting the Outlands spy's in the sky . He even captured Timon and Pumbaa and imprisoned them . One day he came with info that Simba was no longer king of the Pridelands his son Kopa took over . When Copper told this to Kiara she laughed for a minute before the widest smirk ever came across her face . As she left Copper wondered what she was up to and knew it wasn't good . The longer Copper stayed in the Pridelands the more guilty he felt . One day Simba suggested that the following evening that they could go on a walk together . What the former king didn't know was that Copper was instructed to lead him into an ambush . The walk through the Pridelands was beautiful so many colors , animals and scenery . Simba was so busy talking about circle of life that he didn't notice that they had just crossed the boarder .
Just as Simba told Copper that he felt as if Copper was his own son they heard laughter in the darkness . Kiara and the other Outlanders emerged from the darkness " hello Daddy!" she hissed with an evil smile . "Kiara ! What are you and your murderer friends doing here ?!" Simba roared . " why don't you ask Copper ? He led you here on purpose " the corrupted young lioness smirked . "You knew about this ?! .Simba roared I'm sorry Simba they blackmailed me ! With a voodoo doll and used my love for Vixey against me I'm sorry !"he cried " oh I almost forgot the voodoo doll ." Kiara laughed Cartman tossed it to her " attack !" she ordered every outlander lion , dog , human , hyena , cat , deer , coyote or otherwise attacked Copper and Simba ran for their lives . They had to climbs a slope filled with loose logs . As Copper climbed he heard a voice say behind him " time to die traitor !" he turned around to see Oliver stalking towards him . The ginger furred cat pounced black , thorn sharp claws outstretched
Copper was ablle to kick him causing him to slip and fall To the bottom of the slope . He blacked out .( Dodger's pov ) I watched as my best friend fell when he reached the bottom his eyes were closed , body limp and head bleeding slightly . " kid !" I screamed as I rushed over . I couldn't tell if he was alive or not Shenzi and Kenny came over and checked his berthing a pulse ." He's alive but he's injured we should get him patched up " Kenny suggested I nodded thanks and lifted him onto my back . I saw that some tears were Shed among tue others , Tito , Rita , Einstein , Berlioz , Toulouse , Kiara , Scamo and Todd among those that shed them . I whipped round and attacked Coppper who had jumped down to check on Oliver " you backstabbing traitor you could've killed him!" I snarled as my jaws picked him up my the neck and threw him . I may have overreacted by my best friend was hurt and I wouldn't let him die . ( normal pov ) after the outlanders fled Simba looked at Copper with sadness in his eyes . He knew that Copper couldn't betray them or he and Vixey would be killed so Copper went back to the Pridelands and Simba promised not to tell Kopa unless nessacry . They both new as long as the outlanders had the voodoo doll Copper and Vixey were puppets on strings to them . The outlanders knew this as well and in the bus Todd , Scamp , Nuka , Dixie , Angel , Kiara , the hyenas , Bambi , Ronno and Dodger laughed as they played with the dolls toying with Copper's soul . Oliver heard them from his healing bed a smirked as in his head he promised revenge
Hope you enjoyed this chapter
I need those baby names soon ! Bye

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