Ashur's Story

Re: Ashur's Story

Postby KiarasMate » July 17th, 2009, 9:47 pm

Ooo, you were right Crystal. lol. Now I can see that Dark is quite evil. Still, I always have a fondness for the antagonists in stories. :) Great new chapter even if it was rather short. ^^ Always looking forward to reading more of this awesome story whenever you find the time and inspiration to continue it my friend. Take your time with it and I know it will be amazing. :)
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby LilTiger » July 19th, 2009, 1:20 pm

I like his story so far. Keep up the good work. And Dark seem s very evil :evil:
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby SimbasMate » August 10th, 2009, 12:52 am

Chapter 4: Conditions and Desicons

I awoke from my horrible dream by something kicking me. I look up, and see Dark is kicking my back to wake up.
"Get up you stupid child!" He scowled.I do as I am told and stand up. Dark threw me a few glares and dirty looks, then stalked away quietly. I was very confused, and yet very sad. I follow Dark farther into the cave. It takes him a minute to figure out that I was following him. He looks back at me and rolls those evil temperd eyes at me.
"What do you want NOW!?"
"Why did you wake me up for?" I ask as I try to look as tough as possible.
"Ugh, you must not know yet? Why ask now, go figure it out for yourself, you stupid child."
Then I did the stupidest thing I ever did in my whoell life. I jumped up at Dark and gave him a good smack across his aged face. After a few minutes he looks up at me and runs towards me. I don't know what to do, so I just stand there like an idiot. What AM I supposed to do? I can't fight him off even if I try! He is way to strong for me. so I decide to hurt him with words instead.

"Stop calling me a stupid child, you horrible lion!" I throw his glares and dirty looks right back at his face. He stops running around me and stops in his tracks. Suddenly he smirks.
"Oh dearie me, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings, Ashur. You are way to powerful for me..that is when it comes to weakness." He cackles.
"Is theh fire coming?" I ask, suddenly scared. I was scared but his reaction to the look on my face was a grimace.
"You have figured it out! FINALLY!" He rolls his eyes and runs further into the cave for a few minutes and comes with some other lion.
"Meet my friend, Jeramiah!" He says.
I examine his friend. He has red eyes, with a purple mane and brown fur. He is a bit taller than Dark, but he looks as if he is much weaker. Jeramiah bows.
"Nice to meet you, Ashur. I will help you to break your parent's cur-OW!" Dark stepped on his foot hard.
"I mean, I am here to NOT help you break your parent's curse. I am here to help Dark, to bring your parents to their death." He corrects himself.
Dark walks away and says, "Take that worthless Ashur with you! I want him killed too!"
I walk out into the dark with Jeramiah. He stops and looks down on me with a gentle look on his face.

"Do not worry, child. I am good. I will help you and your parents reunite." He smiles.
I smile back and the warmth comes back to my body.
"Under one conditon..." Jeramiah let his voice trail off, then he caught it again.
"You must do as I say. If I say run, you run. If I say abandon me and safe yourself you do so. Understood?" I nod my head.
"After, you must make these desicons on your own. Now c'mon Ashur son. We've a long journey ahead of us." I follow Jeramiah as we set off on our exciting, yet dangerous journey.
[quote="Amanda"]And just like that she vanished, like a fart in the wind.
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby LilTiger » August 10th, 2009, 12:54 am

Ooo. I like this part. Is he gonna fall in love with someone? It be cool if Maua was in this.
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby KopsTheTerminator » August 10th, 2009, 10:06 am

The story is great so far :) Can't wait for the next chapter! :D

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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby KiarasMate » August 14th, 2009, 11:34 pm

Nice new chapter you've given us here Crystal. ^^ Another curve ball thrown in the mix with this new character of yours. :) I'ts too early to make any assumptions about him but I'm liking the way it's going thus far. ^^ Looking forward to the next part and keep up the great work my friend. ^^ Just might want to fix those few typos in the last post though. :)
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 11th, 2009, 4:47 am

Nice i cant wait till more xD
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby SimbasMate » December 5th, 2009, 7:33 pm

Chapter 5: The Journey

'Twas a hot, humid, and muggy day as Jeremiah and I set off for the long journey to find my parents. My paws were blistered, and felt as if they were going to burst. But I had to keep going, this was my only chance to reunite with my mother and father. I felt strong, and brave, as I walk proudly and strong by my helper's side. I felt like I was king. Make way for king Ashur! Everyone bow! The king is coming through! I thought to myself. I look up at the sky. It was bright as a morning could be, but it felt like we were walking for hours. Confidently, I hold my head up high. Jeremiah looks at me.
Hmm, what are you doing, silly? Excited to break the curse? Jeremiah asked with a tone of sarcasim in his voice.
Yes. And one day I will be king. Soon everybody will learn to respect me existing! I felt more confident than ever, but I was sure something was going to kill this confidence soon. I had a feeling.

It was nearly late afternoon when Jeremiah and I had to stop for a rest. As we stop near a waterhole, I nearly lap up all the water. I was so thirsty. I look up, from the water. The sun was now setting, and I was still hungry, courtesy of my stomach reminding me, and being so annoying. But there was no food out here. We were out in the middle of no where, and not a piece of living animal to be found, besides Jeremiah and I. Take a break from my drinking, and put my head on my paws. Jeremiah walks over to me, to finally stop pacing. He studies me carefully then starts a conversation.
Well we will be there soon enough, don't worry Ashur. Soon you'll be happy once again! I know we both can find your parents. Don't give up hope.
He smiled.
I won't. I'm never giving up anything anyway....
Say, Jeremiah? What do I do, if I have to go on my own, and my parents see me, and they try to kill me?
I felt ashamed after saying that. They wouldn't do it. Jeremiah sighed and sat down next to me, looking up at the now dark blue sky.
I can't say Ashur. Because it is your desisoin. If you just follow your heart, you will always know what to do. I will always be here, well for now. And when I leave you on your own, and you are in great danger, you must listen to what your heart says. If you do not know, then I will appear to save you. I give Jeremiah a happy look, he rolls his eyes and looks down on me.
Ashur, I will not be saving your ass all the time you know. You have to be strong. And I know you can... I mean look how far we are!! We are almost to your parents, and you aren't even dead.
I added. He sighed ad gave me a loving and friendly nuzzle. Yeah right. Now, you need to sleep, in the morning we will be heading out on that path to the far right of us. I will have to leave you that night, and..
Jeremiah's voice trailed off. What? What is it? I ask, getting up on all fours I give him a pleading look, and a scard look as well. He gave in.If you see... well.. Dark is supposed to be coming here. Be careful. Jeremiah finished, and went to sleep. Right then and there my heart stopped. Dark will be here? What if he finds out that Jeremiah is helping me out to find my parents? Is he going to kill him? What will he do to me? I worried myself to sleep.
[quote="Amanda"]And just like that she vanished, like a fart in the wind.
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby KiarasMate » December 6th, 2009, 3:50 am

Wonderful new part to your story Juicy. ^^ I was curious if you were going to continue this story too and I'm happy you did. ^^ it's still very interesting to read and I think you're doing a great job with it. :) Looking forward to the next part whenever you get around to writing it JuiceBox and keep up the amazing work. ^^
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Re: Ashur's Story

Postby CheetahCat » December 6th, 2009, 3:51 am

Really nice story thus far, Juice. :) I'm really enjoying what you're doing so far in your story and I'm looking forward of seeing more of your creativity. ^^
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