GWOF thanksgiving special episode

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GWOF thanksgiving special episode

Postby SuperED » November 9th, 2014, 4:13 am

Hello everyone out there this is the thanksgiving special forthe gwof I was giong to write a halloween special but I got lazy and its to late to do it now but with my next story i write i promise i'll write something for halloween enjoy the thanksgiving special !
Inside the flea bte cafe the smeel of cooking brought plesent smells to the noses of the outlanders eating there. Chowder , Mung Daal and other former citizens of marzipen city were cooking tye turkey . Unfortunetly while Chowder wasn't looking Cartman and Dash ate the turkey . When Chowder and Mung turned around they saw the fat boy and hus colorful horse friend patting their stomachs. Mung glared at them '" Eric , Rainbow what is the meanig of this ! Now we have no turkey to est !" Mung shouted furious . Chowder. Egan to cry " no turkey what kind of thnksgiving is this ?!" Chiwder wails dramatically . Panini glares daggers at Cartman and Rainbow Dash for making Chowder cry Gorgonzola rolled his eyes and said " oh come on Chowder we can find a replacement food ." the green rat attemps to reson woth his fat best fruend . Chowder grabs Gorgonzola an begins to shake him violately ." you don't understand Gorgonzola ! It is not thanksgiving with out turkey !" he yells . Gorgonzola prys himself frre and backs away slowly looking creeped out . Just outside the kitchen Mung explaned to the others that turkey could not be searved and why . He was met with angry shouts , glares and even a few death threats . All of these were not actully directed at him but rather Cartman and Dash now they all agreed they must ... Catch a furkey themseavkes . This wasn't there first choice at first Lucky and Scamp suggested they use Jafar's lamp to simply wish for a turkey. Nuka and Kiara quickly used their royal power to shoot the idea down claiming that was a extremly stupid way to spend their first genie wish . So instead they used Discord's magic to teleport them to a forest . They soon relized after an encounter with the turkies that these turkies were old enimies of the south park boys . Turkies that had attemped to ill off the human race when the boys were 8 hears old . Upon learning this everyone was astronimically terrified but their hunger outweighed their terror . They chose to set up a trap a rope is pulled then a chai. Reaaction ofanvil' giantirons, flamethrowers , knicez , blenders , axes , swords and other deadly hazerds is set off finally dumping the badly mamied bird into a steel cage . At least that was how it was supposed to work . These birds were very very intelligent birds so they easily figured out to break the rope therefore sending the entire death trap tumbling down . Mooch and Lucky were tasked with waiting for the bird they screamed as all the terrible torture dvices in tue trap hit them and as it went further down werd injured the others as well . The next plan was mech simpler if a turkey sat on its own nearby a big boulder would hit them killing the brd .the hyenas were in charge if this plan . Shenzi smirks the turkey terminator now what time is it ?" she asks " dinner time !" Banzai chuckles evily hs and Ex push the rick kff a cliff . All the turkey has to do is sidestep and watch as the rock flattens the moronic hyenas . The tree branch hold the rock breaks sending them nto a deep hole and crushing them ." i''m feeling a deja vu with this " Shenzi groans recalling the ostrich egg situation . Next Todd , Dixie , Scamp and Angel wereinstructed to chase the turkey inti a nearby geyser resembling old faithal . The 4 vampire canines near te getser but the the turkey hops over it . ". Its perseuers soon relized they were about to fall into the geyser " well this is going to sting worse then a scorpion that just drank hot sauce " Dixie mutters " no [censored] " Todd grumbles and all 4 oftyem scream asthere assess are now on fire they holwl with oain as theycare ricketed outbof the steaming geyser . Next Trixie suggested they fool the turkies with a show . They atracted them with gireworks and dazzalong lights . Once all the turkies were assembled . Trixie appeared in a puff of smoke . She was wearing her usual wizard outfit. . " welcome ladies and gentketurkies welcome to the great and powerful Tricie's magic show prepare to be anazed by my greatness !" she deckared . Her bravado clearly interested the turkeys . She scanned the crowd for the biggest , plumpest turkey she grinned . As he said " how about you ?" She pulls the alpha turkey onto the stage . The " acts during the show are all attempts to catch the turkey . During a saw cutting trick Banzai and Pinkie attempt to saw the turkey in half . In a lion taming act Nuka , Kiara , Vitani and the other lions try to grab the turkey while it isn't looking . In the house of mirrors the changelings make themselves look like the turkey's reflection . When it's back is turned one try's to grab it but the turkey is walking towards the next act already . Finally after tons of failed ploys the final " trick is a mystery Trixie tells the fat bird it's a surprise . It looks a large metal container it turns out the " surprise box " Is a oven . The alpha turkey is cooked and the turkeys attempt to take revenge but are quickly overwhelmed . So in the end the outlanders learned an important lesson but it wasn't giving , or forgiveness or sappy crap like that it was ... Don't let Dash and Cartman near big dinners . The end .
Me: so what'd ya thinks ?
Rainbow dash and Cartman ( starring at paper ) seriously ?!!
Me : sorry guys I would've had Pinkie Pie and Kenny eat it but their too nice and I really don't wanna be in the next cupcakes story ( cringes )
Cartman: just replace me and my girlfriend with Pinkie and Kenny !
Me : ( smirking ) you and your what ? Say that again I didn't quite hear you
Cartman ( blushing ) shut up ! I didn't say anything
Me : really because I have it recorded .
Dash : give us the dam recorder
Me ; let me think about it umm ... No !

( dash and cartman attack me and beat me badly )
Cartman you should've just given us the recorder asshole
Me ( bested and injured ) see you next time on the Great War of fiction ( passes out )

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