Nalas Cubhood: The story of the film seen from Nalas eyes

Nalas Cubhood: The story of the film seen from Nalas eyes

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 9:43 am

This is a story that I’ve had published on my site about Cub Nala for a long time, but I decided to post it here as well. It’s the story of Cub Nala written from her own perspective, telling of the events that takes place in the movie. I hope you’ll find it an interesting read. :innocent:

I remember one early, gray dawn. I was sleeping between my mothers paws, lying safe and warm in the cave on Pride Rock together with the other members of the pride. My sleep was disturbed by my best friends exited voice calling for his father, telling him to get up.

I smiled as I dozed. I knew this was the day Simba had been talking about for weeks. His father Mufasa was going to show him the kingdom. I got up shortly after Simba and Mufasa had left. I was going to work on my pouncing together with my mother, Sarafina. I spent the morning pracitcing on pouncing and fighting-techniques with my mum, and some of the other lionesses willingly shared their experiences with me. I loved to listen to their stories about hunting and fighting with hyenas and cheetahs.

A few hours later, I was being given a bath by my mother. Her friend (and Simbas mother) Sarabi lay dozing lazily on a rock next to us.

Simba came suddenly running down the path, looking very exited. I thought he would want to tell me all about the tour Mufasa had given him that morning. Instead, he just said: “Come on, I have just heard about this cool place.”

“And where is this really cool place?” his mother asked.

Simba faltered. “Uhh... Its around the Waterhole,” he finally exclaimed.

“Whats so great about the Waterhole?” I asked sourly. Simba just whispered to me through clenched teeth that he would show me when we got there.

I was a bit annoyed with him for interrupting my bath-time, but I still asked my mother for permission to go along with Simba.

Sarabi was also willing to let us go, provided that Zazu came with us.

We were approaching the Waterhole, and Zazu called to us from above: “Step lightly! The sooner we get to the Waterhole, the sooner we can leave.”

I turned to Simba and whispered to him: “So tell me, where are we really going?”

“An Elephant Graveyard,” he mumbled back.

I was so exited at this, I could not help crying out: “Wow!”

“Ssshhh!” Simba glared at me, and nodded upwards, in Zazus direction.

“Right, how are we going to ditch the dodo?” I asked thoughtfully. I had an idea that might work, and Simba and I stuck our heads together, whispering to form a plan of escape.

Zazu suddenly flew down to the ground and landed in front of us. “Aah, look at you two!” he said. “Little seeds of romance blossoming on the Savannah!” Simba and I merely exchanged dry looks.
Last edited by PrincessKiara on October 29th, 2009, 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 9:44 am

“Your parents will be thrilled,” Zazu went on, “now that you are betrothed and all!” He beamed at us.

“Meaning...?” I asked.

“Some day you two are going to get married!” Zazu announced, with a big smile.

I dont know who pulled the worst face at this, Simba or me.

“She is my best friend!” Simba exclaimed.

“Yeah, it would be so weird,” I said.

“It has been a tradition for generations,” Zazu said, as if that settled the matter, and Simba and I would just have to get married because a whole lot of other lions had done it before us.

“Well, when I’m king, that will be the first to go!” Simba announced.

But Zazu did not like that idea. He waved a wing impatiently at Simba. “Not as long as I am around!”

Simba grinned. “In that case, I’ll fire you.”

“Nice try;” Zazu said, “But only the king has the power to do that!”

“But Simba is the future king,” I reminded him.

“Thats right!” Simba exclaimed. “So you have to do what I tell you!” He prodded Zazu with his front paw. This made Zazu quite annoyed.

“Not yet I dont! And with that attitude, I am afraid you are going to make a very poor king indeed!”

We had had just about enough of Zazu now, and ran off towards the Waterhole.

It was time for our escape plan.

I had suggested to Simba that we could run to the Waterhole and somehow scare the animals there into running away. We would be hidden from Zazus sharp eyes by the dust and running animals. But right before we reached the Waterhole, we saw that the animals there had already begun running. There were quite a few zebras and wildebeast that had been scared off by a couple of male Cheetahs that had come down to drink. Taking advantage of this, Simba and I quickly ran alongside the fleeing beasts, and the cloud of dust that formed around us made sure Zazu would not spot us.

I do not know how long we ran. We kept going long after the other animals had calmed down, to make sure we had really shaken Zazu off. When we finally stopped, we sat down on the ground, quite out of breath. “We did it!” I said proudly. “We lost him!”

“I am a genius,” Simba said, puffing out his chest and looking quite pleased with himself.

“It was my idea,” I said, growling, half-annoyed, half-playful.

Simba pounced on me, but I used my special trick to flip him and pin him to the ground. My mother had taught me this special technique, to roll over on my back, and use my hind-legs to push my opponent upwards, so that I could roll on top and easily pin him to the ground.

“Pinned ya!” Now it was my turn to look pleased.
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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 9:45 am

I let him up, and turned away, looking deliberatly very smug, just like Simba had. He pounced on me again from behind, and we rolled down a ledge. Again I managed to pin him down, and I said, not without relish: “Pinned ya again!”

Suddenly our play-fighting was interrupted by the outburst of steam from a hole in the ground.

Suddenly I became aware of where I was.

I looked around, mortified by what I saw. I was so shocked at first glance, I could hardly take in the sight of it.

On a ledge, looming in front of us, was a huge Elephant-skull. We had made it to the Elephant Graveyard! We walked up to it, and placing our front paws on one of the tusks, we gazed upon the graveyard.

It was a wasteland of death and gloom.

But at the same time, the knowledge of how forbidden this place was, awoke the sense of adventure in me.

“We could get in big trouble,” I said. Simba gave a little laugh.

We turned to face the massive skull behind us, and I whispered to Simba: “I wonder if its brains are still in there.”

“There is only one way to know,” Simba said. “Lets go check it out!” And he began to walk towards the skull.

Suddenly, a flash of blue appeared and a well-known voice cried: “Wrong! The only place you are going, is out of here! We are far past the boundaries of the Pride Lands!” Zazu looked around, very anxiously. “Look, Bananabeak is scared!” Simba mocked.

“Thats Mr. Bananabeak to you, fuzzy!” Zazu said angrily. “And right now we are all in very real danger!”

Simba scoffed at this. “Danger? I walk on the wild side.” And to make his point, he walked right up to the mouth of the Elephant-skull. “I laugh in the face of danger! Ha Ha Ha!”

Simbas mocking laughter was immediately drowned out by the chilling laugh of Hyenas.

Simba gasped and ran over to where Zazu and I were standing, jumping right over me and standing behind me, as if to gain protection.

Stiff with terror, I saw three Hyenas emerging from the dark depths of the skull.

Like grotesque tear-drops they poured from the empty eye-sockets.

Growling, they approached, and formed a circle around us, glaring at us with evil, dark eyes.

“Well, well, what have we got here, Banzai?” the female Hyena asked her partner.
“I dont know, Shenzi,” he replied. And turning to the last Hyena, he asked: “What do you think, Ed?” Ed just gave a mad laugh for an awnser.

Zazu folded out his wings in front of me and Simba, to shelter us. I cowered under the hungry gaze of the Hyenas, trembling with fear.

The Hyenas started bickering amongst themselves over who would get the best pieces, and taking the chance to escape, we ran. I ran in blind fear, my heart pounding in my chest and the blood roaring in my ears. The flight itself is an unclear memory, all I remember is that I was sliding down as I tried to climb a hill of bones. Fear had weakened me, and I screamed for Simbas help. Shenzi, the female Hyena was right behind me. Simba came running down towards me, paw lifted, claws extended. He slashed Shenzi across the face, giving me a chance to escape.

We continued running until we finally came to a dead end. We were trapped, and the Hyenas were approaching threatingly.

His courage never failing him, Simba tried to roar at the Hyenas to scare them off. Of course, this only amused them, and Shenzi asked: “That was it? Do it again, come on!”

It was then I heard the mighty roar, and saw Mufasa coming running towards us, attacking the Hyenas. He flattened them to the ground with one mighty swipe of his huge paw. The Hyenas tried to defend themselves, but they were helpless against the vast force of the lion king.

And how terrible he looked in those moments of uncontrolled anger and strength. His mane was like fire, and his claws and teeth flashing as they were slashing and biting. I could only look on in awe, and I remember how scared I suddenly felt of Mufasa, now that I truly saw his strength, power and anger.

He sent the Hyenas off yelping and limping.

Simba took a few steps towards his father, and I crouched down behind him, the same way he had crouched behind me for protection when the Hyenas attacked us.

Mufasa whipped his head around and looked at Simba. His eyes were blazing with fury.

“You deliberatly disobeyed me!”

«Dad, Im sorry..» Simba said feebly.

«Lets go home!» Mufasa bit him off, angrily.

Simba looked completly downcast, and to comfort him, I whispered: «I thought you were very brave.» But he just turned away from me, and hung his head.
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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 9:47 am

The walk back to the Pride Lands was slow and spent in silence. Mufasa kept a brisk pace in front of us, with long, angry steps. It was clear that we was very angry, but I knew that the anger originated from the fear of losing Simba.

I glanced at my friend every now and then, but he did not meet my gaze. His head was hanging low, shoulders and ears drooping, his eyes fastened at the ground. Zazu was flying over us, taking occasional glances behind to make sure we were keeping up.

I could hardly bear the atmosphere of anger and disappointment. I still felt quite shaken after the scary encounter with the Hyenas, and I was worried about what my mother would say when she learned about my adventure.

But the feeling that was most overpowering that evening, was the feeling of pity for Simba.

Suddenly, Mufasa came to a halt, and sat down. He called Zazu to him, and spoke loud enough for us cubs to hear him: «Take Nala home.» His deep voice rung out in the night, and he turned to face Simba and me. «I have to teach my son a lesson.»

At these words, Simba crouched low in the grass, as if he was cowering under his father hard gaze. Mufasa turned away from us to face the plains, and Zazu flew back to join us.

«Come, Nala.» he said to me. He sighed as he turned to Simba, and placed his wings briefly on his shoulders before wishing him good luck. I started to walk away, with Zazu flying overhead, leading the way back home. I turned my head to say a silent goodbye to Simba.

I will never forget how lost and helpless he looked as he met my gaze and had to watch me slip away into the night, while he was left to face his fathers anger.

I heard Mufasa calling Simbas name, and the harshness of his voice made me run through the high grass, and forced forth the tears I had held back all evening.

I cried silently.

There was scant comfort in the steady beating of wings over my head.

The tallness of the grass tired me, and forced me to once again hold my pace at a slow, shameful walk.

As we reached the base of Pride Rock, I sat down, and Zazu flew up on Pride Rock to tell my mother I was safely back home.

I wanted to erase the memory of this dreadful night and all its feelings of fear and shame. I did’nt want to face my mother and see disappointment in her eyes.

It did not take long before she came running down from Pride Rock, and covered me in kisses.

«I have been so worried!» she exclaimed. «Zazu told me about the Hyenas,» she continued, and gave me a long look from green eyes, so much like mine.

I could see so many feelings in there: Anger and disappointment, but also relief.

«Please promise me that you will never put yourself in such a dangerous situation again!»

I nodded.

«I promise, Mum.» I said.

She gave me a quick, warm smile. «I am just glad you are safe!» She kissed me, and together we went up to Pride Rock.

All I wanted to sleep and dream, and make this night a memory.
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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 9:47 am

The next morning, Simba and I went to the base of Pride Rock, and sat there talking. I did not want to bring up yesterdays events, but oddly enough, Simba started talking about it. Naturally, he did not mention the horrible encounter with Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, or how he had felt when Mufasa had led us back home. He said that Mufasa had told him that the spirits of the great kings and queens of the past are up in the sky, like shining stars, and that whenever you feel alone or lost, you can turn to them for guideance.

«My grandfather Ahadi had told my dad this, just like Mohatu told him once. It is an ancient wisdom that has been passed down to princes and princesses through the generations,» Simba explained proudly.

I smiled at him. «Mufasa is very wise.»

Simba told me that his father had a surprise for him. He was going to the gorge together with his uncle Scar.

I never saw Simba again.

That evening, Scar called all the lionesses of the pride together for a meeting at Pride Rock. He told us the devastating news: Both Mufasa and Simba were dead, killed in a horrible stampede in the gorge. I was sitting between my mothers paws, and when I heard about the tragic accident, I lay down on the ground and wept. My very best friend had died. The feeling of loss was completely overpowering, I felt like my heart was ready to burst with sorrow.

And as dark clouds gathered over Pride Rock, all I remember seeing were shadows of Hyenas and the sound of their mocking laughter surrounding us. And the piercing look from Scars green eyes... So much like mine.

Here ends the story of cub Nala.
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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby KopsTheTerminator » October 29th, 2009, 8:44 pm

Awww... it was cute seeing Nala's point of view. However, I think the title needs to be changed. People would actually think you would write all of Nala's cubhood until she grew up to an adult. But it's a pretty good fan-fiction in my opinion. =)

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Re: The Story of Nalas Cubhood

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 8:57 pm

Thank you very much! :D I changed the title so people know exactly what this story is about.
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Re: Nalas Cubhood: The story of the film seen from Nalas eyes

Postby SilverSimba01 » October 29th, 2009, 9:30 pm

WOW :o , this is a very amazing story, I like this one, great work
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Re: Nalas Cubhood: The story of the film seen from Nalas eyes

Postby PrincessKiara » October 29th, 2009, 10:39 pm

Thank you so much SilverSimba! I’m very happy to know you like it. :innocent:
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Re: Nalas Cubhood: The story of the film seen from Nalas eyes

Postby Mike » October 30th, 2009, 1:33 am

not too shabby ^.^ Of course the story loses a lot without the images and music, but you've done well considering this =)
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