Ayari: King of the Rogues

Ayari: King of the Rogues

Postby Baya » October 5th, 2009, 4:57 am

The little cub laughed as he chased butterflies in the golden colored grass. His light blond, almost white fur, made him blend in with the scenery. The sun shone on him brightly as he chased after the fluttering colorful insects. His blue eyes were full of enthusiasm and sparkled with life. He growled as he pounced on the butterfly one more time and finally caught it. He lifted his paws to gaze upon his catch, and his eyes went from excited to sorrowful. The butterfly was splattered against the dirt, it's wings torn, and it was twitching for a chance at being able to get up and walk away. "I-I'm sorry." The little cub said, his voice quivering with sadness. What had he done?

The cub closed his eyes and sighed as the butterfly stopped moving all together. His ears drooped and he began to walk without paying attention to where he was going. He felt really bad for killing that butterfly just for his entertainment. As he walked he noticed the ground beneath him get darker, and harder. He frowned slightly as he stopped walking and looked around. There were dead trees, no grass, and not another creature in sight. He laid down on his side and huffed. This was it. The life of a rogue.

His ears twitched as he heard gentle paw steps close by. He got up rather quickly and looked around with an alert glint in his eye. He knew first hand what would happen if he stepped into another rogue's territory. Ayari wanted to run, but his paws would not budge. It was as if something was holding him back, bolting him to the ground where he was standing on.

"Hey! You! What are you doing here in the outlands?" A young, femanin voice asked from behind Ayari. Ayari yelped in surprise and spun around quickly. There stood a young cub Vitani, baring her fangs and extending her claws. Ayari sighed with relief.

"Oh. I just wandered here. What are you doing here?" Ayari asked with a small smile. Vitani approached the trespasser with great caution.

"Are you a pride lander?" Vitani asked, venom dripping from her words. Ayari looked at her with a very confused expression.

"A what now?" Ayari asked. Vitani rolled her eyes.

"A pride lander is someone who LIVES on the pride lands stupid!" Vitani said as she glared at Ayari. Ayari frowned slightly, getting slightly defensive himself.

"I'm not from around here, so don't you go calling me stupid for things i've never been told hippo butt" Ayari growled. Vitani snorted and then smirked.

"Hippo butt? You really aren't from around here are you? I have never heard an insult so well thought out." Vitani said sarcastically.

"You know I'm smart enough to catch sarcasm." Ayari said with a glare over at the little cub.

"Good, so i won't have to explain it. Now you should probably get out of here, before i force you out." Vitani said as she bared her fangs again.

"You think you scare me? I've seen more intimidating things laying in neatly coiled piles on the ground." Ayari said baring his own teeth and preparing to fight.

"Mighty big words...for such a little mouth." A lioness purred from behind Ayari.

"Mother!" Vitani said as she looked over to Zira who was towering over Ayari. Ayari turned around and gasped at the sight of the full grown lioness.

"I see you've found someone to...play with." Zira said with a dark chuckle.

"I wasn't playing with him! He's a trespasser!" Vitani said with a huff.

"I am a rogue. Not a trespasser." Ayari growled as he glared at Vitani. That comment made Zira laugh. Ayari looked in confusion at Zira. "What's so funny?"

"You? How would you survive on your own? You've already walked into my lands, insulted my daughter, and expect to get out alive? Is this how you travel?"
Zira asked with a dark grin. Ayari's eyes widened as she listed off his faults. She was right. What kind of rogue was he? "The world is a dark place. Especially for a little cub like you. Tell you what. If you swear loyalty to me, you may stay here, and stay alive." Zira purred. As nice as the offer sounded, it was also a threat. Ayari paused and looked down in thought. After a few moments even Vitani was getting irritated.

"Come on give her an answer!" Vitani snapped.

"Okay. I'll stay here. " Ayari said with an annoyed look at Vitani. Vitani smirked.

"Welcome to the pride. I should tell you a list of things to do and not do...but it would be more fun for you find out for yourself." Vitani said as she scampered off towards the termite dens in the distance. Zira looked to Ayari.

"Come along now." Zira murmured to the male cub. Ayari nodded and followed after Zira towards his new home.
Last edited by Baya on October 5th, 2009, 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ayari: King of the Rogues

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 5th, 2009, 7:47 am

awesome story xD i love it xD
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Re: Ayari: King of the Rogues

Postby Baya » October 5th, 2009, 12:46 pm

Thanks, and i finished the first part.
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Re: Ayari: King of the Rogues

Postby CommandoTheLion » October 5th, 2009, 6:31 pm

[quote="Kivuli"]Thanks, and i finished the first part.[/quote]

great i cant wait to see more xD
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