
Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » May 16th, 2013, 11:37 pm

Don't worry, AnimalHumans is still around! I just haven't got to writing it recently because my schedule's been really tight and busy. I'm not sure f the next chapter will be out this week or the next, maybe even the one after that, but it's not cancelled!

Just to let everyone who was waiting know! I hope you all still look forward to the next chapter and enjoy just as much as the others when it comes out. Until then, guys, and thanks so much for all of the compliments!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Chizuna » May 17th, 2013, 11:19 pm

Very cool story you have here. I'm loving the script dialog and the setting, can't wait for the next chapter ;)
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » May 21st, 2013, 9:38 pm

Thanks again, to all of you, for enjoying my story so much. You haven't seen half of the excitement yet, so let's kick things up with chapter 3 of AnimalHumans!

Spoiler: show
Chapter 3: My Babysitter's a Lion

(A young man appears to be sitting on his bed silently, suddenly hearing a knock on his door, he gets up to go check who's there.)

Man: "Hello, there."
Roy: "Hi...You're the guy who's kids I have to babysit?"
Man: "Yes, my kids are downstairs right now. Come and meet them if you like."
Roy: "Right..."

(Roy and the man walk downstairs to see 5 kids sitting on Roy's sofa, 3 boys and 2 girls.)

Roy: "These are them?"
Man: "Yep, that's Scott, Andy, Clifford, Kate and Andrea."
Kids: "Hi, Roy!"
Roy: "Hi...I'll try and remember all of your names, try."
Man: (Laughs) "Are you ready for me to go now, kids?"
Kids: "Yes, daddy."
Scott: "How long do we have to stay with the weird guy?"
Man: "Now Scott, that's not nice."
Roy: "Yeah, I can hear every word you're saying."

(Scott looks over at Roy.)

Scott: "How can you hear me?"
Roy: "Uh, I have good ears."
Scott: "Weirdo."
Man: "Scott...It's only going to be for the rest of this day until morning, then I'm going to come right back, okay?"
Kids: "Okay!"
Man: "See you all tomorrow, love you!"

(The man walks out of Roy's house, leaving the kids to all stare at Roy.)

Roy: "What? What do you want?"
Andy: "Don't have something to show us?"
Roy: "Who told you that?"
Andrea: "Every babysitter has something to show the kids, or else it's no fun."
Roy: "Well it's not supposed to be fun, it's babysitting."
Clifford: "Then what's the point in being here?"
Roy: "Because your dad's away."
Kate: "He couldn't have gotten a better babysitter?"
Roy: "I offered him."
Scott: "Well, why'd he except you?"
Roy: "Because I was trustworthy."
Scott: "Why do you have a smart remark to say about everything?"
Roy: "Because I'm smarter than you."

(Scott stands up and walks over to Roy.)

Scott: "I bet you don't know half of the things I do!"
Roy: "Like what?"
Scott: "About the AnimalHuman lifestyle!"
Roy: "You picked a bad subject, kid."
Scott: "Wanna try me?"
Roy: "You try me first."

(Scott appears to pull a few sheets of paper out of his pocket.)

Scott: "Question 1, if an AnimalHuman is cornered in its full-on animal state what will it do?"
Roy: "No answer choices?"
Scott: "You shouldn't need them, smart guy."
Roy: "...It attacks, because it's in its animal state it has the mind set of an animal."
Scott: "Question 2, is there any way to tell that someone might be an AnimalHuman when they're in the entire human stage?"
Roy: "No, that's why it's the human stage, duh."
Scott: "Question 3, how many stages are there of the AnimalHuman cycle?"
Roy: "Three, human, AnimalHuman, animal."
Scott: "Question 4, what does the term APet stand for?"
Roy: "Animal Pet, very unfortunately."
Scott: "Question 5, does the SpiderHuman exist?"
Roy: "No, because it's technically not an animal, so it wouldn't count as an AnimalHuman."
Scott: "Question 5, can AnimalHumans still talk when they're in the full-on animal stage?"
Roy: "No, it's like literally turning into an animal and animals don't talk."

(All of the other kids look over at each other.)

Clifford: "I think Roy is getting all of the questions right, guys."
Andy: "It's impossible! No one studies as much as Scott!"
Kate: "You have to remember, the questions get really tough after number 5, so now Roy's in for it!"
Scott: "Question 6, can an AnimalHuman still breed with a regular human?"
Roy: "Yes they can, they still have the proper DNA and stuff because of the human half."
Scott: "Question 7, is it more likely for a baby of a human and an AnimalHuman to come out a human?"
Roy: "It's a wild card, AnimalHuman genes are sometimes more likely to pass down to the child, but it usually depends on what animal you are."
Scott: "Question 8, is it legal for a human and AnimalHuman to get married and have kids?"
Roy: "Only in AH City and other places like this, where AnimalHumans originate."
Scott: "Question 9, do people have inhanced human-like abilities, like punching, if they're part animal?"
Roy: "Not naturally, no."
Scott: "Question 10, what's the most common age for someone to unleash their AnimalHuman power?"
Roy: "Around 3 or 4, 5 it takes a little long."

(Scott drops his papers on the floor and stands there in shock.)

Clifford: "Uh oh, I think Scott just..."
Andrea: "Ran out of questions!"
Roy: "Was that it? I was just getting warmed up."
Scott: "You got them all right. How can that be?"
Roy: "I'm really into AnimalHumans and their back story, it interests me a lot."
Scott: "Can you teach me more?"
Roy: "I could, but I wanna keep the information I know to myself."
Scott: "Come on, I'll pay you! I'll give you all the information I know!"
Roy: "You really wanna know?"
Scott: "Yes!"
Roy: "What about the others?"
Scott: "Yeah, we all wanna know!"
Roy: "Then fine, let's go upstairs to my room and get this over with as soon as possible."
Kids: "Yeah!"

(Roy and the kids walk upstairs to his room, where it appears to be filled with computers and papers are everywhere.)

Scott: "Whoa, this place is a mess!"
Roy: "Research does this kind of stuff to you."
Andy: "Hey, what's this?"

(Andy picks up a piece of paper with a picture of a drawn lion on it.)

Roy: "Hey, don't touch that! I got that as a gift! It's precious work, put it back."
Andy: "Okay..."

(Andy puts the paper back down as Roy sit on his computer chair, going online, he starts travelling though the pages of his website.)

Roy: "This is my website here, all about AnimalHumans."
Scott: "Wow, that's cool! You store all the information you've learned on this website?"
Roy: "Where else?"
Scott: "You made it all by yourself?"
Roy: "I said nobody else knew about it, of course I did."
Andrea: "What are all of those things at the top of the page?"
Roy: "You've never been on a computer before? They're the sections of the website. "Home" is the introduction and it tells you what the site's about, you know..."
Clifford: "Why'd you bother putting what the site's about if you're the only one who knows about it?"
Kate: "Yeah if you made it, you must know."
Roy: "...To make it feel more realistic, okay?"
Andy: "There are so many sections on here, how do you navigate?"
Roy: "When you're the one who made it, you kinda get used to it..."
Andrea: "What's this part about?"
Roy: "This is the main part, where all the information comes in, the facts."

(Roy minimizes the tab, leaning back in his chair.)

Clifford: "Why don't you like us, Roy?"
Roy: "Because you're kids."
Kate: "We can behave and stop asking questions."
Roy: "Either way you're fun reducing."
Scott: "Then why'd you decide to babysit us?"
Roy: "It was the only open job that pays well."

(Before any of the kids could respond they noticed Roy heard something, Roy sat up very cautiously.)

Scott: "What is it, Roy?"
Roy: "Silence..."

(Roy listened closer and it sounded like a loud thumping noise, almost like walking.)

Roy: "Stay here."

(Roy began to run towards the door.)

Scott: "Where are you going?"
Roy: "There's something I have to take care of outside. Just stay put in this room and not one of you leave the other, understand?"
Scott: "But-"
Roy: "Stay put! Matter of fact, lock the darn door!"

(Roy ran out of the room and outside, a little while away from the house to an almost forest-like area.)

Roy: "Where are you, Monster?"

(A MonsterHuman breaks through the trees and roars at Roy.)

Roy: "Right, looks like I'm gonna have to get serious then."

(Roy closes his eyes, his body becomes furry as claws appear, then a tail and his hair gets longer and more fluffy, turning him into a LionHuman.)

Roy: "You wanna fight, Monster?"

(The MonsterHuman roars at Roy once more, then charging after him, Roy front flips onto the Monster's head and karate kicks it in the face, causing it to grunt in pain and toss Roy back off of it. Meanwhile the kids all hear noises coming from outside of the house.)

Kate: "What's going on out there, guys?"
Clifford: "This is scary!"
Scott: "It's gotta be..."
Andy: "What is it, Scott?"
Scott: "It's gotta be a MonsterHuman!"

(It then goes back over to show Roy continuing to fight the Monster, he transforms into his full-on lion stage and begins to run in circles around the Monster, causing it to get dizzy, the Monster stomps in irritation as Roy then sprints onto its arm and runs up to its face, slashing it with his claws.)

Scott: "Roy!"

(Roy realizes he's in his lion form in front and instantly turns back into a human.)

Roy: "You idiot! What are you doing here?!"
Scott: "I came to help!"
Roy: "You're a kid! You can't fight against a MonsterHuman!"
Scott: "I'm gonna try!"
Roy: "No, stay ba-"

(Roy is then rammed by the Monster and this sends him flying.)

Scott: "Roy! Roy, are you okay?!"

(Roy stands himself back up.)

Roy: "See, 'cause this is what happens in all the stupid cartoons when the kid shows up and the main character's distracted by them! They get themselves hurt like this!"
Scott: "Can you keep fighting?"
Roy: "I'm wounded thanks to you, kid, I can't fight with you around. It'd be a better idea to try and escape the thing rather to fight it."

(Roy picks Scott up and begins to run from the Monster, though it starts to chase them.)

Scott: "I'm sorry I got you hurt, Roy."
Roy: "Just be quiet, I hurt myself all the time, it's nothing new."
Scott: "...Hey Roy, why did you look extra fluffy when you were on top of that Monster?"
Roy: "I did? Uh, I don't know, maybe it was just the angle."

(The Monster roars as it starts to run faster.)

Scott: "It's gaining on us, Roy!"
Roy: "Close your eyes."
Scott: "Huh?"
Roy: "Just close your eyes."
Scott: "But why-"
Roy: "How many times do I have to tell you close your eyes before you do it?!"
Scott: "Sorry! Okay!"

(When Scott closes his eyes Roy places him on his pack and transforms into a lion running 5x quicker than before.)

Scott: "Where are we going, Roy?"

(Roy doesn't respond because he's in his lion form, and cannot talk because of this.)

Scott: "Hello? Roy? Are you there? Can I open my eyes yet? Hello?"

(Roy lowly growls as he then runs into the gate leading into the larger part of the city, the MonsterHuman not far behind him, Roy quickly transforms into his AnimalHuman state.)

Roy: "Hang on tight, okay?"
Scott: "Okay..."

(Roy backs up a bit, then jumps the gate and begins to run into the city.)

Scott: "Can I open my eyes now?"

(Roy transforms into his ordinary human form.)

Roy: "Yeah, open your eyes."
Scott: "What are we doing in the city?"
Roy: "We're escaping the Monster, you do you think?"
Scott: "But what if it follows us and starts destroying everything?"
Roy: "...I'm babysitting for a reason, to make money."

(The Monster jumps over the gate and continues chasing after the two.)

Scott: "How long do you expect to run?"
Roy: "Until we can lose 'im."
Scott: "But what if it keeps following us forever?"
Roy: "Then we're gonna die."

(As soon as Roy's sentence is finished the MonsterHuman slams its hand into the floor right next to Roy and Scott and the impact of it causing them to go flying forward, Scott almost takes most of the damage as Roy was going to also land on top of him due the positioning, however Roy quickly tosses himself underneath Scott, causing his back to scrap across the street.)

Scott: "Roy!"
Roy: "Er..."

(Roy and Scott landed in the middle of a traffic jam and cars begin scrambling about when they notice the MonsterHuman coming for them.)

Scott: "Roy, you gotta get up! It's still after us! Come on!"
Roy: "Close your eyes..."
Scott: "But-"
Roy: "Do it!"

(Scott closes his eyes and Roy turns into a LionHuman once more, and starts bouncing off of the top of the cars to escape the Monster.)

Scott: "Why do I have to close my eyes all the time, Roy?"
Roy: "Because, uh...I'm going at a high speed, debris might get in your eyes and stuff..."

(The Monster continues to follow them across the streets of the city, Roy eventually reaching a edge of the city and the ocean begins there.)

Scott: "What? What's wrong?"
Roy: "Uh...I think we might have reached a dead end."
Scott: "What, we can't run anymore?"
Roy: "There's uh, water in the way..."
Scott: "You can't swim?"
Roy: "Well, it'd be hard having to carry you and all..."
Scott: "What are you, a cat? It's life or death here!"
Roy: "Geez..."

(The Monster catches up to them once more and rams.)

Roy: "Hang on!"

(Roy jumps onto the Monster's snout and runs across its head onto its back, jumping off and landing back on the floor, the Monster stops ramming and turns back around, trying to step on Roy and Scott.)

Scott: "What's going on, Roy?"
Roy: "I'm trying to lure it into the water, Monsters can't swim!"
Scott: "They can't?"
Roy: "You have a lot of catching up to do, kid."

(Roy runs underneath the Monster and over by the water.)

Roy: "MonsterHuman, over here!"
Scott: "What if it gets you too?"
Roy: "Then it gets me too."
Scott: "What?!"

(Roy turns back into a regular human.)

Roy: "Open your eyes!"
Scott: "Okay!"
Roy: "Scott, I want you to run! Go and run to the nearest phone booth and call the police or anyone else and tell them to get your father, then tell him what happened with the MonsterHuman!"
Scott: "I can't leave you here. I have to protect you!"
Roy: "Who's the babysitter, Scott?"
Scott: "You are."

(The Monster roars and begins to charge after them again.)

Roy: "Exactly! You don't have any time! Run! Now! Go!"
Scott: "Uh..."
Roy: "Scott, run!"

(Scott begins to run and the Monster keeps ramming at Roy, who now turned into a LionHuman once more.)

Roy: "Come and get me, Monster!"

(The Monster jumps at Roy, soon to fall into the water, Roy bends backwards and just out of the Monster's ramming range, the Monster falls into the water and sinks, Roy falling onto his back, he turns back into the human and pants heavily, exhausted. As Scott runs to the nearest phone booth and calls the police.)

Scott: "Yes, my name's Scott! My father's away and my babysitter was attacked by a Monster!"
Police: "You mean a MonsterHuman?"
Scott: "Yes! A MonsterHuman! You need to contact my dad and get an ambulance for my babysitter!"
Police: "Tell us where you're at, Scott, we'll be there as soon as possible."

(Roy tries to stand back up but is too tired, he reaches his hand into the sky.)

Roy: "This is such a waste. I died trying to protect a kid, the same kid who got me killed. Whatever, at least the pain will all be over soon..."

(Roy closes his eyes and passes out, the next thing he knows he wakes up abruptly in a hosptial bed surrounded by people.)

Nurse: "Doctor, he's awake."
Doctor1: "Oh good morning, Roy. You've been out for quite a while, we were getting worried."
Roy: "Huh, I'm alive?"
Doctor2: "Yeah, you just needed some serious medical attention. Your health should be back to normal in a month, we estimated."
Roy: "Really? I think I'll be better before then."

(Roy tries to sit up but the pain gets to him.)

Roy: "Err..."
Doctor1: "Please, lay down. You have to rest."
Roy: "Where's Scott?"
Doctor1: "Hm?"
Roy: "Where's Scott and the kids? Are they okay?"
Doctor1: "Oh, the ones you were babysitting. They're just fine."
Roy: "Are they here?"
Doctor1: "Yes, they're outside of the hospital. Would you like to see them?"
Roy: "Yes, I wanna see them."
Doctor1: "Very well."

(It clips to when Scott, his brothers, sisters and father walk into the room.)

Scott: "Roy? Are you okay?"
Roy: "Hey Scott..."
Scott: "Roy! You're alive!"
Man: "Be careful, Scott, he's still injured."
Scott: "I know."
Roy: "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

(All of the kids walk up to Roy and start asking questions.)

Scott: "So did you figure out anymore about MonsterHumans?"
Andy: "Do you know their fighting style?"
Andrea: "Do you how many animals they come in?"
Clifford: "Where did the Monsters come from?"
Kate: "Can Monsters talk?"
Andy: "Can they communicate with other Monsters?"
Scott: "Do Monster really not know how to swim?"
Kate: "Yeah, do they sink?"
Clifford: "Can they smell you from miles away like sharks?"
Andrea: "Do they run faster on four feet or two feet?"
Scott: "Do you know anything?"
Roy: "Heh, heh..."

(Roy weakly laughs, passing out once more, ending the third chapter of AnimalHumans.)

There you have it! Chapter 3! It's a little shorter than the others, but I hope you liked it just as much as the others! I've already started working on chapter 4 and that should be up here some time soon. Until then, guys!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » May 22nd, 2013, 12:07 am

Really good! ^^
Thx Silver ^^ Image
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby OuRaion » May 22nd, 2013, 8:33 am

You know how I feel about this chapter.

Everyone else will too, if they think about it hard enough.

I'm not saying anything else ;)
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Chizuna » May 22nd, 2013, 10:46 pm

Good chapter, it was very creative of you to use the kids as a way to explain more basic stuff about AnimalHumans.
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby DreamEater » May 28th, 2013, 9:27 pm

Thanks again, everyone, for all of the compliments! ^^

Chapter 4 is finally finished, though it's pretty short like the last one again, I have a personal fondest for this chapter. I hope you all like it, too. Here it goes!

Spoiler: show
Chapter 4: I Seriously Think I Just Fell in Love With a Cartoon Character

(A silent morning, Sasha is soon awoken by her dog, Skippy, licking her face.)

Sasha: "Oh gosh, Skippy!"

(Skippy continues to lick her.)

Sasha: "Can't you see I'm awake?"
Skippy: "Woof!"
Sasha: "What do you want? You hungry?"
Skippy: "Grr, woof!"

(Sasha's alarm clock goes off.)

Sasha: "You couldn't have waited exactly 1 more minute?"
Skippy: "Grr, grr, woof!"

(It clips to an hour later as Sasha and Skippy finish eating.)

Sasha: "I was supposed to check out the library today, that's right."
Skippy: "Ruff!"

(Skippy holds his leash.)

Sasha: "You wanna come too? Let's hope dogs are allowed inside."

(Sasha arrives at the AnimalHuman Library, however the front doors appear to be locked.)

Skippy: "Woof..."
Sasha: "I'm sure there are more doors, don't worry about it."

(Sasha tries two different entrances from the left and right side, though both of them are also locked.)

Sasha: "Huh, maybe the place is closed because school did just end. That shouldn't mean they have to close the entire library though, I'm sure
there are more than just school books in there."
Skippy: "Woof!"
Sasha: "Yeah, let's check the back!"

(Sasha goes to the back of the AHL and one of the doors are open.)

Sasha: "Good idea, Skippy!"
Woof: (Sniffs) "Ruff!"

(Sasha and Skippy walk inside the back of the AHL, they hear a few shifting noises and look around to see if anyone is inside. Walking into the room to their left, they see a young girl standing on top of a latter placing a the books into a box.)

Sasha (thinking): "So somebody is in here. I wonder why they locked every door besides this one."
Skippy: "Grr..."
Sasha: "Skippy, be quiet..."

(The young girl grabs the box and walks down the latter, turning around to notice Sasha and her dog.)

YG: "My, I didn't even notice you there."
Sasha: "Huh? Oh sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your work."
YG: "It's no problem. Who are you, though?"
Sasha: "My name's Sasha. I recently moved into AH City, what about you?"
YG: "I'm Hayden, I work here at the AHL but it's getting closed soon so I offerred to do all the packing shipping."
Sasha: "For the whole library?"
Hayden: "Yep, I didn't want anyone else to have to work."
Sasha: "That's...really nice of you."

(Skippy is suddenly behind Hayden, appearing to be sniffing her butt.)

Hayden: "Um...does your dog usually do this?"
Sasha: "Ah please forgive me! Skippy, stop that! Get over here!"

(Skippy walks back over to Sasha's left side.)

Sasha: "Gosh, you're acting so bad today!"
Skippy: "Woof! Woof!"
Hayden: "I don't mind, really."
Sasha: "Uh...would you like some help with packing these books?"
Hayden: "Oh my, I don't need any help. I'm here by myself because I didn't want anyone else to have to, remember?"
Sasha: "Come on Hayden, don't you feel the heat? You're gonna collapse in here."
Hayden: "I guess it is kinda hot..."
Sasha: "So please, let me help you!"
Hayden: "If you insist. Thank you so much."
Sasha: "It's no problem."

(Sasha and Hayden proceed to packing the books up, as Hayden is about the climb a latter to get to a higher shelf, she is cut off by Sasha.)

Sasha: "Uh, hey Hayden."
Hayden: "Hmm? What is it?"
Sasha: "Would you like me to do the higher ones instead?"
Hayden: "I'm just fine with doing it myself."
Sasha: "Really, I offered to help you and I'm down here doing the easy stuff. Come on, let me try it!"
Hayden: "You're...really nice, Sasha."
Skippy: "Woof!"

(Sasha pets Skippy on the head, smiling.)

Sasha: "It's only fair."
Hayden: "Thanks, again."
Sasha: "No problem."

(Sasha climbs up the latter and begins to put the books inside of the box, though there's another box aside this one.)

Sasha: "Hey, is there a specific way I have to separate these?"
Hayden: "Huh? No, it's just in case you need extra room. If they all don't fit in one box."
Sasha: "Right."

(Sasha puts the books inside of the box as Hayden continues also, when Sasha climbs down the latter her footing appeared to be wrong and this caused her to drop the box on her foot, she actually seems to yelp out in pain, this catches Hayden's attention.)

Hayden: "Oh, is your dog okay?"
Sasha: "Y-y-yeah...He's just fine."

(Hayden realizes Sasha seems to be in pain, but she swears she heard a 'yelp' noise.)

Hayden: "Are you alright?"
Sasha: "I'm fine, I just dropped the box on my foot. Argh, this isn't the first time, I'll be okay."
Hayden: "You're sure?"
Sasha: "Sure."

(Sasha gives thumbs up, but is still in obvious pain.)

Hayden: "Uh, okay. Just be a little more careful next time, alright?"
Sasha: "Of course."

(Skippy sniffs Sasha's foot, she pets him on the head and walks outside to a truck that is used to ship all of the boxes elsewhere, walking back inside, Sasha notices a long hallway to her right.)

Sasha: "Hey Hayden."
Hayden: "Yes?"
Sasha: "What's back there?"
Hayden: "Down that hall, you mean?"
Sasha: "Yeah, it looks like it goes on for a while."
Hayden: "It has the rooms where you study in. On the walls there are a bunch of doors that lead into computer rooms, then there are bathrooms there too, and that's also where you find cleaning utensils, too."
Sasha: "Are there any lights in there?"
Hayden: "Of course there are. It's the first thing to your left. Do you need to go back there for something?"
Sasha: "Uh no, I just wanted to know in case we needed something from there later."
Hayden: "Okay."

(Sasha continues to stare down the hallway.)

Hayden: "Are you afraid something's gonna come out of there?" (Chuckles)
Sasha: "Huh? No, that's not it!"
Hayden: "Then what are you staring at?"
Sasha: "Oh, it's nothing really..."

(Hayden does not respond, assuming there's some reason for it, she leaves it be, they both continuing to work.)

Hayden: "So what made you decide to come here in the first place?"
Sasha: "Oh, I wanted to try and get used to AH City some more, and I really like reading so I thought this would be a nice start."
Hayden: "Unfortunately it's being close, right?"
Sasha: "Yeah..."
Hayden: "Do you have a house here or an apartment?"
Sasha: "It's a small apartment. Really, really, small, but I guess it doesn't matter that much since it's just me and my dog."
Hayden: "Oh, you don't have any siblings?"
Sasha: "Nope, I'm an only child...Do you?"
Hayden: "Same here, no siblings."
Sasha: "I see..."
Hayden: "Why did you decide to come to AH City of all places?"
Sasha: "Uh, I don't know, I guess I just take interest in AnimalHumans."
Hayden: "Me too! AnimalHumans fascinate me."
Sasha: "So you're not an AnimalHuman?"
Hayden: "No, just an ordinary human."
Sasha: "Yeah? AnimalHumans really interest me, too. You gotta wonder how the process of transforming into an animal feels, right?"
Hayden: "Exactly! That's what interests me so much!"
Sasha: "Have you ever read any books about the transformation of AnimalHumans?"
Hayden: "As many as I could find, trust me. All written by AnimalHumans, themselves."

(Sasha looks out the window to see birds flying by.)

Hayden: "Hey, Sasha."

(Sasha's attention is directed back to their conversation.)

Hayden: "Could you imagine a book being written by an AnimalHuman in their animal stage? Wouldn't that be hilarious?"
Sasha: "Heh, it would be. You'd have to imagine how they do it, right?"
Hayden: "I guess it really depends on what animal they are."
Sasha: "Like, if they were a fox, they don't have thumbs so I guess they'd have to use their mouth, huh?"
Hayden: "That'd be a sight! I'd pay to watch that happen!"
Sasha: "Yeah, really?"
Hayden: "Of course, who wouldn't?"
Sasha: "I know I would!"
Skippy: "Woof!"
Sasha: "You wanna demonstrate, Skippy?"
Hayden: "You think you could teach him how?"
Sasha: "I have a bad feeling I wouldn't be able to. He's been pretty bad recently."
Hayden: "Maybe it's because he's in a new place."
Sasha: "I guess..."

(A moment of silence comes along, Sasha noticing Hayden seemed to have exhales in exhaustion.)

Sasha: "Hey, are there showers in this place too?"
Hayden: "Yeah, there's this really huge one down the hall you were asking about earlier. It's kinda like a shower mixed with a bath, you'd figure it out if you were there."
Sasha: "You seem kind of tired. You think you could take a break for a bit?"
Hayden: "Oh? I mean, I guess, if you insist."
Sasha: "I can come, too, if you want. You said it was one of those big ones, right?"
Hayden: "Yeah, only if you want, though."
Sasha: "Well, if you want me to, I can, I guess..."
Hayden: "Really, only if you want to, it's not up to me."
Sasha: "Heh, this could go on for a while..."

(It clips to both Sasha and Hayden inside of the large shower.)

Hayden: "I think I could stay here forever. Good idea, Sasha!"
Sasha: "Thanks..."
Hayden: "Hey, do you have any friends, Sasha?"
Sasha: "Well, besides you now, not including Skippy, I guess you could say I have two."
Hayden: "Might I ask who they are?"
Sasha: "This one guy's name is Khan, he works at the APet Daycare. Then there's this woman named Conner, she's one of the leaders of the AHA, she actually protected me and Khan from one of those MonsterHumans."
Hayden: "Wow, you encountered a MonsterHuman? I've never seen one before."
Sasha: "I didn't really know much about them until Conner and one of her friends explained it to me. That's when I wanted to figure out more about AnimalHumans as a whole."
Hayden: "Was Khan an AnimalHuman?"
Sasha: "I don't think so. He didn't say anything about being one."
Hayden: "I see. How did you meet him?"
Sasha: "Uh, I think I banged into him while I was running across the sidewalk, he was on his way to the daycare, and soon enough we were attacked by a MonsterHuman."
Hayden: "Oh, that's when you met?"
Sasha: "Yep...Then Conner showed up and defeated it, except with this thing..."
Hayden: "Hmm?"
Sasha: "Conner had this thing with her, I think she called in an ORB, it's apparently something that's stored inside MonsterHumans. The AHA is after
them for some reason."
Hayden: "You don't know why?"
Sasha: "I don't even think they do! The leader of the AHA wants them..."
Hayden: "And nobody knows who the leader is, right..."

(Sasha and Hayden stop to think for a moment.)

Sasha: "Geez, I don't even have a guess..."
Hayden: "Neither do I."

(Sasha leans back into the water, sighing.)

Sasha: "Yeah, I really could stay here forever, too."

(It then clips to Sasha and Hayden a while later, at nighttime, they're sitting at the stair case to the library. Sasha seems to be looking hard into the sky for something, Hayden notices.)

Hayden: "Is there something up there, Sasha?"
Sasha: "Huh? Oh, I was just looking to see if the moon was in the sky tonight. I don't think it is."
Hayden: "You might not have the best view from here. You know, there's a hill not too far away from here that leads you directly towards where the moon is almost every night."
Sasha: "Is there?"
Hayden: "Pretty convenient, huh?"
Sasha: "Yeah..."
Hayden: "Come on, if you wanna see it so badly."

(Hayden sits up, Sasha then as well.)

Sasha: "Okay..."

(Sasha and Hayden climb the hill to see the moon a good distance away from them, but it's certainly full and a bright white.)

Hayden: "Told ya you'd be able to see it!"
Sasha: "Wow, yeah..."

(Sasha lets herself fall onto her back, staring at the moon.)

Hayden: "Have you always taken interest in the moon?"

(Hayden sits down.)

Sasha: "Yeah, since I was little, I was told. I just wonder what it could be."
Hayden: "It's some kind of giant rock in the sky. You gotta wonder why it glows though."
Sasha: "If we could travel into the sky one day maybe we could eventually find out."
Hayden: "I hope so. Now that you mention it, I'm pretty interested, too."

(Sasha continues to stare at the moon.)

Hayden: "Hey, Sasha."

(Sasha looks over at Hayden.)

Sasha: "Yeah?"
Hayden: "Since I've asked about everyone else you mentioned, and you know I'm a human, I wanted to ask you something."
Sasha: "What is it?"
Hayden: "Are you an AnimalHuman?"
Sasha: "...Will you stop being my friend if I say I am?"
Hayden: "Why would I stop being friends with you just because you're an AnimalHuman? It'd be great to be friends with one!"
Sasha: "Well, because I implied otherwise before..."
Hayden: "I won't be mad at you for it. A lot of AnimalHumans think people will stop being their friends because they're part animal, not in my case, though."
Sasha: "Okay..."
Hayden: "So, are you?"
Sasha: "...Yeah, I am."
Hayden: "Wow, really? That's amazing, Sasha!"
Sasha: "Yep, I'm an AnimalHuman."
Hayden: "What's your animal, then?"
Sasha: "I'm a FoxHuman."
Hayden: "Can...can you transform into an AnimalHuman for me?"
Sasha: "You want me to transform?"
Hayden: "Yeah, if it's not too much to ask. I'd love to see the process right in front of me!"

(Sasha thinks about it.)

Sasha: "You won't be freaked out to see it happen?"
Hayden: "Of course not."
Sasha: "You won't run? You'll still be my friend right?"
Hayden: (Chuckles) "Why are you so paranoid?"
Sasha: "I'm sorry..."
Hayden: "Hey, it's no problem! I promise I won't run, and I promise I'll still be your friend, too."

(Sasha sits up.)

Sasha: "Okay, you ready?"
Hayden: "Mh-hm."

(Sasha exhales, closing her eyes, her ears become long and furry, a snout kind of grows and well as whiskers, claws, hands turning into paws as a fluffy red and white tail grows, her body becoming covered in this red and white fur as well. Sasha opens her eyes.)

Sasha: "There you go."
Hayden: "W-wow...That's amazing."
Sasha: "Yeah, I'm part fox."
Hayden: "Can I touch one of your whiskers, at least once?"
Sasha: "Go ahead."

(Hayden grabs onto one of Sasha's whiskers.)

Hayden: "This is unreal! There's a FoxHuman right in front of me."
Sasha: "This won't be the last time so long as you're still my friend."
Hayden: "Of course I am."
Sasha: "Then may this be the first sight of a FoxHuman out of too many to count."

(Sasha reaches her paw out.)

Sasha: "Hand/paw shake?"
Hayden: "Sure."

(Hayden shakes Sasha's paw, this leading into the next day where the two seem to be finished packing the boxes of books into the truck.)

Skippy: "Woof!"

(Skippy begins to run inside of the truck.)

Sasha: "Skippy, wha-"

(Sasha grabs Skippy and picks him up.)

Sasha: "What's with you, Skippy? You wanna be stored along with all the books that are about to be sent off to who-knows-where?"
Skippy: "Ruff..."
Sasha: "Well then, I thought so."

(Hayden walks outside of the library to see Sasha arguing with Skippy.)

Hayden: "Am I interrupting something?"
Sasha: "No, we were just finished."
Hayden: (Chuckles) "Alright."

(Hayden hands a box to Sasha.)

Sasha: "Is this the last one?"

(Sasha grabs the box.)

Hayden: "Yeah, that's the last of them. Work's finally over."
Sasha: "Summer's just around the corner, too."
Hayden: "Yep, have you heard about the AH Beach?"
Sasha: "Does "AH" need to be at the beginning to everything revolving around AnimalHumans?"
Hayden: "Hey, you're the AnimalHuman."
Sasha: "Keep going."
Hayden: "It's a beach that's going to be open all Summer. I thought maybe you'd wanna go spend some time there, you know, like a vacation."
Sasha: "Sure, sounds fun."
Hayden: "Great! Now let's get the rest of this work done so we can start making plans!"
Sasha: "Okay."
Skippy: "Woof!"

(Sasha pets Skippy on the head, ending the fourth chapter of AnimalHumans.)

There ya have it! Chapter 4 of AnimalHumans! I'll start working on chapter 5 as soon as I get the chance, until then guys!

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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Kal » May 28th, 2013, 11:08 pm

Yesss! We have a Foxhuman. Pretty certain you don't have to ask me who my favourite character anymore! :P

Nice little scenario here, making friendz. Aww. I will be watching Sasha with interest from now on then, haaa. Skippy needs to chill out though. :D
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby Dark Huntress » May 29th, 2013, 10:11 pm

Awesome possum ;) really good!
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Re: AnimalHumans

Postby OuRaion » May 30th, 2013, 8:50 am

Nice chapter! Looking forward to more!
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