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The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: April 8th, 2013, 11:28 pm
by marht2
This is my first story. In adittion, I am Spanish and I has been very difficult translating into English. I do apologize for the spelling mistakes. Enjoy the story.

Chapter I: The Beginning

Wake up a new day in Pride-Lands, this day is different, it is not just another day. All the animals knew that he would have a new chapter in the history, a new era. The scenery was beautiful, the wind blew gently, shaking the leaves of the trees with a unique harmonic motion. The animals walk to the pride rock and created a gorgeous scene. No animals want to miss this event, big, small, everyone wanted to see her new prince.

Increasingly more and more animals coming to the pride rock, all looking at her, watching what was going on, waiting for that special moment longed for all, but especially for our new prince.

Arriving Rafiki, all moved away, leaving a corridor, which was heading towards the rock. Rafiki climbed the rock, and went to where they were all together watching the little lion cub, a puppy would not be like others, who to see Rafiki, in a little while was surprised but immediately he would change look puzzled and he smile. He had to see something special in the eyes of that puppy to change the look of surprise to joy. Rafiki was very wise, knew what he did and what he could expect.

When Rafiki was approaching the edge of the rock, the animals started to scream with excitement, everyone was expectant to see his new prince. However, it seemed they did not expect what we saw at the end, when Rafiki lifted the small prince, the animals looked at each other confused, was not the kind of prince who hoped,was a puppy "different" to others, was a white puppy with blue eyes and in the edges of the ears had a grayish, the wind ruffled her fur, while the little puppy looked curiously the vast landscape that remained undiscovered and which was going to cause numerous adventures.

Similarly,the animals bowed to their new prince, but they were very confused, with a question that each of the animals there were. Why the prince was white?.

Rafiki realized that animals are surprised, but he is not sure why. Rafiki was very wise but could not understand.

Simba, who was expectant throughout the ceremony, also realized the surprise that they took the animals. His years made ​​him get wisdom that had passed, not only Rafiki, but life itself, but he still not understood why.

Rafiki was to deliver the little puppy to his parents. They did not notice the reaction of the animals by being the great day of his son. However, Simba and Rafiki yes, after finish making the ritual itself, Rafiki addressed Simba. Only the look that had between one and the other was enough to be understood. Rafiki and Simba nodded while Rafiki then went to his home.

Timon and Pumba, who were next to Simba, did not understand very well what was happening and why that serious between him and Rafiki. This aroused the curiosity of both and after be watching to Kiara, Kovu and Kanu, that's how they called him, petting his hijo.Timón looked at Simba and Pumbaa, Simba also looked at them and said to them, looking to the horizon "things have not gone as they should "

"And how should he have gone?" Said Timon without really knowing what was going on.

"Have you not seen the reaction of the animals?" Said Simba expected the worst. "Something tells me they did not expect this ... I'm afraid there will be trouble"

Timon and Pumbaa followed with doubts,they did not know very well what happened about the reation of these animales.Timón and Pumba both of looked and then, they were dissatisfied.

All this happened on the sidelines of Kiara, Kovu and Kanu. All three were very happy together. Kovu and Kiara were not surprised for the faces of some animals. They only had eyes for his son.

Rafiki got home, but I was more nervous than usual, had never been anything like him in everything he had in life, and not having any experience, had no answer and that made him very nervous. While he was painting a wall about Kanu said a few words under his breath: "Kanu, Kanu, Kanu, .... what will happen to you ...." Rafiki said sighing. "I hope you know it!" Cry to heaven , referring to Mufasa, who received him with a stiff breeze that knocked him down. "Okay, okay, whatever you say ........" he said as he got up from the ground.

What happen was unknown, no one knew what was going to happen or what could imagine. All they could do as much as Simba and Rafiki was expected to pass of the time. Moreover, tomorrow for Simba would be more complicated than normal. How to explain to your daughter that her son had been greeted with such surprise. A mother can not rest assured that your child is likely going to have problems.

Simba and Rafiki should be off and let the time pass, they decided to put this behind us and not say anything he sensed. Both knew that this decision was not very good, as it was running away from something that happen early afternoon, but were moments of happiness in the herd and there was no reason for spoiling.

Years passed and, indeed, the suspicions of Rafiki and Simba that was going to be trouble appeared. Not going to be easy the life of our little puppy.

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: April 10th, 2013, 7:12 pm
by marht2
Chapter II: The Return of Zira

Meanwhile,on the borders of the kingdom, Zira returns to avenge for all that Simba cause to causing her,the famine, the losses, including the loss of his beloved Nuka, crushed by a landslide. The death of his son would not remain in vain.

She had very clear ideas, she knew what he wanted. All his hatred was kept it alive. Zira would not give him the pleasure he died so soon, she wanted the revenge, but it would not be so easy. She knew she could not do nothing alone. She thought several days by becoming again and again the same question, how she can revenge?.

Zira had no choice, she have to seek help from the hyenas, they were the only ones could help. However, he could not appear before the hyenas in that way, it had to be scary, be more powerful. Only then,she would get the support he wanted from the hyenas.

After leaving the river,she would cost a couple of years to get the power she had, the same years it took to have the son of Kiara and Kovu.

At that moment, Zira was already strong and powerful. She walked over to where hyenas living at that time. Hyenas, seeing Zira, were stunned, did not know how she managed to survive and what she was doing all those years disappeared.

At first, the hyenas took this as a joke, for them, Zira had no power,she had lost all the prestige. But soon she would get it again, just enough to see the face of Zira to know that she was not around there in passing that she wanted more and she would not rest until he got it.

Meanwhile, Zira was approaching the highest rock. The hyenas murmured after passing, they could not believe she was still alive: "Look ... is Zira ... but she was not dead ..." After hearing that whisper,Zira turned to the hyena who said that.

"You see me dead!" Zira said very angry while she threw on the hyena

The hyena, who had Zira above him,could not speak of panic, all he could do was shake to see the look of hatred that had Zira. Zira was not going to waste his hate with a simple hyena, she wanted to have a face to face with Simba. Zira shook off the hyena and quickly rose to the highest rock.

"Hyenas!" I'm back to help and guide you to victory against Simba and his kingdom "Zira felt very powerful, no hyena said anything, everyone was scared, but someone had to said to Zira all the changes have happened in the kingdom

"Ehhh ... Zira, Simba is no longer the king," said a hyena with afraid.

Zira turned his head toward the hyena who said that and asked, "Then,who is?" Chilling her voice said.

"It's ... Kovu ...." replied the hyena.

Zira stood still for a few seconds and laughed, which seemed to relax all hyenas and had also hyenas laugh. But that joy would be short, because Zira stopped laughing and started shouting: "Kovu!" Hyenas stopped laughing and became paralyzed after that scream "How can you be king that traitor .... at the end,he has come far.... anyway I have also outstanding accounts with him ... "

"But how do you survive?" Asked a hyena just for curiousity. Zira's answer was very clear and precise: "It takes more than a creek to kill me ..." Zira, by what he saw,she did not have much information about what had happened in this two years "well tell me what happened after all this time "

"Kovu has had a child with Kiara,who is now the new prince ...." Zira roared and said:"Simba and Kovu took away not only my Nuka but also my herd ..... it's time to have fun ...."

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: May 6th, 2013, 1:28 pm
by Tacobell Lion
Great story so far :) Keep goin!

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: May 6th, 2013, 10:50 pm
by marht2
Chapter III: The Return of the problems.

Years passed, Kanu grew up and had a huge desire to know the world that lay ahead, meet new friends apart of Niara, a small lioness who grew up with him, but both Kanu as Niara, wanted to explore that world and know more friends.

Both asked permission to their mothers to go out and be able to make friends. When they left, they went to where they gathered together, where they played. Kanu was a little shy and did not dare to go where they all were, Kanu had always played at home with Niara and never with other animals, but Niara helped him with his shyness.

When they arrived, the small animals had never been with a lion like Kanu, was the only white lion. This aroused the curiosity of animals staring at Kanu, looking every part of his little body, her blue eyes, white hair, gray claws.

Some animals were stunned by the beauty of Kanu, they never had seen a lion like Kanu, white, with blue eyes, gorgeous. Others, however, had him as something strange, unusual, even so, they said nothing, remained silent observing him. Kanu realized he was staring and got nervous.

-Mmm .... Hello?-Kanu said trying to break the situation in which he found himself. They looked at him in the eyes and Kanu asked quietly helps to Niara.

-Niara ... What we do? -

To which Niara said.

-Let us introduce ....-

-Hi I'm Niara and he is Kanu-Niara said to all watching them.

-Hello-again repeated Kanu.

All answered while they greeted. So far all was well, no one said anything about his "difference" with the other lions, everyone was quiet until he came Enzi, a puppy greater than Niara and Kanu, who apparently was the "boss" of the gang.

-Let me see the new prince ... -He said as she walked towards Kanu and Niara, leaving the animals a hallway where Enzi passed.

When Enzi saw Kan, He could not stop laughing
- HA! But what happened?-Enzi said picking on him.

Kanu, who did not know why he said that, he stood still and wondered.

- What happen? -

To which Enzi said.

- What happen? ... Your you looked? -

-Yes ... Why you said that?-Kanu said very innocent.

-Because you're white-Enzi said.

-And ..... -Niara came out in defense of Kanu.

-Well, that no king has been white and, therefore, can not be king-

When Enzi said that, he noticed he had a little envy towards Kanu, because he would be king?, because his beauty? ... what was clear is that going to keep saying things to Kanu.

- That's nonsense!-Kanu said getting angry-Why I can not be king?-

-Because being white symbolizes sure you're not strong-Enzi said.

-I am strong-Kanu said very sure of himself.

- Then why are you white?-Enzi repeated again.

Niara took Kanu to home while Enzi was shouting.

-And get a bit of sun you look a little pale ... - That provoked the laughter from some who were there.

To those who Kanu looked normal or beautiful, did not dare Kanu, for fear that they too will be insulted, and reluctantly decided to laugh, as if they were one more.

Kanu and Niara left, Niara try to lift their tempers, but Niara did not know how to encourage and during the drive home none of them spoke the least.

When they got home, Simba and Kovu were talking about the kingdom. Kovu wanted to learn all about Simba, what happened in his childhood, as he became king, and also wanted to know how to be a good king. Simba told him everything that happened and how it should be a king, to keep things just as well as it is.

But they realized that Niara and Kanu came home sad, to which Kovu asked.

- What's up son? -

Kovu did not have response of Kanu and called Niara for him to explain what had happened.

-Niara come here .... What happened to Kanu? -

-Well, we were playing until there came a lion and began to say things ... -Said Niara crestfallen.

- What kind of things?-Kovu asked worried.

-Well, things like that if it was white, it was not strong, ... -

Kovu quickly went looking for Kanu while Niara explained more to Simba. Niara told everything to Simba.

-Thanks Niara and very well done to defend Kanu-Simba said while Niara was happier than before.

Simba called Timon and Pumba and explained everything that was happening, telling them to look who is who says those things to Kanu.

Kovu went to Kanu, who was lying on the floor staring at a wall.

- What's up son?-Kovu said.

-I told you that nothing-Kanu replied, not wanting to talk about it.

-Well, I do not think so ... -said again Kovu

-So do not believe it-Said Kanu.

-I think I'm going to have to do it by the hard ... -Said as He approached to Kanu.

Kanu stood up and said.

-No, no, please ....-Said Kanu supplicating.

-It's too late .... -

And without further delay Kovu pounced Kanu doing him tickling.

-Are you going to tell it? -

-No-replied laughingly Kanu.

-Oh, OK-said as he made more tickling.

-Okay, okay, I'll say it-Kanu said laughing and supplicating him to stop.-It's ... they .... Said that I can not be king ... -

- Why can you not be king?-Asked Kovu

-Because they say that I'm not strong for being white ...-Kanu said very unhappy.

-Well, that's nonsense .... come on, we are going for a walk ... - Said Kovu taking Kanu to talk to him, it was a good time to put into practice the teachings of Simba.

Kovu spoke to Kanu from dusk to night, explaining everything Simba told him about the kings and the kingdom, he explained that being white does not take away strength and always, he would be proud of Kanu.

-So I am not weak? - Kanu said.

-Of course not .... unless you're a chicken and not fight with me-Kovu said challenging him.

- Now?-Kanu Said.

-yes now .... what happens, you scared? -
Kanu face changed and went to attack his father, Kovu, evidently let him win and this made ​​more entrusted itself.

-Haha ... I won-Kanu said very proud.

-You see how you're strong ... -

To all this Kiara came to remind you that it was too late to play:

-Come on guys let's go home ... -

-Do not be a spoilsport-Kovu said.

-yes mom ... do not be a spoilsport .... - Kanu said.

- A spoilsport? ... total if what you're doing-Kiara said as she left.

-That says because we win-Kovu said provoking her, prompting laughter from Kanu.

Kiara heard what Kovu said and immediately rushed down swinging Kovu.

-You see, I've already won ... -

and this, made Kanu laugh more.

-Well, it's because I did not pay attention-Kovu said apologetically. There were moments of joy to that family.

In the morning, the children were playing, Kanu had fear if they were going to say something, but Niara said she would be there to support and they were both there.

Simba loked Timon and Pumba ordering them to follow Kanu and Niara. When they reached there, the same thing happened again and Kanu and Niara left that place. While Timon and Pumba stayed to listen to the conversation that continued.

- That's not normal, is defective-Enzi said again provoking the laughter from the others.

Some of these came out in defense of Kanu, came out those who did not seem so strange, and that at one time were afraid, but now it seemed too.

-Hey Enzi, you're going a bit do not you think?-

To which he replied coldly.


Upon hearing this, Timon and Pumba already knew the name of the puppy, which messed with Kanu.

-mmm, that such Enzi it seems to be the problem .... run Pumba, we have to tell this to Simba-Timon said to Pumba

-What? Run? I only run if I have a motivation ... - protested Pumba.

And if I tell yuo that there are bugs- Said Timon to Pumba trying to convince him.

- How many bugs? - Pumba replied.

A lot Pumba, a lot ...-Timon responds with a tone of weariness

- viscous and not crispy? - Pumba said.

-yes Pumba, viscous ..... - Timon said.

-So, come on-and Pumbaa ran as never before had done

When they got there, Pumba dry braking, launching Timon into the air, which wasto stop to a rock. Furious, Timon yells Pumba.

- Can you explain me why you stopped? -

-Timon, we arrived and there are no bugs here- Pumba says angry

-of course there are no bugs, you are such as fat that if I do not said you that here are bugs you would not run- Timon said very angry.

-Fat me! Come here! - Said Pumba

and began to fight, until it reaches Simba and Kovu, who eagerly want to know what's going on, both in the fight as Kanu.

-boys, boys, what's up? - Simba said worried

-He called me fat- Said Pumba

-He called me fat- said Timon with wavering breath

-Guys tell us what happened and stop behaving like kids you are older-Kovu shout worried about his son.

-there is a certain Enzi ..... not necessary to listen him to know he is very irritating ... Timon explained

-Enzi .... Maombi son- Shout Kovu very angry. And Kovu ran very fast.

Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy. Can you tell me any feedback / suggestion. Sorry I have not posted it before, I find it very difficult to translate all this. thank you very much.

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: May 9th, 2013, 1:22 pm
by Tacobell Lion
I like it a lot so far! Great chapter :)

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: June 23rd, 2013, 12:50 pm
by marht2
Chapter IV: A New Enemy.

Very angry, Kovu goes to where all the lions and lionesses. Simba, knowing what could happen, decided to go after him to control him a little. Kovu was very determined to Maombi, to stop once and for all that the situation was Kanu. Timon and Pumba did not know what to do and stayed motionless for several seconds staring at each other.

-Timon, What we do? -Pumba said very confusing.

-I do not know .... Pumba -Timon answered.

-And if we go after them .... - Suggesting Pumba.

-One moment let me think .... -Timon thought for a while - Ahh we can go after them-said Timon.

Pumba, deep down, knew that it would do it again. Without further ado, Timon and Pumbaa were after Simba and Kovu. Arriving Kovu to where they were attending very angry shouted: Maombi!.

Of all the lionesses, came a lion, was Maombi, Enzi father. Maombi walked with an air of cockiness, which further infuriated Kovu, who wanted explanations for why his son messed with Kanu.

-Kovu, kovu, kovu, what happens now?- Maombi said a mocking tone.

-You know exactly what's going on- said Kovu Maombi pretty tired.

All that screaming attracted the attention of everyone including both Kanu as Rafiki. Kanu from afar wanted to hear why his father fought with Maombi.

-no, I do not know what happens- said Maombi ignoring the issue.

-make your child stop messing with mine- Kovu said.

-That my child gets to yours .... - startled said -I had no idea .... - Obviously Maombi knew what was happening.

-lie! ... You've been, since I was king, bothering both me and my family .... I swear that someday I will not be responsible for my actions .... - Kovu said, he got face to face with Maombi.

-uuuuhhh than fear, what will make me an outsider? - said Maombi, chuleandose of Kovu.

At this time, Simba decides to intervene before Kovu jump into Maombi neck, which did not flinch at the attempt to attack Kovu.

-Kovu, stop! - Said Simba Kovu stood among and Maombi.

Kovu stopped and let him talk to Simba

-Maombi, your behavior is disappointing me, you forget that dark past-Simba said.

Maombi could not tolerate a banished king was much less accept him Simba.

'I will not be at a banished king!! - Maombi screamed.

After saying that Kovu growled and going around in circles by rage, Kiara went to Kovu trying to reassure him. While trying to make Maombi Simba would understand.

-if you follow this path never understand .... - Simba Kovu decided to take before something happens to regret.

- What do not understand Simba....?!!- Maombi shouted Simba and Kovu while retreating. Maombi was not able to understand that the war between them and the exiles was over.

All animals decided not to intervene, it seemed a very violent and it was they who had to solve. Maombi was very angry too. To all this, Kanu hear all the discussion they had, was hidden behind some bushes, not far from them, but no one noticed their presence.

Kanu was very affected by what happened, He had never seen her father as well as angry, He understood nothing of what they were discussing, let alone when he called his father banished. He felt that his father was suffering, but that suffering Kanu misunderstood. He thought he had suffered from him, but really, Kovu was suffering because he picked on his son.

-Maybe the problem is me, and if I am, the only thing I'm doing is giving problems to my father and my family, I better go away from here ... - Kanu decided to leave the kingdom and stop giving problems to his father.

Kanu was confused, he was not make the problems, Maombi and son made them. But that's how Kanu knew the fight and made ​​that decision.

Rafiki, was attentive to all the movements of Kanu, he knew instantly what he thought and what he would do. He was so surprised at what happened in so little time that was left completely paralyzed and all I did was watch as Kanu increasingly moved away from the kingdom. He could only ask for help to Mufasa.

Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it and sorry for the delay.

Re: The Lion King 4:Kovu's Reign

PostPosted: August 17th, 2013, 9:23 pm
by marht2
Chapter V: The Worse Day of the Herd.

Rafiki went to warn rapidly Kovu and Simba. It was so rapid as it could, in spite of his old age he was jumping, running... since earlier he had never made it, the reason, the prince was going away of the kingdom. There were already enough problems with the family of Maombi so that now Kanu was leaving of the kingdom.

- What! It is necessary to look for it right now .... soon it will do in the night- desperate Kovu shouted, on having known the news of that Kanu had gone away.

- it cannot be .... my pequeñín ...- Said average Kiara crying.

To sorrow it had months and he was already only before the forest, without nobody was protecting him. It was not good news for a mother.

- we go boys it is necessary to find him - Simba Said, exercising the leader's work.

But it was already too much late. When Rafiki went to warn them, Kanu was already much far from the kingdom. All the lions and lionesses started looking on the same evening, it was already getting dark, the sun was putting itself slowly, hiding after the horizon, was falling down towards the horizon as they were falling down the hopes of the lions for finding Kanu.

Nobody knew where would be a small lion, alone, with no one to guide his, not knowing the terrain. It was a terrible night for the herd, full of unanswered questions. It was going to be very difficult to sleep that night, especially for parents, although the herd to go to sleep, they continued looking. Simba watched from the top of the rock of the pack to Kovu and Kiara, looking for his son without finding. Simba could not keep watching that scene and head down, went to sleep.

On the same night Rafiki was tried to know where it was possible to have directed Kanu, but it was useless, he found not even the most minimal track, for much that was trying it, only he had an exit left and it was to ask Mufasa for help. Rafiki looked at the starred sky -Mufasa what I must do ... I have tried of everything and nothing gives result... The people say that it went away because it is not strong, because it is different ....-

What Rafiki said was true, the rumours spread in a little time, during the same evening already they were said which they were the causes of his flight and this way one made it know Mufasa. But suddenly, a strong breeze appeared, throwing Rafiki to the soil and striking it against a tree, of which it fell down a stone and struck him in the head breaking in two parts. Rafiki, confused, joined and took two pieces of this stone that struck him. It examined this stone, and on having examined it realized of some, this stone, on the outside, was very ugly, different from another stone, but it would discover that this stone was very special, since inside, it was a beautiful, incomparable stone, he had never seen a stone like that.

In effect, Rafiki, in a moment, thought that it was an any stone, without anything special, which only was different on the outside. But on having discovered what exists inside her, he realized that nothing on the outside is just as that thing about inside, that not everything what seems is as it is seen.

- not everything what seems is as it is seen mmm .... I hope that you should be right Mufasa ... I hope that you should be right ...-Said Rafiki while it was lifting his look to the sky.

Meanwhile all this was happening, Kanu was going what was going to be his new adventure. It had never moved away so much from the kingdom and did not know these grounds. Kanu was going very attentively to what it was going on to him around him, was anticipating looks that were observing him from the shrubs. Kanu was very afraid, but it was already too much late to return.

Kanu found a small puddle along with a small zone. Kanu reflected in that one puddle, in view of the moon, and saw his face, white. In this moment he thought that everything was a fault of being white, which nothing would have spent if he had been born of the same color as any other lion, He does not be white, he did not choose, he want to be just as other. It looked at his left side and observed that mud, without thinking it was thrown towards getting dirty throughout, trying not to leave any blank place. Later it turned to reflect in the nunchaku, turning out to be full of mud, and began to cry. Definitively Kanu did not want to be 'different', wanted to be one more, but if it had been like one more, it would not live through the adventure that he has left ahead.

He decided to move away a little more but his small paws could not last any more, and he looked for some stone that was serving him as shelter. It was the first time that was going to sleep alone, without nobody was next to him, giving his heat. It was afraid of that something was happening to him, but little was mattering for him, because according to him, who was going to lack his.

On the following morning, for the herd it was going to be a day of search but for Kanu the day was going to be very different.

The herd, to the exit of the sun, started looking. Kiara and Kovu were those who more nervous were, his son was alone in the middle of the jungle. They were looking and looking, without any result, in this moment Kovu remembered why there had left Kanu, which left for the constant mockery of Maombi and Enzi.

Kovu, who thought that nothing of this would have happened if they had not said anything to him, went out secretly separating from the group, so that nobody knew what it had between hands, but Kiara noticed from that it was moving away and decided to go after him.

- Kovu, where you go?!-

For what she was not waiting is that he was going to face Maombi but soon she would find out it.

- Maombi, already obtained what you wanted ... my son has gone away of the kingdom... You will be satisfied! - it shouted furious Kovu.

- Kovu leave it you cannot do anything ... not although you are the king .... and not although it one deserves- Kiara said looking angrily at Maombi.

In that moment the son of Zazú appears

- my gentleman we have no tests to know if Kanu went away for his fault ... there are no tests but if it is clear ...-

To all this Maombi went out trying to defend oneself from those attacks.

- What blames I have that Kanu were so weak that for a children's game Maombi goes away ....- Said Maombi

- do you believe that to try to alienate someone is a children's game? - Kiara said.

- as I said earlier Maombi, you already have what you wanted .... thanks to you I have lost my son ...-

With the above mentioned words of Kovu, they moved away yéndose to his house. Kovu, Kiara and the son of Zazú, which is the new butler, went away, all the very sad ones, without knowing that to do, giving everything defeated.

Meanwhile the day of Kanu it would be very different from the day of the herd. As I said earlier, he slept next to a rock and only, but it would wake up in the same rock and accompanied.

This is the following chapter, I hope that you should enjoy it. Please leave your opinion / suggestion. Thank you very much.