TLK 4: War of Kings

Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Tacobell Lion » September 9th, 2012, 6:05 am

Duuuuuuuude. That chapter was awesome! Kinda sad and a lot of drama!

I think I like it better than part 1 of A hearts loneliness. Excellent job bro! :)
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » September 10th, 2012, 4:07 am

Thanks Tacobell Lion I've started working on the next chapter a little bit of a teaser Kopa might be getting his memory back soon and look for some special characters in my next chapter.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Tacobell Lion » September 10th, 2012, 5:26 am

I will man! Im excited for it!
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » September 11th, 2012, 9:54 pm

Well here it is up and ready for reading not the longest chapter I've done but wasn't to sure how it was going to go but I think I did a good job on it. I also dedicate this post to those that we lost on this day. So lets remember and never forget.

Chapter 8: Kumbukumbu ya ndoto (Memories of a Nightmare)

Kopa walked slowly back to the den after a long day of hunting with the rest of the lionesses, since the events with Nalia Kopa had come into his own. His brown mane had come in and he had gotten a lot stronger and faster, he had also proven himself to be quite a skilled hunter and was promoted to lead hunter even through great disgust from some of the lionesses. Kopa shook his head back and forth his mane flowing back and forth looking off in the distance seeing the same two lions that he saw at the waterfall. Getting closer to the den he could see his brother Toko his black mane covering his body as he waited for Kopa ready to ask him about the hunt. Kopa could see his brother heading towards him to ask him something but he just kept on walking completely ignoring Toko making him worry. Kopa was seeing more and more of these lions and was starting to get worried they were there when he was asleep and when he was awake. Toko caught up with his brother “Hey Kopa…Kopa….hey come on say something. What’s wrong with you?” Toko stopped in front of Kopa not moving until he got an answer.

“I’ve been seeing strange things lately and wondering if any of this is real or not.”

Toko laughed at Kopa’s comment “Oh come on Kopa I’m real it’s not some fake life you coward.” Toko smacked Kopa to the ground. His fur turning jet black, and his eyes turning red standing above Kopa grinning evilly, before lunging at Kopa for the kill. “NNOOOOOO!!!” Kopa screamed waking up in the den his scream waking a lot of the others but only Toko showing concern as he headed over to see what was going on. Kopa was panting heavily looking around quickly trying to get his bearings he didn’t know what to do or think he was just trying to process where he was. Kopa soon saw Toko walking up to him and panicked unsure if he was still dreaming or not “Stay away from me Toko!” Kopa growled backing up his paws shuffling on the slick stone surface until he had managed to get to the exit of the den. Toko tried to calm his brother down but it was obvious that he wasn’t in the best state of mind right now. Kopa panicked as Toko took another step forward, backing up before turning and running out of the den and towards the watering hole, all Toko could do was watch as his brother’s sanity was unraveling slowly. Kopa ran as fast as he could towards the watering hole stopping to take a drink of water he could feel his legs shaking finally taking a moment to relax and gather himself. Kopa stared into the water he didn’t understand it but he could only see half of his reflection in the water, he growled looking at the water and slammed his paw on the water’s surface shattering his reflection. Kopa stared up at the night sky the stars shining in the darkness “Who am I and what is my purpose?” he asked himself laying down and closing his eyes.

Kopa opened his eyes and found himself back on the lands of the place all of his dreams and visions were coming from. He was a cub again taking time to smell the flowers next to him made this place feel warm and safe for some reason. His comfort was cut quickly when he felt something bump into him looking to his left he saw a girl cub his age the same one he had apparently made the promise to before he lost his memory. Kopa smiled as she started running towards a large rock formation, quickly following her and laughing along with her as he could see the same two lions watching over both of them from atop the rocks. Suddenly his fur stood on end and he looked behind him seeing a black figure chasing after the two of them, Kopa turned back and saw that the land was now black and desolate nothing around him but dark emptiness. He felt trapped panicking all he could think about was the great kings of the past and how he wished that they were here to help him, the black figure crept closer as Kopa started to sink into a lake of darkness. The figures red eyes stared at him piercing his soul as he watched it raise its claw to strike him down but stopped when a light shined through the darkness cutting everything away. Kopa opened his eyes seeing four lions standing in the light and for some reason he knew who they were for some reason, they were four of the greatest kings and queens; Ahadi, Uru, Sarabi, and Mufasa. Kopa looked at himself and realized that he was back to his original age he watched as the lions got closer becoming more visible the bright golden fur of Uru, her green eyes watching him.

“Well I’m glad to see that my Great-Grandson is doing well.” Uru smiled as her mate Ahadi walked up to her.

“Wh…what do you mean Great-Grandson?” Kopa looked at the four lions before feeling Sarabi nuzzle up against him.

“You have forgotten who you are Kopa and so you have forgotten us.” Mufasa spoke walking around Kopa.

“I want to remember but I…I can’t something stops me. I want to remember who I was who my parents were and who that little cub is that I loved and made a promise to.” Kopa started to cry he hated the fact that he had this darkness that was keeping him from remembering.

“You must face your past pain Kopa to truly remember and once you do you must take your place as the king of Pride Rock.” Ahadi took a closer step towards Kopa smiling. He was right, Kopa had to face the past that haunts him if he isn’t able to overcome the pain of what happened he would never be able to return home.

Kopa wiped the tears away from his eyes looking at the sight before him there was no doubt in his mind that the two lions he saw in his dreams and visions were his parents they had distinct similarities. Kopa stepped up towards his supposed family members “I want to remember everything I’m not going to let this fear of what happened control me anymore.” Kopa stomped his paw growling he was ready; all of his time spent up till now was in preparation for this moment. Kopa watched as the four lions smiled at him and each one gave him a nuzzle of love and encouragement before they faded back into the great beyond hearing all of them telling him to remember who he is. Once they were gone the black figure returned its red eyes glaring at him when suddenly everything when black and when he regained his sight he was a cub again out in the grass with a lioness with a black aura. She pinned him to the ground roaring in rage she wanted him dead as she clawed at him cutting into his little form laughing as he screamed in pain. Kopa did his best to fight back biting her right ear and tearing a chunk of her ear off hearing her growl in pain giving Kopa enough time to get up and run giving himself some distance. He couldn’t figure out who it was she looked so familiar to him and he couldn’t remember why she was attacking him in the first place.

“Did you really think that Vitani loved you ha she was the one who suggested this she never loved you and will be happy to see you gone.” The lioness growled knocking Kopa back to the ground. The image of the little cub girl popped into his head and he remembered the promise that he made to her as he stood up slowly glaring at the lioness.

“ZIRA!!” Kopa screamed seeing her colors return but keeping the dark aura watching as she just soughed at him. “I won’t let you hold me back any more all I want is to….remember!” Kopa growled he turned back to his original age and swatted Zira to the ground, “You hurt me in many ways but most of all you hurt Vitani and that will never happen again.” Kopa roared as he brought his claw down on Zira shattering her image and letting out a roar of triumph. Kopa slowly opened his eyes to the morning light looking around and saw his brother Toko standing over him.

“Hey are you okay Kopa? You had me worried when you ran off like that, what happened?” Toko watched as Kopa stood up and stared off into the distance waiting for an answer.

“I remember everything Toko and you know what…I think it’s time for me to head home.” Kopa turned his head looking back at his brother giving him a wicked grin.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Tacobell Lion » September 11th, 2012, 11:16 pm

Dude! That chapter was sick! I love how Ahadi, Uru, Sarabi, and Mufasa were in it and how he finally remembered! Man I'm excited for what comes next!!!!

This was prob one of ur better chapters!
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby ShadowMist » September 15th, 2012, 3:35 pm

WOW! Lovin this story now! So happy Kopa remembers!!! :)
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » September 16th, 2012, 4:33 pm

Thanks shadowmist I'll be starting the next chapter tomorrow so it should be up later in the week I'm bringing back some old characters so this one will have an old character from the universe so keep an eye out for the name.
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby ShadowMist » September 17th, 2012, 10:28 pm

Cool! :)
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby Dark Huntress » September 25th, 2012, 6:43 am

I NEED MORE!!!!!!!
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Re: TLK 4: War of Kings

Postby fox_fighter99 » September 26th, 2012, 8:50 pm

Ok finally got the chapter done to everyone that's been following this story please let me appologize I've been very busy lately with work and other things but I'll be trying hard to keep up a chapter once a week ok everyone. :(

Chapter 9: Hali ya Fury (Nature’s Fury)

Toko stared at his brother in shock he couldn’t put his thoughts into words the whole time he had been living with them he had watched his nightmares become worse and more frequent. Besides that he had the terrible misfortune of watching his sanity fall fast as he got older having a hard time realizing what was real and what was his memories. Toko stared at Kopa “Wait are you saying that you remember everything Kopa!?” Toko took a step forward practically getting right in Kopa’s face hearing him chuckle and nod his head. Toko couldn’t contain his excitement as he jumped up and down and rolled around in the grass letting his legs flail around. It wasn’t long before Shema made her way to the watering hole wanting to make sure everything was okay.

“Well what’s going on here to make you so excited son?” Shema stopped and looked at both her boys one rolling on the ground and the other with a serious look on his face. She studied Kopa’s face and it didn’t take her long to realize what had happened “Kopa did what I think happened really just happen?” Shema’s eyes widened when Kopa nodded his head giving her a bright smile. Shema didn’t know how to react, her emotions were all churned up she was happy for Kopa there was no doubt about that but she also feared for his life. She knew that if Chuki found out that he had gotten his memories back he would kill him and that was something that she was sure the rest of the pride would want. Shema sat down and once Toko finished laughing he joined her they both wanted to know what had happened to Kopa before he came here. Kopa began to tell the two about his life before Shema found him, how he loved his parents and his little sister Kiara, but when he got to Vitani his heart sank he had made a promise to her and he broke it. Kopa slumped down he couldn’t get his mind off Vitani he wasn’t sure if she was still alive, and if she was he wasn’t sure if she had found another lion or not and if she still loved him. Toko and Shema were shocked at what had happened to Kopa the day Shema had found him, Toko tried to make the situation better but it was obvious his mind was stuck on something else “We’ve got to get you out of here Kopa before Chuki finds out what’s happened.” Shema stood heading back towards the den.

“I’ll see you back at the den too ok brother.” Toko gave a big smile before following his mother back towards the den.

Kopa watched as his brother and Shema walked away heading back home leaving him at the watering hole. He got up slowly walking away from the water but stopped and looked down into the clear liquid seeing only half of himself in the reflection letting out a sigh before heading off. Kopa knew what he wanted to do right now but he wasn’t sure on how he was going to go about accomplishing something like that. Kopa made his way into the flower field and smelled the flowers some of which he knew grew back in the Pride Lands, his mind drifted off back to the day Zira attacked him seeing the flowers that he was picking to give to Vitani. Kopa growled and slammed his paw into the flowers, he’d never been this angry to see flowers when he suddenly caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Kopa shuffled and saw Chuki standing off in the distance; Kopa raised his head up giving Chuki a determined look causing Chuki’s eyes to widen before he ran off back towards the den. Kopa decided that it would be best to head back but he knew something was up with Chuki so he decided to take the longer route back, when he got close enough to the den he hid in a bush hearing some arguing.


“You don’t know anything all he did was give you a look and you know as well as I do he’s done that before.”

Chuki got right up in Shema’s face “You can’t protect him forever Shema if he has gotten his memory back I will kill him and I have the pride to help me if I need them.” Chuki roared and stormed off, once Kopa believed it was safe he came out of the bushes to meet a fearful Shema.

“KOPA YOU HAVE TO LEAVE BEFORE CHUKI FINDS YOU!” Shema was panic ridden she feared for the lion she had been raising since he was a cub.

“Relax Shema I’ve been giving it a lot of thought and I’m ready to go home but getting out is the hard part.” Kopa chuckled and he could tell that Shema knew he was right there was a big storm headed their way. Kopa grunted as Shema pushed him into the den where Toko was and moved a few rocks showing a hidden tunnel in the wall.

“Here Kopa use this to get out it will take you to a cave exit at the edge of our grounds and you can make your escape that way, not even Chuki knows about this.” Shema smiled trying to keep a hold on her panic. She was very worried for Kopa’s safety she saw him as her own son and didn’t want Chuki to do anything to harm him.

“Hey don’t worry mom I’ll make sure he’s ok and stays out of trouble.” Toko smiled stepping forward and into the cave opening. He saw his mother’s worried face but gave her a reassuring smile and nuzzled her as they went further in she pushed the rocks and closed them off. Toko and Kopa reached the end of the cave seeing the burnt ground ahead of them, Kopa inquired as to why Toko was going along “What are you kidding I’ve never left here so I thought what better place to see first than your home brother.” Toko laughed before they started out into the blazing sun and heat.

Kopa and Toko headed as fast as they could towards the Pride Lands but it was a long road and the weather was getting worse and worse by the minute. The wind had picked up and rain had started to fall hard and to make matters worse the lightening was getting very violent. Kopa and Toko trudged on fighting against the wind and stinging rain but found themselves at an impasse when they reached a rushing river seeing some rocks which they could use to cross. Toko was the first one to start his way across although the rocks were slippery he made it across the river without a hitch. Kopa was next and it was a lot harder than it looked he slipped multiple times trying to make it to the second rock but it wasn’t until he looked off to he left that he really started to worry. There were large logs rushing down the river snapping and splitting as the hit the rocks, Kopa tried to hurry across but that proved to be more trouble than anything. Making it to the last rock he jumped landing on the ground but had it collapse from getting so much rain so fast, Toko acted fast grabbing Kopa’s paws holding onto his brother as his back half was submerged in water trying to be swept away. The logs were getting closer and closer and Toko was putting all of his strength into just holding onto Kopa, suddenly another lion came out of nowhere and grabbed onto Kopa as well helping Toko pull him up to safety just as the logs went rushing by.

“Come on follow me both of you!” The lion motioned to a small cave just up ahead Toko and Kopa following not asking questions. They sat in the cave and waited out the storm until it finally passed and the sun came out showing that the lion had a light brown fur color with a cream color on his mouth and belly, and a brown mane. He smiled at both of them “You two aren’t hurt are you?” he asked, Kopa didn’t know what to think this lion looked familiar to him and he had to be at least as old as his dad back at Pride Rock. The lion stepped outside and was greeted suddenly by three blue birds that flew around him before landing in his mane.

Kopa’s eyes widened when he saw the three birds “No way it can’t be…….Tojo!?”

“Huh how do you know who I am?”

“It’s me Tojo………Kopa!”
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