The Story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 14th, 2013, 3:14 am

Chapter 5 Beautiful Day, Cloudy Spirits

Mufasa: Adofo, Simba wake up.
Simba: huh…..what’s wrong dad?
Mufasa: Boys do you think Enzi would like to see the sunrise from the top of Priderock?
Simba: Like when you showed us?
Mufasa: Yes.
Adofo: yeah I think he would.
Simba Yeah!
Mufasa: Okay, Adofo gently pick him up and we’ll head up.
*Adofo carefully picks up the little cub and the four head to the peak on top of Priderock*
Simba:*as he poked the little sleeping cub* Hey wake up, we want you to see something.
Enzi:*yawns* what is it?
Mufasa: Look at there, keep your eye on the horizon.
*the little cub stares at the horizon as the sun starts to rise into the air*
Enzi: Wow! It is amazing, just like my mom said. It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen!
*The four stand looking over the land admiring its beauty*
Mufasa: Well I think we had better head back down, we need to head out and find your mother soon.
*All four of them head back down and go to the base of Priderock to find the entire pride waiting for them so they can head out*
Mufasa: Looks like everyone is here, except Scar. Where is he?
Sarabi: I don’t know, he wasn’t here when I woke up.
Mufasa: Hmmmm…. very well then, we’ll just have to go without him.
*The pride starts marching away from their home to find where Enzi had left his mother*
*After a few hours of walking they find it*
Enzi: That’s it! Over there!
*The pridelanders walk over towards to the spot and find Enzi’s mother still in her peaceful eternal rest*
Enzi: See mommy I told you I would come back for you!*the little cub goes up to his mother’s body and gently licks her face*
*All the young ones and some of the lioness’s start to tear up from sadness*
Mufasa: En….*clears his throat*…. Enzi are you ready?
Enzi: Yes…. I’m ready.
Mufasa: Alright everyone start digging a hole.
Jana: Hey Nala quit flinging dirt in my face!
Nala: I’m not!
Jana: Are too!
Sarafina: Both of you stop! That is no way to act at a time like this!
Nala & Jana: Sorry…….
*not long the pride has dug a hole for Adila and prepares to lower her into the ground*
Sarabi: Enzi do you want to say your final goodbyes?
Enzi: Yes Ma’am. *He approaches his mother’s body for the last time* Goodbye mommy, I will always love you. *and lick his mother’s cheek for the last time*
*Some of the lioness’s gently put Adila into the hole while Enzi start’s to cry for his mother and then fill in the hole*
Simba: Hey it’ll be okay.
Adofo: Mom, Dad, can Enzi stay with us?
Sarabi: Of course he can!
*they all turn around and head back to Priderock*
*A few months later after living with the Pridelanders Enzi comes to a decision*
Enzi: Everyone, I cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me, taking me in, feeding me, giving my mom a proper burial and Adofo, for saving my life. But I think I have spent enough time here, me and my mom would wander around all the time and I think I have stayed for too long. I think it’s time I go off on my own.
Nala: Are you sure?
Enzi: Yeah, thanks to all of you I can defend for myself and get my own food, so I think it’s time.
Mufasa: Well if that’s really what you want.
Sarabi: You are welcome back anytime!
Adofo: Come on group hug!
*All the young ones crowd around Enzi and have a big group hug as their goodbye*
Enzi: I will gladly drop by every now and then, again thank you all for everything you have done! *the cub then walks out and down to the bottom of Priderock but turns back to look back up at the cave and sees all the pridelanders on the ledge shouting goodbyes and then turns around and goes on his way*
Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 10:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 15th, 2013, 6:41 am

Chapter 6 Meeting The Future

*From time to time the little cub would come back to Priderock to see his three best friends Simba, Nala and Adofo. The four would always get into the craziest trouble, but all that changed after Scar claimed the throne, Mufasa was killed and Simba was lost. He could not bear to go back while Priderock, the closest thing he has to a home slowly disintegrated. But a while after Simba reclaims his throne, the now teenage lion travels back to see his friends again not long after Simba has his second cub.*
Adofo: Enzi? Hey come here, it’s Enzi!
Simba: Enzi! *as he walks out the cave of Priderock he sees his old friend waiting right outside* Enzi! It’s good to see you!
Enzi: It’s great to see you guys too! You two have defiantly changed!
Simba: So have you!
Enzi: I heard you guys took back Priderock, looks like I heard right!
Simba: Yeah, but boy it wasn’t easy.
Adofo: I’ll say.
*suddenly a little cub comes running out of the cave*
Kiara: Whoa look out! *she yells as she runs under her uncles legs* Sorry Uncle Adofo! *as she starts running down the side of Priderock*
Adofo: Kiara be careful!
Simba: And remember stay on the path-
Kiara: On the path you marked for me, I know!
Simba: She can be such a handful sometimes.
Adofo: Oh yeah, and like we weren’t?!
Enzi: Who was that?
Simba: Oh sorry, that was my daughter Kiara.
Enzi: Well she certainly has your spirit.
Simba: That’s what her mother says.
Adofo: Well Nala is right, everyone knows she does.
Simba: *he stares at his brother with disbelief* whatever. Say Enzi would you like to meet my other daughter?
Enzi: Yeah sure!
Simba: Alright, she’s taking a nap in here. *the three start to head into the cave* And I was never that wild!
Adofo: Oh yeah right, you were much worse.
Simba: Says who!?
Adofo: Says the older brother that had to save us on more than one occasion!
*The three approach a little sleeping newborn cub sleeping in a corner*
Simba: Enzi, this is Sammy!
Enzi: Awwwww! She’s so cute!
*Sammy yawns and wakes up to see her father, uncle and a stranger watching over her*
Enzi: Good morning! *he rubs her check with his paw and she smiles* Can she walk?
Adofo: She tries but right now she mostly just stumbles over herself.
Enzi: Hahaha! Well guys sorry but I can’t stay for long, I got to go, tell Nala I said hi!
Simba: Okay, will do!
Adofo: Come back soon alright!
Enzi: Alright, will do!
Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 10:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 17th, 2013, 10:38 pm

Chapter 7 Hunting 101

*A few years have passed and Enzi has made it back to the Pridelands, he again stops by for a visit*
Enzi: *Walks to the cave of Priderock and he sees Nala* Hey Nala!
Nala: Enzi, is that you!
Enzi: Yeah it’s me!
Nala: It is so good to see you! *the two old friends bump heads*
Enzi: It’s good to see you too!
Nala: Sorry I wasn’t around when you last came by.
Enzi: I’m sorry I had to leave before I could say hi.
Kiara: Come on Kovu!
Kovu: Alright I’m coming!
Enzi: Oh hey it’s you! You’ve sure grown!
Kiara: Oh yeah your friends with my parents and uncle, it’s nice to see you too!
Nala: You two know each other?
Enzi: Yeah we’ve meet…..for about three seconds.
Kiara: Sorry, I was pretty excited and in a hurry.
Enzi: Don’t worry about it. Who is this?
Nala: This is Kiara’s husband Kovu.
Enzi: Hey Kovu how are yo-…….. wait. You look familiar, have we meet?
Kovu: I don’t think so.
Enzi: *leans in for a closer look, Bali suddenly flashes before his eyes, and Enzi jumps back* AHH! I recognize those eyes, you must be Bali’s son!
Kovu: Who’s Bali?
Nala: A long time ago a rouge was cast out of another pride, soon after Enzi’s mother had died that lion found Enzi and almost killed him.
Enzi: He gave me these. *as he points out the scars on his face*
Nala: If it wasn’t for your uncle he would have killed him.
Kovu: Oh….. I’m sorry for what my father did to you. I never knew him but I don’t think my mother was much better.
Enzi: Thank you. You on the other hand seem to be more caring than he was. But speaking of Adofo where are he and Simba at?
Kiara: I think they both went hunting for “old time’s sake”.
Enzi: Alright I was hoping we would all do something today, like old times.
Nala: Sounds great, but we would have to go find them, otherwise they’ll be out all night.
Enzi: Alright well, I guess we’d better get started, if you guys wouldn’t mind helping me look.
Kiara: I think we can help!
Nala: Then let’s go get’em!
*All four of them split off over the Pridelands to find the two*
*Meanwhile Simba is on the ground waiting for something to come by while Adofo is up a tree with his bow out and ready to shoot*
Adofo: *whispering* Hey Simba, I think I see something.
Simba: *whispering* What?
Adofo: A zebra, you want it or should I take it?
Simba: You go ahead.
Adofo: Alright.
*While Enzi is walking around he too sees a lone zebra*
Enzi: Might as well have a little fun while I look!
*Enzi slowly creeps up to the zebra and right when he is about to pounce he steps on a twig, sending the zebra running with Enzi chasing after it*
Adofo: Awww man! Hold still! *keeping his eye on the zebra he pulls back and fires*
*Too late the arrow flies, Enzi turns toward the voices and sees an arrow flying at him and manages to dodge it, just barely*
Adofo: Uh oh!
Simba: ENZI!
Enzi: *panting incredibly hard* Oh….oh man!
Adofo: Enzi are you alright!?
Enzi: Yeah I’m fine.
Simba: Way to go big bro you almost got Enzi!
Adofo: I didn’t know!
Enzi: No it’s my fault, I knew you two were hunting out here, I should have been more careful.
Simba: What are you doing out here anyways?
Enzi: I came back to see you two and Nala, I was hoping we could all hangout like old times.
Simba: Sounds great!
Adofo: Yeah, I’m game!
Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 10:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 17th, 2013, 11:13 pm

Chapter 8 Friendly Reunion, Brutal Competition

*The three head back to Priderock soon meeting up with Kiara, Kovu and Nala*
Nala: Looks like you found them!
Enzi: Yeah, after Adofo almost skewered me.
Nala: WHAT?!
Adofo: Skip it.
Enzi: Yeah it’s alright, so are you guys up for a little fun?
Simba: I think we’re ready.
Enzi: Okay then how about we have a race, like old times?
Simba: Oh….ummmmm I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.
Enzi: What do you mean?
Simba: Last time we did that, it was without you and it didn’t go so well.
Adofo: Simba it’s fine, that was a long time ago, I even solved that little problem myself not long ago.*he said while grabbing his grey undershirt* It’s not like Zuberi will come back again.
Simba: Yeah, but I just don’t want something like that to happen to you again!
Adofo: It’s fine Simba!
Simba: But…
Adofo: Who is the older brother?
Simba: *sigh* You….
Adofo: That’s right, king or not you told me yourself that you are not in charge of me.
Simba: Yeah but…
Adofo: So I say it’s alright to have a race, besides you know me, even that was to somehow happen again I could handle it myself if I had too.
Simba: *sigh* Okay, let’s do it.
Adofo: Alright, then let’s go.
Enzi: What was that all about?
Simba: We’ll tell you after we race.
Enzi: Alright.
*All four walk down to a tall tree to start the race*
Nala: Okay, you know the rules, first one around the Pridelands and back here wins.
Adofo: Alright, ready.
Simba: Set.
Enzi: GO!
*The four take off, running around the waterhole, past the big wall of rock, past the base of Priderock and are heading back to the start with Adofo in the lead*
Adofo: HAHAHA! I STILL GOT IT!!! *But Enzi slowly comes up from behind*
Enzi: DON’T COUNT ON IT!! *And Enzi wins by a nose*
Adofo: *out of breath* I….can’t……believe it……someone….beat me!
Simba: Well……I guess there goes your record huh Adofo?!! *with a big smile on his face*
Adofo: Shut……….up*still trying to catch his breath*
Nala: Ah, good race, that was fun, but I think I’m going to go take a nap for a while.
Simba: So you still think a race was a good idea?
Adofo: *starting to catch his breath* …..what….ever. I need some water, I’ll be right back. *walks away towards the pond*
Simba: Good job beating Adofo!
Enzi: Thanks but it wasn’t easy!
Simba: Yeah I bet.
*Adofo gets to the pond and starts drinking some water*
Sammy: Uncle Adofo! *his niece yells across the water as she walks around to him*
Adofo: Hey Sam.*as he gets more water*
Sammy: What’s wrong uncle Dofo?
Adofo: Nothing, me, Nala and your father all raced an old friend of ours.
Sammy: Oh and you won!?
Adofo: Nope, for once your old uncle lost.
Sammy: What!? But you would always talk about how you would win every race!
Adofo: Hey, I haven’t raced in a long time, besides it wasn’t by much, he just barely beat me.
Sammy: Who did?
Adofo: Our friend Enzi.
Sammy: That sounds familiar.
Adofo: Yeah, well you actually meet him when you were really young, he even played with you a little bit.
Sammy: Can I meet him?
Adofo: I don’t see why not.
Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 10:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 18th, 2013, 12:01 am

Chapter 9 Loves First Step

*The two walk back over to where the race started with Enzi and Simba sitting and waiting*
Simba: Then our father came out of nowhere and saved Adofo from Zuberi, before it was too late.
Enzi: Wow, you’re lucky to have a brother like that to protect you!
Simba: Yeah, I really am!
Sammy: Hey daddy!
Simba: Hey princess!
Sammy: Uncle Adofo told me that he was beaten in a race!
Simba: Yep he was, this is him. Sammy meet Enzi.
Enzi: Hey nice to see you again, although you probably don’t remember me.
Sammy: Yeah uncle Dofo said you meet me when I was really little.
Enzi: Yeah, and if you ask me you’ve grown up to be a fine young lioness.
Sammy: *she shyly looks away* Thank you!
Adofo: You know we should all go to the cave and catch up.
Enzi: Alright sounds good.
Simba: Sammy you wanna come?
Sammy: No daddy, I’ve got some stuff to do. *Sammy runs off to her and her friends meeting spot* Hey everyone!
Shadow/Lily/Chakula/Shiva/Deni: Hey Sam!
Sammy: You will not believe what just happened!
Deni: What?
Sammy: I met a lion, his name was Enzi!
Shadow: Tell us more!
Sammy: A long time ago Uncle Adofo found him and saved him! Daddy introduced me to him, he is so handsome and sweet!
Shiva: Oh, what did he say!??
Sammy: He said that I’ve “grown up to be a fine young lioness”!
Lily: Ooooh he likes you!
Shadow: What color were his eyes?
Sammy: He had the most beautiful green eyes!
Chakula: I bet he’s gonna ask you out!
Sammy: No, no he was just being polite.
Deni: I don’t think so!
Shadow: I bet you the next time he sees you he’ll do it!
Shiva: Where is he now?!
Sammy: He’s back at Priderock.
Lily: Let’s go up there right now!
Sammy: No!
Deni: Why not!?
Sammy: I don’t wanna go!
Shadow: Alright stay here, but if you won’t say anything we will!
*All five leave, leaving Sammy behind*
Sammy: ……………fine! *Sammy rushes to catch up with them*
*all six get up to the cave of Priderock with a lot of the other pridelanders talking to Enzi*
Shadow: Go on!
Sammy:*takes a deep breath* Okay! *she walks over to the crowd sitting down talking*
Tama: Hey Sammy!
Sammy: Hey mom! Uh hey…..Enzi.
Enzi: Hi!
*Sammy’s friends are all giggling behind her*
Enzi: Ummm hey Sammy.
Sammy: Yeah?!
Enzi: This may seem a little strange but ummm… I’m actually going to be sticking around here for a while and ummm….*Adofo looks at the two with a puzzled face* would you like to maybe, I don’t know….do …something sometime?
*Sammy’s friends all gasp in excitement*
Sammy: Ummm yeah, YEAH sure!
Enzi: Great uhh how about we, I don’t know…. Spent the day tomorrow, together?
Sammy: ye-…Yeah! Sounds great!
Enzi: Alright! Great!
*All the Pridelanders look happy for the two, except Simba and Adofo*
Sammy: I guess I’ll see you tomorrow!
Enzi: See you then!
*Sammy walks back out of the cave with her friends*
Simba: Ummmm everyone do you think me and Adofo can have a moment alone with our old friend?
*All the pridelanders get up and head outside*
Tama: Play nice!
Adofo: We will, don’t worry!
*The two brothers get up and sit down on both sides of Enzi*
Enzi: What’s…….what’s up guys!???
Adofo: We’re friends right Enzi?
Enzi: Yeah……
Simba: Yeah well even though we are friends we just want to put down some ground rules, okay!
Enzi: Uhhh yeah, sure of course!
Adofo: You know that’s my niece, and of course Simba’s daughter so here’s the deal.
Simba: You be a complete gentleman to her.
Enzi: Yes sir!
Adofo: You be on your absolute best behavior.
Enzi: Of course!
Simba: Do not get her into any trouble.
Enzi: Understood!
Adofo: But the most important thing, do not and I mean, do NOT crush…..her…..heart.! Is that clear?
Enzi: Ye…yes sir!
Adofo: Good. We know you’re a good kid.
Simba: We just want you to be extra careful.
Enzi: I will!
Adofo: Alright then! *pats Enzi on the back* Good talk!
*Enzi sighs in huge relief*
Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 11:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby Adofo » July 18th, 2013, 5:21 am

Chapter 10 Love Is Where Your Heart Is

*The next day*
Enzi:*Yawns, gets up to go outside, Adofo is stand right around the corner*
Adofo: Hey Enzi.
Enzi: Oh….. Adofo you scared me!
Adofo: Can we have a quick talk?
Enzi: Sure.
Adofo: Walk with me. Listen I’ve known you for a long time and I know you’re a nice guy but that stuff me and Simba said yesterday we didn’t want you to feel scared or threatened, we just wanted you to know how much Sammy means to us.
Enzi: I understand, you’re just looking out for her.
Adofo: Exactly and it would be harder for Simba to say this because that’s his daughter but I can say this for both of us, we trust you to be a great guy for Sam.
Enzi: Thanks that really means a lot coming from my hero.
Adofo: Hehe yeah…..but the real reason I wanted to talk to you is because I don’t want you to feel nervous okay.
Enzi: Man I wish I could but it’s hard, I mean I don’t even know if she likes me.
Adofo: She does.
Enzi: What?!
Adofo: Yeah, she does.
Enzi: How do you know?
Adofo: Well since Simba knows how bad me, him and Nala were about getting into trouble, whenever any of the kids leave Priderock he sends me to follow them.
Enzi: Didn’t Kiara say Timon and Pumbaa used to do that?
Adofo: Yeah but I’d always follow at a distance, but after those two kept messing things up he would just secretly send me. I’ve heard some things and you should have nothing to be nervous about, just be yourself.
Enzi: Okay, thanks Adofo you’re a good friend!
Adofo: No problem, now let’s get back to Priderock, she’ll probably be up in a few minutes.
*The two head back to Priderock*
Adofo: Alright go back in, she’ll be up any second.
Enzi: Thanks again Dofo.
Adofo: You don’t need to thank me, just be good.
Enzi: Okay.*Walks back inside*
Simba:*walks out to Adofo* Where’ve you two been?
Adofo: Don’t worry about it, and don’t worry about Sam, she’s in good hands, or paws really.
Simba: I know she is but…..
Adofo: I know Simba, I know, but someday you have to let them all go, you did it with Kiara, you can do it again.
*They watch as Enzi and Sammy walk out together*
Simba: *He smiles* Thanks bro!
Adofo: Anytime.
*Enzi and Sammy are walking towards a pool of water*
Sammy: Wow so that’s what really happened?
Enzi: Yeah, that’s how I got these scars.
Sammy: I’m really sorry about your mom.
Enzi: It’s okay, it’s just a part of life, what really bothers me is when I wander though most places they think I’m some kind of monster.
Sammy: What do you mean?
Enzi: Going into a place where no one knows you, you have a face that looks like this, you have no home, most just seem to look down on you as if you’ve done something awful.
Sammy: Well, I know you’re not bad. *quickly licks Enzi’s cheek*
*Enzi quickly stares at Sammy, shocked and nervous, Sammy laughs and pushes Enzi into the water and soon jumps in after him*
Enzi: HA HA HA! Most lions I meet don’t like to swim!
Sammy: You’ve got a lot to learn about me!
*The two go out on a walk and see Timon and Pumbaa in the distance, they slowly creep up on them and roar, sending them running while Enzi and Kiara laugh*
*They then go to a grassy field and Sammy quickly hides, Enzi looks for her and Sammy playfully pounces him*
*Finally the two go up on top of a hill and watch the sunset*
Sammy: This was a wonderful day!
Enzi: Yeah, this is one of those rare days where it’s so perfect you just never want it to end! *Sammy again licks Enzi on the cheek but this time Enzi just smiles* It’s getting late, we should head back.
Sammy: Okay.
*The two then go back to Priderock together, they start to head into the cave with Adofo and Simba standing off to the side*
Simba: Hey, there you two are!
Sammy: Hey daddy!
Simba: How was your day?
Sammy: I loved it, it was the best day I’ve ever had!
Simba: Glad to hear it.
Sammy: Good night daddy, good night uncle Dofo!
Simba/Adofo: Good night!
*Enzi starts to walk inside with Sammy, looking back at the two, Simba smiles and Adofo gives a discreet thumbs up*
*After Enzi decides to permanently stay at Priderock a few months later Sammy and Enzi are married and Sammy soon gets pregnant with their twin cubs, Kiume and Msichana, and finally Enzi had a family he could call his own again, he had found a place that he belonged*

Last edited by Adofo on July 29th, 2013, 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby agirlhasnoname » July 18th, 2013, 8:48 am

What the hell

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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby agirlhasnoname » July 18th, 2013, 4:15 pm

What the hell

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Re: The story of Enzi, The lone Wanderer

Postby agirlhasnoname » July 18th, 2013, 4:17 pm

What the hell

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