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Rebirth of the Great War of fiction 7 the enslavement

PostPosted: September 28th, 2014, 4:20 am
by SuperED
Hey guys enjoy the new chapter I own nothing !
When the Pridelanders received news that Scar had been overthrown in the Outlands they we're prepared for a time of peace . However some of the former members revealed to them that the Outlanders were readying a full on siege . The former traitors rejoined the good side and provided the Pridelanders a tiny but vital window of time to prepare for war soon the villains arrived charging across the boarder . Due to the power of of both armies the battle was long and bloody . Also the Outlanders were not at all pleaded to find that they had been betrayed . Simba and Nala fought hard but were outmatched due to Nuka and Kiara used Scar and Zira as avatars from their orange rings . The terrifying , greedy fighting spirt of the outlanders would've completely destroyed if not for the green and violet ring worm by the pride landers . Even still the villains were relentless . Attacking at every angle yes there were just to many of them . After being horribly beaten in battle the heroes had no choice but to submit . By the time the long fight was over blood stained every corner of the grasslands . Mostly hero blood after the battle had been won the outlanders cheered as the king and queen stood on pride rock . Nubia let out a mighty roar . Then he bound Simba in chains of fear and greed as he punctured the former king's artery Kiara watched with a wide smirk and kicked her father father's head at Nala and Kopa giving them a look that clearly said that's for exiling me as a cub assholes ! That night as the pride landers grieved Rafiki crossed out his picture of adult Simba and replaced them with Nuka and Kiara pictures that resembled Scar and Zira .
Hope you guys enjoyed it ! I'm sorry this one was really dark I'll put comedy in next time ! See ya bye!