The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 25th, 2014, 11:47 pm

Sam: So aunt Nala, how you feeling?
Nala: Ugh, I wished they let me come back yesterday! It was awful waiting in that cage with that bear! And the food wasn't great either! But, thanks Sam for taking me and getting me!
Sam: Yeah sure thing!
Shanon: Were just glad you're okay!
*they made it back home and got inside, with Simba, Adofo and Christen waiting for them.*
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 25th, 2014, 11:58 pm

Simba ran up to them. "Nala! Are you alright? Did they treat you well?"
Nala sighed. "Treatment was good, the pen I was stuck in not so good. I was stuck with a polar bear that had R.H.E."
"R.H.E?" Shanon said. "That's not contagious. That's inside the body. That polar bear was sick because he probably had some sort of bacteria that wasn't going to the antibodies."
Nala cringed. "Still gross. That bear also got the last piece of Grade A meat! I had to eat Grace C."
"At least it wasn't spoiled, it's better than nothing." Christen said.
Adofo hugged the lioness.
"I'm glad you're okay!"
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 26th, 2014, 12:03 am

Simba: So what did they say to do?
Nala: they want me back in next week to check for problems, also to fix my eyes.
Adofo: Is that bad?
Nala: No. I'll be fine!
Adofo: okay! Thats good! .....hey kids.....can I say something really quick? You two know I love you both very, very much! Right? I just wanted to I a good father?
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 26th, 2014, 12:22 am

Shanon and Sam both nodded and hugged their father.
Nala yawned and stretched, flicking her tail. "I'm tired, I'm going to go take a nap."
They all went into the house, Nala curling up on the couch. Sam kept a watchful eye on her, to make sure she kept breathing.
A few days later, all Nala did was sleep, eat, and sleep some more. It was the medicine the vets gave her to make her sleepy so she didn't strain her eyes much. When she did wake up for longer than ten minutes, Shanon noticed something.
"She's not focusing on one thing. I don't think the laser treatment worked, but her appointment is in three days. Should we wait or take her now?" She said to her brother.
"I'm not sure, I'll ask mom." Sam said, then went down stairs.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 26th, 2014, 12:30 am

Sam: Hey mom?
Christen: Yeah Sam?
Sam: Aunt Nala's eyes aren't doing to well. Do you think we should take her back now? We're worried she might get worse if we don't take her.
Christen: Hmmmmm....alright. Better safe than sorry. When the boys get back I'll tell them.
Sam: Alright, thanks mom!
*Shanon and Sam guide Nala out of the house and drive her back. They head inside and talk to Kelsey.*
Kelsey: Hey, what are you three doing here?
Shanon: Kelsey we don't think the eye treatment from last time worked. Can you please fix her up? And if you can, can you fix her breathing problem? We're all really worried!
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 26th, 2014, 8:32 pm

Kelsey nodded. "Of course."
A woman walked over. "I'll take her to the pens."
Kelsey smiled. "Thank you Mildred! Do you think Dr. Rasmuessan will let me show them around?"
Mildred laughed. "You're his favorite apprentice, he'll let you get away with anything!"
The black echidna smirked. "Okay then. Later!"
She lead the two siblings away.

After a small tour, Shanon pointed to a picture hanging on one of the columns. "What's that?"
"Oh, that old thing?" Kelsey said. "That's sort of a plaque of honor. My plaque of honor."
Sam blinked. "For what?"
"See the little words carved into the column?" Kelsey inquired. "Read them."
Shanon started to read them out loud.
Kelsey is a super proffesional vet. She has saved countless animals and is a master of curing leg fractures, all types of lesions and even cancer, and has only done surgery once. Her mentor, Dr. Rasmuessan, doesn't pick favorites, but is very fond of her and is proud of her work here at the G.R.O, especially for one so young. She even saved his life when he fell in the Atlantic Ocean during a mission when a penguin got parasites and they had to cure it before it infected the colony. Everyone wants to be like her some day, and its all because she never gave up on her childhood dreams.
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 26th, 2014, 8:39 pm

*Kelsey leads them back over to the pens to say goodbye to Nala.*
Sam: Bye Aunt Nala! *kiss* See you soon!
Shanon: Bye Auntie! *kiss*
Nala: Alright!
*Sam and Shanon drive back home. Just before they got back Simba and Adofo came home.*
Christen: So don't worry you two! In just a matter of hours she'll be good as new!
Simba: I hope so!
Adofo: Yeah.....we've known here since we were all babies. Just that alone it'd be hard to lose her.
*Sam and Shanon walk in*
Shanon: We're back!
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 26th, 2014, 9:32 pm

Back at the G.R.O, Mildred and Kelsey were chatting before Kelsey went on hiatus (as she had to do other things too).
"Did you see those two kiss that lion? You know them best, don't they just work at a reserve?" Mildred asked.
"Well..." Kelsey began. "...they take 'big cat' to another level."
The two started laughing. A Swedish man approached.
"Hey, Dr. Rasmuessan, sir." Mildred greeted. Kelsey dipped her head to him.
"Hello." He said. His accent was thick. "You leaving again Kels?"
She shrugged. "Places to go, things to do, people to see."
"I understand, dear." Dr. Rasmuessan said. "Now that you and Knuckles are engaged, you need more vacation time than usual."
She nodded. "Just call me and I'll be there."
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Adofo » January 26th, 2014, 9:39 pm

*Hours pass and it was touch and go for a while but finally after 8 hours of surgery Nala was all fixed up.*
Dr. Rasmuessan: Call up those two to come and pick her up. She should go home and get some rest.
*About an hour later the whole family comes to pick up Nala.*
Sam: Hey, we're her to pick up Nala!
Mildred: Yeah sure! But can I ask you something? I noticed you two kissed her before you left last time...
Sam: Yeah...she's our aunt.
Mildred: Uhhhh what?
Shanon: This is our father and this is his brother, our uncle!
*Pointing at Adofo then to Simba*
Mildred: Oh.....okay.....let me go get her!
*She wheels Nala out laying down on a gurney bed.*
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Re: The Lion King 5: Change of Royalty (Collab)

Postby Kipekee » January 27th, 2014, 1:57 am

Now, towards Team Sonic's hideout.
Knuckles was leaning against the pole while Tails was repairing one of his mechanical things. Sonic was nowhere to be found.
"Grr, I can't get this piece to stay on, I need like sticky glue or something." Tails muttered to himself. He looked up to Knuckles to see if he was even listening.
He looks half asleep. Tails thought to himself in frustration, although he knew when the red echidna was actually sleeping. His tail was broken, but it'd flick every once and a while when he slept. But when he was relaxing, it was lashing back and forth like a cat's, the broken half just hanging there. Knuckles was definitely awake, but probably in La-La land.
Tails sighed and went back to his work.

As Sam and Shanon drove home, they noticed that Nala was passed out. Like. Passed out. Probably the anesthetics that they gave her for the surgery. But still, Sam was still worried about her, so Shanon had to take over the wheel.
(Aaaand I don't feel like typing write now.)
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