The first Lion King

The first Lion King

Postby Arani » July 12th, 2010, 5:49 pm

Okay, here it is everyone! The fan fic my friends dared me to do! Enjoy! :D

Chapter 1: The arrival.

“Daddy, I'm tired.” Came a little girl's voice. A pride of at least 15 members were wandering the African plain. They were walking under the shade of a small cliff. A little cub was slowing down. A male lion, obviously the king of this Pride, walked back to her and picked her up by the scruff or her neck. He walked back up to the front of the group where another lioness was waiting. She stood so tall and proud, and her appearance and form gave away her position as queen.

The male lion was a pale lion with a brown mane. He was very muscular and tall. But by the way he carried his little girl, he was also gentle and caring.

“Oh Abuu, what are we to do? We've been wandering Africa for 2 weeks now. We have to find some place to live.” Said the female lioness. Abuu put his daughter on his back so that he could talk to his mate.

“I don't know, Jali. Everywhere we've been is destroyed or taken by another Pride or by the humans.” He said, shaking his head. “I don't know what we are to do.” He said. His mate said nothing, but nuzzled him a little bit. The girl started to fall asleep on her fathers back.

A little male cub was walking on the little cliff next to the group. He looked a lot like his father, a very pale cub. He started to go higher up the cliff until he was almost to the top.

“Zaki, get down from there before you fall!” Called Jali.

“Oh, don't worry mother!” Zaki called back. “As soon as I get to the top I'll come back down! I just wanna see what's over this cliff!”

“Just be careful!” His mother said. Abuu chuckled.

“Oh Jali, stop worrying about the boy. He'll be fine.” He said with a smile.

“Yes, I know. But as a mother I have the right to worry.” She said, smiling back. He nudged her playfully.

Zaki was almost to the top of the cliff. “Almost there...” He said to himself. His face suddenly struck the light, and what he saw shocked him more than the day he was told that he was going to be a big brother. “Father! Father, look what I found!” Abuu looked up at his son. “I think I found a new home!” Zaki exclaimed, excited. Abuu gave the little girl cub to Jali and ran up a small path to his son. “Look!” Zaki exclaimed. Abuu looked in amazement.

“Son, I think you've done it.” He said in awe. There before them was the most beautiful place they had ever seen. It was filled with plants and water and rocks, but the best of all, it was filled with prey.

They had found the Pride Lands.
(Again, first chapters are always like preview type things. Lol. Chapters will get longer.)

Chapter 2: Rafu.

The group was soon over the low cliff and in the Pride Lands. They all looked around in awe. Even the girl cub was now wide awake and looking around. Jali put her down, and the little girl ran over to her brother.

“Wow, Zaki! You've got the find of the day!”

“You can say that again, Mema.” He said back.

“Okay everyone, spread out and search these lands, see if any other Prides have claimed this territory!” Abuu shouted. At once, everyone went into groups of 3 or 4 and started exploring. Abuu, Jail, Mema and Zaki went towards the center of the Pride Lands.

Everyone seemed to be getting along, but they made sure to give the lionesses and Abuu plenty of space. Zaki slowly got away from his parents. He wanted to explore.

Before he could take another step, a Baboon hung down in front of him.

“Whoa!” Said Zaki, falling backwards. He looked at the monkey. He laughed.

“You parents will be worried if you wander to far!” He said and laughed again. He had a stick with gourds hanging from it. The Baboon got onto the ground in front of the cub. “Hi there! My names Rafu, and I'm the healer of this land!.” He said. Rafu looked like an old Baboon, but his voice gave away that he was a lot younger then he appeared.

“Uh... Hi, I'm Zaki.” Zaki said, confused. “Uh, dad! I found a crazy Baboon healer guy!!” He yelled.

“I am not crazy, you are the one who's crazy young one!” Said the Baboon. Abuu ran up to his son. “Well! You must be this young one's father! I caught his sneaking away.” Said Rafu.

“Thank you.” Said Abuu. He turned to his son. “Don't wander off again.” He said in a stern way. Zaki rolled his eye's.

“Yes father.” He said. Abuu looked back at Rafu. “Do you happen to know where we are?” He asked.

“You don't know? Why, you're in the Pride Lands!” He said. “Feel free to stay, this paradise needs a lion ruler ever since the last one ran off about... oh, I'd say 100 years ago!”

“Wow! No king for 100 years, in this paradise?!” Asked Zaki, amazed.

“Yes, young one.” He looked back at Abuu. “I will take you to the center of the Pride Lands. There you will find a place where yo can all stay!” He said. And with that, Rafu walked off. Abuu and Zaki followed him. They soon found the rest of the Pride, and they all walked towards the center of the land.

There, in the center, was a giant rock formation.

“This is Pride Rock!” Exclaimed Rafu. Everyone stared in amazement.

“I sure found a good place, huh dad?” Said Zaki, looking at his father. Abuu looked at his son. He smiled proudly.

“Yes, very nicely done.” He said. Zaki had a huge smile on his face. Everyone started exploring Pride Rock.

“Please, if anyone needs healing or help, come to me! I am the best healer you will probably ever meet! I can also help with any other problems you encounter and answer question you may have of the Kingdom!” Said Rafu.

“Thank you, Rafu. We'll be sure to find you.” Said Abuu. Rafu nodded, and then as quickly as he appeared in front of Zaki, he was gone. Abuu started to explore Pride Rock himself. “This will be a great home.” He whispered to himself. Zaki was standing on the long outstretch of Pride Rock.

“Wow! Come look at the view Mema!” Shouted Zaki. His sister was there a few seconds later, their mother close behind.

“Wow! It's beautiful!” Mema exclaimed.

“Lets go up there!” Said Zaki, pointing to the very top of Pride Rock. “Can we mother, please?” Begged Zaki.

“Fine, just be careful and don't fall.” Said Jali.

“Okay, thanks mom!” Said both of the cubs at once. And with that, they started to run up the small path to the top of Pride Rock. Once they got there, they stared in awe at what they saw. They could see the entire Pride Lands.

“Everything the light touches is now your fathers!” Said a voice from behind them. They both jumped and turned to see Rafu standing behind them. They both let out a sigh of relief in sync.

“That's a lot of land...” Said Mema in awe.

“Ya, a lot of land to play in.” Said Zaki. The two cubs looked at each other.

“Lets go!” exclaimed Mema. They bounded down the path and over to their parents.

“Can we go play, please?!?!?” Asked both cubs at once.

“Hmm... Okay.” Said Abuu. The cubs started to run off. “Just make sure to watch out of your sister, Zaki!”

“Yes father!” Zaki shouted back. And with that, they disappeared into the tall grass. They played all day. The sun was starting to go down.

“I'm exhausted.” Said Mema. “Can we go home now?”

“Ya, sure.” Said Zaki. He looked around. “Uh, if we could find home. Come on.” He walked away, Mema close behind him. The wandered for a long time. The sun was almost halfway covered by the land, and the stars were starting to become visible.

“Zaki... I think we're lost.” Said Mema from behind Zaki. He looked at her.

“I know that bit. I'm trying to get us back home, no need to worry.” They both jumped at a loud, unidentifiable noise. Mema went right against her brother.

“I'm scared.” She said, shaking a little bit. Zaki nuzzled her a little bit.

“Don't worry, if we have to camp out somewhere, I'll protect you.” She nodded. They started to wander again.

Abuu was waiting for them at the bottom of Pride Rock. He had a worried look on his face.

“Where are they?” He asked himself. Jali sat next to them.

“Should we send out a search party?” She asked. She looked more worried than Abuu.

“If they're not back by the time the sun is completely down, then we'll send someone to try and track them down.” Jali nodded. The sun was sinking lower and lower in the sky. It wouldn't be much longer until it was completely covered from their vision.

Zaki and Mema were still wandering. They came to a tree. Zaki looked at it.

“This is the tree I left claw marks on earlier today.” He said. He sighed, frustrated. “We're walking in circles!”

“Then how will we get back?” Asked Mema. “I'm tired and my paws hurt.”

“I know. Mine do, too.” Said Zaki, nuzzling his sister a little, trying to make her feel better. “But we gotta keep going. Can you do that?” He asked.

“I don't know for how much longer.” She said, sitting down. “We haven't even had dinner, and we've been out for hours.”

“I know, I know. Lets keep going.” Said Zaki, pushing his sister to her paws. They kept walking, slower now. The sun was almost completely down when they stopped, exhausted. They looked around. It was hard to see in the dim light, but Zaki could make out claw marks on a tree... the same one's that they had passed before. Zaki groaned and sat down.

“Lemme guess. We walked in another circle?” Asked Mema. Zaki nodded. She groaned like him and sat down. “Lets just stay here for the night.”

“Okay.” Said Zaki.

“Giving up so soon?!” Came a loud voice, making both cubs jump and scream. Mema ran behind her brother. Rafu appeared in front of them from a tree. They both let out a sigh of relief.

“Rafu, thank goodness it's you!” Exclaimed Zaki. “Do you know where Pride Rock is?” He asked.

“I do!” Said Rafu. “Follow me, and watch your surroundings. One of the main things to do here is memorize your surroundings!” He walked off. The two cubs followed him. They made it back to Pride Rock just after then sun disappeared. Abuu and Kali ran up to them.

“Mommy, I'm exhausted!” Exclaimed Mema. Both cubs collapsed on the rock. Jali and Abuu looked at each other with almost an amused smile. Then they looked back at their cubs.

“Come on. Lets go inside and get you both to bed.” Said Jali. The cubs followed their mother into th den. Abuu turned to Rafu.

“Thanks again.” He said.

“No problems here!” Said Rafu with a smile. “You know, I told them. One of the most important things to do is remember your surroundings! You all better learn them quick, because the Pride Lands are huge!” Exclaimed Rafu. Abuu nodded.

“Tomorrow, would you mind showing me the borders?” Asked Abuu. Rafu nodded.

“First thing tomorrow, I will be right in this spot waiting!” And with that, Rafu disappeared into the night, his laughter echoing through the land.

(This Rafu guy remind you of anyone, even a little? :hmm: )
Last edited by Arani on July 15th, 2010, 12:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The first Lion King

Postby James » July 12th, 2010, 6:02 pm

lol. It'll be a great history.
I'm Wainting For the Other Posts.
But Btw. Nice Begin.
It'll be a great fan Fic 8D
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Re: The first Lion King

Postby Arani » July 13th, 2010, 1:53 am

Thx. I'll be posting more soon.:D

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Re: The first Lion King

Postby Arani » July 15th, 2010, 12:36 pm

(Double post.)

Okay, I've had a big writers block lately, but I just finished capter 2 and posted it! Enjoy! :D

Sorry chapter 3 is taking so long. I just can't seem to get anything written out lately... I'll post more as soon as I can get the words onto paper! :)

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