Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby Carl » July 4th, 2016, 6:24 pm

Welp, considering we got only one entry, it wins by default. The winner is:


with the following story:

Words Can Kill: show
Words Can Kill

“News?!” The man in the suit asked.
“The satellites picked them up, they are on their way.” the solder replied.

“All suited, weather conditions are fair, air pressure check. Three minutes to drop off,” a female commander's voice came clear and empowering through the in ear radio piece, despite the deafening noise of the plane.
“Make your way to the exit and prepare.”
The soldier in the sneaking suit stayed where he was and took another inhale of his cigar.
And the man put out the cigar and flicked the butt of it out the plane.

Making his way over to the now opened exit hatch and looking down at the World around him was one of his favourite parts of the job. He would use this time to reflect on how small his problems really are, a way of clearing his head before he would dive into battle.

“Okay, Snake. Remember we need him alive. The mission is to infiltrate the base and find out what we can about the nuke. Its not like anything else in recorded history. This man is either foolish or very smart.” Ocelot's voice now had a clear Western accent.

“Alright, Boss, Now go! Spread your wings and fly!”

Snake stepped out of the plane, rolling into a free fall before straightening out into a dive position.
The wind often hit him so hard in these jumps that it would help him forget about the pain. The pain of the fallen comrades he had lost lived on inside him, a phantom pain. But physical pain helped to take his mind off of it briefly. Pain for pain.

The altitude on the wrist mounted device began to glow red as the numbers fell faster than anyone could hope to keep track of. Snake leant upwards and pulled the cord to the parachute, the parachute interrupted the sound of the rushing wind. Suddenly there was silence as Snake began a slower decent to the ground. He could see the base just off to front of the LZ (Landing Zone).

Finally he had touched down. Snake drew out his knife and cut the parachute away, taking the knife and fixing it into a carved CQC spot on his USP Pistol with equipped silencer. This tactic allowed him to switch at a moment's notice between a gun or knife fight. /since the World was not allowed to know of Fox's involvement in this mission, Snake was not armed with a machine gun. He had mostly defensive weapons such as smoke and stun grenades. The only lethal weapon he took was a silenced USP.

Utilising the sneaking suit he made his way toward the base, keeping in the shadows and taking out lights with the silenced gun. He also hugged the walls as he sneaked past the guards.
Until finally he got close enough to the door where only one guard stood watch over the buildings main entrance.

Snake radioed into mission control through the codec device. “Ocelot, there's only one guard standing over the door. Security seems to have gotten weaker.”

“If your gut instinct is telling you its a trap, you should always listen to that.” Ocelot said, polishing off some marks on his revolver.

“Yeah we know that all to well. But if this is the only way in, we'll have to go for it. We need the intel. Besides. I have a way in” Snake continued and he ejected the magazine from his USP, removing one single bullet before reinserting the clip.

“Risk over reward. You are a son of the boss, alright.” Ocelot replied. And the codec closed on that.

Snake threw the .45ML bullet, which landed to the left of the guard.
“Huh?” “What was that?” “Who's there?!” The guard went to investigate, shining his flash light in the general direction the bullet had dropped.

Snake used this distraction to get inside the building.

Once inside Snake was met face to face with another man, a man in a suit. He had a hat shadowing his face, but the scars and disfigurement were brutally visible.

Snake drew out the USP and aimed the white dot ion sight at the man.

“There no need for words, Snake.” the man motioned his head toward a door to the left of them.
“Come with me, its in there.”

“Walk slowly in front of me.” Snake said, observing that the man was indeed unarmed.

“Put it down, Snake. We want the same thing here.” The man said. Snake had lowered his gun but still had it in his hand, ready for what may happen.

As the two of them walked down the steps into another room, one light shone above a vial.

“We're still testing it, its volatile.” The man said to Snake.

“You're Skullface?” Snake said, looking up at the almost inhuman disfigured fave of the man.

“That's a name I chose. When I was a young buy I was taken from my home, from my native land. By foreign terrorists. I was made to speak their language, learn their culture. As I the people I fought with and the languages I spoke changed, so to did my influence on the people around me. The influence they had on me.
Words, you see, Snake, are what divide us and unite us. They are the reason everything around us is understood and misunderstood. Free the World of the madness not by taking lives, but by taking tongues. Words can kill.”

“Sounds like a lovely fairytale. Now, where is the weapon?!” Snake demanded an explanation and drew his knife out.
Skullface did nothing and said nothing.
“Now!” Snake raised the knife to the terrorist's neck.

“See how empty words can be. The weapon is right there.” Skullface pointed to the vial.
Snake lowered the knife, returned it to his utility belt and the two of them walked to the vial.

“Don't touch it. The slightest drop could silence the entire country.” Skullface sounded sincere and honest.

The two of them stood and observed the vial.

“The greatest threat to this World is no weapon, its words. Inside this vial is a virus that has been engineered and grown to specifically target the voice. We tested it on one of our female snipers before we produced this vial. You met her in combat.”

“Quiet?” Snake had defeated her in a Sniper shoot out using a tranquilliser PSG1 rifle. She had joined the ranks at Mother Base where they were testing and observing her and trying to gain information from her but they had been unsuccessful, even Ocelot, the unit's specialist in interrogation was unable to make her speak.

“War makes us into demons, Snake. You and I are both examples of that. So long as words can be spoken, war will exist and demons like us will be allowed to fester in the World. Rid the World of war not by killing but by taking its voice. What you are looking at is a mutated viral infection, its potency is unparalleled, become infected by it and your Larynx will become inflated and cave in on itself. The result will not kill but it will kill your voice, much more powerful than a man could ever be.”

Snake membered how the Sniper Quiet would hum a tune in battle. Maybe the infection had not fully developed, but at Mother Base she was completely silent.

“With this weapon I will silence the World, my army will lead the way to a new World order in which words are no longer needed. Every misunderstood sentence will be meaningless, the people will be free to think freely for the first time without the need for words. It will be a time of justice, a time of ignorance and a time where man truly understands kindness. The vision of The Boss will become a reality. Silence the World and it will be torn apart and then it shall be reborn!”

Snake's codec received beeped.

“Ocelot? We have a big problem...”

Congrats dude! :)

winners: show
Contest #1: Spike
Contest #2: GeminiGemelo
Contest #3: Queen Elsa, Killjoy Dixon
Contest #4: Killjoy Dixon
Contest #5: GeminiGemelo
Contest #6: GeminiGemelo
Contest #7: Flip_FTW

In regards to the contest in general, the past few times have received very little activity, obviously. If the mandatory theme/prompts were the problem, let me know please. I would love some suggestions, either in this thread or via PM as to ways to get people more interested in entering. As much as I like writing, I want to see other people enter (and don't always have time to whip something up) so whatever would make you more interested, please, let me know. I will probably keep using themes and/or prompts, but y'know you guys should have input. If people aren't interested enough it'll probably just die which would be sad, but whatever, lol. I'll leave this here for a few weeks or a month or so before starting another contest or what-have-you for you guys to congratulate the winner, read the story, and, hopefully, give me suggestions as to what kinds of things would make you more likely to enter the contest. :3

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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby it means no worries » July 4th, 2016, 7:07 pm

"Well Homer, you're the winner by default."

"Default? Woohoo! The two sweetest words in the English language-DEFAULT DEFAULT!"
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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby FlipMode » July 6th, 2016, 12:36 pm

And don't ya'll forget it!
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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby Kiana » July 7th, 2016, 8:50 pm

I want to try my hand at these, could somebody explain to me what to do? Please and Thanks. 3:)

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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby it means no worries » July 7th, 2016, 8:56 pm

^The rules are in each contests' first post.
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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby Kiana » July 7th, 2016, 9:02 pm

^ K thanks ;)

Huge thank you to Carl Skywalker for this amazing signature! And all rights go to him for the buttons

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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby Amur_Tiger » July 11th, 2016, 6:56 am

I suspect the best approach would be to alternate between contests with prompts and open contests.
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Re: Off-Topic Writing Contest #7 (Winner!)

Postby Queen Elsa » July 11th, 2016, 1:16 pm

Maybe have a specific genre each contest? Like one contest, have it be sci-fi, the next be mystery, the next be fantasy, etc. And maybe have one contest be solely fanfics? Just some suggestions.
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