Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Postby Shadowfax » June 1st, 2013, 11:20 pm

I found my old memory stick :O And have decided to write this a bit more again =3 Here are the first two chapters. If people here like it, I will post more.

Character refs: http://silvershadowfax.deviantart.com/a ... -175725799
http://silvershadowfax.deviantart.com/a ... -255827776


Chapter one:

In the land of Mapiya, at the foot of a large canyon, an elder dragon paced restlessly up and down his borders. Zanadar didn't make a habit of this, but in these cruel testing times he was driven to confusion. To his right stood his companion and leader of the dragon army Legido, a strong looking dragon with crimson wings, spikes all down his tail and proud silver horns upon his head.
Zanadar was only just aware of his presence, but continued to pace under the moonlight. Zanadar was an old dragon, his eyes had lost their determination, yet there was still pride glowing there. He had a red body with odd navy blue markings over his chest and neck. His wings were tatty and worn. His large golden horns sat proudly upon his head, but his entire body bore many scars, each with a story to tell.
The pacing ceased, he was finally ready to talk to his soldier. Raising his head slowly and wearily he looked up at the young Legido.
“How many did we lose today?” Zanadar asked sadly.
“Only two sir, but still we cannot continue these investigations... if we carry on there won't be a dragon left alive” Legido replied as calmly as he could.
“Your right. It seems these creatures want to eradicate us all. Where they came from, and why they have such a desire to kill us I have no idea” Zanadar said looking to the stars as he spoke.
“They are dragon like themselves, perhaps our time is over and they are the new breed to reign these lands-” Legido cut off as he saw Zanadar round on him.
Legido fell silent and bowed his head with acceptance. The outburst had startled both dragons, and Zanadar felt awful for his sudden outburst.
“Legido, forgive me. I refuse to believe the time has come for the dragons to die out” Zanadar said softly now.
“I hope your right sir, but the outlook at present doesn't look so good... The dragonesses young have been snatched or have hatched prematurely. If we have no dragonlings, what hope do we have of surviving?” Legido replied.
“Heh, Legido you are young and strong. You are right, times are hard at the moment but I have lived hundreds of years and experienced many hardships. There is always a way out if your prepared to stand and fight for it” Zanadar said proudly, looking the dragon in the eyes.
Legido felt the eyes pierce him. Zanadar was old, but he still had his fighting spirit in him. There was no mistake in him becoming the leader of their dragon clan.
“Your clan will be with you sir, but what is your plan now?”
“We move to the hidden valley. We will remain there and exist, that way our species will not die out. Dragons are immortal creatures Legido, we can live on in peace, those monsters won't know where we are. Some will call it cowardice, but I call it sensible. We must live. We cannot vanish” Zanadar said.
“Yes sir” Legido replied, though he himself though the idea was ridiculous.
Suddenly a jet of blue light shot across the sky. The two dragons looked up in astonishment, it looked as though a miniature comet was plummeting towards them. Zanadar followed the light with his golden eyes.
“It's heading for the waterfall in the valley!” Legido called to Zanadar, but Zanadar had already opened his wings and was soaring into the sky.
The sky lit up as the object trailed across the starry night. Zanadar followed it, followed by the loyal Legido. The object made impact with the ground shortly after and Zanadar put on an extra burst of speed so he could catch up with the mysterious comet.
He reached the small rock valley and to his amazement, the object had landed neatly between a pile of rocks just next to the small waterfall. He approached cautiously and carefully, ready to run if need be. A thud behind him told Zanadar, Legido had arrived at the scene.
“Sir! Be careful, it could be a trap!” Legido said anxiously.
Zanadar continued forwards, his heart pounding with excitement of the unknown. Once he got nearer, the strange object became a little clearer. It was no comet, it was a dragon egg, but not just a normal egg, it bore a strange amulet on the front and was fastened round the egg with a fine leather strap. Intrigued. Zanadar lowered his head and sniffed the egg, dust covering the golden amulet as he did so.
“What is it?” Legido said trotting up alongside him.
“It's a dragon egg” Zanadar said.
“How in the world could it have survived a crash like that?” Legido said looking at the skies.
“It's a miracle... this egg, must be a gift from the gods” Zanadar said looking into the moon.

Chapter two:

“Sir...that light will attract unwanted attention. We must leave, now!” Legido prompted, shuffling backwards and forwards as if expecting something to leap out and hurt them.
Zanadar ignored him, the strange egg and amulet had rooted him to the spot. Something about it seemed so familiar. His old eyes examined it for a further few moments, but Legido finally snapped as a shadow loomed above them.
“Come on sir! They are coming.. we must leave!”
A shadow rippled across the floor and Zanadar finally agreed to flee the scene. He carefully scooped up the little egg in one of his old, frail claws. Making sure it was secure and safe, he turned to the anxious looking soldier.
“Stay calm Legido and follow me, I know these canyons better than those beasts” Zanadar said proudly, making his way towards the waterfall.
The dragons leapt over the small little lake and walked casually behind the icy cold waterfall where they found a large cave. Legido had never been in this cave before, so he looked around wearily before entering. Zanadar felt right at home and proceeded into the depths of the cave. Without arguing, his soldier followed him, not knowing where they could end up.
“This egg... the amulet on the front seems so familiar” Zanadar whispered in the dark cave.
“In what way?” Legido whispered back as he looked over his shoulder to see if they had any followers.
“Relax, they won't follow us in here. They might be strong, but their brains are something to be desired for” Zanadar said as he caught Legido looking over his shoulder.
“Can't be to careful. Say, what if that egg turns out to be one of theirs?” Legido asked with a slight hate to his voice.
“I think an egg of the enemy would seem fouler. This egg came to us with light, not darkness. Surely it is fine” Zanadar replied as he looked down at the egg, fascination still in his old eyes.
Legido was not convinced, but he didn't have the energy to argue back. The darkness of the cave was not helping to ease the young dragons nerves either. Every single noise made him snarl, but Zanadar continued to walk onwards as if he had no concern about what could be hiding in the darkness. The only noise now was the noise of their feet making impact with the ground.
Zanadar suddenly turned a corner, taking Legido by surprise. Once he too was round the corner he could see Zanadar had come to a stand still.
“What now?!” Legido asked sounding a little annoyed.
In front of them was a pile of rocks. But Zanadar chuckled and passed Legido the little egg. Without questioning his actions Legido took the egg in his claw and promptly turned back to the wall.
“You might want to stand back a bit Legido” Zanadar said.
Legido backed off, leaving Zanadar standing in front of the large pile of rocks. He took a deep breath and when he breathed back out, a fiery ball escaped his mouth. The fireball made impact with the wall with such a force that the morning sun suddenly blinded them. The rocks slipped away, dust covered them, but at last they were free of the cave.
“It's our valley!” Legido said happily.
In front of them stood their little woodland, their only hiding place at the moment. But soon they would flee to the hidden valley.
“I told you we would be alright” Zanadar said with a wise old smile.
Passing back the egg, Legido couldn't help but smile back. However their moods were suddenly changed when a crack was heard from the little egg. Panic stricken, Zanadar laid the egg on the grass and the two dragons watched on.
Multiple cracks appeared all over the egg, until it suddenly shattered into many pieces. The amulet lit up and the red ruby in the centre sparked. The amulet soared into the sky so quickly it made Zanadar and Legido jump back in fright.
“What on earth?” Zanadar said as there was a sudden jet of crimson and golden light.
The lights shot up into the air, twisted and turned, then plummeted to the ground where the egg lay. As the dust cleared, Zanadar and Legido looked about for life. To their astonishment a little dragon lie on the floor, stumbling around as he tried to get to his feet.
Never give up;

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Re: Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Postby Shadowfax » June 2nd, 2013, 9:20 pm

For my sisters benefit. Here is everything i've written up to date.

Page three:

Neither dragon spoke for a long while, they were too shocked at what lay before their feet in the lush green grass. The baby dragon was toppling over, trying to get to his feet. He was a aqua green dragon, with a yellow under belly, blue feathery like wings and round his neck was the amulet which was the same one attached to the egg. The dragonling was small... smaller than most, but there was an awe of strength there.
Eventually the little one found his feet and with his beady little blue eyes, he smiled up at Zanadar and Legido, who were both looking at him with astonishment.
“Do you think he's cursed?” Legido finally blurted out.
Zanadar frowned and looked at Legido.
“What do you mean by that, Legido?”
“Well.... look at the little fellow. He is a third of the size of a normal dragonling and that weird amulet round his neck isn't normal! Not to mention he fell from the sky and his egg survived the crash”
Tutting to himself, Zanadar lay down in front of the little dragon. He waddled over to the old dragon, tripping and smiling as he stopped infront of Zanadar's scared face. Showing no fear the dragonling put his two front legs on old Zanadar's nose and smiled, seeming very pleased with his accomplishment.
“Cute little fellow aren't you?” Zanadar said softly as the dragonling dashed after a passing butterfly.
“Shame he has been born into a world full of darkness at present. Maybe they are cursing our young now, Zanadar” Legido said bitterly.
“Go back to the clan, Legido. I will follow shortly and we can embark on our trek to the hidden valley. I will catch up with you later” Zanadar said, wandering off after the dragonling who was attempting to now climb a tree.
“Yes sir” Legido said sounding unsure, but he obeyed.
He took to the air immediately, disappearing over the tree line and into the morning mist. Zanadar had made his way over to the tree, where the youngster had given up on tree climbing and favoured chewing sticks now instead. Zanadar scooped him up in both claws and looked closely at him.
As Legido had pointed out, the dragonling was smaller than most, yet he seemed to be acting perfectly dragon like. The amulet was the thing that bugged him most of all though. How had it happened? How was it on the egg one minute and round his neck the next? Was this little dragon a god? No... gods would be larger and seem more mature and powerful.
Saying this though, Zanadar liked the little dragon and he placed him down on the floor once more. Immediately, the youngster ran towards the tree once again, his amulet shining in the sun.
'Is he a gift from the gods? Am I meant to raise him? Is he important? Zanadar thought to himself as the questions built up in his mind.
“Well, I for one refuse to leave you out here alone little one. We have not had any dragonlings for some time now, not since the birth of my daughters two eggs” Zanadar said sadly.
The little dragonling sensed his sadness and waddled over to the old dragon, squeaking to himself as he went.
“I guess we ought to give you a name then?” Zanadar said cheerily all of a sudden.
Taking the young one in his claws, he placed him on his back and began to walk slowly towards the tree line. Dragons of his clan never flew with youngsters on their back, nor in their claws. The only accepted time was when there was danger, otherwise it was too great a risk.
The little dragon attempted to pace up and down, but after a few strides he gave up and collapsed belly first onto Zanadar's old and scarred back. He yawned, flicked his tail and began to doze.
“I remember a brave dragon of the clan many hundreds of years ago when I was just a dragonling. His name was Zoga, and he too was born small, not as small mind you, but smaller than most dragons. He became the best leader this clan has ever had. He was kind, caring, brave, strong. Everything a dragon would want to be. He was always a smaller dragon, but he achieved many things in his life. So that is what you shall be called. Your name will be Zoga.”

Page 4

Zanadar had arrived back at the valley, a small little valley under cover from watchful eyes. There was a large stream which weaved itself round the valley. There were many plants, trees and small caves for shelter. It was a temporary base, most often than not, they were on the move, especially these days.
He was greeted by a female dragon with a dark purple body, sky blue wings and a light blue underbelly. She was watching Zoga with astonishment, and the rest of the dragon clan were gathering round their leader to get a glimpse of this little miracle. Legido had apparently filled them in on the basics of their little trip, but he had resumed his position and was keeping an eye on the area.
“So what, he just fell from the sky?” The female dragon asked once Zanadar had briefly explained where he had been.
“That's right Violet, he must be a gift from the gods, but we will keep him safe. After all, the more dragons the better. How have things been here daughter?” Zanadar said placing the little one on the floor.
Zoga was rather tired and bemused about these new dragons. He sat there gazing up at Zanadar and his daughter.
“Quiet. Nothing much has happened, we seem to be keeping out of their way at the moment, but it's only a matter of time before they find us again. Father, what do you intend to do?” Violet asked.
“Legido obviously left out the part about our safety. I am moving us to the hidden valley. They are unlikely to find us there, there is after all only one entrance and it is under the spell of our ancestors so it's ideal” Zanadar said.
“Hide. In that small valley. Come on father, is that fair on Apollo and Starla? My young need somewhere where they can be free” Violet said.
“Are you willing to risk death for the sake of freedom? I am leader of this clan Violet, clan safety is my number one priority, and right now we would be safer in that valley. Survival is essential, I will not let those monsters wipe out our race”
The other dragons who were circled round Zanadar and Violet fell silent, all interest in Zoga suddenly lost. They felt a row brewing, so they all dispersed and went to forage or lay down. Violet watched her father coldly. She was the last dragoness to give birth to live young and she wanted them to live a normal life, but there was little hope for that now.
“I want them to grow up without fearing predators. Father-”Violet began, but she fell silent under Zanadar's cold stare.
She knew when to silence herself, so she fidgeted backwards and bowed her head. Zanadar appreciated her submission and turned his attention back to Zoga who was unaware of the current state and worry the clan was currently in. He was spinning round on the spot, attempting to grab his tail.
“Grandfather!” Came a voice from behind them.
Zanadar span round, and soon found a beige coloured dragonling on his back. The youngster had a brown underbelly, a brown tip on the end of his tail and had light brown eyes. He was a proud looking fellow and was twice the size of Zoga. He was shortly followed by another, a female who was lilac with strange blue markings all over her body. She was quieter than her brother and plodded over to her mothers side and sat there smiling up at her grandfather.
“Apollo! Get off your grandfathers back, now” Violet snapped.
Zanadar laughed, he had a soft spot for the youngsters of his daughter and he helped Apollo off his back and placed him on the floor opposite Zoga.
At first, Apollo wasn't sure if he was a dragon, but when he circled him a few times he could see he was indeed a dragon, just an abnormally small one. Zoga too was unsure about Apollo, but he soon found his courage and leapt up, making an attempt to grab Apollo's tail. Apollo did not find this amusing in the slightest, so snatched his tail out of reach, scowling at Zoga as he walked back to his mothers side.
“Apollo, Starla, this is your new playmate Zoga” Zanadar said.
Starla smiled and went to walk over to Zoga, but Apollo leapt in front of her and glared at Zoga coldly.
“Where did he come from?” Apollo asked.
“I found him in the valley, he will be living with us now” Zanadar said.
“What's that stupid thing round his neck?” Apollo said, striding over to Zoga.
Apollo raised a claw and went to make a grab for the amulet round Zoga's neck. However, as he touched the amulet there was a small spark that erupted from the red stone, zapping Apollo's claw and sending him crashing to the floor.
Silence fell and Zanadar watched the two dragonlings. Zoga was not at all surprised by the spark, but Apollo was fuming as he pushed himself up off the floor, his face now covered with dirt. He glared at Zoga harshly once again before turning away and stalking off into the valley.
“They will get along in time” Zanadar reassured a worried looking Violet.
Turning back to Zoga, Zanadar scooped him up in his claws and placed him on his back once more. Violet and Starla wandered back to the clan while Zanadar took Zoga to a small patch of shade under a near by tree. The amulet reacting the way it did, had not surprised Zanadar either, he always knew Zoga was going to be different, but this amulet could be of some use to him and even the clan. He settled down with Zoga on his back, watching the clan as they went about their daily tasks. He only hoped Apollo would be forgiving of their little mis-understanding.

Page 5

The years passed and the land became darker and the shadows spread across the land. The dragons had made their journey to the hidden valley unseen, but feeling trapped and enclosed like they were was not pleasant. Nether the less, they had to think of their young in these times and Zoga, Starla and Apollo had grown up safely and un-harmed.
The three of them were now approaching adult hood and unsurprisingly, Zoga was still an abnormally small dragon. He was still a mystery to the dragon clan, but Zanadar thought nothing of it and treated him like a son. All had accepted Zoga as one of their own, but Apollo was not so fond of this dragon. He had never forgiven Zoga for embarrassing him the day they met and as they had grown up, he was in constant competition with him, always trying to out do him, but always coming off worse.
The evil ones, now know as the Ryuu were at bay and had not yet found their little hide out. But the dragons were growing increasingly irritable now and their valley was becoming more like a prison. Zoga, Starla and Apollo had learnt to respect the boundaries, but they still longed to explore. However, Zanadar had promised to start teaching the young ones how to fight and Apollo was thrilled at the prospect.
On a warm summers evening, Zoga was making his way to the copse situated in the middle of the valley.
He had filled out a bit since his birth and his feathery wings were now thick and lying proudly on his back. His golden horns twinkled under the evening sun and his amulet had not budged since birth. Zoga was not phased by the odd amulet round his neck, he still had no idea what it was or why he had it, but he liked it none the less. No other incidents with it had occurred since his encounter with Apollo.
“Zoga!” Came a tired voice from behind him.
He paused and threw his head round to see Starla running to catch up with him. She was two times bigger than Zoga now and she too looked rather different. She was a purple dragon with light blue zigzags over her body. She also had a pair of proud darker purple wings, one with a little rip in. She smiled at Zoga and they began to walk off alongside one another. Zoga liked Starla, she was one of the few dragons who acknowledged him.
“I hope grandfather doesn't mind me turning up half asleep!” Starla joked.
“Im sure he will be grateful for your presence. Fighting isn't something I would think a Dragoness would be interested in” Zoga said thoughtfully.
“In these evil times I want to be sure im able to protect the ones I care about” Starla replied sadly.
“The Ryuu won't be here forever. Peace will return one day” Zoga said as they came to the copse at last.
“Nice little speech there puny dragon!” Came Apollo's voice.
He had apparently been eaves dropping and the smug look on his face said it all. Apollo was a rather handsome golden dragon, but his immaturity let him down. Behind him were the three other youngsters in the clan. A red male dragon with blue wings and horns known as Spark, a dragoness with a dark purple body, jet black wings and golden horns called Lyca and a large green dragon called Dart who had spikes all down his back and neck.
Lyca shook her head disapprovingly, but Spark laughed at this comment from Apollo. He too didn't see what was so special about Zoga, so often helped Apollo to antagonize him when he could. Zoga merely rolled his eyes and walked forward to join them, Starla following him.
“Your all here then” Came Zanadar's voice from above them.
He landed on the grass in front of them, showering them with odd bits of grass. All bowed with respect for the dragon leader and took a step backwards.
“Now, you all know why you are here im assuming? Well, dark times force me to teach you all how to fight should anything happen. You will use these skills for defence only, not to wage war with one another (Zanadar cast a look at Apollo and Zoga causing Apollo to scowl silently) Nor will you fight the Ryuu. They are too strong, but I will teach you how to protect yourselves at least. Right, let us begin” Zanadar said.
The lesson was a long and harsh one. Zanadar had been making them block each others attacks and had taught them how to use their fangs and claws correctly with the help of the tree's in the area. All the dragons were exhausted by the end of it and though Apollo made out he was ready for another session there was no mistaking the tiredness in his eyes. Zoga had not been touched by any of the others and though tired, there was still determination in his eyes and Zanadar spotted this.
“Zoga, I want you to fight me” He said seriously.
Zoga's eyes widened in horror. The last thing he wanted to do was fight his leader. Apollo smirked, while the others gasped. Zanadar looked dead serious about the matter and held Zoga's gaze. Leaping forward, Zoga ran straight for Zanadar, with the intention to his his chest, but Zanadar sent a little ball of fire towards him and then it happened.
The red ruby on the amulet glew and a clear bubble appeared around Zoga which the ball of fire bounced off and landed near the other dragons. They all scrambled out the way, and Lyca who had ice breath put the fire out before it caused problems. Zoga ran forward, head butted Zanadar in the chest and the dragon stumbled backwards. He fell onto his side and gasps filled the area, but Zoga was horrified at what he had done and ran to the old dragons side.
“Zanadar! Are you alright? Im sorry sir, I didn't mean to-”
“Incredible. Zoga, that amulet of yours really is something. I won't lie, I was hoping something like this would happen” Zanadar said as he got to his feet.
Zoga felt guilt well up inside him and his ears dropped sadly. The others were shocked at what had just happened and glared at Zoga with amazement. Starla took a step forward, but her brother's cold stare made her freeze and she didn't go any closer.
“Zoga, let us see the true extent of your powers. I shall train you on your own again tomorrow” He said thinking no one had over heard, but Apollo had and was not looking impressed.
“Well done everyone, we will continue again next week. Till then, keep alert and practice the skills I have taught you today” Zanadar said walking off with a slight limp.
Zoga watched after him, still feeling bad about what had just happened. He had always known he was different, but he never knew he had 'powers' as Zanadar had put it. The little dragon was joined by Starla now, whilst the others dispersed, Apollo made sure to glare at Zoga one last time before leaving.
“Zoga, that was incredible! How did you do that?” Starla asked her friend.
“I don't know.... it's like the amulet acted of it's own accord. What is this thing?!”

Page 6

“Come on Zoga! Your not even trying!” Zanadar shouted harshly as the little dragon fell backwards.
Zoga regained his balance quickly, and looked up sadly at the old dragon. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the clans elder. What was worse, he had spent the last 24 hours worrying about the previous day and now being asked to attack he felt his heart sink into his stomach.
“Zanadar, sir, please, I don't want to do this” Zoga pleaded.
“Nonsense. Zoga, you have a great power, but we need to learn how to use it to your ability” Zanadar replied as he stepped forward once more.
The clearing where they were training was quiet and they were unaware of a pair of watchful eyes that belonged to Apollo. He couldn't help himself and had slid away from the group to spy on his grandfather and Zoga. The thought of Zanadar training Zoga on a one to one basis made Apollo sick with jealousy and he lurked in the shadows with a bitter taste in his mouth. Zoga seemed to get the grandfatherly attention he wanted so much for himself from old Zanadar. Apollo was a good distance from them however and would not be detected easily, nor was he a threat.
“But, I don't want this! I hate being treated differently!” Zoga snapped, his voice raising with every word.
Zanadar bowed his head sadly, but when he raised his head, the eyes of the old dragon had changed. They were full of determination and as he walked forward, Zoga felt his legs trembling below him. The old dragon looked positively terrifying.
“Zoga. There will come a time in your life when you will need to protect yourself. This power was given to you by the great dragon lords. Stop acting like a brat and unleash this power!”
“No! It's evil Zanadar, I won't!” Zoga argued, but Zanadar lashed out with his front legs and attempted to bowl Zoga over.
Again, the amulet came to Zoga's defence and Zanadar was forced to withdraw and fall back. Zoga grit his teeth furiously and span round.
“Stop it. Please. I don't want to hurt you Zanadar”
“Zoga. You have a kind heart, but you must learn to fight! These are your powers and you need to learn how to use them. Whether you like it or not, I am going to train you. The quicker you co-operate and learn, the less harm shall come to me. Now, are you going to keep acting like a pathetic child, or are you at least going to try and learn to control these powers? ANSWER ME BOY!”
Zoga's mouth was ajar as he listened and pondered over Zanadar's words. A new feeling gripped at his heart and he closed his eyes for a moment. He had never considered this power as a gift before. It has always been the cause of his rejection from some of the dragons. He felt anger build up inside him and he threw his eyes open. There was a new spark there and Zanadar smiled.
“Yes sir. I will learn how to muster these powers and I will become a strong fighter”
Apollo tutted loudly to himself as he heard Zoga speak and his new determination made him angry. His attention was soon back on Zanadar however and he slid back a step as it looked like a fight was about to break out.
“Heh. That's right Zoga. Get angry. Hate me. Attack me” Zanadar said leaping forward.
Zoga too leapt forward this time, only he knew what he wanted to do and he hoped the amulet around his neck would obey. He felt his eyes gleam a light blue colour as he spoke telepathically to his amulet. To his great surprise, a clear blue barrier appeared before him, but this time it did not shock Zanadar, it merely held him back.
Zoga could see Zanadar's proud face through the glass like barrier and he couldn't help but smirk. Then Zoga told the amulet to withdraw and to his amazement, it did. Zanadar stumbled forward, whilst Zoga flipped backwards landing cleanly on his feet. There was silence for a moment, then Zanadar laughed softly.
“I knew you could master it Zoga. You doubt yourself too much”
“Thank you Sir. I never really knew I could control it, apparently I can”
Again, Zoga told the amulet with his mind to produce a fire ball and with that a small fire ball shot across the clearing and set a nearby tree up in flame. Zanadar tilted his head curiously, but in the next breath Zoga was showering the tree with water, again with the amulet around his neck. The old dragon smiled.
“You can even control the elements with that? Truly amazing”
“Zanadar, why do I have this power?” Zoga suddenly asked as he turned away from the cindered tree.
Silence came to Zanadar once more and he swallowed slowly. He had never been able to find a decent enough answer to this question which often came up. AS always, he looked to the skies when he was asked a complicated question.
“I honestly don't know Zoga. You know of the day I found you. I do not know if you have parents, whether you were sent to us by the gods or what you are. All I know is, your a very special dragon and you are part of this clan now. Your powers are a gift, always remember that” Zanadar said with a calming smile which was good enough for Zoga.
“Training again tomorrow at sunset then?” Zoga said sounding a little more excited about the prospect now.
“Yes Zoga, tomorrow. I shall train you after the other dragons”
With that Zoga trotted off into the forest and back to the clan, unaware that Apollo was watching his every move. Zanadar left shortly afterwards as well and Apollo finally emerged from the forest. He was livid with anger as he looked at the cindering tree.
Anger took hold of him and he charged at the tree, causing it to fall noisily to the ground. The earth around Apollo shook and for a moment he thought Zanadar would come running to see what the noise was, but as moments passed he heard nor saw anyone. Snarling to himself he strode away back towards the forest.
“That puny little dragon needs to be taught a lesson. He won't be favourite for much longer” Apollo muttered, an evil smirk appearing on his muzzle.

Page 7

So the lessons continued and Apollo's bitterness towards Zoga grew. Each evening he would leave looking over his shoulder at Zanadar and Zoga. Sometime he even thought Zanadar was pleased to see the back of him and the other young dragons. One evening, Starla came trotting over to her brother and walked back to the clan with him. Apollo wished she would leave him be, but she was determined.
“You know grandfather thinks your a brave fighter don't you Apollo?” Starla insisted as they walked through the forest which was still and quiet this evening.
“Sure he does. Anyway, what do you want?” Apollo said coldly, ducking to avoid a large tree branch.
“Is it not normal for your sister to speak to you? And to be honest, I am worried about you Apollo. You hardly speak to anyone these days and don't deny it, you spy on Zoga when he trains with grandfather. What is going through your head my brother?” Starla asked halting when they reached the clan.
“Mind your own business Starla. And leave me alone” Apollo snarled, running off into the forest once more.
Starla watched him go and her ears fell flat on her head. Her and Apollo had always been rather close, but she could never understand his hatred of Zoga. The wind blew gently and Starla walked back to the clan feeling a little sad at her brothers reaction.
Apollo burst through a large bush into a clearing. Here Apollo scowled and marched off once more leaving the clan behind him including Zanadar and Zoga. Apollo and the other youngsters were forbidden from flying and this made things all the worse. All were curious about their wings, but flying would expose their valley and blow their cover, so Zanadar had them under strict orders.
Apollo stopped at a stream and leant over to take a drink. The cool water ran down his dry throat and bought him back to his senses and calmed him down a little.
Ahead of him was a strange tree which stood very still. Apollo was intrigued by it for some reason and he stood there looking into the darkness beyond it. There was a light gust of wind which flew past him towards the tree and what he saw next was very confusing. A single leaf fell from the tree and vanished on the spot. It didn't dissolve into the darkness. It was gone.
Tilting his head curiously, Apollo watched on and took a step forward. He has heard rumours of a gate to the outside world. Could this be it? Excitement gripped him as he walked over to the tree. He was watching the exact spot where the leaf had vanished, wondering if he too could vanish. Apollo gulped, took a deep breath and stepped forward.
For a moment, he felt as though he had walked into a cold pool of water, but there was a breeze on his face and as the young dragon opened his eyes, he felt his heart lift. In front of him was a vast landscape with mountains stretching as far as the eye could see. The evening sunset was setting by the highest mountain in the east. Below were large fields, forests and a huge lake which weaved in and out of the valley. To the north was a waterfall cascading down one of the rocky mountains. All was burnt though, but the space and the freedom was all new to the young dragon. His jaw was ajar as he looked on.
“Wow, why do we live in that tiny valley when we have all this?” Apollo said stepping out into the open now.
As he looked behind him however he could now see the tree. He only saw a rock. There was no way he would have been able to tell there was a secret valley in there. Apollo blew a little fire ball towards the rock and it made a small black mark. Perfect for him to remember where the entrance was. He looked down the valley. He was on a cliff edge and he was so tempted to take flight, but something held him back and the smell of danger and death was in the air.
“So that's how you hid us Zanadar? Heh. Clever” Apollo said as he stepped back from the cliff.
“Amazing isn't it. Dragons were always such clever creatures” Came a voice from behind him.
Apollo span round and looked up at the cause of the noise. In front of him was the ugliest dragon he had ever seen. It was a jet black dragon with red eyes, saggy skin and large white spikes down it's back. It was lying above the entrance to the valley and couldn't have been there long.
“Are you a Ryuu?” Apollo asked stupidly.
“Heh! I find that insulting boy! No. I am a half breed. I am half dragon only. Why have you strayed from your little valley?”
“What is it to you?” Apollo demanded
“Nothing at all. I just felt like making conversation. Besides. There is only one dragon I would ever harm” The creature said analysing it's cindered claws.
“Who?” Apollo said, stepping boldly forward.
“The one who fell from the sky. He is a danger to the world and I have been hunting him for many years. I believe him to be in your valley. However, I cannot enter your valley. The charm on that doorway will not allow me to enter”
“The one who fell from the sky... I think I know who you mean” Apollo said with a smirk.
Apollo's mind was bubbling. Getting rid of Zoga was going to be even easier than he had anticipated. The smirk on his face grew and he had to restrain himself from laughing. The creature noticed the dragons amusement and he too smirked.
“Can you bring him to me? It would be wise. He is the bringer of destruction. That amulet is a danger to your clan and will kill you all!”
“I know that. Don't worry. I will bring you the one your after. He is no friend of mine” Apollo said walking forwards.
“You bring him so freely. How do I know I can trust you?” The creature said as Apollo stopped in front of the entrance.
“Because you would be saving me a job” And with that, Apollo leapt back into the valley.

Page 8

Apollo ran on blindly, tree branches hitting him in the face as he went. Suddenly he skidded to a halt and looked behind him. He was panting heavily and was half expecting the creature on the rocks to be following him. The thought of those red eyes made him shiver a little. He commenced running again and looked left and right nervously as he went. Thinking back on it now, he should have asked the creature so many more questions, but at the time it hadn't occurred to him.
“I don't know what that thing was, but if he will get rid of Zoga, that suits me fine” He said spitefully as he came through the tree's and into a large clearing where he nearly collided with another dragon.
“Oh, hello Apollo” Said Lyca sweetly.
“What are you doing here?” Apollo said sounding very exhausted.
Raising an eyebrow, Lyca surveyed Apollo before looking back at him.
“I should be asking you, where you have been. You look exhausted” She said sounding a little concerned.
“It's fine. Where is the runt?” Apollo said walking past her.
Lyca knew who he meant immediately. She was used to and often joined in with Apollo's taunts towards Zoga. She had always liked Apollo and would always help him any way she could.
“He was with your grandfather a while ago. They should be finishing up soon though. Why do you want to see Zoga? You hate him” Lyca said going to follow him, but Apollo's voice made her freeze.
“No reason, don't follow me Lyca, I want to be alone”
Lyca dropped her head sadly and went back to the other side of the clearing.
Where the hell is that puny dragon? Apollo thought irritably as he went back into the tree line. The valley wasn't huge but it was large enough to lose someone. Apollo had never actually been looking for Zoga before, so this task was very odd and surprisingly difficult. The sun was setting rather rapidly now and Apollo wanted to be out in the daylight when he delivered the little dragon to the strange creature he had met earlier on.
For the next hour or so, Apollo ran through the valley, avoiding all other dragons he came across. Spark tried to question him, but Apollo ran off in a split second so he didn't have the chance. His mother Violet caught glimpse of him in the distance, but she shrugged and didn't interfere. Then he finally found Zoga. Apollo burst through the tree line and made the little dragon jump and spin round.
“Apollo?” Zoga said both sounding and looking confused.
Straightening up, Apollo bit his tongue and knew he had to improvise if he were to get Zoga to come along. He thought for a moment before speaking. Zanadar was nowhere to be seen which was a bonus. Eventually Apollo looked at the floor sadly.
“Zoga, I need your help”
“Your asking me for my help? Why?” Zoga asked looking suspiciously at Apollo.
“It's Starla. We... promise you won't tell anyone?” Apollo said stepping closer.
“Of course.. What's wrong with her?” Zoga replied, sounding a little concerned now.
Apollo was laughing inside. He had played his card. He just hoped Starla was back at the caves so that she wouldn't encounter them on their trip back to the other side of the valley. He knew Starla was the only one who Zoga considered a true friend and he also knew he cared about her.
“Ok, we found a way out of the valley” Apollo whispered, looking round him as he spoke.
“A...way out? Of the valley?!” Zoga exclaimed.
“Shhh! Yes. Well, Starla.. she.. she fell. She's alive! But I need you to keep look out while I go down the cliff and rescue her! Please Zoga, if I get Grandfather to help me, he will scold us. Come on. We must help Starla!” Apollo said turning to leave.
Zoga pondered for a while.
“But, Zanadar knows more about the Ryuu than we do, perhaps-”
“Zoga! No. He will not leave the valley! He is a coward. Do you not care about my sister? Would you hapilly watch her die?!” Apollo snapped.
“Of..of course not. But, why me Apollo?”
Apollo grit his teeth and looked back at the little dragon.
“Because I know Starla would want your help. And because.... your the most powerful dragon out of all of us with the exception of the elders. Come on. I can't wait much longer. If you do not come, I will have to save her myself” Apollo said walking away from Zoga now.
“APOLLO! Wait!” Zoga said running up alongside him.
“Your right. I would not forgive myself if anything happened to her. Lead the way” Zoga said looking up at Apollo who was trying so hard not to laugh.
“Lets go” Apollo said taking the lead.
As they went, Apollo smirked. It had been so easy to persuade this dragon to come along to his own death. He just hoped they did not encounter Starla on route.

Page 9

Apollo and Zoga moved quickly, Apollo sniggering to himself slightly as they went. Every so often he would stop and look about him, checking for signs of Starla. Zoga was to worried and stayed focusing on his path ahead of him. They were suddenly called to a halt and Apollo nearly fell over with fright. Straightening up, Apollo span round angrily, but his expression softened as he saw who was talking to them. Zoga stopped alongside Apollo and looked at Legido.
“Legido, sir. What is the problem?” Apollo asked innocently.
Legido looked worn and quite a lot older than he had done when they found Zoga's egg all those years ago. He had obtained a few scars and always looked exhausted these days. All the others had suspicions of him leaving the valley, but Zanadar insisted this was not true and that no dragon was allowed to leave the valley.
“It just seems odd is all. You and Zoga aren't the best of friends and here you are wandering around together. Forgive my suspicions, but would you enlighten me as to why you are walking together?” Legido asked.
Apollo and Zoga exchanged glances, Zoga looking more horrified than Apollo. It was Zoga who spoke though and Legido watched him carefully.
“We have had our differences in the past, but it's time to let bygones be bygones. We were just heading to the stream. Sorry if that seems at all suspicious”
Legido eyed Zoga suspiciously but it wasn't like Zoga to lie so he let it slip and gave a gentle nod of his head to accept the little dragons tale before turning away. Before walking into the forest he called over his shoulder.
“Im glad the youngsters are starting to get along. It makes things that little bit more bearable”
Once he had gone, Apollo let out a sigh of relief.
“That was close, come on. Lets go” Apollo demanded before trotting off with Zoga close at his heels.
Zoga leapt after him immediately, his claws unsettling the dead leaves as he trotted after Apollo. The valley was surprisingly quiet this evening and the sun was setting, the daylight nearly leaving them.
Damn... this is taking longer than I thought. I didn't want to go back under the cover of nightfall. Oh well, it can't be helped Apollo thought as they walked through the valley in silence.
A while later they came to the place Apollo had found and Zoga looked at him sceptically as the larger dragon came to a stand still. Zoga looked around him as if waiting for something to happen, but when nothing did he decided to speak up.
“What are we doing?” He asked calmly.
“Idiot. We're here” Apollo said walking forward.
The familiar tree was swaying gently in the breeze and the darkness behind it seemed if at all possible, darker. Zoga watched Apollo walk forward and followed him. Apollo however stopped before going through the rift first and looked around to make sure they were not being watched, or worse, followed. When it was certain they were not, Apollo stepped to the side slightly.
“After you” He said to Zoga.
Zoga looked confused, but he was so worried about Starla he didn't even consider this to be suspicious and stepped forward towards the darkness. The same sensation came over Zoga. He felt like he had walked through an ice cold waterfall curtain as the darkness hit him. There was a sudden breeze that greeted him and as the little dragon opened his eyes he saw in front of him a large valley.
His heart was hammering. He had never seen such a spacious area before. And no tree's, only rock and spacious skies as far as the eye could see. Zoga suddenly felt very exposed and took a step backwards, but Apollo was now behind him so Zoga leapt forward again as he walked backwards into Apollo.
“Apollo, where are we?” Zoga asked as he looked up at the sky which was dotted with small silver stars and a full silver moon.
“You really are stupid. This is the world Zoga. The world Zanadar hides from us” Apollo said looking around him as if he was looking or waiting for someone to show up which in actual fact he was.
“What are you looking for Apollo?” Zoga asked, but his question was soon answered as he felt himself being knocked sideways.
The half breed from earlier had made an appearance and was laughing evilly as Zoga struggled to his feet and faced the creature who had knocked him over. The creature had red eyes and was jet black, even darker than the night itself. The amulet around Zoga's neck was shaking slightly and he could tell this was no friend of his. Zoga looked to Apollo desperately for help, only to find Apollo was smirking at the little dragon nastily from the side lines.
Realism hit him suddenly and Zoga felt his heart sink. It was all a trick? How? Why would Apollo do that? Zoga's eyes were full of hurt and confusion as Apollo merely glared back at him, a smug look on his face. Zoga turned back to the other dragon now who was walking towards him.
“We meet at last.. dragon saviour” The creature said darkly.

Page 10

Apollo's expression soon changed from smug to confused as he heard the strange creature refer to Zoga as 'dragon saviour' He shot a quizzical look at Zoga, but Zoga was no longer looking at him, he was focusing on the approaching beast.
Zoga gulped, but stood his ground, instinctively standing in a battle stance with his eyebrows narrowing and his eyes darkening.
“Heh! Hard to believe such a puny dragon could be such a threat to our kind. Oh well, your life will end soon” The creature drawled, dragging his sharp claws along a rock next to him to try and scare the little dragon.
“What are you talking about?” Zoga asked, not moving from his spot, trying to show that this act of violence hadn't phased him at all.
“You! Your damn power. But clearly, you do not know about what you are so lets keep it that way shall we” The creature snarled as he leapt at Zoga.
Zoga ducked and ran underneath the approaching beast. He quickly span himself back around once he heard that the creature had landed. The earth shook slightly and as soon as Zoga looked round he had to leap out the way once more as the creature threw himself towards Zoga once more. This time he snapped at Zoga's hind leg, but the familiar light blue bubble came to his defence and the creature recoiled, snarling as he went.
He landed a few feet away from Zoga now, whilst Zoga stood to face him once more. The creature shook his head, looking away momentarily as the blue bubble had an odd effect on him. Slowly, Zoga turned to Apollo and looked sadly at the larger dragon.
“Apollo... why?” Zoga pleaded.
Guilt built up inside of Apollo, but he merely looked away, an unreadable expression appearing on his face.
“Your always in the way” He muttered.
Zoga dropped his head sadly and suddenly looked up as he saw the creature running towards him once more. Zoga leapt up in the air to avoid him, but to his horror the creature did not stop and ran towards Apollo.
Apollo, who was lost in his own thoughts threw his head round to see the creature running towards him. He didn't have time to react and his eyes suddenly widened with horror as the creature ran full pelt into him, sending Apollo crashing into the rocky wall behind them. Apollo landed with a crash and collapsed in a heap by the wall.
“Apollo!” Zoga called out from behind the creature.
Badly winded, Apollo gasped for breath as the creature towered above him, smirking wildly at the wounded dragon. There was a flicker of fear in Apollo's eyes and he grit his teeth angrily as he locked eyes with the creatures horrible red eyes.
“Idiot.. your meant to be attacking him” Apollo said weakly.
“You are a foolish dragon. You have no idea what you've done do you?!” The creature said sounding highly amused by Apollo's reaction.
Apollo raised his head a little and shook some of the dirt off his face, but winced slightly as pain shot down his back. The collision with the rocks had done some real damage.
“What... are you...talking.. about?” Apollo gasped.
“You've doomed your kind. Because of you, your race will die out. It's only a matter of time till we find them you know. And when we do.... we'll kill every last one of you damned dragons. This is our world now, your time is over!” The creature snarled, a wide smirk appearing on his face.
“Our world, will never be yours” Came a voice from behind the creature, causing Apollo's eyes to widen slightly.
The creature closed his eyes for a moment and his shoulders began to shake. Then, a horrible laugh pierced the air all around them as the beast began to laugh. Once the laughing has subsided, he turned his ugly head round to look at Zoga who was standing dead behind him, the amulet round his neck shaking. Zoga looked determined now and a shot of blue lightning was sent towards the creature. This was enough to wipe the smirk off his face, but Zoga still looked livid.
“Can you not accept your fate puny dragon? The time of the dragons is over! The time of the Ryuu, has come! Your kind are weak, pathetic, low life's who cower in the hidden valley! What honour do you have? What reason do you have to live?!” He jeered, turning round to face the little dragon.
“Fate has chosen me to be the dragon saviour as you say. So, if the time of the dragons is over, why am I here?” Zoga asked very casually, though there was a hint of wisdom in his tone.
The Ryuu snarled and his eyes seemed to flicker a more violent red colour as he locked eyes with the Ryuu. Zoga then closed his eyes after there was no reply from the creature.
“If my destiny is to be the dragon saviour... so be it”
And with that, Zoga rushed forwards, his amulet shooting blue sparks directly at the Ryuu. Surprised by Zoga's sudden reaction, the Ryuu leapt to the side and stumbled backwards, avoiding more sparks as Zoga sent them hurtling towards the creature. Zoga was stood in front of Apollo now, as if acting as a shield. The sparks died down and the Ryuu let out a roar of rage.
“Zoga... what are you...” Apollo asked as he saw his companion standing in front of him.
“Too many dragons have died because of these monsters. I don't want to see a dragons death, ever. That's why I am going to protect you Apollo” Zoga said, standing in front of his comrade as the Ryuu ran forward once more.
“You brat! I'll tear you limb from limb!”

Page 11

“Accept your fate and die!” The Ryuu yelled as he charged blindly forward.
Zoga's eyes seemed to have changed colour now and glowed an odd light blue colour. He stood dead still, the amulet around his neck shaking more and more as the Ryuu approached. Zoga suddenly grit his teeth and leapt forward, yelling out as he collided with the Ryuu.
Apollo could only lie there in a heap as the Ryuu and Zoga fought in front of him. His mouth was slightly ajar and he felt guilt crawling up his spine as he kept his eyes locked on Zoga. The little dragon was giving it his all and kept leaping out of the Ryuu's way as he would snap, kick and lash out at him. Zoga's amulet was shooting out occasional jets of lightning, but he was focusing more on staying out of the reach of the Ryuu's jaws.
Why? Why are you protecting me like this? All I ever did.. was hate you. Despise you and try to remove you. Apollo thought as he watched on, tears beginning to well up in his brown eyes. He suddenly remembered something a long time ago, back when he and Zoga were younger and he gulped.

A younger Apollo was walking through the forest in the hidden valley when he stopped and span round. Running after him was a smaller dragon who was green, possessed small sky blue wings and had two horns upon his forehead. Apollo snarled and lowered his horns in a threatening manner causing the other little dragon to skit to a halt, his front claws digging into the soft earth in front of him. Zoga dropped his head submissively and looked up at Apollo.
“What do YOU want?” Apollo said spitefully, looking down at Zoga.
“I... I just wanted to know if you wanted to play?” Zoga asked innocently, leaping up onto all fours.
“Play? Ha! These are dark times you fool. We shouldn't be playing, we should be training! Learning how to fight and defeat those monsters who want to take over our lands!” Apollo bellowed, puffing his chest out as he spoke.
Zoga tilted his head to the side slightly and then looked away, shuddering slightly as Apollo said this. The amulet around his neck vibrated slightly and he had to place a claw on it to stop it shooting electricity again. He hadn't forgotten about the time he had harmed Apollo and unfortunately, neither had Apollo.
“Why must there always be war?” Zoga said sadly.
“Idiot. War is a part of life. That's the way the world works. Survival of the fittest and all that. Saying that, you wouldn't last five seconds against one of those monsters” Apollo said with a twisted smirk.
“If we all fight together though, there might be a chance of us being able to win though!” Zoga snapped back, his eyes widening.
Apollo grit his teeth with annoyance and turned away from Zoga. He began to walk off, a nasty smirk crawling across his muzzle.
“Fight together? No. On the battle field I will watch only my own back. Anyone else is considered a burden. And lets get another thing straight. If we go to war.... I wouldn't save you even if you were the last dragon on earth” Apollo snapped as he walked off into the undergrowth.
“Apollo....” Zoga called, but Apollo had walked off now.
“I would protect you..... I would protect anyone who needed my help. Because that's what it means to be a dragon. To be brave and reliable to your friends in their time of need. I know you'd do the same too. Despite what you say” Zoga said, he too turning round and heading off in the opposite direction.

Apollo's eyes were now teary and he looked away from the fight as Zoga was sent crashing into a rock. The little dragon called out with pain and collapsed in a heap, blood dripping from his lip. The Ryuu laughed and strode towards him as Zoga shakily got to his feet..
All... All you ever wanted was to be my friend. But I always pushed you away. I was so damned proud all the time. Apollo thought, snapping his eyes shut, but as he did an image of Zanadar came to him immediately and he gasped.
“We have enough enemies out there as there is. We should not wage war with one another” Came Zanadar's voice which echoed in his mind.
Apollo's eyes snapped open and there was a new determination there. He leapt to his feet sending pain shooting all down his back, but he ignored it. He limped over to Zoga's side. At his approach, Zoga looked bewildered and turned his head to look up at Apollo.
“Let's finish this. Together” Apollo said glaring at the approaching Ryuu.

Page 12

“Well now, what have we here? A sudden change of heart dragon? You do realize your coming to your own death fighting me” The Ryuu said as he halted in front of the two dragons, a smirk crawling across his muzzle.
Apollo returned his smirk and a half hearted chuckle erupted from the back of his throat which sounded sort of like a growl and a laugh. Zoga's eyes hardened and he stood alongside his comrade. They both glared at the Ryuu, a new determination shining in both their eyes.
“Fools! You cannot win this war. It is futile. Why don't you forget about your stupid honour and just die like the pathetic low life's you are!” The Ryuu snarled, a large ball of jet black flames erupting from his mouth and heading towards Zoga and Apollo.
They both gasped and leapt to avoid the blast. It hit the rock wall behind them and an explosion filled their ears as dust began to climb into the sky and the earth shook. The Ryuu charged forward and caught Apollo on his side, a large gash appearing on his flank. Snarling, Apollo kicked out with his back legs and caught the side of the monsters muzzle sending him to the floor.
Zoga resumed his position next to his friend and looked down at the Ryuu. Zoga's eyes suddenly lit up an odd sort of blue colour, though there was warmth in his eyes. He suddenly slammed his front claw down on the Ryuu's cheek causing him to yell out with pain. Zoga smirked and lowered his head.
“You are the one who cannot win. We dragons still have our honour and our pride and we will claim this land back one day” Zoga said, applying more and more pressure to the Ryuu's cheek.
“Fools... you cowards hide away in your magic forest like hatchlings! What honour is there in that?” The Ryuu drawled.
“And yet you cannot find us. This is our land beast and we will rid it of vermin like you” Apollo snarled.
He suddenly leapt forward and opened his muzzle, revealing his sharp teeth. Apollo clamped his jaws around the Ryuu's neck and began to squeeze the life out of him, the taste of the Ryuu's blood filling his mouth.
“To long have you kept us prisoner... To long have you made us suffer. It ends. It all ends now!!” Apollo snarled, biting down harder on the Ryuu's neck, causing him to wince.
“Apollo, no!” Zoga said, rushing forward and knocking him off the Ryuu who began to wheeze.
“What the hell do you think your doing Zoga?! That's one less for us to worry about!” Apollo snapped.
His muzzle was covered with dark blood which was trickling down to his chest now. He looked rather terrifying in this state and Zoga felt a shiver sent down his spine as he looked up at his comrade. Apollo's eyes were burning with hate and Zoga took a step away from him and towards the Ryuu as if shielding him from Apollo.
“Does killing him make us any better than them?” Zoga asked.
“That's life Zoga. You have to kill to survive. He'd kill you!” Apollo said, walking forward.
“Are those the rules they taught you Apollo? No. I won't kill him, and neither should you” Zoga said.
Apollo's eyes widened with shock at this. Why was Zoga acting like this? Apollo looked away and tutted with annoyance, but his head swung round as he heard movement. The Ryuu was on his feet and had Zoga's foot in his mouth. Apollo ran forward and bit into the Ryuu's neck again.
Zoga winced as he felt the monsters fangs pierce his skin, but as the pain shot through him he felt his eyes glow again and he turned his head to see the Ryuu, Apollo also attached to his neck. The amulet around Zoga's neck began to vibrate again and he felt a strange power taking over his body again as blue sparks began to shoot out of the amulet. Apollo saw this and leapt backwards, landing shakily on his feet, a little way off.
The Ryuu let go of Zoga and his eyes widened with horror to see him glowing an odd blue colour, sparks still shooting out of the amulet around his neck.
“Be gone vile beast. You had the chance for redemption but you blew it. Love is not in your heart so you don't belong in this world” Zoga said, though his voice was somewhat different from his usual voice.
The Ryuu snarled, but was suddenly engulfed by a blue light. Apollo snapped his eyes shut as the light was too bright. There was silence. Silence for an age and then the light began to die down and as Apollo re-opened his eyes, he saw Zoga standing nearby and he gasped.
“Zoga... wh...Where is the Ryuu?” He asked.
Zoga didn't move, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Gone” He said.

Page 13

Apollo stood there in a sort of trance for what seemed an age. He was gone... the Ryuu was gone. All that remained of him being there were a few footprints embedded in the terrain a little way off from them. Apollo's breathing was deep and he suddenly became aware of the large gash in his side and he allowed his back end to slump to the floor.
“So... it's okay for, you to kill then” Apollo shot at Zoga.
Zoga slowly turned his head to look at his friend, no expression on his face at all. There was silence between them for a moment before Zoga turned and began to walk towards his fallen comrade.
“No. Anyone can kill, Apollo. Killing is always a last resort though. You cannot take ones life without giving them a choice” Zoga said, stopping in front of Apollo.
“It's our choices which test our hearts” He said, his eyes hardening slightly causing Apollo to immediately look away.
He understood exactly what Zoga meant and he felt a heavy burden suddenly fall on his shoulders. He had hurt Zoga and nearly gotten him killed thanks to his selfishness and jealousness. Apollo heaved a loud sigh and got to his feet, ignoring the gash in his side as it stung.
“Zoga... I... I apologize for what I did. I shouldn't have gone that far” Apollo said guilt obvious in his tone.
Zoga smiled slightly and looked out at the valley, the wind catching his face.
“You chose the right path though Apollo and we are both still alive. We make a pretty good team” Zoga said as Apollo stopped next to him.
“Still... It's no excuse for the way I acted. I shouldn't have been so selfish. Your a good dragon Zoga, and from now on, I will follow you” Apollo said, bowing his head slightly.
“You do not need to follow me Apollo, all I ever wanted was to be friends. Can we be friends?” Zoga asked kindly.
Apollo blinked with confusion and tilted his head to the side slightly as Zoga asked him this. The golden dragon smiled and nodded his head. Zoga, pleased with Apollo's decision beamed and looked back out at the valley before them. It was so quiet and inviting that both stood transfixed on the spot until Apollo walked right over to the edge of the chasm and looked down into the depths.
“Hmm... I wonder...” Apollo said, stretching his never before used wings.
Zoga's eyes widened with horror and he felt his heart leap into his throat.
“Apollo! You can't! What if... What if you-” Zoga said, running infront of him.
“If dragons were not made to fly, why did the gods give us these wings?” Apollo asked calmly.
Zoga was silent for a moment and looked from Apollo to the cliff edge. He gulped and slowly backed away from Apollo's path and walked over to his friend. He halted at his side and stretched his own wings.
“We'll go together” Zoga said with a smile, the thought of flying suddenly exciting him.
Apollo nodded in agreement and the two dragons began to beat their wings against the wind. Suddenly, they both charged forwards and felt the ground beneath them vanish. Zoga felt his heart sink as he went head first towards the ground. He felt the cold air rushing through his ears and he struggling to keep his eyes open. Panic suddenly hit him and he span round, beating his wings against the winds. Zoga felt himself slow up and eventually he felt it. The wind settled underneath his wings and he glided a few meters.
A look of joy appeared on Zoga's face as he looked down at the ground below him and he beat his wings against the wind. Zoga felt his wings push him back towards the sky and he smiled as he felt as light as a feather.
“Zoga!” Came a voice from ahead.
Apollo too had managed to take flight and was flying through two peaks towards him, a large happy expression on his face as he reached his companion. Zoga laughed and flew towards Apollo. They both flew in and out of small caves in the mountains and raced one another over peaks and through waterfalls. Neither had ever felt so free in their lives and both couldn't contain their joy, occasionally roaring out into the caves.
They had been flying for a good hour before they both began to tire, but something on the horizon caught Apollo's eye and he gasped.
“Zoga... get down.... We have company” Apollo said, as Zoga too spotted the approaching danger.
Both dragons dove for cover under a small patch of tree's whilst they looked up, hoping this creature would pass without detecting them.

Page 14

Apollo signalled to Zoga to be quiet, but Zoga was silent, his keen blue eyes scanning the sky to spot the approaching creature. Apollo grit his teeth and took a step back into the shadows. He was determined not to be spotted and his eyes hardened as he looked up into the sky.
“I don't think it's an enemy...” Zoga whispered in a thoughtful manner.
“Shh! We can't risk going out there!” Apollo shot back, but a shadow over their heads made him snarl and hold his tongue.
Zoga gulped and felt his little heart leap into his chest as he heard something land nearby. Apollo's breathing ceased and he locked eyes with Zoga, both dragons pleading the other to keep quiet.
“Hiding in the shadows eh? Hmm... very brave” Came a familiar voice.
Both Apollo and Zoga looked ahead and saw a familiar face appear. He was a dark blue dragon with crimson wings, spikes all down his tail and proud silver horns upon his head. He smirked at the two young dragons and they both looked up with shock.
“What the hell are you doing out here?!” Apollo snapped, leaping to his feet.
“Calm yourself young one. I should be asking you the same question” Legido replied calmly, turning his back on them.
Zoga slowly got to his feet and stood alongside Apollo, also confused as to why Legido, captain of the dragon warriors was out in the valley. He thought Zanadar had banned all from leaving the forest, but to see the captain here was most unusual.
“What are you doing out here Legido?” Zoga asked politely.
Legido turned his head towards the young dragon and gave him a look of sorrow. Zoga tilted his head with confusion, whilst Apollo looked at him with eyes like daggers.
“Like you, I too am not meant to be out here. However, I cannot obey Zanadar's rule on that matter” Legido said, heaving a sigh as he looked out towards a large peak in the distance which was half covered by a silver like mist.
Zoga walked over to the older dragon and looked out at the peak also.
“That peak... was that where you were?” Apollo asked from behind them.
“Yes Apollo, that is where I was” Legido said, not tearing his eyes away from the peak in the distance.
“When the Ryuu took over these lands, we dragons were sent out to protect it as you would of course. I lost so many friends that day... so many. Your father Apollo, my best friend. He was one of the many that fell. My brother too, both were lost when half of that peak collapsed on them. The Ryuu, seven of them chased us into that peak. We stood our ground, until the peak began to rumble. The Ryuu fled and blocked all our escape routes. We split up. Before I knew what was happening, I had exited the peak, but there was no sign of my brother... or your father.
I lost two treasured companions back then and could only watch in horror as it fell. Crushing anything living inside. When the dust settled, I looked for them for hours, but I knew they were gone. Their spirits had left this world and all that was left was darkness in this once beautiful world.
My friends were gone, but I still have to visit them to tell them of whats happening. That is why I am out here. I owe my friends and I will not let their existence vanish” Legido said, looking down at Zoga who was looking up at him, shocked by his story.
“Zanadar told me my father died from an illness. How dare he lie to me! My father was a hero” Apollo snarled, his nostrils flaring so steam erupted from them.
“I sometimes wonder if our time has really come. If we should just accept our fate and let the Ryuu have these lands” Legido said in a defeated like tone.
“Do not give up on the dragon race Legido!” Zoga suddenly piped up.
Legido blinked with confusion as Zoga spoke, and sighed slightly. He had lost his fighting spirit a long time ago, yet it still remained in the younger dragons.
“We will live to see brighter days. I know it” Zoga said wisely.
Over by the peak, a single star shone out brightly which caused Zoga to smile softly.

Page 15

“So what now?! Apollo said, rounding on Legido who didn't react at all, he merely stared at the young dragon that was attempting to look threatening.
“What do you mean, what now?” Legido said in a deep voice.
Apollo glared at the older dragon for a moment, not daring to back down. He had some respect for Legido, but he now knew he himself had been breaking the rules and leaving the valley. Legido sighed slightly, understanding what Apollo meant, but Apollo explained anyway.
“We just go back to the valley and carry on living in fear?!” He snapped.
“What else can we do?! Your grandfather is the leader of the dragon clan, not me” Legido said, turning away from them.
“But Legido... we need your help” Zoga suddenly piped up, rushing over to the older dragon and walking alongside him.
Apollo snarled and trotted after them, flapping his wings with frustration as he caught up to them. He made sure to stand behind, perhaps Zoga would have better chance persuading the stubborn older dragon than he had done.
“What help can I be to you? My days of freedom are over. We dragons must.. survive, though there is no longer any point” Legido said, sighing sadly.
“No, your right. What's the point in surviving? We need to live” Zoga said.
Legido growled, getting rather frustrated with Zoga's constant pestering now. He swung round with his front claws and went to hit Zoga, but Zoga managed to block with the amulet as the blue bubble came to his aid as usual. Zoga and Legido's eyes met for a moment. The young dragons eyes were burning with determination and Legido's had a defeated, lost look about them.
“Im fed up with your little speeches. Our days are over Zoga! Accept that!” Legido snarled, lunging at him again.
Apollo suddenly tackled Legido to the floor as if protecting his friend. Apollo pinned him down, placing his claws on his shoulders and snarling.
“Apollo! Don't...” Zoga said, rushing over to the pair.
“What's the point in fighting between ourselves? Hasn't enough blood been spilt thanks to those damned Ryuu!” Zoga snapped.
Apollo slowly backed away and allowed Legido to scramble to his feet. The older dragon shook his body so the dust would remove itself and he glared at Apollo for a moment, though he was somewhat impressed he pinned him down so easily.
“Legido, you have experience fighting those things. Teach us how. Teach the younger dragons how to fight the Ryuu” Zoga said.
“Why would I do that? Besides, you managed to take one down all by yourselves. Why would you need my help?” Legido asked.
“I don't know what I am, Legido. I took down one, but that exhausted me. Apollo, he helped me, but we need more help if we are to ever defeat them. Please” Zoga said, a pleading tone about him.
Legido shook his head again.
“Zoga... these things... you can't hope to defeat them” Legido said.
“Coward! I'll be sure to tell my grandfather you've been out here in the wild! Lets see how he takes that news” Apollo snarled.
“I'm not being a coward, im being sensible. How can you defeat them?!” Legido asked Zoga.
“I am not sure yet.. but.. I think... I think that is why I am here... So im begging you. Teach us to fight a Ryuu” Zoga asked, bowing his head slightly as he asked.
Legido sighed as he looked down at Zoga. Was he really here to help them? He had been there the day Zoga arrived. It was strange. Legido remembered as he had watched the dragon egg fall from the sky and land near the valley.
“Did I ever tell you I was there when Zanadar found you? Your egg, it fell from the sky.... So, are you from the heavens Zoga? Are you really our saviour?” Legido asked a flicker of light in his eyes.
“I don't know what I am Legido, but I promise you. I will do whatever I can to ensure the dragons are free once again” Zoga said boldly.
Apollo watched Zoga and he smiled softly. He really was something. Legido was lost for words for a moment before he slowly nodded.
“Three days from now. Bring your friends here. Then we will begin training. But do not tell Zanadar. Ever”

And so the months passed. Zoga and Apollo managed to recruit many of the younger dragons for the training sessions that Legido had promised them. Lyca his daughter had been very fond of the idea, as had Spark, Starla, Dart and another dragon called Ice. They weren't a huge number, but the six of them had really bonded recently. They had all crept out under the cover of darkness and Legido had been training them all up to fight.
Zanadar has his suspicions that something was going on, though he had no idea that they had discovered how to leave the valley. Nor that his loyal captain was teaching the younger dragons to fight against the Ryuu. Naturally, Zoga felt awful lying to Zanadar and he still under went training with the old dragon. In fairness, he had been learning to control his powers whilst with Zanadar and once he was out the valley, he could practice on releasing all that energy.
Apollo had improved greatly too. He and Zoga were now the best of friends and trained together these days. Zanadar was pleased to see them getting along also, though again this caused suspicion. Aside the young dragons sneaking out, all was normal in the valley for the time being and the youngsters no longer felt so restricted.
One night, Apollo, Starla and Zoga had left for their training session, narrowly missing Violet's watchful eyes.
“I swear mother suspects us!” Starla hissed at her brother who in return rolled his eyes.
“Mother will never understand” Apollo said after a time as the three trotted through to the exit spot.
Zoga looked over his shoulder guiltily. He felt like this was his doing and that he had dragged all of them into this. Still... he had never seen any of them look so determined.
The three of them leapt through the exit and came to the cliff tops just like they always did. Strangely, the Ryuu had not located them as of yet so their training went un-interrupted.
“Late as always” Came a dark voice from above.
Zoga looked up to see Ice, a light blue dragon with silver markings and silver horns. The dragon leapt off the boulder he was sitting on and landed in front of them. Ice was a very odd dragon. He had always preferred solitude and kept away from other dragons, but the idea of fighting the Ryuu had even tempted his fighting spirit.
“Early as always, Ice” Starla said, raising an eyebrow causing the blue dragon to smirk.
“Ice is right though, you three are always the last to show up” Came Lyca's voice through the darkness.
She had become very mature in the last few months and no longer sucked up to Apollo. She laughed and looked out at the landscape.
“Though, I do not know where Father is tonight...” She said, trailing off.
“He'll be here, he's probably gone over to that mountain over there” Spark said flicking his head in that direction.
A plan formed in Apollo's mind and he smirked slightly. Zoga looked up at his friend and didn't like that look one bit.
“I say we go to him this time. Besides, I want to know what's over there”
“Apollo no. Legido told us we mustn't stray that far” Starla whispered as if sounding afraid.
The other's were silent. Their thirst for adventure shining in their eyes as they all looked out at the peak. Zoga too was looking on intently.
“What makes you think we are any safer here than over there” Ice said looking over at the peak, the stars shining in his eyes.
Apollo looked at his sister, an expression on his face that said 'Ice is right'. Before he knew it, Apollo had lifted into the air, shortly followed by Lyca, Spark and Ice. Zoga looked over at Starla and smiled.
“Come on Starla, it'll be fine. We are all together so if we run into any danger we can fight our way out”
The dragoness's gaze fell to the floor at the mention of fighting and she looked away from Zoga. She looked back at him and shook her head.
“No... I'll, I'll wait here” She said.
Zoga sighed. He was disappointed with her decision but he respected she was scared so didn't push the matter any further. He lifted into the sky and looked back over his shoulder.
“You'll find your courage one day, Starla” He called before racing after Apollo and the others who were nearly half way to the peak.
As Zoga flew after his companions, thoughts ran through his head. What would Zanadar do if he ever caught them? Where was Legido? Would Starla go back and tell Zanadar? He gulped, but shook his head. He didn't think Starla capable of that. He flew on without looking back, finally catching up with the others.
“Took your time Zoga, where's my sister?” Apollo called.
“She didn't want to come” Zoga said, bowing his head a little.
“Coward” Apollo mumbled.
“She's no coward Apollo!” Zoga snapped.
“Well she's missing out. Finally, some new land to explore” Lyca said enthusiastically.
“Yes... more mountains” Ice said sarcastically as they all landed by the peak.
The dragons all looked up in awe. The cliff was a lot bigger up close and they all knew this was the resting place of Legido's friends, one of whom was Apollo's father. Apollo knew this and his expression was one of sadness as he looked up. This didn't go un-noticed by Zoga and his expression softened.
“Er... guys, I don't mean to alarm you, but-” Came Sparks voice.
The other dragons padded over to their friend and looked down at the patch Spark was stood before. There, on the ground in front of them was without a doubt dragon blood. A cold chill ran up each of their spines and they exchanged worried glances. Apollo on the other hand lowered his muzzle and sniffed at the concoction.
“It's Legido's” He said gravely after a moment of silence.
Ice span round as he heard a rumble behind them, but he put it down to paranoia when he saw there was nothing there. Lyca shuffled closer to Apollo, whilst Zoga's eyes were fixed on a rocky tunnel that lead into the peak just ahead of them. The little dragon gulped and took a step forward.
“Zoga?! What the hell are you doing?” Apollo called.
“Legido's in there” Zoga replied without turning round or stopping.
Apollo swore under his breath and leapt after Zoga. Lyca was in close pursuit, whilst Ice and Spark hesitated though they too were soon enough in the tunnel.
Zoga felt like he was being drawn to something and he felt the amulet around his neck burning him slightly. Apollo ran up alongside his friend and lowered his head so he could speak to him.
“How do you know that?” Apollo demanded.
“Just a... feeling” Zoga replied, walking quicker now to escape Apollo's further questions.
“Damn it... Oi Zoga!” Apollo yelled after him, though a sound in the cave made them all shudder.
There was the sound of footsteps and then a deep growl which shook the souls of the young dragons. Danger. Real danger. None of them had ever experienced it and fear rose inside of them, aside Zoga who remained perfectly calm. Infact, he continued to walk ahead.
“Zoga! What are you doing you fool?” Ice whispered harshly.
This time Zoga stopped and looked over his shoulder at the other three dragons.
“Friends, find your courage. That is what Legido has been trying to tell us in our training sessions. If you let the fear take you, you'll become lost. Believe in yourself and fight that fear or it will stop you from succeeding. We are better than the Ryuu and we can win. Right now our teacher is trapped in this cave so we must save him. So what will it be? Run like cowards or save our comrade?” Zoga asked, his eyebrows narrowing.
The dragons were moved by Zoga's speech and Apollo smirked as Zoga finished. The golden dragon walked up to his friend and stood next to him.
“Your not having all the fun. Ice! Spark! Lets go” Apollo called, walking off into the depths of the cave.
Zoga smiled after his friend and was shortly joined by Ice and Spark who were looking braver than they had done before.
They all moved on, the occasional growl was heard, but nothing more. Zoga knew Legido was in here somewhere... he just didn't know where. They suddenly came to a halt as the cave split into two paths. Zoga grit his teeth and looked left, then right.
“Apollo, you, Lyca and Ice take the right path. Myself and Spark will take this route. Be careful” Zoga added as he trotted off down the path, with Spark in pursuit.
“Idiot... thinking he can boss me around like that!” Ice snarled.
“Shut up... that dragon has better leadership skills than my grandfather” Apollo said harshly, walking down the right path like Zoga had asked.
“What?! This is coming from a dragon who used to bully and poke fun at him for being so puny” Ice said harshly.
“His heart is bigger than anyone's. One day, even cold dragons like you will see that” Apollo said.
“Aha, you are so funny Apollo” Ice said, rolling his eyes at this comment.
Lyca chuckled at this remark and caught Apollo's eye. She smiled fondly at him, before turning back around to face the direction they were heading in.
Meanwhile, Zoga and Spark moved on in silence. Zoga sensed that something was watching them and Spark would occasionally gasp as he heard movement within the walls. Then they heard it and both dragons froze in their tracks. A deep growling sound on the other side of the wall. Spark's eyes were nearly popping out his sockets whereas Zoga remained calm and collected.
“Don't make a sound” Zoga whispered to his companion as they stood in silence.
For an age they stood there as the growling continued. It felt as though the demon was a mere few inches from them, but they both knew a wall separated them from death. Zoga grit his teeth and waited for the noises to pass until... silence.
“It's gone...” Spark said with a sigh.
There was then a horrific noise from behind the wall and Zoga felt the ground beneath him shake and the wall next to them move. Zoga exchanged a worried glance with Spark and then the words left him;
Both dragons ran for their lives up into the cave, unsure of where they were going or what they would run into. Spark was infront and didn't dare look back, where as Zoga threw his head round, just as the wall gave way. There was a cold roar which pierced their ears. Spark gasped as he saw the first Ryuu he had ever seen, where as Zoga skidded to a halt and span round in a perfect half circle so he was stood in a fighting stance.
“Zoga! What are you doing?!” Spark yelled, skidding to a halt a fair way off.
“Im not running. Time to put the training i've been give into practice!” Zoga yelled, standing his ground as the Ryuu ran blindly towards them, it's red eyes gleaming through the darkness.
“Foolish little dragon” It drawled
The Ryuu lunged forwards, but Zoga's eyes glew a light blue like they always did and he ran forward, the blue bubble leaping to it's defence. The Ryuu's claws collided with the bubble and Zoga winced as he could feel the Ryuu applying more and more pressure to it. Spark watched on with awe, but he suddenly gasped as Zoga's bubble shattered and the Ryuu caught the dragon on the cheek.
Immediately, Zoga fell back, blood cascading down his face. Zoga had never been wounded properly and the blood seemed to make him stronger. The Ryuu didn't seem surprised at all though and he merely swiped at Zoga again who dodged this time.
“Z...Zoga... what?” Spark said as the dragon landed infront of him.
Zoga snarled at the Ryuu who was glaring at Zoga alone, ignoring Spark's presence infact. The little dragon lunged forward again, dodging an oncoming claw. This time he head butted the Ryu in the chest, sending him toppling backwards. Spark ran forward this time, feeling useless. He leapt up and dug his fangs into the Ryuu's neck causing dark blood to ooze. Zoga's eyes shone dangerously again and he began to walk forward. His whole body seemed to glow and the Ryuu's eyes widened with fear as Spark held onto him.
“GET OFF ME!” The Ryuu yelled, swiping Spark across the face, sending him flying into the wall of the cave with great force that it sent the poor dragon into immediate unconsciousness.
“Come on then dragon saviour... show me what you can do” The Ryuu snarled as he stood up.
“You call me dragon saviour.... Why?” Zoga asked in a calm manner.
The Ryuu laughed and continued to stalk forward, the same menacing look in it's eyes. Zoga relaxed and waited patiently for an answer or an attack. The creature's breath was foul and Zoga felt himself getting a little nervous, but he stood his ground.
“You are not a dragon” The Ryuu said after sometime, lunging at Zoga, but this time Zoga dived, belly first out the way so the Ryuu crashed into the wall opposite.
Zoga scampered to his feet and span round, only to feel the ground shaking. Realization suddenly hit the little dragon and he felt the ground below them crack. The next thing he knew, he and the Ryuu were plummeting towards the core of the peak. Zoga's eyes were wide with fear as they began to fall. Instinct was yelling at him and he opened his wings to fly, but a boulder caught him and his wing went limp.
Zoga landed with a heavy thud and winced as he hit his shoulder on the way down. He soon had to dive out the way as a piece of rubble was aiming at him. CRASH. Narrowly, the little dragon had missed the death blow and slowly got to his feet. Zoga glanced over at the Ryuu, who was lying motionless next to him, his red eyes glazed.
Zoga's breathing was heavy and he limped away from the Ryuu as he started to take in his surroundings. Just where was he? He had no idea the peak went this deep and the room seemed odd. Zoga limped over to the far side and he seemed to realize he was standing in a large underground cave of some sort. To his left was a little pathway and being the curious kind he was, he followed it.
There was an odd smell coming from down the pathway, but Zoga ignored it and continued onward, his ears alert for any sounds at all. He needed to find the others. Maybe this path led out the peak? However, what Zoga found was not an escape, but a small cave. This one was very odd however....
Inside was lit up with green emeralds, shaped like large diamonds. They stood all around the walls, giving off an odd green glow. Zoga passed one and looked at his reflection in the glass. He looked very worn and exhausted, but he had no time to rest.
Also in the room, was a statue, carved from the finest stone in the lands. It was a very familiar statue though... and as Zoga approached it, a low gasp escaped him as he realized what he was staring at. The statue was that of his amulet. As if he was thinking differently, Zoga looked down at his chest and sure enough, the amulet was the same as the statue.
“What the...” Zoga said, circling the statue now.
The resemblance was uncanny and Zoga felt more confused than he ever had done before. He began to search for some sort of an inscription, but to no avail. He tilted his head with confusion and a low sign escaped him. To his left, he saw two other statues, but neither of them had an relation to his own amulet and he sighed once again.
Zoga padded to the front of the statue again and looked up at it, as if half expecting it to say or do something. Nothing happened and after a few minutes, he shrugged and made to walk off, but a weak voice stopped him in his tracks.
“What...are you doing here?”
Zoga span round. Though it was weak, he knew that voice. Zoga couldn't see anything though... Where was he? Turning round, he nearly jumped out his skin as he saw Legido blocking the path out of the room. He looked in a bad way. Blood stained his chest and he had lost vision in one of his eyes. Not to mention his wings were ripped to shreds.
“L-Legido? What happened to you?” Zoga asked, rushing forwards.
“I'll explain.. later. What are you doing here anyway? You shouldn't be here... you least of all!” Legido said harshly.
“I... we were looking for you” Zoga replied, looking away as he spoke.
Legido sighed with annoyance as Zoga said this.
“So your all here then? Fantastic. Come! We all have to get out of here. NOW.” Legido said nervously.
“But Legido, I killed the Ryuu that occupies this mountain” Zoga argued back as Legido made to run down the passage way.
“One Ryuu maybe Zoga, but there are many here... Come. We must go” Legido said desperately.
Zoga hesitated and looked back over his shoulder at the odd statue. He was still confused as to why it was down here... of all the mountains. Legido followed Zoga's gaze and he sighed, knowing Zoga wouldn't leave without an answer.
“This mountain once belonged to the dragons. That amulet you have round your neck. It's connected to the gods” Legido replied.
“The dragon gods?!” Zoga said, his eyes ablaze with wonder.
Legido nodded.
“There is much I can tell you. But for now, we must escape Zoga. Please, i'll tell you all about this mountain when we are home in the valley, but now... If you want your friends to live. Come with me” Legido begged.
Zoga nodded and ran after Legido, a limp to both their strides.
“What happened to you?” Legido called over his shoulder as they ran though the passage and back into the large cave.
“I ran into one of the Ryuu. What about you?” Zoga called back as they ran past the lifeless Ryuu.
Legido chuckled slightly, proud of his little student for taking on the Ryuu on his own. He thought to himself before answering Zoga's next question however.
“In truth i've been here two days. They caught me and decided to keep me alive for questioning. When they heard you lot im guessing they split up and went to find you. That's when I slipped away” Legido said, skidding to a halt as he came face to face with a wall.
“Dammit...” He muttered, looking around for another way out.
Zoga followed up behind him and looked around for another escape, but he saw nothing. There was a sudden crack from behind them and both dragons nervously looked over their shoulders. There was another crack, followed by silence. Legido's breathing deepened as he looked around in suspense. Soon, part of the wall crumbled away and a pair of orange eyes appeared. Legido snarled and Zoga took up a defensive stance.
“Now how did you two get down here?” Came a strange voice from inside the wall.
The voice sounded cold... but not like that of the Ryuu. Zoga tilted his head, but kept alert.
“Who are you?” Legido demanded as the dust began to settle and the creatures features were more distinguishable.
“Easy, I wouldn't be so harsh to the one who's going to save your skins” Came the voice again, this time it stepped out into the open.
Zoga and Legido gasped as they saw another dragon, not a Ryuu. It was a light red colour with golden flame markings around it's muzzle, belly and legs. It also had black horns upon it's head and large ears. Zoga and Legido relaxed a little, seeing this, but they were still suspicious.
“What are you doing here? There are no other dragons left alive other than in our valley and your not of our clan...” Legido said, amazed at what he was seeing.
“I have been in hiding for many years now. The Ryuu are stupid, they have never been able to keep up with me” The dragon said, coming into full view now as he halted in front of them.
His eyes lingered on Zoga and he gasped slightly.
“You..You are...” He said.
“Zoga” Zoga replied, looking up at the dragon with worry.
“The dragon saviour?” The other dragon asked.
“This is not the time” Legido interrupted, looking at the dragon suspiciously.
“Do you wish to help us or not?” He asked.
The other dragon rolled his eyes at Legido's hastiness. He looked down at Zoga and smiled, though it was far from a pleasant smile. Legido awaited his answer, not taking his eyes off him.
“Very well, follow me” The dragon said, turning and walking back towards the hole in the wall.
Legido and Zoga exchanged glances before following the other dragon through the tunnel. Legido insisted Zoga went behind him, and he kept a close eye on the other dragon as he led them through the unknown.
“Why are you both here anyway?” Called the other dragon.
“I didn't mean for this lot to follow me” Legido said looking over his shoulder at Zoga, who looked away guilt written all over his face.
“I was captured by them. Are there only three of them in this mountain? Well... two now...” Legido said, remembering Zoga had killed one.
“I've only seen three myself, so im guessing so” The other dragon replied.
There was silence for a moment whilst they crept through the tunnel. The only noise, the occasional rock slipping under their claws. Zoga suddenly broke the silence however.
“What's your name?” He called to the other dragon.
Legido too was curious to know this and he raised an eyebrow as he awaited the response.
“My name is Ember, little dragon” Was his reply.
“Well Ember, I have no idea how you've managed to survive this long. Especially out here” Legido said, wincing as he caught his foot on a sharp rock.
Ember looked over his shoulder and chuckled deeply.
“I could say the same for the two of you” He called back.
Zoga went to say something, but Legido shot him a look as if to say 'hold your tongue'. The little dragon got the message and looked at the walls next to him as they padded onwards. He was confused as to why he couldn't speak though, but Legido was being cautious. Ember hadn't earnt the soldiers trust yet.
“Whats the big secret?” Ember asked, suddenly coming to a halt in the tunnel.
“There is no secret” Legido came back with, his eyes darkening.
Ember and Legido glared at one another for a moment until Ember shrugged and turned back round, just in time to hear a distant roar.
“Apollo!” Zoga yelled out as he recognised the roar.
Ember rushed off in that direction, hotly pursued by Legido and Zoga. A low growl escaped Legido and he felt his fighting spirit burning through. Zoga's eyes were ablaze with worry for his companions and as they got nearer, the tunnel seemed to get wider and wider. After what seemed an age, they came to a large cave to see Apollo, Lyca, Ice and Spark in battle with a Ryuu. The three dragons skidded to a halt as there was a sheer slope in front of them leading down to the fight.
Apollo was covered with blood, Lyca had wounded her front leg, Spark was sinking his fangs into the back of the Ryuu's neck and Ice was attempting to hold it still by shooting jets of ice from his mouth to the Ryuu's feet.
“I am guessing these are your friends” Ember said, raising an eyebrow at the duelling dragons.
“Idiots!” Legido said, sliding down the slope.
Apollo was stood in front of Lyca in a stubborn fighting pose. Legido ran up alongside Apollo and growled at the Ryuu who was looking rather weak, but far from the giving up stage. Spark let go of the Ryuu's neck and leapt backwards, landing next to his teacher. Ice too followed suit and fell back.
“Atleast you all know how to listen still” Legido said, not taking his eyes off the Ryuu.
Zoga growled and leapt off the little cliff and slid sideways down the slope, landing next to Ice, his blue eyes wide and alert. Ember watched the group of dragons with amazement before he too slid down the slope towards them.
“Your all crazy” He said looking up at the Ryuu.
“Who the hell are you?” Apollo asked, turning his blood soaked muzzle towards Ember.
Ember turned his head and locked eyes with Apollo's brown ones. There was immediate dislike there and a chill ran up Ember's spine.
“This is Ember, Apollo. We found him in the cave” Zoga said.
“Now isn't the time for introductions Zoga” Legido said, looking up at the Ryuu who roared with frustration.
“I've not seen so many dragons all together before!” He said coldly.
The seven dragons looked up at the Ryuu, all with looks of threat in their eyes. Legido, Zoga, Apollo, Lyca, Spark, Ice and Ember were all standing together. It was seven against one and none of them were feeling fear in that moment. A smirk crawled across Legido's muzzle and both he and Apollo rushed forwards, biting into the Ryuu's chest.
Ice and Spark were next, driving their fangs through the Ryuu's shoulder. The monster roared out with pain, but Lyca had leapt into the air and driven her fangs into the monsters muzzle, silencing him in an instant. Ember's eyes widened with horror as they all began to eat away at the Ryuu. Zoga was next, he leapt into the air and began to dive towards the Ryuu.
“MONSTER!!” He yelled.
The Ryuu's eyes widened with fear as he saw Zoga approach and the amulet around Zoga's neck glew a bright blue colour and he felt a great energy escape it. The light hit him square in the chest and a last shriek of pain escaped the Ryuu before it disappeared into nothing.
Legido and the others all landed on their feet before turning to look at Zoga who was also now on all fours before them. He was panting heavily, though there was a smile on his face. Apollo ran over to Zoga and smirked.
“Nice one Zoga” Apollo said, sounding exhausted.
“We got one of the monsters” Spark said, also rushing over to Zoga, looking very pleased with himself.
Ember watched on, a laugh suddenly escaping him. All heads turned to face Ember and Apollo's eyes hardened.
“Whats with you?” Lyca asked, sounding both annoyed and confused.
“The six of you just took down a Ryuu dragonling. It's not exactly something to be proud of. They are the weakest of them all” Ember said casually, looking away from them as if embarrassed to look at them.
He suddenly found himself colliding with the floor and a sharp set of claws on his shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Looking up, he saw Apollo leaning over him.
“Say it again... I dare you” Apollo snarled.
Legido looked down at Ember. He was right. That Ryuu was a mere youngster. And they were all wounded from fighting that. How on earth were they going to take down a fully grown adult at full strength? He grit his teeth and muttered under his breath, not bothered about Apollo attacking Ember.
"Father, I am pleased your safe" Lyca said softly.
Her heart ached seeing the state of him, so she gently nuzzled him, hoping it would help him feel a little better. Legido smiled weakly and allowed his daughter to tend to his wounds.
Ember looked up at Apollo and winced as the golden dragon dug his claws into his scales. Zoga walked forwards slowly.
“Apollo... let him up”
“Why?! You didn't see him rushing to our aid and yet he laughs at us. Besides, where did he come from? Dragons don't just sprout out of the ground” He said, glaring back at Ember.
“I've been in hiding... I... I saw your friend come in here a few days ago. Seeing as i've not seen a dragon in many moons I wanted to try and rescue him” Ember said, closing his eyes and allowing his head to slump to the floor.
“Apollo” Zoga said, looking up at him.
Apollo looked back at Zoga and tutted before slowly falling back so Ember scrambled to his feet. The same cold look remained in his eyes though.
“Your lucky our leader is so kind hearted” Apollo snapped before turning away to go and tend to Lyca's wounds.
Ember looked down at Zoga, amazed by what he had done and what he was.
“How... How did you do that?!” Ember asked.
“I asked him nicely, Apollo is my-”
“No not that! You shot some sort of blue energy out of that thing” Ember said, analysing the amulet around Zoga's neck causing Zoga to lean back a little.
“I... Don't know. Whenever I get angry or protective of my friends this thing... Lights up and” Zoga said, looking at where the Ryuu should have been.
“Amazing...” Ember said, not taking his eyes off the amulet.
Zoga smiled and his gaze fell to the amulet around his neck and he laughed softly.
“We cannot stay here” Legido finally said, striding out of the shadows, Lyca at his side.
“I agree with Legido. Zanadar will begin to get suspicious if we stay for much longer. Not to mention there may be others in the mountain” Ice piped up.
“Can you walk?” Apollo asked Lyca.
“Me? Im fine. It's just a scratch” Lyca said with a smirk.
Legido looked around at his wounded dragons and sighed. This was all his fault.
“Im proud of you all. You fight well together” He said, for the first time ever a soft smile appearing on his face.
The dragons all smiled, a sudden wave of happiness engulfing them all as the stood looking at Legido who seemed so proud of them. Zoga nodded to his teacher, but a sudden rumble in the depths of the cave bought them all back to their senses and Apollo span round to face whatever may come at them.
“No.. This time we must flee. If you all fight any more, your going to die and im NOT going to allow that” Legido said stubbornly.
“Legido... If we take the tunnel behind us it leads back to the entrance. We didn't change course once all the way here” Apollo said, looking behind him as he spoke.
“Then that is the path we will take. Lets go” Legido said, gesturing to Ice to lead the way.
Ice shot past Legido, apparently pleased with his decision to flee. Spark, Ember, Zoga and a limping Lyca followed. Apollo and Legido however smirked at one another.
“You really do take after your father Apollo, but your not taking the rear” Legido said, a smirk appearing on his muzzle.
“Your the captain. So I guess I can't argue” Apollo replied, running after Lyca.
Legido nodded to Apollo and looked around the cave before he too went sprinting off after the others. Ice weaved two and fro as the walls weren't exactly in a straight line. The peak would occasionally rumble and cause all the dragons to look around wearily, but they never lost their hearts and continued their break for freedom.
“How do you know this is the way out?!” Ember called.
“This is the way we came... and that's how we got in. Makes sense to me!” Ice snapped back.
Ember snarled under his breath, but he soon felt warmth on his face as the morning sun was starting to gleam through the caves. Legido and Apollo were rather behind however as the older dragons injuries began to effect him. He suddenly collapsed and Apollo span round and immediately began to push him to his feet.
“Apollo.. I have something to ask of you” Legido said, as he struggled to his feet.
“We got out!” Cried Spark as he saw the open sky before them.
Zoga and Lyca were next out and they too smiled at the sight of the sky. Zoga instantly looked over his shoulder and tilted his head with confusion as he didn't see Legido or Apollo. He was soon distracted however as Lyca collapsed next to him. Ember looked down at her and smiled softly, but again it wasn't the warmest of smiles
“Where's Apollo?” She said immediately.
“Of course” Apollo said, as he pushed Legido to his feet.
“Thank you” Legido said a loud roar suddenly heard from behind them.
Both dragons stood up and looked behind them as a large Ryuu approached. He was twice the size of the one earlier and he roared at the pair of them. Legido's eyes drifted to the ceiling and he smiled.
“Apollo.. Go. I have a plan, but If you stay there you'll die” Legido said, slowly backing away.
“NO! Your not going to die” Apollo snapped.
“Relax kid. Im not the suicide type. GO! Your in the way!” Legido said.
With a huff, Apollo turned and ran back down the path to where the others were. He didn't look back, but he felt his heart beating wildly within his chest.
Legido meanwhile stood with a smirk on his muzzle, the Ryuu approaching had no idea what was going on through that dragons mind. Legido suddenly leapt upwards, opening his wings in the process. The Ryuu, just as expected opened his jaws to catch Legido in his mouth, but he missed by a mere few inches which caused Legido to laugh.
Legido span round and knocked one of the many jagged rocks on the ceiling. He then propelled himself towards another three and kicked them, causing the whole roof to shake. He landed on his feet, but stumbled slightly as the whole peak began to rumble.
Apollo made it out the cave and panted for breath as he had used the last of his energy to escape. Zoga ran to his friend.
“Where is Legido?!” He asked.
Apollo merely looked over his shoulder. Hoping and praying that their teacher was going to be with them shortly.
Legido pushed himself to his feet as the ceiling began to cave in. A large rock fell on the Ryuu's back, causing him to yell out with anger and pain which rattled the cave. The Ryuu fell to it's belly to see the blurred form of Legido running out the cave. With the last part of his energy, he span his tail round and shot out the stem of it's tail.
The bone like needle hurtled towards Legido and embedded itself in his side, causing the dragon to roar with pain. A grave expression suddenly appeared on Legido's face as he pulled the bone out with his teeth... however...
Looking back, he saw the Ryuu disappear in a heap of rubble, though there was the unmistakeable smirk on it's face before it was buried alive. Legido limped out the cave, his eyes darkening as realization had hit him. He heard the sound of cheers up ahead as the others had spotted his outline running towards them. The dragon winced as the light hit his eyes.
“That was amazing Legido! How did you do it?!” Apollo said with a hint of pride in his voice.
Legido looked gravely at the dragons before he suddenly slid onto his belly.
“Legido!” They all said in time.
The dragons gathered around their old teacher, worry and confusion written all over their faces. Ember looked over to his leg and sighed. Whether or not it was a sigh of annoyance or sadness, nobody knew.
“The Ryuu's curse” Ember said.
“Y-Yes...” Legido said, shivering violently.
“The what?! Legido... what?” Zoga said, shocked to see he was shivering so violently now.
“Your bodies going into shock. It's a rare attack for them to use, but that monster must have known it was going to die..so there was no need for it to hold back” Ember said bluntly.
“What the HELL is going on with him?” Apollo snarled, pressing his nose threateningly against Embers.
“He's dying” Ember said.
Silence surrounded them all and Apollo couldn't believe what he was hearing. Zoga looked down at Legido, tears filling his eyes. Lyca looked at Spark, who looked as saddened as her. Ice grit his teeth and looked down at the floor as if fighting back some sort of emotion.
“How do we save him?!” Apollo asked, looking at Ember, then Legido.
“You can't. The Ryuu injected a rare poison into him. It's hate and blood mixed. It's a solution that will kill quickly. Rare... but deadly” Ember said, turning away.
"N..No... FATHER!!" Lyca yelled out.
“All... All of you...” Came Legido's weak voice.
The dragons all looked down at Legido, pleased to hear his voice. Legido slowly pushed himself to his feet and Ember gasped. Tears streamed down Lyca's face as she stood next to her dying father.
“Im.. Not going to die” The dragon said weakly, though he stumbled as he got to his feet.
Apollo smirked at Legido, then back at Ember.
“See! He's fine!” Apollo shot to the dragon.
Lyca gave a sigh of relief as the older dragon took a step forward, though his head felt like it was going to split in two. Zoga was unsure though, but said nothing as he wanted nothing more than to believe Legido was going to be fine.
“Come on... We need, to get you all home” Legido said weakly.
He opened his wings and took off towards the cliffs. The others all followed obediently, though Zoga kept a close watch on Legido who would occasionally go off course or fall from the sky a little as he flew onwards. Zoga finally understood what he was doing and a silent tear fell from his eye.
“Legido...” He mouthed, his voice barely audio able.
As they all got closer to the cliffs, there was no sign of Starla, which worried and puzzled Apollo, but he shrugged it off. Assuming she had just gone home. Spark too was looking out for her, but couldn't see her at all.
They all landed, Ember taking particular interest in this choice of location for landing. Zoga looked over at Legido who was now breaking out in what appeared to be a cold sweat. Ice too watched him with worry, whilst Apollo helped Lyca over to the rock which would take them back to the little valley. The dragons were all exhausted, it was the longest they had spent out of the valley in their lives and with the battling the Ryuu, they were all weary and ready for some rest.
Apollo would have to clean the blood off his muzzle before Zanadar saw it and Spark and Ice had already agreed to tell they had been fighting. Lyca had no excuse, though she kept to herself back in the valley so she wouldn't be detected too easily.
Legido smiled as he saw Lyca leave his sight, back into the valley. Back to safety. He felt his legs weakening, his vision blurring and his heart beat slowing. As if in slow motion, the dragon suddenly fell sideways, collapsing heavily onto his side. Zoga's ears shot up, Apollo's head span round and Ice was already at his side, looking down with worry.
Ember looked over through eyes of uncaring. He didn't know this dragon, and he had been rude to him earlier on. So why should he show pity. He looked away and followed Lyca and Spark into the valley. Zoga, rushed towards Legido and stopped in front of him, whilst Apollo stood a little way off, looking on in disbelief. He had grown fond of Legido, and seeing him this weak, pained him greatly.
“Dammit Legido!” Apollo said, gritting his teeth.
Legido forced a weak smile before looking up at Zoga, his eyes full of very little light.
“Zoga....I.. I told you I would tell you about those stones when we got back... Forgive me... I” Legido paused as he was interrupted by a coughing fit.
“Save your energy! We'll get you back to the valley and find a cure. Just hold on sir!” Ice pleaded.
Legido laughed half heartedly. Zoga's expression was one of sorrow now as Apollo wandered over to join them. His eyes were full of sadness as he too now accepted there was nothing they could do.
“Thanks for your... concern Ice, but... I am afraid nobody can save me now” Legido said weakly, allowing his head to fall sideways onto the soft terrain.
“Zoga... I believe, no, I know your the one who will save us all” Legido said.
Zoga's eyes widened at this statement, and he blinked a few times with confusion as he allowed the words to settle in his mind.
“Those statues... they are symbols of the gods... You hold one of the symbols, but what it is I have no idea. Ask... Ask Zanadar to tell you of the day when we found you.... He... He'll” Legido began, but he felt his body go numb.
“I understand. Legido.... I'll do whatever I can to save the dragon world. I don't know what I am, or why im here. But I will make sure I dedicate my life to helping dragons” Zoga said, the sadness leaving his voice to be replaced with determination.
“Dragons will fly across the skies freely again. They will chase shooting stars, ride the winds, fly through the clouds, into the sunsets and across all the lands with ease. Nothing to chase them, nothing to fear. Freedom. Freedom will belong to us once again. I swear it!” Apollo said, his eyes shining.
Legido smiled at Apollo's words, his own eyes clouding over slightly as he struggled to breath now. Ice leant over them now, a new look on his face also. None of them had experienced death before and they were all handling it as well as they could.
“Rest knowing that your students will avenge you and save these lands” Ice said.
Legido smiled up at the three of them gathered around him. They had all grown so much, he just hoped he had been somewhat responsible for it as he was so proud of them all right now. Suddenly, something happened that none of them had expected and it shocked them a little. Legido's eyes began to water. Tears of sadness? No. Tears of happiness.
“I... Entrust... saving the dragons... to you.... May the dragon gods... Watch over you always” He wheezed.
“Fly free Legido. Fly with my father. Tell him... Apollo will make him proud”
Legido smiled softly at Apollo's words. His eyes now half closed as he struggled to fight the death that was crawling up his body.
“Legido. Thank you for everything... We will make you proud” Zoga said, bowing his head.
Ice and Apollo followed suit and they too bowed their heads to the old soldier. Legido's eyes were still damp with tears as he caught one final glimpse of the bowing dragons. He felt honoured to be with those three for his last moments. He sighed, his head mouth opening slightly.
“My friends... Im coming. We'll fly together again soon” Legido whispered.
A silent sigh escaped him, and then nothing. Legido's body stopped moving and no sound was heard from his mouth as deaths final blow came to him at last.

Zoga, Apollo and Ice didn't really know what to do with themselves as the silence was killing them inside. As they all raised their heads, each hoped they had only been dreaming Legido's death. However at the sight of his battered body they felt their hearts sink. He had gone. Left them alone. Silence hit them all again and it was Apollo who finally snapped. He dipped his muzzle before throwing back his head and yelling out into the valley. His cry was full of sorrow and anger.
“DAMMIT!” He yelled, slamming one of his claws down on the ground so hard it hurt him.
“Apollo...” Zoga began.
“Im going to kill them! I won't rest till i've bought them all down!” Apollo snarled, his eyes burning with rage.
“Not alone your not” Ice snapped back.
“Will you both just calm down” Zoga said rather calmly.
“HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE SO CALM?!” Apollo yelled, rounding on Zoga, who fell back slightly.
Zoga backed away from Apollo, another tear running down his cheek. The amulet around his neck began to rumble, but Zoga fought it back this time as he didn't want to hurt Apollo. He sensed he had a lot of anger to unleash and he would prefer it if he took it out on him rather than rushing off and doing anything rash.
“Apollo.... you need to calm down” Zoga said, stopping now.
“CALM DOWN?! LEGIDO'S DEAD!!!” Apollo yelled, rushing forward, going to head butt Zoga, but Zoga dipped his head to meet Apollo's horns.
“I know he is.... We can't bring him back, but we have to respect him” Zoga said.
Apollo looked up, his eyes meeting Zoga's teary ones. It was almost a relief to see this. It was as If Zoga was showing Apollo he did actually care. Ice was thrashing about behind them, ripping reeds and tossing rocks, taking his anger out of anything that was in his way.
“But we can't rush off to the Ryuu's hide out now. What's the point in throwing our lives away?” Zoga said, pushing Apollo away slightly.
“Do you have such little faith in us Zoga?” Apollo snarled.
Zoga shook his head and sighed with annoyance.
“No Apollo, but your wounded. Ice is tired, im exhausted so if we go after them now it'll be suicide. Legido entrusted us to save the dragon world. He just saved our lives, are we going to throw our lives away just like that?! That would mean Legido died for nothing!” Zoga yelled now, his eyes welling up with tears.
Ice turned to look at Zoga, his words going right through him. Apollo glared at Zoga as he considered them. He never liked admitting to being wrong, but he could indeed see what Zoga was saying and he glanced over at Legido's body. He winced, thinking about how foolish he had been even thinking about going after the Ryuu.
He looked away from Zoga and strode off towards the body of Legido once again. Ice looked up as Apollo approached.
“What do we tell Zanadar?” Ice asked more seriously now.
Apollo looked up at Ice, the same question crossing his mind now. What did they tell their leader? He looked back to Zoga, who was digging away at the ground.
“Zoga, what are you doing?” Apollo asked bitterly.
“We will bury Legido. He deserves a grave, im not just going to leave him out here to be eaten by those scum” Zoga said.
Ice and Apollo exchanged glances before walking over to Zoga. They too began to help dig away at the earth, all three of them carrying heavy burdens on their hearts as they began to dig away at the earth.
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Re: Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Postby Si-Amber » June 2nd, 2013, 10:01 pm

Oooh you've gone back to novel form? I really need to catch up with this! :)

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Re: Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Postby Shadowfax » June 4th, 2013, 9:39 am

It's pretty much what I wrote three years ago x) But I have been continuing with it so it may well pick up in novel form again :dreamy:
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Re: Zoga - Rise of the dragon saviour.

Postby Shadowfax » June 21st, 2013, 10:37 pm

Some more as I know my sis is reading this :)

It was done. Legido was laid to rest just outside of the valley he had hated. The old soldier lay in peace in the mountains where his soul could look out at the horizions day and night. He had nothing to fear now, nothing to hold him back. He was free.
For the young dragons however, life would continue. Now they knew the bitter truth of death and the sadness that came with it. Ice, Apollo and Zoga stood next to the small mound of earth for what semed like an age, their claws muddy and sore. None spoke, but after a while, Zoga was the first to turn away and began to head back towards the valley.
"Zoga, wait" Apollo said dryly.
"What is it?" The little dragon asked, halting.
"We'll have to tell Zanadar"
By his tone, it was clear that this question had taken him alot of strength and the reality of admitting to the clan leader that they'd been leaving the valley actually scared Zoga. He blinked and sighed before giving his answer;
"Your right. We can't hide it any longer and it would be an insult to Legido not to tell Zanadar the true story of his heroic death"
"But Zanadar won't take too kindly to this news and we'll never be able to leave the valley again" Ice piped up.
"Heh, let him try and stop me" Apollo growled looking up at the sky before heading back towards the valley.
Zoga sighed at Apollo's cockyness. Still, he said nothing for he wasn't in the mood for an arguement. Ice followed shortly after and with one final glance at Legido's grave, Zoga too entered the valley once more.
It was an awful feeling to go back this time. For the first time, Zoga felt trapped in this valley. Were these the feelings Legido had to live with every day? Pity for the soldier returned and Zoga had to fight back the tears which threatened to overtake him.
Lyca and the others were nowhere to be seen. How she'd take the news was another matter, but Zoga would be honest and tell her true.
As they rounded the corner, the three dragons halted and their hearts fell. Ahead was the rest of the clan. Lyca was being tended to by Violet and Starla was being scolded by the looks of it by Zanadar. Blood boiling and ready for a fight, Apollo strode over to the scene. The other twenty dragons in the clan fixed their eyes upon the returning three and an eeiree silence took over the valley.
Apollo locked eyes with Zanadar and as Zoga came over, his eyes were dull and uncaring for this situation. Over in the corner stood Ember, being watched by a dragon called Dart. He was meant to be training with them, but he'd decided not to and that training with Zanadar was adequate enough for him.
"Do you care to explain!?" Zanadar growled, his voice dripping with anger.
Zoga looked at the others, unsure of what had been said already so he decided to start from the beginning. A voice cut across him however as he opened his mouth. Apollo had been waiting to unleash his anger and he had chosen this moment to do so. Probably not one of his wiser notions.
"That depends by what you mean Grandfather.. Where to begin?!"
Zanadar growled and Violet's ears fell flat on her head. She knew her father was grumpy when he was talked back to. Apollo held his grandfathers gaze and silence engulfed them for a moment.
"I want to know everything. I want to know when this all started, why you ALL went against my word, where Legido is and what he has taught you of the world out there"
Apollo smirked.
"You've wits have lost their edge with your age Grandfather, this has been going on for months and you've not suspected a thing. We are all capeable of looking after ourselves and have done so very well" Apollo growled, revealing the scars on his muzzle which he'd obtained from the Ryuu.
"So a few scratches makes you mature and brave?" Zanadar replied cooly, ignoring the jibe about his age.
"I've seen battle and fought Ryuu! I've won and I intend to keep on fighting till there isn't a Ryuu left alive" Apollo snarled.
"You think one battle makes you a hero Apollo? You think fighting one Ryuu makes you brave and capeable?!" Zanadar snapped.
"Atleast I have courage and do not fear what lies out there!!! Atleast I don't cower in this valley like my cowardly Grandfather!"
"YOU LACK COMMON SENSE BOY, AND THAT WILL GET YOU KILLED ONE DAY!" Zanadar's voice boomed around the clearing as his last words left his mouth and Apollo stood there shaking with rage, his eyes burning.
Zoga slowly stepped forward timidly, head down and eyes heavy. He was tired, exhausted and carrying the weight of the dead in his heart. Zanadar turned his head to look down at the small dragon, his breathing heavy and his temper rising but something about Zoga's submissive stance made him calm down a little.
"This all started months ago. Apollo and I found the way out the valley and out there we fought a Ryuu together. We flew for the first time and thats when Legido spotted us. He told us he had been going out into the valley to pay his respects to his fallen comrades, including Apollo's father, Zanto"
At his name, Violet gave a low sob.
"So we asked him to train us. He was impressed we had killed a Ryuu so agreed to train us. Here in the valley, out there in the wilds he trained us and taught us how to fight. Tonight, we were on our way to our training when Legido didn't turn up. We went and investigated a mountain where we found him battered and beaten. He'd been held a hostage for days and that's when we bumped into Ember.
As we were escaping a Ryuu caught Legido's leg with it's tail and embedded the spike into his leg" Zoga said with a sob.
He raised his head now, the tears beginning to form in his bright blue eyes. Zanadar was silent and looked down at Zoga unblinking.
"Legido died a few hours ago. He died to protect us and he died for our freedom. He was a brave dragon and he will be remembered always no matter what. We buried him out on the mountain side so he can look out on our lands forever" Zoga broke off, struggling for words now.
Zanadar's eyes widened with horror when Zoga revealed this and his heart ached for his friend. Legido dead? How could he be? Why would he go out there when he knew each time he would risk being killed? Was he really that loyal to his soldiers who fell in battle? Legido you old fool.. You wanted to die didn't you? You knew you were going to die if you went out there, you just wanted to make amends for what you thought you'd done out there fifty years ago. You just wanted to be with your friends.. After all this time... Heh, what will I do now lad? I've lost my most loyal dragon and oldest friend.
After a while Zanadar sighed and looked at all the young dragons in turn. He was feeling confused, but couldn't let it show for if he lost it, all the others would to.
"You all disobeyed me and for that you will be punished. Ice, I want you to take me to Legido's grave, Apollo you will tend to Lyca's wounds. Spark, Dart and Starla I want you to keep an eye on this dragon" He snarled, gesturing to Ember who stood by a tree under watchful eyes.
"Zoga. You will come with me and Ice. None of you are to leave the valley until you are back to full health"
"Full health? You mean we are allowed to leave now?" Apollo piped up.
"I have not said that Apollo" Zanadar snarled, his tone silencing his grandson.
Apollo fell back and walked over to Lyca who was sobbing and mourning her father. He had almost forgotten she was Legido's daughter and words left him as he fell in beside her. He allowed her to cry into his wounded shoulder, knowing her wounds were worse than his own. Apollo knew the feeling of losing a father.
Zoga felt incredibly awkward to go with Zanadar. Ice felt the same by the look of it as they caught one anothers eye. The thought of leaving the valley again so soon was odd, even more so with the fact that Zanadar was coming along with them. Zoga sighed and allowed Ice to take the lead.
The three dragons walked in silence through the valley, various thoughts running through each of their heads. Zoga occasionally heaved a sigh, Ice tripped on the odd occasion and Zanadar remained totally silent. That was something that intrigued Zoga. Of all of them, surely he should be the one muttering, thinking aloud and cursing the gods for taking Legido away. But no... he remained silent and by the look of it, uncaring.
When they reached the boundaries, Zanadar walked through like he did it everyday, where as Ice and Zoga were hesitant to follow for a moment as it felt so wrong to them. After a time however, they both went through side by side and the familiar breeze met them on the other side.
"Is this the first time you have left the valley since the day you found me?" Zoga blurted out.
Zanadar was taken aback by this question and turned his head to look at Zoga. He then shook his head before moving onwards.
Again, Ice and Zoga felt awkward and merely followed Zanadar like lost little dragons in a big world. The mound of earth was clearly visable before them and Zoga felt all those emotions hit him. He wished Zanadar hadn't made him return here.
They watched as the leader went to the mound and bowed his head respectfully, a few words escaping his mouth but neither could work out what he said as he stood for a while speaking
When he had finished, the elder dragon looked back at them, his gaze harsh but the anger had left his eyes now.
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