A Tale of Two Princesses

A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 11th, 2012, 4:53 am

Hiya! :D Okay, so this is very untrue, and very unlikely to happen. But in my opinion, you'll like it anyway! ;) This is after TLK 2: Simba's Pride. So far, Simba is dead, and Kiara and Kovu, are queen and king. Sarabi is still alive, though very ill, and possibly on the verge of death. These are the characters you should hope to see in the story:

Kovu: Dark brown male with a chocolate brown mane (King)
Kiara: Pale colored female (Queen) Pregnant
Sarafina: Huntress, mother of Nala
Nala: Huntress, mother of Kiara
Naanda: Sarabi's sister
Vitani: Kovu's sister, Pregnant
Haraka: Huntress, mother of Kinta
Kinta: Young cub
Sarabi: Mother of Simba, too old to hunt

Chumvi: Rogue male
Tojo: Rogue male
Jistina: Rogue female

MORE TO COME :this-iz-mah-happy-face: :sneaky4: :sneaky3:

I'll try to post a chapter everyday, but if I have a feeling I won't be on, I'll post as many chapters as I feel I should to correspond with my absences.

Sorry about the SHORT chapters, but I have writer's block, and can only work on so much in one day... I'm hoping my chapters will progress in length as the story wavers on...
Last edited by TLK+Warriors Fan on June 12th, 2012, 6:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 11th, 2012, 6:05 am


A large brown lion slowly padded out of the mouth of the cave. He yawned, showing large, ivory white teeth. He shook his great mane out, making his way to the top of the ledge, overlooking his whole territory. He could see the trees of the swath of forestland, the running water of the Latifa River, and even the shadowy place of the Bone Lands. The outskirts radiated in the edges of his vision, and it always enticed him to glance further away from his homelands.

A small rustle from a straying bush announced the arrival of an intruder on the King's thoughts. He looked over towards the mouth of the den, almost expecting trouble, his reaction was swift, quick-moving. He let out a soft sigh as a beautiful pale lioness padded out. His once worried green eyes softening as he recognized the overgrown house cat. He nuzzled her ear affectionately, a small yet sweet and sincere movement, yet not after she had nuzzled his shoulder in the same, compassionete, gesture.

"Hey." She murmered, with that sweet,soft, amazing voice, as they continued to watch the sun rise over the horizon. She sat down, and began grooming her fur, slightly swollen underbelly moving as the soon-to-be born cub or cubs shifted in her stomach.

"Hey." He whispered back, nuzzling her cheek once more as he wasn't quite sure what else to do at that point. He cast a small peek at her belly, where their cub or cubs awaited them. They would be born any day at this point, and he was as nervous as ever, what with him being a king and all.

The pale lioness looked up at the sound of rushed pawsteps, one of the younger lionesses had approached, her breathing heavy. "Its Sarabi, I think its time." She whispered, her eyes wild with a strange fear, and sadness.

Kiara's eyes stretched wide, she knew her mother would be devastated by this news. She blinked in Kovu's direction, but by then, he had began to pad after the young huntress. She then slowly trotted after her pridemates, and into the rather large cave.

The old lioness was breathing heavily as the three approached on wary paws. Nala was by her side already, her eyes moist from the tears she must've cried already. "She told me not to worry, and that Mufasa was already by her side, ready to guide her away. Then she said that Simba was a cub again, and that she was slowly watching him grow up, all the way to the point where he was killed. And that he was holding the gates open for Mufasa to lead her away!" By this time Nala was in tears, and her head rested on Sarabi's back.

Kiara padded on up to her mother, and nuzzled her ear compassionetly, she layed down beside her and the slowly fading Sarabi. She then began to comfort her mother, whereas Kovu kept his distance in a respectful manner.

The third set of paws had done padded away to spread the news of the dieing Sarabi. Everyone would want their turn with her to say their good-byes. Nala sat at the head of her, never leaving her side, and Kiara never left her mother's side as the other pridelanders came up. Naanda, Sarabi's sister, also layed down next to Nala, and they cried on eachother's shoulders, while Kiara watched with moist eyes. Everyone else had kind things to say, and wished Sarabi her best with her son and mate. They also had comforting words to the three that sat at her head.

Kovu watched from a few lion-lengths away. His eyes moist as the last of the royalty from the past left them, only Kiara remained, besides him himself. He waited for dusk, and watched as a few of the huntresses carried Sarabi's body away. He said his final good-byes, then looked around for Kiara, she might be looking for him, or possibly just wishing for comfort.

Kiara was making her way up Pride Rock, but stopped as she heard her mate call her name softly. She growled hoarsly in reply, as she reached the top. Kovu rushed over to her, covering her face in comforting licks, and caressing her head with his tail in a comforting way. She slowly accepted the comforts with a flick of her soft tail, "I only hope mother's okay." She whispered, before dispersing to the den, with a long yet rushed sigh.

He watched her leave with a wave of his tufted tail. "Good night, my love." He called softly after her, hoping she heard him. The only sign of her recognition a swift sweep of the tail, which may or may not have been it just slowly wafting through the breeze. After a few heavy heartbeats, he followed his mate on inside.

The next day was surprisingly sunny, with only the occasional shower of distress of the land mourning the passed Sarabi. A few of the lionesses gossiped below, such as Jami, Naanda, and even Kiara had the heart to share in their swift tongue. Occasional giggles blasting his eardrums with their pitch or tone, such as happiness, longingness, or even sadness slowly decaying within them. It warmed his heart that his pridemates were slowly moving on, and accepting the death of the beloved mother.

Finally Kiara sent the huntresses on their way, promising to join them in a moment. She bounded up to where Kovu must've been eavesdropping on their conversation, for he already knew of what was going on. "We thought it be best to return to normal, or at least somewhat normal ways." She murmered in his ear, "Perhaps you should do the same, come watch us, I might just be able to help bring something down this time." She giggled at herself, knowing all to well of her poorer than normal hunting skills. "There's nothing wrong with you my darling." He whispered, slowly getting up to follow her across the territory to where two young lionesses had managed a rather small wildebeast. "Good catch, I'm not hungry right this second, you may eat first." He nodded to the huntresses before settling down in the shade.

Kovu snorted as rain battered his muzzle as he poked it out from the warm sanctuary of the den. Kiara seemed a little moister than she had in a few days, appearing to notice her mate's presence she began speaking in a wet tone, "Naanda said she had a dream of when her, Sarabi, Scar, and Mufasa were cubs, and they had found out Sarabi and Mufasa had been betrothed to eachother. She had giggled at how Sarabi had seemed to enjoy the fact of being betrothed to her crush, as for Mufasa, he appeared to have had a crush on Naanda, rather than Sarabi. But the more Sarabi pestered him, the more he enjoyed her company opposed to Naanda's." At this Kiara slowly let her chin rest upon her paws. Kovu left to just stand there like a clutz.

He padded over, and lay down next to her, as the stupid bush beside the entrance to the den rustled once more. A pair of amber orbs stared out of the den from behind the bush, and you could tell that Kinta had bumped it by mistake, as Haraka came and hustled him away. "Cubs." He snorted, although giggling slightly.

Ugh, so many decisions for the new Queen and King, but all turns out fine, as the world always seemed to work for the better of things.
Last edited by TLK+Warriors Fan on June 29th, 2012, 1:43 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 12th, 2012, 6:48 pm


Over the next week, both Vitani's and Kiara's cubs were born. Vitani's young Kabaila, or her young cub, was male, and dark in complection, making him look an almost copy of King Kovu. She looked at her cub with the fondness, her own mother never looked at her with. Kabaila had brilliant emerald eyes, and within the next few days he was crawling around, looking for mischief.

Kiara's cubs were both female. Dafina was the prettier one of the two, and looked much like Sarafina or Nala. She had beautiful orange eyes, and was much more likely to be the one to rule after Kovu's death. Where as her sister, Aziza, was very dark, almost black. She looked like Scar but in a feminine way. She also portrayed Zira in these looks, she had lime green eyes, identical to Scar's. You could easily say that she was Zira and Scar's grand daughter.

A few weeks later, Aziza and Dafina were playing with the other cubs, Kinta and Kabaila. They were fun to play with, and for the most part got along fairly well. Kabaila didn't much like Aziza, maybe because she looked much like him? He stayed with Dafina, and played with her the most. Kinta liked Dafina a little more than Aziza as well. He liked Dafna because she was prettier, and in his opinion, he liked her because the grown-ups liked her more. Aziza played with them, though she could tell that everyone liked her sister more than her, she stayed quiet, and tried to accept this.

A few days later, and the cubs were at the peak of energeticness. Dafina liked to play the same games, and she was quite a bit mean. She thought the pride revolved around her, and she loved to play pranks on the adults, and bugging them, to a point where any other cub would've been in more than serious trouble. Kinta disliked her more and more with each and every day. He was bigger than the other cubs, mostly because he was older, but he was fun to be around. As for Kabaila, he liked Dafina much more than the other cubs, he loved her attitude and he loved to play Pride with her. She would be the queen, and he would be her most loyal pride member. Aziza was still an outcast, but she tried to make friends with the other cubs.

One day, Aziza was outside looking around for her sister, she and her sister got along really well, and they were almost unseperatable, except for when the boys were around, then they went their parting ways. She found her sister over in a corner with Kabaila, they were playing Pride again, so she stayed away. Oddly enough, Kinta wasn't with them, she had noticed the older cub not playing with them as much, but she couldn't help but wonder where he was. She decided to go looking for him, maybe he was hurt.

She looked around for a little while before finding him battle training with her father. She decided not to interupt, and instead just sat and watched them. Soon she was joined by her sister, Dafina. She smiled at her as she sat down beside her, then glanced away when Kabaila joined her, sitting directly between the two princesses. He didn't really concentrate on Kovu or Kinta, but more on Dafina. He pestered her with questions, about who knows what. Aziza just watched Kinta with a lazy expression. Finally Dafina was able to send Kabaila away to fetch something for her.

Dafina finally got bored with just watching the two fight and decided to intervene. She smiled and meowed, "Oh wow! Kinta, you almost knocked my dad over, you are soo strong!" She said in awe. She then pattered over to them, and sat down next to her father, looking at Kinta with a sweet and sincere expression.

"Thank you, Princess." Kinta murmered back to her, before looking up at King Kovu, who he had currently been training with. Wondering if they would continue training after the rude interruption.

Kovu was looking down at his daughter with a thoughtful expression, he cast a glance over to Kinta as well, before flicking his tail and murmering, "We'll continue later, right now it looks like someone wants to play with you." He smiled and padded away to go find his mate, Kiara.

Aziza watched her sister and Kinta carefully, finally Kinta abandoned Dafina and padded over to her. She looked up at him with wide lime green eyes, he smiled softly at her then asked, "Hey, wanna go play something, or do something?" He smiled playfully and leapt away, going a short distance from pride rock. Aziza nodded and got up, following him at a short distance. He slowed down and she slowly caught up.

"So, why did you ask me of all cubs if I wanted to play?" She asked puzzledly.

He shrugged, "I dunno, I've watched you play by yourself, and how the grown-ups..." He broke off, then after a brief pause shrugged again. He then continued to walk, thinking. He wasn't old enough to do much, basically battle training was as fun as it got these days, if only Aziza had better games to play than Dafina. "Wanna be friends?" He asked suddenly, looking at her with joy at possibly having a new friend.

"Yeah, sure." Aziza replied, before they continued padding away.

"Soo, what should we play?" Kinta finally asked, after they were a few yards from pride rock.

Aziza grinned devilishly, "Lets play... I dunno, lets go explore!" She suggested, taking the lead as they padded away. She stalked through the grass, slowly making her way towards the water hole, which she had never been to before. She finally parted the grass little ways, and almost fell into the small pond already.

Kinta paused as Aziza stumbled ahead of him, softly growling, "Hey, okay so I came with you, now what's the hold up?" He slowly went around her, quite curious. He almost met the same fate Aziza had, but caught himself closely. "Woah.." He breathed, watching the antelope and a few zebras drink from the small area.

"Exactly!" Aziza whispered, looking at him. She giggled and began to lurch forward, slowly easing her paw onto a rock, "Its strong and big enough to hold my weight!" She grunted slowly dropping down onto the rock. She finally landed on it, and sat down, dabbing a paw into the water, she continued doing this as she looked back up at Kinta. She smiled and wasn't paying much attention to her stronger action, she lost her balance and slipped off of the rock. "AAH" She wailed as she was plunged into the water.

"HOLD ON!" Kinta yowled as he tried to find a way down to her. The only good spot was the rock she had fallen off of, and he wasn't fond of possibly meeting her fate. He sighed and jumped down onto the rock, he saw Aziza thrashing about in the water, and he slowly leaned forward to grasp her scruff.

Aziza was bobbing in the water, as a strange bird flew overhead. She gasped and was plunged back into the water, where only blackness met her. A loud roar intercepted the darkness, as Aziza's head was flung above the surface of the water. She coughed, and shuddered as a wave of water dribbled out. She tried to open her eyes, but they seemed almost glued to her cheek. She finally slitted them open, getting dizzy, she coughed up more water.

"You'll be okay, Aziza."

"We're almost there."

"I thought you were very brave going down there."

"Shush! Kinta, she did a very stupid thing. And you were just as mouse-brained to try and help her." A muffled tone spat around her fur.

Kinta whimpered and continued moving, "Are you going to tell Kiara? Or worse, Kovu?" He asked the lioness carrying Aziza.

"Why wouldn't I?" She growled as they stepped foot onto Pride Rock.

Aziza whimpered as she was dropped onto the hard stone, cringing as her mother;s voice echoed in her brain and eardrums.

"What happened Haraka?" The queen's voice shuddered around her head.

"I found her drowning in the water hole, and him almost falling in after her."

"I was no~"

A growl interrupted Kinta's mid sentence.

"I see." Kiara meowed again. "Well thanks for helping Haraka." She gently grasped Aziza up into her jaws, carrying her to the den.

She opened her eyes just enough to catch a glimpse of a despaired Kinta being lectured by his mother.


Dafina bounded into the main den, she stopped as she found Aziza being washed and lectured by their mom.

"Hey, where were you? Me and Kabaila were playing Pride and couldn't find you or Kinta. Kinta just now told me where to find you, he sorta mouthed it as he was being lectured by Haraka!" She murmered, looking at her mother.

Kiara looked down at Aziza before getting up and padding out of the den so she could tell Dafina of her 'adventure'.

Aziza watched her mother leave before whispering. "Me and Kinta went to the water hole. It was so much fun, that was until I fell into the stupid pond." She growled, padding up to her sister, and huddling with her to stay warmish.
Last edited by TLK+Warriors Fan on June 29th, 2012, 10:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 12th, 2012, 6:48 pm

If nobody is reading this, then why bother writing it?!?! :( :sad: :quit: Sorry, I'm just kinda p-oed irl :(
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby Zoketi » June 15th, 2012, 3:44 am

I'm sorry! I should have commented sooner. I really like it, myself. :hug: You write very well. The only bit of advice I have is that you stretch it out longer, maybe add some more details and make them grow up slower? Just a suggestion. It's still quite wonderful. <3
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby Kopalover » June 15th, 2012, 4:20 am

Hmm, I just read this. It's a very lovely story. But like Zoki said above.. slow down, add more detail. :)
Please write more. I'd like to know what happens to Aziza and Kinta!
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby TLK+Warriors Fan » June 29th, 2012, 1:09 am

Ok, I'll cpntinue doing it, and sorry about the lag, I'm going through some issues right now!
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby Dark Huntress » September 18th, 2012, 1:01 am

Really really good I love kinta and aziza
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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby meeko » September 21st, 2012, 4:11 am

I really really really like this! Great job, please write more.

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Re: A Tale of Two Princesses

Postby Dark Huntress » September 21st, 2012, 6:24 pm

Sorry about ur issues :(
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