
Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » June 7th, 2013, 4:45 pm

Thanks everyone. ^^

Sorry I'm taking so long to upload the next chapter. I had to fight a writer's block issue a few days ago which was keeping me from writing AH, and I've been working on a few other of my stories and/or just have been on a tight schedule.

Please stay patient as the next chapter of AH is soon arriving! Until then, guys!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » July 20th, 2013, 10:12 pm

You didn't think it would return, but here it comes! Chapter 5 of AnimalHumans, guys! It's finally complete after my couple of months away from writing it! Here it is! You can read it below:

Spoiler: show
Chapter 5: Close Your Eyes

(Inside of the AHA, Mia appears to be playing PS3 again while Robert continues to watch her do so.)

Mia: "Must you watch me?"
Robert: "I need to find out your strategy so I can beat you."
Mia: "Jump in a hole!"
Robert: "What kind of...?"
(Conner wakes up.)

Conner: "Arguing again?"
Austin: "They're still at it."
Conner: "I think I'll just go back to bed."
Austin: "How can you sleep for so long?"
Conner: "How can you stay awake for so long?"
Austin: "...I'm a WolfHuman."
Conner: "I guess..."

(Conner's cellphone goes off again, she picks it up.)

Conner: "Yeah? Yep, we'll be there."
Robert: "MonsterHumans?"
Conner: "What do you think?"

(Diamond wakes up.)

Diamond: (Yawns) "Hey, what's going on?"
Robert: "MonsterHumans."
Diamond: "Aw man, I can't rest for five seconds?"
Robert: "You're sleeping all day!"
Conner: "Mia."

(Mia continues to play the video game.)

Conner: "Mia..."

(Mia continues.)

Conner: "Hey, Mia!"
Mia: "What?! Can't you see I'm trying to do something here?"
Conner: "We have to deal with MonsterHumans, did you miss the whole conversation?"
Mia: "Kinda..."
Robert: "You can put it on pause. Come on! These MonsterHumans are gonna tear everyone to shreds!"
Mia: "Serious? Do all of us need to go?"
Diamond: "That's what I always say."
Robert: "Yes, it's a lot easier that way!"

(Mia puts the controller and stands up.)

Mia: "Fine, gosh! Don't forget to bring the ORB."

(Austin grabs the Ground ORB.)

Austin: "Are we ready?"
Conner: "Yep. Let's go!"
(The AHA team leaders soon enough arrive at the location of the MonsterHumans.)

Conner: "There they are..."
Robert: "Alright, let's go!"
Diamond: "Conner, Austin, organize strategy."
Austin: "Right..."
Conner: "There are two of them, let's see."
Austin: "Me and you could take on the larger one while the three of them deal with the smaller one."
Mia: "Hey, that's so not fair!"
Conner: "You're teamwork's not that well blended. Me and Austin are masters."
Mia: "What show-offs..."
Robert: "Who gets the ORB?"
Austin: "Conner should take it."

(Austin tosses the ORB to Conner.)

Conner: "Why?"
Austin: "You've used it the most and are currently most skilled with it. Then would be me, and we're going in the same group so if I need to use it you can just pass it to me."
Conner: "Reasonable."
Austin: "Everyone follows?"
Robert: "Gotcha."
Diamond: "Roger."
Mia: "Hmph, yeah."
Austin: "Right, the let's go before the Monsters attack first!"

(Robert, Mia and Diamond go after the smaller MonsterHuman as Conner and Austin go after the larger one.)

Conner: "Wanna transform right away?"
Austin: "Go for it."

(Conner and Austin transform into a Flying SquirrelHuman and a WolfHuman.)

Conner: "Can you distract it while I set a path for the ORB?"
Austin: "Right."

(Austin turns into a full-on wolf and begins hopping left and right in front of the Monster to confuse it. Meanwhile Robert, Mia and Diamond appear to be dodging their Monster's attacks.)

Diamond: "We need some sort of strategy."
Robert: "They left it up to us to come up with one, anyone have any ideas?"
Mia: "Well, one of us clearly needs to transform, which is probably gonna be me."
Diamond: "Why you?"
Mia: "'Cause I'm the toughest."

(Robert and Diamond try not to laugh.)

Mia: "Oh shut up, will you?!"
Diamond: "Mia, you seriously believe you're the strongest?"
Mia: "Of course I do, 'cause I am!"
Robert: "Even with your animal form?"

(Mia blushes deeply.)

Mia: "Oh forget! Forget it! One of you transform!"
Diamond: "Oh my Robert, I think we embarrassed her." (Chuckles)
Robert: "Heh."
(Robert smiles, suddenly turning back to have a straight, serious face on.)

Robert: "Okay, should I transform then?"
Diamond: "You have the most capability out of the three of us, you stand the best chance."
Robert: "Here we go!"

(Robert closes his eyes, then jumping into the air, his body quickly becomes covered in feathers as a beak grows, arms half way turning into wings and toes turning into talons, Robert opens his eyes and looks down at Mia and Diamond.)

Diamond: "Really epic."
Robert: "Thanks. Let me see what I can do to defeat him."
Diamond: "Oh, and make sure not to kill it before Austin gets to check if it has an ORB."
Robert: "Right."

(Robert flies above the MonsterHuman where it then looks up to when Robert jabs it with his beak, the Monster roars as it then tries to swipe Robert out of its way, though Robert dodges its hand and lands on its back.)

Robert: "How does Austin do it?"

(Robert runs up to the back of its head, trying to see if it has an ORB.)

Robert: "Huh..."

(Austin appears to be a WolfHuman on top of the Monster's head, while Conner glides in her SquirrelHuman form in front of it, tossing the ORB back and forth between her hands.)

Conner: "How long do you expect to take?"
Austin: "Geez, you can't wait 5 seconds? No, it doesn't have one. Let's do away with it."
Conner: "Okay."

(Austin turns into a wolf and jumps off of the Monster, Conner then tosses the ORB in the air, hitting it with her hand as it comes back down, it goes flying into the MonsterHuman's face, it explodes as the ORB then zooms back the Conner's hand, she lands next to Austin.)

Conner: "The others aren't done?"
Austin: "Probably not."

(Conner and Austin run over to see Robert in his BirdHuman on top of the Monster's head as it chases around Mia and Diamond, still in their human forms.)

Conner: "What the heck is going on?"
Austin: "I ha- Robert!"

(Robert notices Conner and Austin.)

Robert: "Yeah?"
Austin: 'What are you doing?"
Robert: "I'm trying to find out if it has an ORB while Mia and Diamond distract him!"
Austin: "That's a horrible idea! One of you are going to get hurt!"
Conner: "Do you even know how to track an ORB?"

(Robert pauses.)

Robert: "That's what I'm trying to find out!"
Austin: "Oh, gosh..."

(Conner and Austin transform in unison, Conner glides up to Robert while Austin runs over to Mia and Diamond.)

Conner: "Move!"

(Conner pushes Robert.)

Robert: "Ah, you're lucky I can fly! What if I would've fell?"
Conner: "Well, you didn't..."
(Conner places her hand on the Monster's head.)

Robert: "You know how to track the ORBs now?"
Conner: "Yep..."
Robert: "Does it have one?"
Conner: "Nope..."
Robert: "So we can just get rid of it?"
Conner: "Yep..."
Robert: "Are 'yep' and 'nope' all you can say?"
Conner: "Nope..."

(Robert sighs, as they then both fly off of the Monster.)

Robert: "Hey, could you try attacking its legs while you use the ORB to destroy it from the top, you know?"
Conner: "Sure. I think that was the first good idea I've heard from you all year."
Robert: "That's a shame..."
Conner: "Hey, Austin, Diamond, Mia, can you try attacking its legs to make it lose balance so me and Robert can use the ORB to destroy it from up here?"
Austin: "Yeah, let's give it a shot."

(Conner gets ready to use the ORB, then looking over at Robert.)

Conner: "Do you know how to work one of these?"
Robert: "Of course I do. You explained it to those kids a while back, and I was there."
Conner: "Huh, I forgot about that."
Robert: "Why'd you ask?"
Conner: "I wanted to know if you wanna use the ORB instead of me doing it like usual."
Robert: "Does it matter?"
Conner: "I guess not, I'm just getting bored of doing it..."
Robert: "Oh, right. Sorry for having to make you mention it."
Conner: "I don't care, really. I couldn't if I tried..."
(The MonsterHuman falls to the ground as Austin, Mia and Diamond back away from it.)

Austin: "Now's the time, Conner!"

(Conner turns over to Robert.)

Conner: "You don't wanna try it?"
Robert: "...Sure, let me do it."

(Robert grabs the ORB.)

Robert: "Here it comes, Monster!"

(Robert throws the ORB, hitting the Monster, it explodes, then zooms back to Robert's hand, kind of knocking him back.)

Robert: "Whoa! That came back faster than I thought it would."
Conner: "Gotta get used to it?"
Robert: "Yeah, shouldn't take long though."

(Conner and Robert fly back down, transforming back into their regular human selves, Robert tosses the ORB back to Austin.)

Austin: "Is our work done here?"
Diamond: "Think so."
Mia: "Good! I was about quit either way!"
Diamond: "Really? I was having a lot of fun that time."
Robert: "Guess it wasn't that bad."

(Conner shrugs.)

Mia: (Sighs) "Whatever. Let's just get back to the AHA building."
Austin: "Right."
(As they start walking away, Mia looks upwards in the sky to notice a helicopter flying above them, as if it were watching them. Mia continues to stare at it until Robert notices she's looking at something.)

Robert: "What are you looking at?"
Mia: "Nothing."

(Mia turns her head over to Robert.)

Mia: "I wasn't looking at anything."
Robert: "Hmm...You're just as weird as everybody else, huh?"
Mia: "You're not one to talk."
(Clipping up to the helicopter, one of the doors open and you can see a little girl standing there with a large man behind her.)

Girl: (Chuckles) "Looks like we've finally found our team leaders, haven't we?"
Men: "Yes, mistress."

(It then clips back to the AHA leaders returning to their room.)

Mia: "Gosh!"

(Mia throws a bag she was carrying on the floor.)

Mia: "Nothing feels better than returning back to the AHA base and playing some Astro Shooters Remix 2.9 Turbo Gun Deluxe Special Edition!"
Conner: "Just how can you remember that name?"
Mia: "Because I play it. You know all the synonyms for sleep, don't ya?"
Conner: "Hmm...sleep, bedtime, catnap, doze, dream, Z's, catch some Z's, hibernation, nap, naptime, rest, collapse, shuteye, slumber, snooze..."
Mia: "Wow..."
(Mia lets herself drop to the floor in a bean bag in front of the TV, turning it on to play Astro once more.)

Robert: "Is that all you ever do?"
Mia: "I have to beat your high score. I won't stop playing the game until I do."
Robert: "Keep dreaming."
Diamond: "Okay!"

(Diamond falls into her bean bag, falling back to sleep.)

Robert: "Gosh..."
Mia: "At least I'm active."
Robert: "I guess."

(Austin sits down on the sofa next to Conner, who already appears to be asleep, and picks up the newspaper and begins to read it. Robert pulls his bean bag next to Mia's a sits down.)

Robert: "So what was with earlier?"
Mia: "There are a lot of things 'with earlier' you could be talking about."
Robert: "When you were looking up at the sky?"
Mia: "It was a nice sky."
Robert: "A nice...nice lie, was it?"
Mia: "Gosh, what's so important about it?! I thought I seen a helicopter, okay?!"
Robert: "A helicopter? That's nothing bad. Why'd you have to ask so secretive about it?"
Mia: "I wasn't acting secretive."
Robert: "But you didn't wanna tell me, why?"
Mia: "Because it wasn't important. Ooh, I seen a helicopter. We see them every day."
(They stop talking for a moment.)

Robert: "Was there something odd about it?"
Mia: "No, it was just a normal helicopter."
Robert: "You didn't see anyone inside?"
Mia: "Nope...It seemed like it was just flying by."
Robert: "Guess it really was nothing special then."
Mia: (Thinking) "It seemed like it was watching us, though. I couldn't see a logo or any words, but I know for sure it wasn't a normal helicopter. Who would be after us, though? I didn't think anybody actually went against the AHA."
(It then clips to the next day, seemingly the AHA team leaders are already on a mission on the outer part of the city.)

Conner: "Do you see them around?"
Robert: "Nope."
Mia: "Huh, maybe it was some sort of prank call?"
Diamond: "We've never gotten one of those before, that'd suck."
Austin: "Conner, Robert, you should search from above."
Conner & Robert: "Right."

(Conner and Robert transform into a Flying SquirrelHuman and BirdHuman and fly upwards.)
Austin: "Okay, let's keep searching down here then."
Mia: "Wow, I'm so bored..."
Diamond: "You're always bored, Mia."
Mia: "And? You can't blame me for that."
Diamond: "You could try to have a little bit of fun, at least one time."
Mia: "Well, what'd be the point in that?"
Diamond: "You wouldn't be bored anymore."

(Austin seems to drop the Ground ORB on the floor.)

Mia: "Hey clumsy, don't drop the ORB!"
Austin: "You were the ones distracting me..."

(When Austin places his hand on the ORB to pick it back up a wave of energy blasts through him. He appears to see the world around him turn all white and he can see through the floor, seeing the MonsterHumans beneath them, underground.)
Mia: "Hey, is there something wrong, Austin?"

(Austin picks the ORB off of the floor and his visual turns back to normal, the feeling going away.)

Austin: "They're underground."
Mia: "What?"
Austin: "The MonsterHumans are underground."
Diamond: "How do you know?"
Austin: "It doesn't matter. Call Conner and Robert back down before-"

(The three MonsterHumans break out from beneath the floor.)
Austin: "Gosh!"
Diamond: "These guys are bigger than most of them."
Mia: "That's not good!"

(Conner and Robert fly back down.)

Robert: "Did we miss something?"

(The MonsterHumans land back on the ground, causing a shock wave.)

Robert: "Argh, man!"

(Conner and Robert fly up while Mia, Diamond and Austin are blown back by the shock wave. The MonsterHumans roar.)

Mia: "Why can every MonsterHuman roar?"
Diamond: "Does it matter? We need to find a way to get rid of these guys. Conner, Austin?"
Conner: "Hmm..."
Austin: "It's kind of hard to think of a plan that won't damage the gates of AH City."
Mia: "Does it matter how much we damage the gates?! These Monsters are gonna damage a lot more the gates if they keep burrowing underground like this!"
Austin: (Sigh) "Fine."
Conner: "Be sure to check if they have ORBs, too."
Austin: "Uh-huh."
(The Monsters run towards the team leaders, charging right into Austin, he growls like a wolf, placing, now, his paws onto the Monster's snout, pushing it backwards.)

Conner: "Austin, you okay?"
Austin: "I'm fine. Worry about the other two."
Conner: "Right."
(One of the Monsters then jumps up at Conner, using her wings to glide herself upside-down to avoid the attack, the Monster lands next to Mia and Diamond, snorting, then smacking Mia a long distance with its paw.)

Mia: "Unh!"
Robert: "Uh-oh, Mia!"

(Mia lands a few miles away, trying to gain strength to stand back up again, she looks up and notices the helicopter she seen yesterday flying above her.)

Mia: "That helicopter again..."

(The helicopter appears to lower itself to the ground, landing some distance behind Mia.)

Mia: "Darn, I doubt this is good."

(Mia looks back over at the other team leaders who are still fighting the MonsterHumans, then looking back at the helicopter. She runs back over to the battleground, grabbing Robert's attention.)

Mia: "Rob!"
Robert: "What? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?"
Mia: "I've got a bit of a problem over here!"
Robert: "Come on, I know you don't like transforming but you've-"
Mia: "No, no, that's not it! The helicopter, from yesterday!"
Robert: "Helicopter?"
Mia: "You know, the one you harassed me about!"
Robert: "Oh, yeah. What about it?"

(Mia points behind herself, where Robert can then see the helicopter.)

Robert: "It"
Mia: "Yeah, and I've got a feeling it wants something from us!"
Robert: "But you said..."
Mia: "Just shut up."

(Robert shakes his head.)

Robert: "Guys, we got a problem!"

(Conner, who is again on one of the MonsterHuman's backs, looks up at Robert.)

Conner: "Huh?"
Robert: "A helicopter landed right behind us. I think whoever's inside might have a bone to pick."
Conner: "That's not cool..."

(Two men walk out from the helicopter, the two then help a little girl outside of the helicopter, lightly placing her on the floor. The little girl and two men walk over to the MonsterHumans and AH team leaders.)

Robert: "A little girl?"
Girl: "Guards, please do away with them."
Guards: "Yes, princess."

(Without time to consider, the guards quickly disappear from sight, the MonsterHumans suddenly explode, then the guards appear back over at the girl's side.)

Mia: "W-what?!"
Robert: "I could hardly keep track of how fast they moved!"
Austin: "Unreal..."
Conner: "..."
Diamond: "Who are you people, and how could you defeat those MonsterHumans so fast?"
Guard1: "We're servants of Princess Nicole."
Guard2: "We've equipped ourselves with special robotic armor, which enhances our fighting capabilities."

(Mia closes her eyes, trying to process what the two guards have just said, she steps closer to them.)

Mia: "Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight. You're part robot servants of some princess or something?"
Guard1: "We would rephrase the word choice.."
Guard2: "But yes, you are correct."
Mia: "You expect me to believe that? I certainly never heard of any kingdom or anything like that around here. Who's your princess, anyway?"
Guard1: "You're misinformed."
Guard2: "Nicole is our princess, and she stands before you."

(Mia looks around, noticing the little girl, she chuckles.)

Mia: "Hold on, this little girl is your princess?"
Princess: "That would be- wait, repeat your sentence."
Mia: "Uh...this little girl is your princess?"
Princess: "I am not a little girl!"
Mia: "No? Then explain the height and high-pitched voice!"
Princess: "How dare you speak to a princess this way?"
Guard1: "Please, my princess."
Guard2: "Do not get worked up over this woman's silly words."

(Austin steps up.)

Austin: "Alright, I've had enough of this. Explain why you're here. What do you want from us?"
Guard1: "We received orders from our princess and her parents to follow you AnimalHumans."
Guard2: "You team leaders in specifics."
Guard1: "Their kingdom-"
Guard2: "A faraway place, indeed."
Guard1: "Yes- wants to learn more about AnimalHumans. They take interest in you, and the MonsterHumans as well. They sent us to invade your city, however Princess Nicole offered to come along, and so her parents let her, so long as we protected her with our lives."
Austin: "You seem to be missing an important detail about MonsterHumans."
Guard2: "That would be?"
Austin: "The ORBs."

(Austin holds up the Ground ORB.)

Austin: "You carelessly killed those MonsterHumans just then. You didn't even bother to check if they had ORBs inside of them. In certain MonsterHumans there are-"
Guard1: "Please stop where you are."
Austin: "Why?"
Guard2: "Because we are already aware of what the ORBs are."
Mia: "Okay, then why'd you kill those guys without even thinkin' about it?"
Guard2: "Because we have these."

(The guard places his hand on a device he is wearing around his left eye.)

Mia: "What the heck are those?"
Guard1:"They are special ORB tracking devices."
Guard2: "Precisely."
Mia: "Wait, you mean those things can track all of the ORBs?!"
Guard1: "Not quite."
Mia: "Then what's the catch?"
Guard2: "Once we're near a MonsterHuman, it quickly scans through its body. If it doesn't locate an ORB, all we have to do is defeat it and continue our search. Luckily, we found you team leaders."
Robert: "What do you want from us?"
Guard1: "That's simple. You're AnimalHumans, and our goal is to learn as much about this species as we can."
Conner: "So none of you guys are AnimalHumans?"
Guard2: "No. We are all humans. AnimalHumans don't exist around our kingdom."
Princess: "That's right!"

(Mia looks back down at Princess Nicole.)

Mia: "You're seriously the princess? You rule over these big guys?"
Princess: "Precisely!"
Mia: "Don't you think you're parents should've waited, at least until you're 13, at least."
Princess: "I am 13!"
Mia: "W-what?"
Princess: "That actually my exact age, mind you. I turned 13 a few months ago."

(Confused, Mia bends down to her knees, placing her hand on top of Princess Nicole's head.)

Mia: "Bent down, I'm still taller than you."

(The guards’ arms quickly turn into what appears to be guns, they direct their gun-arms at Mia.)

Guard1: "Get your hands off of the princess."
Guard2: "Before we shoot you."

(Mia stands up, raising her arms in the air.)

Mia: "Gosh, I was just comparing sizes."

(The guards continue to point their guns at Mia.)

Mia: "Put the guns back, please! I won't touch her again!"
Princess: "Yes guards, you may put down your guns."

(The guards turn their guns back into arms.)

Conner: "I see what you mean by part robot and stuff..."
Guard1: "Yes, I was sure you noticed."
Guard2: "Please, try and rephrase your sentences."
Conner: "Excuse me?"
Mia: "Hey, you were just called out, Conner!"
Conner: "I guess my sentences were always kinda sloppy."
Diamond: "Hard to deny that, fellow team leader."

(Conner shrugs.)

Robert: "So are you guys happy? There's a Bird, Squirrel and WolfHuman standing right in front of you."
Guard1: "I assumed you thought we came here for more than just the sight of an AnimalHuman."
Robert: "What do you wanna do, experiment on us?"
Guard2: "No, but we want you to tell us all the information you know about AnimalHumans, and your alliance."
Robert: "What?"
Mia: "Isn't that a little much?"
Guard1: "Certainly not. We're well informed of AnimalHumans. We know everything basic, except for the information on a few of your animal species."
Robert: "Which ones?"
Guard2: "There's a legend from long ago stating there are AnimalHumans that are part phoenix or part dragon. All very legendary creatures that are mostly seen in fairytales."
Conner: "So like a DragonHuman and PhoenixHuman?"
Guard1: "Yes, indeed that is what we believe."
Guard2: "Though we also assume there are more mythical AnimalHumans creatures, rather than the two we named."
Robert: "You assume we know just because we're the AHA team leaders?"
Guard1: "Not exactly, but who else would we come to?"
Robert: "There's an AnimalHuman library somewhere in the city."
Mia: "Actually, that just got shut down."

(Robert scratches the back of his head.)

Robert: "Oh yeah, that's right."
Princess: "Is this your way of saying you don't know?"
Mia: "Pretty much. Even if we're AnimalHumans, and the leaders of the AHA, we don't go searching into every little legend about us."
Guard1: "This is disappointing."
Guard2: "Then, you must at least inform us of your leader."

(The team leaders look back and forth between each other.)

Guard1: "Who are they? What is their name?"
Guard2: "Please, let us speak to them."

(Austin looks down at the floor, Mia places her arms behind her head, Conner bite onto one of her nails, Robert shrugs, Diamond crosses her arms, and none of them look like they have answers.)

Princess: "Excuse me! Answer to our questions before we take you in for custody!"
Guard1: "Yes, let us speak to your leader."
Robert: "Sorry, we can't."
Guard2: "A princess stands before you. Nothing gives you power over us."
Robert: "Seriously, we can't."
Guard1: "Why not?"
Robert: "We don't know who they are."

(The guards and princess look at one another.)

Guard1: "They're your leader. You must know who they are."
Diamond: "He's telling you the truth. Not one of us have ever seen the Master."
Princess: "You're the team leaders!"
Mia: "The Master is pretty locked up. We never even seen them. No one has, honestly."
Guard1: "You must be joking."
Guard2: "Yes, this is your way of keeping us away from your leader."
Austin: "It's not, believe me. Teamed up, we can come up with lies 100x better than that."
Guard1: "Intriguing."
Guard2: "Though, how do you not know who they are?"
Austin: "They just send letters and reports down to us. We assume they're on the top floor of the AHA building, but no one's ever bothered."
Princess: "Why haven't you? I'm sure you're all dying to meet your leader."
Mia: "Trust me, we are! Everyone in the whole city is, but we know we shouldn't."
Princess: "Why shouldn't you?"
Mia: "If they never came down to see us personally, I doubt they're waiting for us to come up and see them."
Robert: "Yeah, the door'd probably be locked anyway."
(The guards and princess pause.)

Guard1: "All this way, and you tell us you don't have answers to any of our questions."
Robert: "You got that right."
Guard2: "Could you direct us to anyone in your city who might have answers to our questions?"
Diamond: "Well, we have a ton of interesting places you could go to learn more about us. The library was one, but it's been shut down. And every other place you could find answers is probably getting shut down, too."
Guard1: "What?"
Mia: "Oh yeah, yeah, that's right. Spring's here now, and usually everyone closes their stores and places like that, since most AnimalHumans don't study around this time anymore."
Guard2: "That is rather inconvenient for us."
Guard1: "Indeed."
Conner: "Uh-huh, if you wanna find the information you're lookin' for, you better start now."

(The guards look down at their princess.)

Princess: "Very well. Before everything closes down, we must carry out the mission. We shall rest for the day, and then continue our search tomorrow."
Guards: "Yes, princess."
Mia: "Have fun on your adventure, 'kay little girl?"
Princess: "I am not a little girl!"
Guard1: "Please, princess."
Guard2: "Do not get worked up over her words."

(Princess Nicole inhales deeply, exhaling.)

Princess: "Yes, yes. Let's get back in the helicopter and find a good resting spot."
Guards: "Yes, princess."

(The guards and princess go back inside of the helicopter and begin flying away. Princess Nicole looks outside the window.)

Princess: "Don't think you're off the hook just yet, team leaders!"
Mia: "Feisty little one..."
Diamond: "And you're on to talk."
Mia: "Hey, shut up."

(The team leaders watch the helicopter fly away.)
Mia: "There they go."
Diamond: "Glad we have 'em off our backs now."

(Austin, Conner and Robert transform back into humans.)

Robert: "Looks like everything's cleaned up here, thanks to those guys."
Conner: "Do ya really think they're from a kingdom?"
Austin: "With equipment like that, I'm sure they are."
Mia: "And did you see that girl's dress? Only from a castle can one get such a fancy dress."
Conner: "I guess..."

(The team leaders start walking back to the AHA building.)

Robert: "Why'd you decide to trick those guys, anyway?"
Diamond: "Hmmm?"
Robert: "Things don't really start closing until Summer. And even then, it's only a few places."
Diamond: "Oh, I just really wanted them to leave us alone."
Robert: "Why's that?"
Diamond: "They said they did, but it didn't look like they believed us on the whole 'don't know who the Master is' thing."
Austin: "You're right. I noticed that, too."
Mia: "So you just thought it'd be a good idea to throw them away for now?"
Diamond: "Yep, all of you did join along, though."
Austin: "I said we could lie, and lie good, too."
Diamond: "And lie, we did."
Conner: "Not a good impression for the kids."
Mia: "Well, neither is a half squirrel, half human thing flying around throwing ORBs at half monster, half human things, is it?"
Conner: "Better than lying."

(Mia sighs.)
Robert: "They said they'd be back, so I'm sure we'll be dealing with them again soon."
Diamond: "Yes, but I'd say we need a strategy against them first."
Robert: "Strategy?"
Diamond: "We all know how powerful they are by the way they defeated those MonsterHumans."
Robert: "That's true, but do you really think they'd attack us?"
Mia: "Yeah, and even if they did, we can beat MonsterHumans as fast as they can, too, if we really wanna."
Austin: "We can, but Diamond does have a good point. We don't know who else might be travelling with them, or what other kinds of tricks they might have up their sleeves."
Conner: "It's always good to preplan."
Mia: "Yeah, yeah, guess you're right."
(Mia stares up at the sky, supposedly looking for the helicopter, but it's not in sight. It then clips back to the team leaders inside of their room in the AHA base. Robert watches Mia play a video game, Conner and Diamond are asleep, and Austin sits silently at one of the sofas.)

Robert: "How many hearts are you down by, now?"
Mia: "Shut up..."
Robert: "It's a serious question!"
Mia: "I'm a heart and two quarters down! Now let me focus!"
Robert: "You should learn how to multi-task."
Mia: "I thought I said shut up!"

(Robert closes his eyes, leaning back in his bean bag. Conner wakes up.)

Conner: "Do they realize how hard it is to sleep with them yelling all day?"
Austin: "I don't think they do."
Conner: "I'd hope not, for the better..."

(Conner rolls to her side, trying to fall back asleep. Unable, she opens her eyes and looks out the window from her bean bag, she notices several helicopters flying outside of the AHA building. Tired, she's not able to inform the other team leaders and falls back asleep, ending the fifth chapter of AnimalHumans.)

There it was! What did you think? Feel free to post your thoughts, comments or questions about AH below. Chapter 6 will hopefully take less long to arrive. Until then, guys! ^^

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Kal » July 21st, 2013, 12:15 am

Was good, and like I said, good to have it back around. Weapons are interesting, but so are animalz!

The princess is a bit of a brat... I have absolutely no idea how she is going to impact the story, I must admit it was a total shock when she appeared like that.

Keep up AH-ingggggggg ;)
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » July 21st, 2013, 1:54 am

Great job ;) I think Nicole is hilarious-you should definitely have more of her and Mia going at it later!
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby OuRaion » July 21st, 2013, 3:54 am

What, no nap-naps?

Good chapter, keep going!
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » August 24th, 2013, 5:26 pm

Just because it's been gone for a month or two still doesn't mean it's cancelled! Here we are, back at it with chapter 6 of AH:

Chapter 6: show
Chapter 6: Things Kick Up

(Khan walks outside of the APet Daycare, looking to see Sasha standing before him, he looks like he knew she would be arriving, yet there was a girl standing next to her who he wasn't expecting.)

Sasha: "Hey, Khan!"
Khan: "Um hey, who's...?"
Sasha: "Oh? This is Hayden; my best friend, besides you."
Hayden: "Hello, Khan. My name's Hayden, as you already know."
Khan: "Oh, nice to meet you."

(Khan puts his hand out, and he and Hayden shake hands.)

Sasha: "What have you been up to recently, Khan?"
Khan: "Not much. Just working at the daycare, as you can see."
Sasha: "Yeah, I'm still living in that cruddy apartment building. Luckily, Hayden lets me stay over at her place every now and then. And we have the library to go to, as well."
Khan: "Yeah? I think it's really great you found someone who's willing to that for you."
Sasha: "Huh? Yeah, I guess so."

(Hayden tilts her head to the right, as if a thought just crossed her mind. It then clips to Jamie sitting on Davis' staircase, and David walks out of his house, placing his hand on Jamie's shoulder.)

Davis: "Jamie-"
Jamie: "Don't touch me!"

(Jamie smacks Davis' hand off of her shoulder, then brushing off her shoulder.)

Davis: (Sighs) "You need to work on the whole touching thing."
Jamie: "I'm me, you're you. We don't have to touch each other."
Davis: "A handshake would be nice! A lot of people greet each other like that. Hugging, high fives, handshakes; those are all common things you need to get used to."
Jamie: "I'm part tiger! Do you see tigers doing any of that stuff?"
Davis: "That's why you're part human, too!"

(Jamie growls.)

Davis: "Oh, and I've noticed you've become less closed in on mentioning you're an AnimalHuman now."
Jamie: "Around you! Don't you dare say I'm a TigerHuman around anyone else."
Davis: "That's what we're going out to do, Jamie."
Jamie: "Not until I'm ready! And don't use my name, either."
Davis: "Well, it helps to address yourself every now and then, you know?"
Jamie: "Don't use my name..."

(Davis sighs, as it then clips back to Khan, Sasha and Hayden, who are now walking around the city.)

Sasha: "A while back there is the library, Khan."
Khan: "Oh, that huge building there?"
Sasha: "Yeah, that one."
Khan: "Are you kinda half-living there, Hayden?"
Hayden: "Something like that. I spend more time at my house, but I do go there almost every day."
Khan: "You must've really got attached to that place, huh?"
Hayden: "Yeah, I guess I kind of did."

(Suddenly a man bangs into Hayden's back.)

Gabriel: "Oh my, I'm so sorry!"

(Gabriel starts picking up his suit cases and papers he dropped on the floor.)

Hayden: "No need to apologize. Let me help you."

(Hayden proceeds to helping Gabriel pick up his things.)

Gabriel: "Thanks, uh..."
Hayden: "Hayden."
Gabriel: "Thank you, Hayden."
Hayden: "No problem."

(They both stand back up, and Hayden hands Gabriel's things back to him.)

Hayden: "What's your name?"
Gabriel: "Huh? Oh, I'm Gabriel."
Hayden: "Uh, you look like you're in a hurry. I should really let you go."
Gabriel: "Oh, right. Thanks again!"
Hayden: "You're welcome."

(Gabriel runs off.)

Sasha: "You're meeting a lot of people with black hair and green eyes today, Hayden."
Hayden: "True. That's strange."
Khan: "I've never seen him before. He must be from the deeper part in the city."
Sasha: "Oh yeah, seems like we're all on the outer part."
Hayden: "With a higher chance to get attacked by MonsterHumans."
Khan: "Yeah..."

(Khan actually realizes what Hayden had said.)

Khan: "Wait, you know about MonsterHumans?"
Hayden: "Kinda hard not to in AH City. I study a lot about AnimalHumans, and that includes MonsterHumans too."
Khan: "Wow, I didn't know. Have you ever encountered one?"
Hayden: "Unfortunately not."
Khan: "Unfortunately? You wanna see one of those things?"
Hayden: "It'd be nice, yeah. I know it's dangerous, but seeing as I'm already studying about them anyway, why not see one up close in person?"
Khan: "Good point...Me and Sasha encountered one once."
Hayden: "Oh yeah, she told me about that."
Khan: "Really? So she told you about the ORBs, and the AHA too?"
Hayden: "Mh-hm."

(Sasha pokes Khan.)

Sasha: "You talk about me as if I'm not here."
Khan: "Oh sorry. I was just really into the conversation."
Sasha: "You can keep..."

(Sasha's attention is quickly drifted to looking at a few birds flying by.)

Khan: "Sasha?"

(Sasha looks back over at Khan, though still seems not focused.)

Sasha: "What?"
Khan: "You were in the middle of saying something?"
Sasha: "Oh yeah, you can keep talking."

(Sasha looks at the ground.)

Khan: "Um...right...So Hayden, do you by any chance know where the Monsters come from?"
Hayden: "Nope. Though I did assume they could be an AnimalHuman sort of fused with another species of some sort."
Khan: "Fused?"
Hayden: "Yeah, as if someone experimented on an AnimalHuman, took their DNA, and then did the same with another creature, which is where the monster half comes from, then fused the two DNAs to create what we call a MonsterHuman."
Khan: "That's a really interesting theory, Hayden. You're smart."
Hayden: "That's what happens when you work in a library 24/7." (Chuckles)
Khan: "Yeah. I'm sure a lot of us noticed that though we call them MonsterHumans, there's still is an animal part in them, too."
Hayden: "Oh yeah, that's right. A lot of Monsters have human-like arms and legs, and sometimes facial features, and then they have these weird spindly fingers sometimes, or spikes on their bodies, or almost scaly kind of wings, weird stuff like that."
Khan: "That's where the monster part comes in."
Hayden: "They also have tails, from a lion's to an alligator's, or also ears, snouts or paws like animals have."
Khan: "Really, really strange creatures."
Hayden: "I wish somebody knew where they came from."
Khan: "The leader of the AHA might. Oh, you do know about the AHA leader, right?"
Hayden: "Yeah, I probably know as much as you do."
Khan: "Right, so maybe they have some answers for us. Though, you probably know that no one's ever seen this guy, too, right?"
Hayden: "Yeah. It really makes me curious."
Khan: "Me too! Aren't AnimalHumans just fascinating?"
Hayden: "They sure are."

(Sasha's attention is caught, as she herself, is an AnimalHuman. Hayden appears to wink at Sasha, leading Sasha to tilt her in head in confusion.)

Khan: "So where do you guys wanna stop by next?"
Hayden: "Sasha? This was your idea after all."
Sasha: "Oh, let's see..."

(It then clips back to Jamie and Davis, where they seem to walking to another one Davis' friend's houses.)

Jamie: "How long is this gonna take?"
Davis: "It's not that far, gosh."
Jamie: "My feet are getting tired."
Davis: "...You know, we could always race each other there."
Jamie: "What?"
Davis: "We're both AnimalHumans. We can transform and then run like that!"
Jamie: "Are you crazy?! Do you really think I'd transform into an animal so carelessly?"
Davis: "Hey, I'll do it. Right in the open!"

(Davis closes his eyes, then transforming into a DogHuman.)

Davis: "See? Nobody's staring at me like I'm a freak. Turning into a dog won't make it any weirder."
Jamie: "It's different..."
Davis: "What's different? We're both AnimalHumans!"

(Jamie angrily roars at Davis, whiskers, canines, ears and the change of her eyes quickly appear, but after the roar is over all of these things fade, turning her back into a regular human.)

Davis: "Well uh...that was good...for starters."
Jamie: "Let's just walk the rest of the way."
Davis: "Why are you so stubborn?"

(Jamie continues to walk, however Davis tried to turn her back around, but Jamie smacks his hand off of her shoulder.)

Jamie: "Don't touch me!"
Davis: "I wasn't finished talking to you!"

(The argument continues as a helicopter watches the two from above.)

Man1: "Are they from the AnimalHuman Alliance?"
Man2: "I'm not sure, but they're certainly AnimalHumans."
Woman1: "Is the girl?"
Man2: "Well, I'm actually not sure, but I know the boy is."
Woman2: "We should go after them anyway. This is what the princess wants."
Man1: "Let's land, then."
Man2: "Right."

(The helicopter lands in the middle of the street, beside the sidewalk Davis and Jamie are on.)

Jamie: "What the heck's with the helicopter?"
Davis: "I don't know everything!"

(The four people exit the helicopter and approach Davis and Jamie.)

Man1: "You're AnimalHumans, aren't you?"
Davis: "Excuse me?"
Woman1: "You heard the question. We see you're a DogHuman, but what about the girl?"
Davis: "She's-"
Jamie: "I'm not an AnimalHuman."
Man1: "What were you saying, boy?"

(Davis almost tells them the truth, but sees Jamie glaring at him by the corner of his eye, and tells them otherwise.)

Davis: "No, she's not an AnimalHuman."
Man2: "Is that the truth?"
Davis: "Yes, it's the truth! What do you want from us?"
Woman1: "We're taking you into custody, boy."
Davis: "What?! Why?!"
Woman2: "Because you're an AnimalHuman. We need all the information from you AnimalHumans as we can get."
Davis: "That's not a good enough answer! Who are you people?!"
Man1: "Let's get him."

(The four people surround Davis, and begin to cuff him.)

Davis: "Hey, come on! Answer my questions!"
Man1: "We're the ones asking the questions here, pal. Shut up and get in the helicopter."
Davis: "Argh, Jamie, lend me a hand!"

(Jamie struggles on deciding if she should transform into an AnimalHuman or not, but can't bring herself to do so.)

Man2: "Move it along, boy."

(The people take Davis into the helicopter.)

Davis: "Let go of me! Jamie!"
Jamie: "I..."
Davis: "Jamie, please!"

(The people close the helicopter door and start up the machine. Davis continues to bang on the window and call for Jamie's help, but Jamie still can't bring herself to transform.)

Davis: "Jamie! Jamie..."

(Davis gives up, and the helicopter flies away, Jamie stands by herself, half regretting her decision, and half not regretting it. It then clips to another helicopter, which holds the guards and their Princess Nicole.)

Princess: "I'm getting bored, guards. Let's stop some place nice."
Guards: "Yes, mistress."

(The guards land somewhere randomly in the city, seemingly next to a library.)

Princess: "A library? How is this nice?"
Guard1: "You like reading, don't you, princess?"
Princess: "Well yes, but this library is about AnimalHumans. I like reading fairytales."
Guard2: "I think they have more than just books about AnimalHumans, princess."
Princess: "They do?"
Guard2: "Yes, princess."
Princess: "Very well. Let's go inside and see."
Guards: "Yes, princess."

(The guards and princess walk over to the building and knock on the door.)

Guard1: "We demand you to open up!"
Guard2: "Now!"
Princess: "Yes, open your doors or we'll be forced to take further action!"

(From the inside Khan, Sasha and Hayden hear knocking and yelling.)

Khan: "Were we expecting someone?"
Sasha: "Hayden?"
Hayden: "I didn't plan on anyone joining us."

(Cautiously, the three stand up and walk over to the door.)

Khan: "What should we do?"
Sasha: "Open up, I guess."

(Hayden opens up the door to see the guards and princess standing before them.)

Princess: "About time you opened the door!"
Guard1: "Let us in this instant."
Hayden: "Um, who are you?"
Princess: "Who are we? Who are you to ask a princess a question so casually?"
Hayden: "P-princess?"
Khan: "Uh, are you serious?"
Guard1: "Yes, we're serious. This is our Princess Nicole, and we are her two assigned body guards."
Guard2: "Let us in. Our princess demands it."

(Khan, Sasha and Hayden all look over at each other, confused. They step out of the way, letting them come inside.)

Hayden: "Yes, your majesty...?"
Princess: "That's more like it. Work on your posture, though."
Hayden: "R-right."

(The princess are guards walk inside of the library and start looking around, the three follow them.)

Sasha: "What exactly are you doing here?"
Guard1: "We came here by our princess's orders."
Sasha: "Well, I know that much. What do you want to do now that you're inside of the library?"
Princess: "Watch the way you talk to my guards!"
Sasha: "Sorry..."
Guard2: "We're here to read. We were on a search for AnimalHumans, but our princess got tired of doing that, so we decided to take her down here so we could take a break, and then start again later."
Khan: "AnimalHumans?"
Guard1: "Yes, we're taking all AnimalHumans into custody."
Khan: "A-all of them? There's a whole city of them here, I think that's a bit too big of a task for just three people."
Guard1: "We have others."
Guard2: "Though you're mistaken. We're only taking the AnimalHumans who we think are associated with the AnimalHuman Alliance."
Hayden: "Why's that?"
Guard1: "We have orders from our kingdom. They want to know the truth about the AnimalHumans, and especially their alliance."
Guard2: "Yes, we luckily ran into the AHA team leaders the other day, but I don't think they exactly told us the truth about their master."
Khan: "Do you know who their master is?"
Guard1: "No. That's the biggest reason why we came here; to find out who in the world they are."
Guard2: "We asked them, but they said they didn't know. What liars they are."
Princess: "Since we're on this whole subject, I might as well ask all of you. Are any of you AnimalHumans?"

(Khan, Sasha and Hayden all look over at each other.)

Khan: "No, of course not! None of us are AnimalHumans!"
Guard1: "Mysterious."
Sasha: "What's so mysterious? We just told you we weren't AnimalHumans. What else can we really do besides that?"
Hayden: "Even if we were, there'd be no way for us to show it to you, right?"
Princess: "I just think you're lying!"
Guard2: "I knew we should've asked before we told them our reasons."
Guard1: "I wasn't considering that..."
Princess: "Well, consider next time! I guess we'll just have to take you all into custody, then!"
Khan, Sasha & Hayden: "What?!"
Guard1: "Yes, mistress. You have a very intelligent mind."
Guard2: "Let's cuff them."
Sasha: "Wait, wait, wait! There has to be another way to go about this!"

(The guards walk up to them.)

Khan: "Y-yeah, we don't even know exactly what you're trying to find out yet!"
Hayden: "Can't you just ask us here?"
Gaurds1: "Orders from the princess."
Guards2: "We do everything she tells us to."
Princess: "Wait, guards."
Guard1: "What is it, princess? We have them cornered."
Princess: "We came here to take a reading break, and not arrest anyone. Let's read first, and then we can arrest them."
Guards: "Yes, princess."

(The guards leave the three alone, and continue to follow their princess. Khan, Sasha and Hayden sigh of relief.)

Khan: "Okay, that was close."
Hayden: "Yeah, but what do we do when they find out there aren't any books here?"
Sasha: "Ooh yeah, that's right."
Khan: "Tsk, darn. Man, um..."
Sasha: "We could distract them."
Hayden: "Distract them from what? They're gonna find out eventually, no matter how much happens in between."
Sasha: "Well, something could come up and then they might have to leave."
Hayden: "What are the odds that'll happen?"
Khan: "Yeah, it's too unlikely."
Sasha: "What else can we do, then?"
Khan: "We could try and sneak away."
Sasha: "You're right. I'm sure they'll be searching for a while, and since this place is so huge, we'll be out of their sight eventually."
Hayden: "What if they take us with them?"
Khan: "They seem to be paying attention to us right now, so if we just slip away right now, we're free."
Sasha: "We can't make a sound..."

(The princess and guards seem to still be wandering, while Khan, Sasha and Hayden are slowing walking outside of the library. Quietly, the exit the building without being noticed.)

Khan: "Alright, we're out! Now what?"
Sasha: "Now we just keep running."

(Khan and Sasha get ready to run, but Hayden stops them.)

Hayden: "Wait, what if they do something to the library while we're gone?"
Khan: "We don't have a choice, Hayden! It's us or the library."
Sasha: "Yeah, what harm could they even cause?"
Hayden: "I don't know. I'm just kinda worried. It's like a second home to me, you know?"
Khan: "Yeah, we know. But we gotta get away before those weirdoes catch us!"
Hayden: "Are you sure?"
Sasha: "Yeah Hayden, we don't have a lot of time!"
Hayden: "Okay, okay. Just promise me we'll return later to make sure its okay."
Sasha & Khan: "Promise!"

(The three start running away from the library, still unnoticed. It then clips to the four soldiers from earlier who kidnapped Davis. They land their helicopter on the ground, Davis still inside, they walk out.)

Man1: "How many more AnimalHumans did they say there were?"
Woman2: "I don't know. You're the one with the list."
Man2: "Yeah, we only have that one DogHuman they said they spotted. We at least have 5 more, right?"
Man1: "Let me check. Well, reports say that there's a DogHuman-"
Woman1: "Which we have, so cross that off."

(The man crosses of 'DogHuman' of their list of AnimalHumans.)

Man1: "Right, then there's a TigerHuman, a LionHuman, an ApeHuman, a FoxHuman, and then we know all the team leaders."
Woman2: "And you guys are 100 percent sure that girl back then wasn't one of the AnimalHumans?"
Man1: "I'm sure. By the information we gathered from each of the AnimalHumans, she didn't act like any of them."
Woman2: "We didn't really gather much about the tiger or the ape."
Man2: "True, we didn't. People only claimed to see sightings so they put them on our newspapers."
Man1: "Well what, then? You wanna go back?"
Woman1: "It's worth a shot."

(Davis bangs on the window from inside the helicopter.)

Davis: "Don't you touch her! You creeps stay away from her!"
Man1: "Is that mutt yellin' at us?"
Davis: "Even if you did manage to find her, she'd just kick your butts anyway! She's tougher than she looks!"
Woman1: "So she is the AnimalHuman?"
Davis: "No. I'm just saying her physical strength is stronger than it seems."
Man1: "Let's find out, then. He seems to know a lot about her, so try to get answers out of him."
Woman2: "Right."

(The four walk back inside the helicopter and start scanning the area for Jamie, meanwhile Khan, Sasha and Hayden hid inside an ally way.)

Sasha: "You think that's enough?"
Hayden: "Yeah, seems like."
Khan: "Maybe a little too far even."
Hayden: "Hey, that just reminded me of something. They said there were more of those people in the city, didn't they?"
Khan: "Oh man, that's not good."
Sasha: "Yeah, them coming alone is too unreasonable."
Khan: "You guys are right, as much as I hate to say it."
Hayden: "Okay, this shouldn't be that big of a deal. All we should have to do is just keep our cool and act entirely normal."
Khan: "Yeah, if we act like normal people, they'll never expect we're the AnimalHumans."
Sasha: "But what if they just harass everybody, tail or no tail?"
Khan: "Then we just can't let the secret slip out. That is, if one of you are AnimalHumans after all."

(A pause of silence.)

Hayden: "Well, I'm certain I'm not. I've lived 16 years of my life without shedding any fur, so I doubt I'd grow any now."
Sasha: "Yeah, same here."
Khan: "That's good. Now we'll be %100 believable, 'cause we actually aren't any."
Hayden: "Well, what about you, Khan? You're not an AnimalHuman, are you?"
Khan: "No, of course not. If I was, I would've told you by now."
Hayden: "Silly me..."
Sasha: "Alright, well now that that's settled we can proceed with the plan."
Hayden: "We could just hide in this ally way until they leave."
Khan: "Nah, that's too suspicious. If they found us in here, they'd assume something's up."
Hayden: "That's true. No telling when they're leaving either, and I doubt any of us wanna eat out of the trash can."
Sasha: "Ew, no."
Khan: "Alright then, let's just walk out and stay nice and calm."

(Khan, Sasha and Hayden all walk out of the ally way, immediately banging into someone, they three start spitting out incomprehensible worried screams, this being the exact opposite of their plan.)

Woman: "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down! I'm not gonna hurt ya."
Khan: "Huh?"

(The three calm down.)

Hayden: "Well, that's a relief. We thought you were one of those people swarming around the AH City."
Sasha: "Do you know about them?"
Khan: "You should be careful! If you're an AnimalHuman, you should try and act as normal as possible."
Woman: "Oh yeah. Well, I'm an AnimalHuman, but I know they can't harm me."
Khan: "So you-"

(Khan then recognizes the woman's face.)

Khan: "Hey, wait a minute. Are you Conner?"
Conner: "How'd ya guess?"
Khan: "I recognized your face, and no one could forget that hair of yours."
Conner: "Is it that bad?"
Khan: "No, no, it's just notable. I'm sure you remember her too, right Sasha?"
Sasha: "Oh yeah! You're the lady who saved us from that MonsterHuman."
Conner: "Lady? That's a little dramatic. I think I remember you guys now, though."
Khan: "This is Conner, Hayden. The girl we told you about."
Hayden: "Nice to met you, Conner."

(Hayden sticks her hand out, symbolizing a handshake.)

Conner: "Right."

(Conner shakes Hayden's hand.)

Conner: "About those people, do you know who they are?"
Khan: "No, actually. We just assume they're from some royal kingdom or something like that."
Conner: "Why?"
Sasha: "There was this girl with them. Two men were calling her a princess."
Hayden: "She did have this fancy white dress and a crown, so odds are she is one."
Conner: "Yeah, she is."
Khan: "Oh? You know her?"
Conner: "I actually just met her yesterday, her and the guards you speak of. Me and my partners ran into them while out on a mission."
Khan: "So can you explain all of this to us?"
Sasha: "That'd be really useful!"
Conner: "I can try. They apparently got orders from their king and queen that they wanted to track down us AnimalHumans. They wanna find out more about us and who the AHA leader is. We told 'em we don't have much information to give, but today is pretty good proof that they didn't exactly accept that as an answer."
Khan: "So it's true not even you know who the leader of the AHA is?"
Conner: "True like flying pigs."
Khan: "Um..."

(An awkward pause of silence comes across them.)

Khan: "Right, so do you know exactly what they want to discover about us?"
Sasha: "Yeah, they're apparently taking hostages or something crazy like that."
Conner: "Well um, I think they're probably just taking us in to see if any of us know who the AHA team leader is. In all honestly, no one, and as literally as I can mean that, no one knows who the AHA team leader is."
Hayden: "That's really strange. You have to wonder why they never show themselves."

(Conner points at Hayden, raising her voice.)

Conner: "Right? Right?"

(Hayden backs up a bit.)

Conner: "Me and the other team leader discuss that all the time. I mean, one of our theories have to be right..."
Khan: "I can see why those guys are so curious to know, but that sure doesn't give them the right to invade our privacy and start kidnapping random AnimalHumans! You're one of the team leaders, you can't just let them get away with this!"
Conner: "Huh? Me?"
Khan: "Yeah, you! Why don't you meet up with the other team leaders and then start taking these guys out?!"

(Conner pauses.)

Conner: "Well, it's not as easy as it looks. We don't know the location of their kingdom or anything vital, so it'd be kinda hard just to stop them from coming. Even if we took the ones who are here out now, I'm sure there would be more to come."
Khan: "Then we just need to preplan and do a lot of research!"
Conner: "By the time that's over with, they would've robbed the whole AH City from AnimalHumans."
Khan: "Don't talk like that! We can make this work!"

(Conner chuckles.)

Khan: "We are you laughing? This isn't funny. I'm not joking!"
Conner: "I know you're not. That's why it's funny."
Khan: "What?"
Conner: "I was testing you, kid. I was trying to think of the most negative things I could say to redirect all of your statements, yet you always had something to say back to me. You have true determination and courage. That'll get ya far."
Khan: "...Right."
Conner: "I agree with you all the way. I'm gonna head back to the AHA building and get started planning with my partners of how to get these guys off our backs."

(Conner grunts, letting herself transform half into a SquirrelHuman.)

Khan: "Wait, Conner! Before you go!"
Conner: "What's up?"
Khan: "Let me help you. Take me to the AHA building too, and I'll try and help you out as much as I can."
Conner: "Ya sure?"
Khan: "I promise I won't slow you down!"
Conner: "What about your friends?"

(Khan turns to Sasha and Hayden.)

Khan: "Guys?"
Sasha: "Of course I wanna help you! We're best friends, Khan, and these intruders can't split us apart!"
Khan: "Awesome. Hayden?"

(Hayden stares at Conner in complete awe.)

Khan: "Um, Hayden?"
Hayden: "..."
Khan: "Anybody in there?"
Sasha: (Laughs) "I'm sure she wants to help out, Khan. She's just in awe of Conner's transformation."
Conner: "So she is staring at me?"
Sasha: "Yeah. She takes a huge interest in AnimalHumans."
Khan: "Oh, I see. I guess we can just drag her along."

(Sasha grabs onto Hayden's wrist.)

Sasha: "Okay, we're ready."
Conner: "Right. Try to keep up, okay?"

(Conner transforms into a full-on squirrel and starts gliding back to the AHA, as Hayden seems to faint at the sight of it, collapsing on top of Sasha.)

Sasha: "Oh gosh, Hayden!"
Khan: (Chuckles) "Alright, we should start running after her."
Sasha: "I know."

(The two eventually meet up with Conner, back in her human form, at the doorway to the AHA.)

Conner: "What took you so long?"
Sasha: "Sorry. Humans just can't run as fast as squirrels can fly, I guess."
Conner: "No problem."

(Conner rushes inside of the AHA building, Sasha and Khan following along, they soon enough make it to the AHA team leader room.)

Conner: "Team leaders!"
Mia: "What? What the heck are you doing back?"
Robert: "Are these the intruders?"
Conner: "No, nah. It's a long story. These three wanted to help us out. They wanna come up with a plan on how to defeat these guys."
Mia: "Excuse me?"
Conner: "I was thinkin' the same thing while I was out there. Just searching around the AH City isn't really gonna solve any problems. We need to do research about them and make plans on how to stop them from coming. Like, infiltrate their base or something sneaky."
Robert: "What if we don't have time for that?"
Conner: "Don't be a quitter. We can make it work, as this boy once put it."

(Khan looks over at Conner, than back at Robert and Mia.)

Mia: "Well, Austin still ain't here."
Robert: "We'll have to send someone out to go get him."
Sasha: "No, don't!"
Robert: "Why not?"
Sasha: "It's too risky. Not to doubt you or your friend, but odds are he could've been captured by now. And if one of you were to go out and try and search for him, it just increases chances of you getting caught and losing another brain of ideas."
Mia: "...Alright, we'll go with that."
Robert: "Diamond, wake up!"

(Diamond wakes up.)

Diamond: "Aw...What the heck do you want this time?"
Robert: "We have a lot of work to do."
Diamond: "Work?"
Mia: "You'll get the hang of it after we start talkin'."
Diamond: "Um, right."
Sasha: "Okay Khan, this was your idea, so where should we start?"
Khan: "Conner, do you have any computers here?"
Conner: "We have two. Well, one's a laptop, but you can see the desktop is right by the PS3."
Khan: "Right, thanks."

(Khan runs over and starts up the desktop.)

Conner: "Whatcha gonna search up?"
Khan: "Before doing anything, we need to find out exactly who they are. We already know motivations, so now we just need to know what kingdom they all come from and how to get there."
Mia: "Kid's smarter than he looks."
Khan: "Thanks..."
Robert: "I still can't be sure that this plan will even work, but I guess it is worth a shot."
Conner: "We don't really have a choice, do we?"
Diamond: "Unless we wanna be prisoners in some jail cell." (Shudders) "That would mean no more beds!"

(Conner starts up the laptop, Khan then looks back at everyone as the desktop internet browser appears on the screen.)

Khan: "Alright, we're ready to start working."
Conner: "Laptops always go quicker than desktops, don't they?"
Khan: "We're just lucky they're both up and running."
Conner: "Uh-huh."
Khan: "Okay, let's start off. Can anyone remember if they had any sort of logo on their uniform or helicopters?"

(Everyone ponders over this question, ending chapter 6 of AnimalHumans.)

Well, what did ya think? Due to my departure from MLK, chapters will probably be posted less often, however if you have any questions or concerns please feel as free as a butterfly to ask me. Hopefully chapter 7 will be on its way soon. Until then, guys!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Kal » August 31st, 2013, 9:49 pm

Cool, it returns! And so do you! Sorry I didn't see it around. Glad to see more of Sasha, yay! Is she still hiding her transforming powerz though?
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby RedKite » September 2nd, 2013, 2:24 pm

you should make this into an RP!
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » September 4th, 2013, 2:48 am

Awesome! As usual ^^
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