The Great War of fiction 3 chapter 3 the winds of change

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The Great War of fiction 3 chapter 3 the winds of change

Postby SuperED » December 14th, 2014, 7:09 am

Hey everyone hope you all liked the special episode ! This one is important too . I still own only my ocs.
Cartman yawned He awoke in his. Gouse in the himan / pony pat of the outlands. Dash asleep in the bed next to his the houses other residents Pinkie , kenny Fluttershy an Butters were already awake. Cartman poked Rainbow to wake her up she was slightly grumpy and anoyed at being awoken but quicky got over it. As they at brrakfast a hyena stopped by to deliver a message . The carnivore dropped a scroll at there feet .Cartman piicks it up Dash begins to read it " it says here that queen chrysailis wants to see you " . The fat boy read . The pegasus looked puzzled " what would the queen of the changelings want withme ?" she asked . Cartman shrugs " how the hell would i know ? Anyway I'll see ya later then " . She nods yeah she flys off as she leaves Cartman stares at her and trys to figure out just what makes him so happy being around her .Hades had titans push the two worlds together so it was now easy to locate places .
It wasn't long until she was at the queen's palace . Shw was led to the throne room by two changeling gaurds . She looked up at the queen nearvously " um you wanted to see me ?". The queen smiled " hello child would it trouble you to sit with me ? She asked mounting toward a table . Rainbow fallowed her and sat down " I've called you here because I have a secret I most likely should've told you long ago but now I'm telling you the reason you never met your parents is ... Your my daughter well you Rarity and Fluttershy " . Rainbow Dash's eyes widened " but how ? Fluttershy and I are Pegasus's Rarity is a unicorn how is it possible ?" Chrysalis sighed "around the time you hatched changelings were being hunted down and killed because of our diet . I knew you were royalty because of the special mark on your eggs that resembled a crown . I didn't want to risk losing you so I disguised you and myself as ponies . After I was unable to find homes for you I was forced to leave you 2 at an orphanageI I did manage to find Rarity a home but the couple wouldn!t take you and fluttershy n. i also find it interssting .. It seems that the 3 of you stayed in your pony forms so long you actually got cutie marks . I also find it interesting that all of you not only fed on love without even tying but you did so in different ways . You did so by bragging , stunts , and pranks not to mention from Pinkie and at one point Scooterloo Fluttershy got her love from her animals and Rarity from people wearing her dresses it seems she used to get a large quantity from Spike as well ." After the explanation Dash thought about it she always did feel more powerful from being admired and to think she'd been a changeling all that time ..." So if I'm a changeling and your my mom what does mean for me and everybody and every pony in the outlands ?" She asked . Chrysalis smirked " it means it's time for your training to become queen ". At that Rainbow wore a smirk identical to her mother's . The first lesson she learned was how to change form . Chrysalis told her to in vision a face in her mind she started imaging a human face but stopped in the middle of the transformation . She finally saw what she really looking like her body was all black with a tattered blue mane her eyes were still purple but we're more insect like her chitin skeleton was full of holes, her tails had dark blue fur covering it and a dagger like end her wings resembled bug wings , her mouth was full of razor sharp fangs and their was a large black horn on her head. Although she was startled by the change in looks she liked it and decide that even someone as awesome as her could be at least 20 percent cooler . Changing was easy so the next lesson magical blasts . Rainbow had to tap into every ounce of will she had in order to let out a small amount of green energy from her horn . While she practiced she started thinking about her friendship with Cartman actually friendship wasn't quite strong enough to describe their relationship they were extremely close at this point . In her thoughts she decided to test something out using her shape shifting changeling powers and changes into a human . (( just think of how she looked in EQ ) a nervous look is now across her face she asks " um queen chrysalis can I talk to you for a little ?" She asks the queen chuckles " first of all of coarse and second of all me may call me mother " they stopped practicing and now sat at a table . This was odd for Rainbow Dash she wasn't used to referring to a queen as mom or being nervous . " so the thing is mom is that there's this guy I like we've become really close recently , he's cool no scratch that he's awesome we hang out everyday I sometimes stay over his house . His physical body could use a little work but he's just awesome although some people , ponies and over creatures don't think so .." A sly smiles reaches the queen changling's face . " it's the cartman boy Eric correct ?" She snickers. Dash only sighs and mutters " yes " but then a surprised look hits her face " how'd you know ?! She asked confused chrysalis giggles " What you think I don't watch my daughters ? I see the way you two hang out together it's very cute and amusing " . Dash glares at her because of the cute part but then asks " so do think he likes me back ?" Her mother smiles " I've seen it he gets all sweaty and nervous and he's always staring at you like you stare at him yeah he clearly harbors feelings for you and I think you go and express them right now it's not only good to fall in love but because us changelings require love to survive good luck Rainbow " the Chrysalis smiles sincerely . Dash smiles back and hugs her after the long hug Rainbow turns to leave but is stooped by her mother " wait there's something I want to give you first she says handing her a egg " this is a changeling egg he or she will be your first solider after I die . Over the years I train you you'll continue to get these until I die then you'll have to produce your own " she explains using her magic to make the egg hatch the baby was a male with orange eyes a spike mane and cute little fangs he giggles locking at Dash " momma " he says this makes even the owner of the infamous rainbow factory melt and she hugs him and flues off waving goodbye to her mom .meanwhile ... Cartman called Kenny and Butters to come back to the house they returned upon request " thanks for coming guys ". I need to talk to you see I know we're really close now and we've been exploring by dating each other but the truth is I'm in love with a girl ..." He expects anger but a knowing smilie / smirk falls on Kenny's face " it's RD isn't it ?" He chuckles as Cartman stares in shock " how'd you know?!" He gasped causing his blonde best friend to laugh " oh please it's really obvious the way you two act around each other besides I know I should've told you but me and Pinkie kinda kissed last night sorry ..." He rubbed the back of his neck worriedly . The two chuckled and shared a fist pound . Butters however had a look of pure sadness in his eyes . He cried quietly and sobbed as he said " I'm so pathetic ! Now you two don't love me anymore !" He wailed . Kenny puts a hand on his shoulder . Cartman however face palmed " Butters your such a retard " he grumbled . Butters looked up crying harder " what do ya mean ?" He asked sobbing . Cartman's expression softened " because Butters just because we're not dating doesn't mean we don't love you ! I would never forget about you we've been through to much as a trio for that to happen and with the [censored] I've put you through I'm surprised you love me at all so no Butters I won't forget you and neither will kenny we're bros and bros stay bros " Cartman says sternly yet lovingly .Kenny laughed good maturely " hey besides we could hook you up with somebody eh butterball ?" Butters smiles at the though and hugs them " you guys are the best brothers ever !" He walked into his room leaving two smiling boys " I'm gonna miss playing with your tits " the immortal pervert snickered " ay ! Shut up sicko !" The fat boy spat . Soon Dash returned and reveled her secret well one of them . Cartman reluctantly told her he had a crush on her they decided they would stay the coolest duo and try not to act "mushy. " byt when no body was looking the changeling kissed him on the cheek after some blushing they played video games until they passed out . Yes the universes coolest , most sociopathic orange lantern duo ever were happy for once that they were fighting but all that was about to change .
Well I hoped you enjoyed this chapter stay cool everyone ! Oh and review !( Larfleeze commands it ! 8-)

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