Postby thanigraphics » July 26th, 2010, 1:32 am

Since the death of his brother, the king had only one thought. He wanted a family, with many cubs. With his genes, his cunning and intelligence, this pride would be stronger and better than Mufasas pride ever was. Scar was ready to pick a mate.
Zira was more than willing to provide him cubs, but after the thin and weak Nuka was born, the king had his doubts. Both Zira, Nuka and Scar himself were the best-fed members of the pride, since they were highest in rank. But Nuka learned slow, was easily tired and almost untrainable. Scar got annoyed and lost his patience several times with this cub. One day Scar took Zira out for a walk to the back of Pride Rock. Nuka was following them, and listening to what they talked about. But the king and his mate didn't notice.

"Scar, why do you want to pick Nala as your future queen and mate? We, you and me, we belong together. We have power, I provided you your first cub. He might not be able to be your heir, but give me another chance.."
"Silence, lioness." Scar spoke. "I am the king, I decide who is going to be my mate. After all, you just want to provide me cubs so you can be queen with all the forthcoming power. You haven't proved yourself worthy yet."
"It is not just power that I seek, Scar. It is love that bonds us. We are mates. I love you, you know that."
"Zira, you are a tool for me. Just like all the other lionesses. My heart belongs to Nala. She is smart, healthy and strong. She comes from a royal bloodline and will provide me a healthy cub, unlike you, Zira. You are just one of my helpers. Be glad I don't kill you."

Zira was shocked by Scars harsh words. "You told me I was your special one, not too long ago. We don't speak much lately.. but you said that!" Zira started to talk louder in anger.
"Because I use you, Zira. You will NOT provide me cubs anymore.. I loved Nala before I even met you!" Scar shouted out loud.

"Well, if it comes to timing, I have to say you're doing quite perfect.." Zira grinned with an evil smile.
Scar turned around, confused.
Nala just walked by. She must have heard what Scar said.
"Nala! Nala? Come here please?" Scar called the young adult lioness with his sweetest tone of voice.
"What do you want.." Nala growled. "I am busy with the planning of a hunt, finding food is getting hard with.."
Scar didn't let her finish. "Silence!...please, silent, I have a very important task for you.. I need a heir for the throne, and your bloodline is healthy and strong.."

Zira didn't listen to the rest of the conversation. She was irritated and tired and wanted to sleep. She was too angry and tired to feel sad about the loss of her mate. He was no longer hers. She was no longer future queen, but she couldn't care less about beeing queen. She missed Scar.
Then Zira turned around and saw Nuka. "come, bedtime little one" she sighed.

"I heard everything, mother!" Nuka started. "Scar can't do that. I am not weak, I can learn, I can be a son to be proud of!"
"Yes, yes, you can.. go to sleep, please." Zira said without any emotion in her voice. She gave the little cub a little push and he jumped onto a hollow brance. "I'll spent the night here, night mom!" he yawned sadly.
But Zira didn't answer him. She had no attention for the little pale brown cub. Nuka was used to it. Nuka amused himself, by himself. He had no friends. The lions of the Pridelands didn't like him, since he was the son of Zira and Scar. Scar was feared, so was Zira.
Nukas chances were zero. No friends, no future as a king or anything mentionable. For him, the hope of a great careless life, as promised by Scar just a week ago, was gone.

A few months later she was born. Tatanka. Her fur was even more reddish brown than Scar, with bright blue eyes. The daughter of Scar and Nala. The marriage was forced, but Nala knew that she, as a young lioness, was hope for the pride. So she coorperated with Scar in his wish for a heir for the throne. "You are beautifull, my dear one!" Scar was full of his daughter. A proud father. He didn't even pay attention to Nala, which was a relief for the young lioness.

Tatanka, a name meaning "buffalo" really fitted the young cub. She was bossy, arrogant and noisy. But she always got her way. She was the daughter of Scar, the king. If a cub or lioness did anything against her will, she only had to call the name of her father and they apologised in fear.

A tiran was born.

--end of first chapter.
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