Semi-comp of the draw

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Semi-comp of the draw

Postby Kitva Hyperlink » May 18th, 2012, 10:04 am

Hello artists, i may not be a administrator, but i want to ask somone if they cantry and draw my characters.
The reward is a fanfiction story about charaters of your choice, and a plot of your choice, writen by me.
if you wanta sample of my wrighting go to my album, and choose char kitva and open thespoiler box "story"
or just do it below
p.s. it is not even half complete
Excuse my typeoes
basic details: show
Place of birth: Shadowlands
Mother: Unknown
Father Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Crush: Kira
likes: Compony, freinds and smart girls
Dislikes: Joka
Dreams: Finding the Lifelands
.............Finding his Family
.............Revenge on Joka
.............Living with a pride

Who is Kitva: show
Kitva is well-adapted to places with little food. He can tell what is poisonous and what is safe to eat. He knows how to make just about everything safe to eat, many not tasty-but safe to eat. He has been forced to live in a harsh environment because of his birth in the shadowlands. He has quite an imagination.

appearance: show
Kitva is slightly smaller than other lions he was born a week before he should. But he is different to others like him, he is as strong as he would be if he was born when he should have. He skin is shiny gold, he should of been gray but he alwase cleaned himself. The fur on his tail is grey, because when he tried to clean it it alwase tickled. His mane is gold.

story: show
Nobody knows when or exactly where he was born. He was lonely and had no one when he was two, he never knew his parents. They were believed to be servants of Joka, but they died when they betrayed him. His fur never tinted grey, he was healthy. He always found something to eat. He lived alone. When he was three he found his way out of the Shadowlands. He found his way to the termite mound, when he saw a lone lioness named Kira. She jumped when she saw she had compony. She hadn't ever met anyone but her parents who died in war. She ran away to the Outlands. She lived outside with very
little food, she only ate meat.
Kitva approached her, "what's your name?" Kira responded "K-k-Kira" she was shivering in the cold of her short fur. They became good friends in no time. Kitva lifted a log containing spiders. There were five in total. "This is the best thing I can find. Unless there is a rat we'll have to eat these spiders. Be sure to squish them before you eat. Then he used his claws to break the log into smaller bits. So then he washed them in the lake. Then Kira heard a snapping noise. The crocks were angry. So then the two of
them ran off with the bark and got back to the termite mound. Then Kitva bravely said, I will go in the mound and look for something we can use to carry water.
As Kitva searches the termite mound for a carrier Kiva finds a lone lion. He was hungry and thirsty so she took him to the lake, where he took a drink. She offered him her last spider; he ate it in one gulp. They returned to the termite mound, and the mysterious lion said, are you lonely. Kira said no, she was here with a friend. But he could stay. Kira asks him his name. He responded "Gin, I am gin."
As Kitva comes out of the termite mound he sees another lion. "I'm back." Kitva says. Then gin asked him his name. He told him his name was Kitva. Then Kira notices that he dragged out eight rats. Then they
both smile. He offers them each three rats, leaving himself two. They enjoy there meal and then Gintalks them about a place far beyond the desert, a place that was not of evil. He told them of a place that
was thousands of miles away. A place that would talk a year a get to; it was a place of where they can live in peace, and be able to taste proper meat.
After Gin told them about the story they each had a dream- to make it to the Lifelands. Their journey will not begin until they are ready to move on out. Kitva was the brains. Kira was the leader. And Gin was the strength. Soon the three of them split lathes throughout the Outlands, they were all preparing for the journey. Kitva stayed at the termite mound as the three of them split. Kitva started to prepare
by thinking the supplies they needed. He had a plan for a variety of things. He knew since the mound
was deserted there was an entire population of rats in the mound. He knew that there were a few
spiders hidden in logs and in the treetops.
Since the vegetation here was bad, Kitva decided to gather water and tip it on the ground; he wanted to improve the vegetation so he had a better place to live for the next three years. After a year the grass had regrown, and the area around the termite mound was a bit more beautiful. The trees had regrown around the area, and some antelope started to live there. And he also dug some holes for water. Soon it started to rain, he took cover in the
Termite mound, he knew that the vegetation was slowly improving. But still his little savannah was
nothing compared to the Lifelands. It was like the Pridelands, but better. It was a perfect place to live. Kitva was wondering how his friends were going. But he knew they would be fine. He then started to try and hunt an antelope; he successfully managed to knock one down. He enjoyed it, it was his first taste of real meat.
Kitva smiled, he also added antelope to the list carved on his new underground den.
Another year had passed and the vegetation was great. But it still only had antelope. Still Kitva was living in his den, he really missed his friends, he knew them for a year before they split Paths, now it has been two years since he has seen them. His dream was so close yet so far away. The tiny savannah was so pretty, from the top of the termite mound you could see a lot.
Half a year had passed; it was a week till his friends returned. He didn't know what to say after three years. It has been so long. He was stronger and smarter. It was not long before they set out for the Lifelands. Gin and Kira approached together they each were surprised of kitva???s work. At first they didn???t believe it was that place it was three years ago.
Soon they saw Kitva, they both approached. They each greeted each other. So they had one more week to prepare for their long journey; the journey of a lifetime-the journey to the Lifelands. A week passed and it was time to go on the journey through the endless desert-the way to the Lifelands. They had prepared well, and it was time to go. The journey to the Lifelands was upon them.
"so why can't we live here?"
"because Joka will find us soon,"
"who's Joka"
To answer gin's question, Kira replied "If he finds us were doomed!" no don't yell Kira your going to get us killed. The words in Gin's mouth never came out, he turned shy. And then laid down. "Kira were trying to stay quiet, pleases don't yell" said Kitva turning to his friend who is sulking. Kira then asked him what was wrong. He told her that he tried to say something but failed.
"what did you want to say?"
"for you to stop yelling."
Nobody said anything, but they all knew since Kira yelled that they really must set out. The antelope fled as they saw a lioness approaching. "oh so someone thought they could replenish the Outlands, so I think we should go after him" then the other lion suggested they told master Joka first. "no are you crazy! He'll kill us." said the lioness. "b-b-but he will kill us if we don't follow his orders. Did you see what happen to jason, he disobeyed and was killed"said the lion, "he Betrayed Joka"
"what do you want to tell me laji?" said Joka slithering along."three lions were here." replied The lioness. "we were arguing wether we should go and get them, or wait for your order." then Joka said of corse you go after them, but always tell me before you run off." Joka ordered. "now go!."
Meanwhile at the endless desert Gin was burning up and super thirsty. While the other two were well addapted to little food-little drink situations. To break the silence that had gone for about an house Kira said "you look thirsty, lets find some water" "th-ha-ha-tha-tha yes" Gin was panting. Soon gin said water and pointed to a spot of sand, he aran straight to it and it disappeared. "what water?" said Kitva, "you two are lucky to be able to survive in these situations" gin said. "actuly I am really hot, I am used to cold situations" said Kitva. "I am used to warm situations" said kira.
It was really hot, and gin was about to collapse, and they all had blisters all over their paws. Gin then collapsed. Then in the distance the most beautiful lioness came to them and said "he really needs water, Follow me." The three of them carried Gin to the place the lioness was taking them to. Then when they arrived there was a den. Inside the den was a small blue pond.
To be continued...

Adding on to aperance he a\has sharp blue eyes
Hello Guy's
I have left MLK now
Kitva Hyperlink

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Joined: May 13th, 2012, 8:40 am
Location: Gone
Nickname(s): Link, Kitva KKVK4
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