The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 14th, 2009, 3:43 pm

This is a short fan fic to introduce and structure my character Bo. This fic involves magic.

The Other Pride

"Bo! Watch out!" Bo could hear his father roar across the field. Bo turned around and saw a pack of huge black lions running full speed towards him.

These lions were a deep black, almost like onyx, their manes were a wide range of colors. One had a wild pink mane, another a bright cyan, there was even one with an orange mane, but the King, no doubt the one in the middle, had a yellow mane...a bright golden yellow. He looked like Hades, himself.

The five beastly lions were now within ten yards of Bo. The cub then turned towards his father and sped in his direction. Bo's speed was magnificent, he was the fastest Lion in these parts.

"Fiora. Reykion. Take the speedy one," The leader yelled. The cyan and pink maned lions separated from the pack, they actually looked weak now that they were not so unified. Bo looked up at his father who nodded, "Go," his father barked.

Bo sped towards the two lions and unleashed his power. A powerful force emitted from him as he jumped up and sent it towards them. The two lines were hit with Bo's force and knocked back five yards away, the cyan one looked mildly injured. Bo turned around to see the rest of his pride fighting the lions, Bo's side was winning, for Bo's pride had something these black Lions did not have...magical powers.

The two lions had were now running towards him, Bo spotted a giant boulder not too far away, using his telekinesis, he focused his mind on it. It lifted off the ground and smashed into the lions. Bo had to cover his eyes to protect his innocent eyes from such graphic violence.

He heard the leader roar out in frustration, "RETREAT!"

Bo saw the orange maned lion, limp back towards her group. He could see the cyan lion not breathing anymore. He looked towards the lion who was now fuming with anger.

"We will be back. And we will take out this pride if it's the last thing I do," the leader than turned and ran away with his pride.

"Dad, will Kazshon really come back," Bo asked.

Bo's father nodded, "Yes, which is why we must be ready. I see your force wave has gotten more powerful, good job, son."

Bo looked at the fading backs of the black furred pack,just hoping that what the leader said was a lie.

[i]...Years later[i]

Bo's teenage paws padded against the ground as he ran...ran, far away. His whole pride...murdered. He would never forget the look on his dying father's face. Bo had no one left now, except his brother back home. Bo had been gone for a long time now. He had ran away and was now living on the road, so to speak. He wondered if he would be accepted wherever he went, seeing his difference from other Lions. The magic pack was ostracized from many other territories. Bo keeps his powers a secret for now, until he must absolutely use them.
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 14th, 2009, 3:58 pm

Nice im diffidently interested
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 14th, 2009, 10:55 pm

Thanks. :D
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 15th, 2009, 1:37 am

No problem xD
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 15th, 2009, 11:55 pm

Part One: The Mistlands

Chapter One

The Mystic Lions

Bo had been traveling as far as from his home as possible. He was now somewhere on the eastern coast of Africa, where some of the most territorial of animals were found. The east coasters stayed to themselves, no one really knew about them, but Bo had no where else to go, he was just winging it for now.

He noticed a heavy mist up ahead. He could smell it for miles, but when it finally hit, he had the strangest feeling. Like he was being watched. He kept on going until a lion's shape was seen far ahead, hidden from the mist. Bo stopped and looked. "Hello?" He called.

The lion came forward. He was big, white and had the most angelic of faces. His eyes were a light, innocent brown and his mane was full, healthy and as white as the rest of his body. He looked like a god. He spoke, "Greetings, traveler. What business may you have with our pride?"

Bo didn't know how to respond, for he was so astonished by this lion's beauty and he had no idea who his pride was. He had to think of a lie, he couldn't tell him who he really was. Bo's pack was not trusted, simply for the fact that Bo's whole family had magical powers. "I'm a messenger," Bo lied. "I was sent here to deliver a message to one of your lions," Bo was an excellent liar, though he did no pride himself on it.

The White Lion chuckled, "Of course, follow me." And with that, the white lion looked up and made some weird sound with his teeth. Instantly the fog started to spread, as if the white lions was making it spread out so he and Bo could see. And to Bo's amazement, when all the fog was gone, he could see miles and miles of land. Lush grass, tall mountains, and the most cleanest of water. It looked like paradise.

"We keep our land hidden by the fog," the white lion said. "I am Mfalme, the King of the Mistlands as well as the protector."

Bo couldn't help but feel the familiar sensation he felt at home, the sensation of magic. And that thing Mfalme did to the fog was weird. Was he magical too? Bo couldn't ask. He was just a messenger to him. Bo really couldn't wait to get a taste of that clean water, it was enchanting.

"I will show you to the rest of the pride," Mfalme said leading Bo past several purple fruited trees, Bo wondered how it would taste for they smelled wonderful. A few impala pranced by them, unaware of their presence, it was like a dream. "The imapala are not afraid?"

Mfalme chuckled, "No, they are not. The Mistlands are enchanted, so that death is as natural as everything else," Bo loved hearing him speak, his voice was...enchanting all by itself.

Bo smelled the scent of other lions, they must have been getting closer, that's when he saw them. The lions were all relaxing under some giant tree. They were beautiful and unique...just like Bo. The only thing that caught Bo off guard was the Cheetah laying amonst them. The cheetah was old but looked very wise. Her coat was purple with black spots and her hair was frail. She was talking to the young cubs, she was obviously some family friend, an advisor maybe.

"Now before you meet the pride, there's something you should know," Mfalme started. "We are different from other Prides, a reason we keep this place hidden."

Bo got very hopeful, was he about to tell Bo that they were magical?

"Our pride are a race of lions descending from great Kings of the past, but along the way, our kind grew in power with every generation until one King, gained the Power of the Leo."

"What's that," Bo asked not completely sure of what Mfalme was talking about.

"The Power of the Leo is a magical gene inborn within lions like us. Our blood is so old and sacred that the Leo's energy became an evolution, so to speak. Young traveler, we are Lions of magic."

Bo felt relieved. So they would be okay with Bo being magical too, but he couldn't tell them, not just yet. He wondered why Mfalme looked so enchanting. They were by the other lions now. Bo's fast feline brain counted exactly three lions, one cheetah and two cubs.

"The rest of the Pride is elsewhere," Mfalme said as the three lionesses stood and approached them. "This is Loona, Skye, and Starr. They are my three lovely daughters. Those two cubs over there are the twins, Mercury and Pluto."

Bo smiled and greeted them.

The twin cubs were both brown coated with a symmetrical mark on either face. The first one was Mercury, he had three lines as a mark, the other one, Pluto had three curves. Mercury was speeding around, Bo recognized that from anywhere. Mercury had superspeed, just like Bo. Pluto was busy pounding the ground, he was obviously super strong. The two cubs played innocently. Bo now observed the daughters.

Loona, was no doubt the oldest. She was the biggest and had the most wisdom in her eyes. Her coat was light brown and she had dark brown markings on her face, resembling a tribal tattoo or something. But the blue stone she wore around her neck was the most distinguishing about her. The stone was in the shape of a crescent moon, just like Bo's mark on his forehead.

Skye was the most beautiful. She had a cream-ish colored coat with gorgeous green eyes. The only mark on her was a circle on her cheek, and it was a beautiful circle indeed. She wore a red stone around her neck in the shape of three circles.

And finally, Starr, who was the youngest. She had a sense of naive in her eyes. Her coat was dark orange and her ears hung lower than her healthy sisters. She had the brightest mark on her face, which was a star on her forehead. It made her look ten times beautiful than she already was, Bo could see where she got her name. She had a yellow stone in the shape of a star around her neck.

The three sisters looked identical when standing side by side even though they were completely different. But that was only because they shared the same energy. Bo could tell they spent their whole lives together. Then the Cheetah approached them.

"Him!" The old cheetah said, looking at Bo. "He is from the Other Pride," she hissed.

Mfalame looked interested. Bo hated her, why did she have to say something and who was she?

"He," the cheetah said, "Is supposed to be here."

"This is Crona, our resident go-to. Some may call her a gypsy or oracle," Mfalme said. "Half of the things she says do not make any sense until later, but we trust her." Mfalme sounded confident.

Crona spoke again, "Keep him here, Mfalme. He will soon know why he is meant to be here, sooner than you think."

Bo looked at Starr, she wasn't paying attention. Starr looked towards her father, "Here comes Maya. She joined our pride years ago. She's practically one of us now."

Bo looked and saw the most unique of lions appear from beyond the hills. She was far away but Bo could see her perfectly. She was a beautiful violet color and had a yellow underbelly, such a combination. Her forehead was marked with a triangle and she had a unique curve under her eyes, followed by little circles. She emanated magical vibes and she wasn't even near Bo yet. But the most shocking thing about her...was that the mark on her shoulder, a triangle with five circles around it, looked familiar. Everything about her looking familiar. As Bo tried to remember where he'd seen it, Maya was now in their presence. Bo was speechless. He could sense the old hag, Crona, practically wheezing with excitement.

"Hello, traveler," the new lioness said. "I'm Maya. And who might you be?"

Crona came forward and smiled, "This Maya, is Bo. He is your brother."

To Be Continued...
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Patrick » September 16th, 2009, 1:02 am

Part One: The Mistlands

Chapter Two
The Missing Maya

" WHAT!" Bo said in shock. Mfalme, Loona, Starr, and Skye all were in shock as well. The twins even stopped playing to observe the situation.

Crona spoke again, "Bo. I recognized your energy from anywhere, it is the same as Maya's. You two also share the same type of powers."

"How do you know my name," Bo asked.

Mfalme interrupted, "Powers? Bo, you have powers?"

Bo nodded, "I was born with the power of superspeed."

Mercury jumped and down, "Me too!"

Bo continued, "But our family's magic grows, and so the power to move myself at different speeds grew into the power to move objects, giving me telekinesis. And that power grew into Force waves or force blasts, sort of like telekinesis on steroids."

Crona smiled, "And Maya's powers work the same. You two are second generation Leo's."

"Wait, what the heck is a Leo?" Bo asked.

"A Leo is a magical lion," Mfalme said. "Me and my family are Leo's as well, but we are first generation."

Bo looked at Maya. "Sister? Wait, your mark. I know where I've seen it before. My father would draw it in the dirt all the time. Your the missing lion."

Maya looked down. "I was kidnapped at an early age by evil lions. I escaped using my powers and that is when Mfalme found me...or I found him."

"Those evil lions are our family's rival clan," Bo said. "My father never mentioned you, but I knew you existed, I just knew it."

"Why don't you two go talk....alone," Mfalme said staring at Crona, who looked eager to follow.

Bo and Maya turned and walked the other way.

"So what are your powers? You do have powers right?" Bo asked.

"Yes, I do," Maya said, "I was born with a special power. Crona calls it mysticism."

"What's that," Bo asked.

Maya shrugged, "It's like a mystery power, but it could be anything and everything."

"So you can do anything?" Bo did not get it.

"No," Maya said, "I couldn't do anything. I was powerless but I had all the power in me. It grew and then I was able to control water."

"Oh, I get it. So mysticism is just pure magic, it can grow into anything."

"Yes," Maya said, "But it's more to it. It's a mystery power, you can't predict it."

"So is that the only power you have?" Bo asked.

"No. I can also see things, I'm psychic. Sometimes I can see things better than Crona can. I even see the future at times."

"Whoa," Bo exclaimed. "HOw cool is that."

"Pretty cool, actually. I can also be at two places at one. It's called Presence."

Bo shuddered.

"It's not as creepy as it sounds. But that's it," she said.

"You have three powers, just like me. We are related."

Maya laughed, "I guess so."

"So what did the evil lions do to you," Bo asked.

Maya shook her head, "I don't want to talk about it."

"We don't have to. It's just so weird, seeing you, finally."

"Yeah it is," Maya said. "I've seen you though. In my dreams."

"What!? Oh, yeah, you being psychic and all."

Maya nodded, "Crona said you would come, but I didn't believe her. I didn't see you coming with my power. But here you are."

"So are you happy here?" Bo asked.

"Yes. Very happy." Maya stopped and sniffed a wild looking flower. "Everything here is magical and so new to me. It's nothing like the outside world. I love it here in the Mistlands."

Bo observed the surroundings one more time. "It is pretty nice. did you find this place, I thought it was covered in Fog."

"Well, my power allows me to see things that others cannot," she said. "I just walked onto their lands. At first they were shocked that I got past their fog, but then Crona appeared and told them I was one of them. They accepted me into their pride just like that."

"So what now?" Bo asked, "Do they accept me? Do I turn around and go on with my life? Or do you come with me?"

Maya thought about it."They'll probably ask you to join. There not so big about keeping Leo's running around the outside world."

"So....if we're Leo's, and they are Leo's....are we...."

"Related to them? No. But we're almost like cousins. Our ancestors were related, that's how there is two prides of Leo's. The two ancestors split from one another and started their own respective lines."

"So what happens when the lines meet? Will there be some huge power boost?" Bo asked.

Maya nodded, "When I use my powers with the sisters, we are so powerful. The four of us can take down a whole herd if we tried. But Crona said that the whole family would have to unite for it to be whole."

"Oh, well, our brother...."

"I've seen him too, in my dreams. He's still alive." Maya said. "But he's far away, and has forgotten his past. But your here, and that's half of our family, so together, we should be pretty powerful. I'm so happy I found you. It's just a shame that father died."

"Hey, how did you know?" Bo started then said, "Oh yeah, psychic, duh."

Maya laughed. "Come on, I know your starving. There's a bunch of zebra down the trail, their magically delicious and you could practically smell them from miles."

Bo laughed, "Follow my nose.....

"Wherever it goes," Maya continued the wacky phrase as the two bounded off to the delicious meal up ahead.

End of Part one

Up next: Part Two
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby Mike » September 16th, 2009, 3:31 am

Awesome fanfic so far =) I'd be proud to be in a RP with these characters if you'd have me ^.^
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby DarkLiger » September 16th, 2009, 4:17 am

That's an awesome Fan Fic you have here. ^^ Can't wait for the next part.
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby NightmareMoon » September 16th, 2009, 4:28 am

Very interesting, looking forward to the next part! ^^
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Re: The Other Pride (Story of Bo)

Postby CommandoTheLion » September 16th, 2009, 4:32 am

Very Nice ^^
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