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[Closed To LadyAnette]

[Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby Baya » November 12th, 2009, 3:28 am

Character Bios:

Name: Amadeus Longtail
Species: Field Mouse (Albino)
Gender: Male
Age: 14 seasons (Teen, 14)
Description: Average height for any field mouse male, white fur, gray eyes, and a scrappy looking blue/white shirt.
Personality: Filled with angst, and at times really harsh at tone. He does not really understand sensitivity, so he speaks his mind whenever he feels like it. He isn't bad though, he has a sense of compassion and caring as well. To those he trusts, he doesn't act so harshly towards.
History: It all started when Amadeus was just an infant, at three seasons old. At that time, the land was divided equally among nobles and the land was at peace. Amadeus's family weren't the richest, but they definitely were happy within their tiny village. One of the nobles of the lands however, a Mink by the name of Odio, became more power hungry and thought himself to be superior then all the other nobles. This was when he decided to take over all the other lands with the immense power of his horde army. He started with the land that Amadeus's family was on, already having killed the noble of that land. Amadeus's family was slaughtered because they refused to give up their housing to the soldiers of Odio's army. Amadeus was left alive, because the soldiers were too lazy to actually check if all of the family was dead. When the soldier's left, Amadeus managed to leave his ravaged home, not wanting to look back on the bloody mess that was his family. He wandered the lands for several years, only having the shirt off his back and his father's old dagger. He stole what he needed to survive from Odio's war camps. However, every day that passed by more and more anger built up inside him, making him bitter towards many creatures he met regardless of their loyalties. One day, he met upon some soldiers picking on a poor trader and he figured he should stand up to them. At this point he had reached the age of 14 seasons, and he thought now was the time to begin avenging his lost family. Unfortunately for him, the soldiers over powered him and knocked the dagger from his hand. He figured he might as well lead the soldiers away from the trader, so he could escape. He stopped running when he met a dead end at a cliff, that over looked a rushing white river. He turned to face the consequences without any regrets, but the edge of the cliff broke off before the soldiers could get to him. He tumbled down the side of the cliff, and ended up in the river.

Name: Sardonyx Wingstream (Also nicknamed Sardy)
Species: Field Mouse
Gender: Female
Age: 15 seasons
Description: Brown fur with blue eyes. Average height and is skinny.
Personality: Is usually caring and sweet, but has a lot of ambition and can be very lethal. She only acts kind towards animals she knows.
History: She was plundered and her family was killed as she escaped from her hometown. Going through uncharted territory, she came across a kindly old mouse named Ezekiel. Ezekiel cared for Sardy and taught her ways of healing teaching and fighting. When one day she was strolling around and saw a mouse almost about to fall off a cliff. She saved him and took him to her house. Thus beginning the quest.

Name: Lilac Tunnnelburrow
Species: Mole
Gender: Female
Age: About 34 seasons
Description: fat and short with black velvety fur.
Personality: Sweet and caring. Has a special liking for Sardy. Is a great cook.
History: Unknown

Amadeus groaned as memories of his infancy flashed through his mind. All the blood, and all the screaming came to him like it happened just yesterday. His heart raced, as his face dripped cold sweat. He woke up, his gray eyes wide with terror not knowing where he was. The last thing he could remember was that he fell off the edge of that cliff, and passed out when he splashed into the flowing river.

Amadeus took in his surroundings being more awake now. He panted deeply, trying to get up. He noticed that he was laying on a dry white mat, that was against a wooden floor. The room he was in was quite dark, except for the light coming off from a candle that was on a round table in the middle of the room. He noticed that a bit of moon light was coming in from a circular window near him. He rubbed his head, and his eyes widened as he noticed that there were bandages wrapped around his head.

"Awake are you lad?" an old, strained voice said near the entrance to the room. Amadeus quickly looked to the doorway, and squinted until his eyes adjusted to the dark. An old gray mouse, walked in a completely white robe with the aid of a wooden cane. This old mouse had quite a long white beard that measured to about his chest. His eyes were of a dulled brown.

"Wh-Where am I?" Amadeus asked quietly rubbing his head some more. The old mouse smiled.

"You are safe within my home. My apprentice found you floating down the river earlier, and we had to be hasty to get you out before you flowed out into the ocean." The old man explained as he walked closer towards Amadeus and knelt down next to him. The old mouse placed a paw on Amadeus's forehead to check for fever.

"It seems you aren't ill, just banged your head up a bit." The old mouse murmured. Amadeus looked down, and frowned.

"Thank you for saving me sir. You are the first to show me such kindness in a long time." Amadeus explained. The old mouse sighed, and shook his head.

"I know child. Ever since that warlord began his campaign, everyone has trouble just meeting ends on their own." The old mouse said as he got up with the aid of his cane.

A very strong aroma made it's way into the room, and Amadeus's stomach growled. The old mouse laughed heartily, and made his way towards the door. "My apprentice will bring you your dinner soon. You must be hungry, because you've been out for two days." The old mouse said quietly as he left.
Last edited by Baya on November 14th, 2009, 8:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby LadyAnette » November 13th, 2009, 2:31 am

[OOC: forgive my bad mole spelling lol ]

A very pretty mouse came into view. She had chestnut brown fur and her blouse was pale blue. She had a neat little apron
on her stomach and blue eyes that twinkled brightly.

Hello there! She cried happily.
I see that you are looking well. I just brought in a tray of goodies for you to munch on. You looked starved!
By the way,
my name is Sardoyx. But usually animals call me Sardy.

Sardy was carrying a tray of dark, cool dandelion cordial, hot baked rolls, a blackberry flan and some cheesy
Haha! If you are wondering what that is on my tray, it's a recipe I made up with white sap, basil, some chestnut and some bread. Uh....forgive me. That must sound really gross. I suppose that I'm not the very best cook. On the other hand, we have Lilac to
cook food for you!
The mouse said, her voice starting out kind of hesitant but gradualy building.

A few minutes later, a fat, stubby female mole huddled in with a bowl of hot soup.
Hurr doent you'm lissun to dat un. She'm be a wunnerful cooker. Hurr aye!
Sardy stroked the mole's soft fur the other way as she spoke soothingly in the quiant mole dialect to her.
Naow naow me gurt friend. Doent be sayin' that ether. Oi be turrible at cookin'. Anyhaow, come and meet moi new friend!
Lilac shuffled over to greet Amadeus as she was spilling the bowl. Luckily, Sardy caught it before it could spill on his lap.
Oi'm vury glad tur meet a good friend of my Sardy! Hurr!
She said, shaking him ruffly by the paw.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby Baya » November 13th, 2009, 2:39 am

[OOC: It's pretty well done actually. I felt a bit stupid not understanding it the first time though xD]

"You are mistaken. I have just met her." Amadeus explained, slightly amused by the mole's way of speaking. "I am sorry that I am being such a burden. I wasn't exactly expecting the tip of that cliff to give away. I should be glad it did, or I would have been impaled." Amadeus said quietly, clenching his fists. It was his own stupid need for revenge that got him in this position. Not that he was really complaining. He'd never received such kindness, or seen such untroubled faces since he was an infant.

"My name is Amadeus. Amadeus Longtail." Amadeus said quietly, shaking the mole's hand as well. He then looked to Sy and, sat up properly so that his legs were crossed.

"To be honest, I have eaten things that would make a rat scrunch it's nose. If it tastes as good as it smells, I'm sure you won't receive any complaints on my behalf." Amadeus said as he scratched his cheek.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby LadyAnette » November 13th, 2009, 3:34 am

Sardy laughed.
Hurr hurr this ones a toghy! Stay clurr of heem!
Lilac found nothing amusing about it. She rinkled her nose it disgust.
Oh moi gurdnuss gracois! Eatin' things more worsn' rats? Yuuuuuuk!
Sardy pushed the food in front of Amadeus.
If you say you'll eat it, then show us you can eat like a hare!
Lilac covered her eyes as she shuffled out the door.
Oi'm not goin' to see this! Huuuuuuurrrrrr!

Sardy pulled out from a drawer that was laying by the wall a clean brown smock and a belt.
Here, once you finish eating, you can put this on.
She went over to a washing basin by the bedside and washed her paws in the water and smothered them with some walnut soap.
Sardy then dried her paws on a dishcloth that was beside it.
I suppose we should get to know each other better. So.....what's your story?
Sardy asked as she poured herself some dandelion cordial and slowly sipped on it.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby Baya » November 13th, 2009, 3:45 am

Amadeus began to eat, and frankly it tasted quite good. He couldn't really pay attention since his hunger was actually making him eat the food in front of him like a hare. His ears pricked as she asked him of his story. He wiped his mouth clear of crumbs, and frowned slightly. "I was born up river, into a village ruled by a great noble. I'm sure you know about the Mink warlord who began stripping creatures of their land and crowning himself king. His soldiers came to my home, seeking shelter expecting food on the table to be set out for them. We refused them refuge, and...they killed my family. All my siblings, from oldest to youngest. I played dead, too afraid to move. They took every scrap of food that was in my home, and left not even feeling a bit of remorse for what they had just done." Amadeus said closing his eyes for a moment. The horrific memories of the day flashed through his mind. "I made it my life's ambition to get revenge against the warlord and his men for they have done to my family, and my lands. That is probably why I am where I am today. I didn't think properly and I let my anger get the better of me. I got in the way of a group of the king's men, because they were trying to peddle a trader. I tried to fight them off, and of course I failed. I ran, leading them away from the trader. Too bad I didn't know that I would end up at the edge of a cliff. Luck was on my side because the cliff gave away from under my feet and I plunged into this river. Now here I am, being treated with kindness that I have never experienced since I was a dibbun." Amadeus said looking harshly towards his half eaten meal.

"You are a very good cook Sy. I haven't had a meal that good since...well...ever really."
Amadeus said, quickly trying to change the subject.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby LadyAnette » November 13th, 2009, 4:02 am

Sardy saw the sadness in his eyes and the pain he went through and figured that speaking of his life would make it even
I was born on a farm in a deep forest. I think it was called Millstone. I know of this mink warlord you speak of. I got kicked out too.
I was eating at the dinner table when twelve soldiers raided my house. They killed my mother and father while they plundered,
leaving me
to have enough time to escape. I trundled in deep snow until I dropped in pain. That's when my master saw me and picked me up.
He cared for me like a father.
And after many seasons, my master called to me.

Sardy paused for a while while she took a sip of cordial.
He told me I was supposed to be his apprentice. Afterwards, I would be free to wander and help other people and make my own apprecteces.
She stopped here. And changed the subject just as easily as Amadeus had.
I see you like my food eh? No one ever has, she said shyly. She had developed a liking for the odd mouse.
Last edited by LadyAnette on November 14th, 2009, 7:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby Baya » November 13th, 2009, 4:15 am

He listened to her story, and figured that it was no better than his. They had both gone through several hardships. When she followed his lead on changing the subject he chuckled. "How many have actually tasted your cooking?" Amadeus asked. "It actually beats the war camp cooks. Their porridge...tasted like horridge." Amadeus said with a shudder, remembering that he found several rocks in the last batch of porridge he stole from the royal army.

"Enjoyed your meal lad?" The old mouse said, walking back into the room. Amadeus nodded.

"Yes. Thank you Sardy, for the meal." Amadeus said, feeling better after getting his fill of food. "Sir, may I ask where this house is located?" Amadeus inquired. The old mouse smiled.

"We are deep within Nobleman's wood. The soldiers will have a hard time even getting through the foliage here." The old mouse explained. Amadeus couldn't help but feel slightly relieved that he didn't have to see any of the royal army for quite some time. He'd wait till he'd heal before ever trying to fight against any of them again. "Hence why my apprentice sees herself as such a bad cook yes? I cannot eat many of her meals because I just can't digest it that well anymore. As for Lilac...well she's her own special case." The old mouse chuckled.

"Ah. Well alot of creatures would appreciate the cooking. You have my honest word." Amadeus said looking over to Sardy again.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby LadyAnette » November 13th, 2009, 4:20 am

Sardy blushed and turned away.
This young un likes disgusting foods, she stated. She then realized her duties and quickly turned to him. Now then young sir,
how about getting into that nice clean smock that I washed ESPECIALLY today in case of a special occation. Hm?

She said holding out the smock to him. Then I must gather some herbs. You have a mighty big gash on your shoulder.
Sardy left the room, taking the tray with the empty dishes with her.

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby Baya » November 13th, 2009, 4:30 am

The old mouse laughed as he leaned on his cane. "With a bit of work, she will be standing on her own soon. She has ambition, she has talent, but she lacks esteem. Perhaps you can provide her with that lad." The old mouse murmured. He then turned and made his way out of the room again.

Amadeus did as he was instructed to do by Sardy, putting on the smock and belt. He groaned as he stood on his two feet, and stretched. He really had been out for two days.

The old mouse approached Sardy who was tending to her duties. "Perhaps you should wait till morning before gathering herbs. We are safe from the royal army in these woods, but not by common bandit's m'dear. Go rest for now, it is best for you." The old mouse murmured, hiding his paws in the opposite sleeves of his robes. He then sat down in a nearby chair with a slight groan of discomfort. "I sense something about that boy. The same thing I sensed in you when I found you Sardy. Both of you share one destiny." The old mouse murmured, as he groomed his beard.

[OOC: Sharing the same destiny = fighting the same battle D: < ]

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Re: [Closed To LadyAnette]

Postby LadyAnette » November 13th, 2009, 5:06 am


Sardy sat down with the old mouse and looked into the sunset. Golden orange rays flooded the woods and made beautiful patterns on the ground.

I belive he is special too, Sardy said slowly. He has a path he must take in his life. Ahh who am I kidding! You know I think he's more then special, Sardy gazed into the mouses eyes and clasped her arms in his. He has spirit master, courage too. Such a sad story he had! He seems to have such a troubled mind....
Last edited by LadyAnette on November 14th, 2009, 3:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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