The great war of fiction part 7 carnage

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The great war of fiction part 7 carnage

Postby SuperED » August 17th, 2014, 3:33 pm

After a whole lot of digging they dug out the place where the maps first tomb was it turns out that was buried with the map . As they opened the dirty , heavy metal object they saw a frozen mans corspe " ah look it's a dead body !" Bebe screamed . Todd wasn't concerned " so ? We live in the Outlands we see tons of dead bodies" Todd said staring at her . She nods shakily and shrugs it off . " Looks like most of the body systems are well preserved " Bolt said sniffing it . As he investigated further into the body something red and squishy came from the man's shirt . It hissed and tried to attack Bolt but he jumped back just in time . " What is that thing ?!" Kyle said scared " it's clearly not from earth " Kiara noted as ahe poked it . " Can someone try to communicate with it ?" Nuka asked looking around . " I can " a boy from the south park group with a plain face and curly dirty blonde hair walked up ." Bradley ?!" Cartman said confused "since when do you speak alien " He asked "." remember when we were dressed like superheros and I found out I was from another planet and moved there ?" Bradley reminded him as he nodded ." Well after I met my real dad we went to a lot of planets and also visited the planet where this thing is from this is a symbiotie they fee off of negative emotions some came to earth but we thought they were all wiped out I can talk to it " he explained . He stepped forward and began to translate " it says it's name is Carnage and this man was named Cletus cassidy he was it's host until he died in a huge nuclear explosion . The radiation caused it to evolve so it could feed off of his well preserved body " Bradley told them as he continued ." It says it knows of our struggle and would like to aid us"Bradley said translateing ."All we need to do is give it a mad host and it'll grant that host amazing powers and help us find the other tombs " he said as he finished translateing . Todd stepped forward as Carnage crawled on his and latched onto his body the sociopath fox felt a huge pain throughout his body and then it was ovev ." Todd are you ok ?" Scamp asked concerned " yeah just fine let's test him out shall we ?" Todd said with a cruel and hungry smirk . They found hunting was much easier for Todd now he could swing from trees and buildings , use long spores to trap prey and enemies . He could suck the entire life force from his prey before he could only take blood , his paws could turn into weapons , he had superhero like powers and best of all he no longed was resricted to nighttime Carnage
protected him from light . Their next job was to find the other tombs which as it turns out were not all that far a part relatively speaking but the Outlands was a vast place and they still needed to travel far after all the tombs had been found a good amount of outlander soliders had symbiotes . Now for the most important task freeing the captured outlanders namely Butters . Todd Carnage and the prison and opened the cells all the prisoners burst out . But Todd noticed something for every five prisoners Carnage freed he ate one. As he opened Butters's cell the blonde boy jumped back and cowered in fear" please don't eat me mr ub thing sir !" Butters said very afraid but Carnage's head slid back to reaveal Todd's face ." Oh Todd it's just you good can you get me out of here please ?" Buters asks " of coarse hang on " Todd says as Carnage's body grabs butters and starts swinging and crawling " hey stop !" a voice says from below . Todd looks down it's Cash and Patch's dad Pongo he smirks and entangles them in a web of blood . After escaping the prison Todd takes Butters back to the Outlands where Cartman and Kenny are waiting ." Butters Your alive !" they say in unison as they hug him " dude you've got to be more careful what did we tell you about getting captured !? We were really worried man " Kenny said gasping for air after his long sentence ." yeah I was beginning to think you liked it there but I'm glad your back " Carman agreed " what me like it there ? I was in prison besides I'd miss all the pranks we play on hippie abd ginger jersey jew " Butters laughs as they all hug even Kyle who didn't appreciate the long and racist nickname was happy to see him . Todd smiled his friends were reunited and that made him feel good but that didn't last long however because he noticed that Carnage and the other Symbiotes ate more then they provided soon they were out of food , the hyenas and dogs complained to Nuka and Kiara constantly and the herbivore outlanders were frightened of being eaten . In the Pridelands things were not better they were in fact worse many citizens were dead or injured buildings and structures were burned abd broken and they were running out of food . Without knowing Simba and Nala shared a thought with Todd and Dixie " these things have to be exterminated fast !"!
Well there you go hoped you liked it and I realized that I've forgotten to say the disclaimer well I own nothing other then Todd's father from chapter 4 so yeah .. Oh and to the person that voted on chapter 6 I know that chapter sucked it was just there for filler but I hope you like this one better.

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