Things I draw! :3

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Things I draw! :3

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » December 21st, 2015, 2:40 am

Hello! I've been wanting to start my own topic here for a while now, since I absolutely adore drawing stuff related to TLK, and lions in general. Such wonderful creatures.

However, in order for me to have a right display of my currents skills, which are mediocore from where I stand, I'll only post new pictures I draw. Most of them will have some plot to it, too. If you want something done for you, PM me and I'll see if I an be of use. Also, all critiques, opinions, or any other type of feedback is much appreciated!
Here goes my first entry!

Alright, have you guys ever heard of the TLK theory of things sucking under Scar's reign being partially Mufasa's fault? It pretty much goes that, because Mufasa's ghost couldn't find peace and had to watch his own murderer on the throne, he tried to let everyone know by sending draught and bad weather, leading the lands to its poor state. Well, while I firmly believe Scar's... ahem, ruling style was the main reason, I agree with the part about Mufasa's ghost not finding peace. Scar murdered him, and stole Simba's birthright, giving Muffy more then enough reason to be pissed. A small thing that might support my theory is that, before Simba chooses to return home, Mufasa's ghost has no pupils, just white... but when Simba becomes the king, his ghost looks normal. This is sorta my head-canon, and I believe Mufasa's found peace when adult Simba first climbed the Pride Rock. That moment kinda symbolizes the sun of the new day rising, and the last day is finally gone.

But why didn't he appear to Simba before?
Well, I believe that the main reason is because Simba forgot about him... or at least kept trying to block him out. Why? Well, Simba wanted to join Timon and Pumba's Hakuna Matata life-style, and leave all worries behind. What was his biggest worry? Having coincidentally caused his beloved father's death. And could Simba think about the good times he had with Mufasa without his mind throwing him the images of Mufasa's death? I don't think so. That's why Simba doesn't say his dad is the one told him about the Great kings, when talking with Timon and Pumbaa.
Nala reminds Simba of the past he is trying to leave behind, andRafiki gives Simba the hope his dad is alive, thus bringing Simba in a state where he's more ready to confront his past and therefore face Mufasa.
When Mufasa appears, what are his first words to his son? Pretty much, the Great kings are there for you, but you need to be the to to turn to them.
The second reason?
What would have happened had cub Simba gone home? How high were the chances Scar's henchmen or Scar himself wouldn't find him before he finds the lionesses, and kill him?

This picture shows young Simba trying to block out his past and bad memories, goo memories being the price. Mufasa is standing in the back, watching over his son, knowing full well the cub isn't ready. He isn't ready to face nor Scar, nor him. But there's always hope.
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Braveheart » December 21st, 2015, 6:46 am

Wow, what tools you used to draw with? :)
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » December 21st, 2015, 12:54 pm

I used Gimp, and a Genious i405x. Some effects helped me make the picture look prettier. :butterfly:
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Shadowfax » December 21st, 2015, 4:59 pm

Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous art style! Beautiful work. I love the textures and Simba's reflection looks really effective :)
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » December 21st, 2015, 9:02 pm

Aww, thanks a lot, buddy! I appreciate your kind words.

I'm actually rather satisfied with Simba's reflection myself.
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Amadi_the_Guard » December 31st, 2015, 4:31 am

This is my OC, Usher, the member of the first lion guard, being the the keenest of sight.
'There is only one way out of this never-ending nightmare. For everything to just disappear.'
Usher starts out just fine. He is the fourth an youngest of his brothers, and happily preforms his role as a member of the guard. Being the most intelligent and polite one of his siblings, Usher is equally respected by the lionesses and loved by his father and brothers. He has never known his mother, but he has been told she's always with him, watching over and making sure he is safe. The biggest trait that defines the prince, Usher is a perfectionist, who doesn't like seeing things go any way different then they should. His life takes a turn for the worse when, after entering adolescence, he realizes he has a condition that will prevent his mane from ever growing. He grows paranoid, and over time his brothers tease him about it, and his father doesn't spend much time around him. He starts hearing the lionesses giggle behind his back and animals spreading rumors, and is slowly driven to insanity by his never-ending nightmare where everybody hates him. An event that makes him completely lose it is when he over-hears his father talking to the shaman, mentioning how his now deceased wife has given him three good sons. Usher then uses is intelligence and high status to pit all animals against one another, creating a complete madness, and staining the Pride lands' grounds crimson. On the top of the mess, he allows in in a outsider pride of blood-thirsty and vicious black lions to finish of what was started. The reason for his action is because he believes that he is in some sort of a nightmare, and the only way to be free of it is to destroy everything and everyone. He hates what his life has become, and wants it all over with, but he doesn't want things to go on without him. Once he is confronted by his father, whom he instantly tackles to the ground like a small cub, he finds out the dreaded truth. His paranoia is what made him snap. His brothers only tried to make him feel better and take it as a joke rather then something serious, and his father never ignored him, but got ill and didn't have much strength for doing anything other then his duties. His father, in fact, only had three real sons, with the braves being adopted before Usher was born. Nobody ever laughed at him or hated him, it was all in his mind that made him snap, because he felt he wasn't perfect, and that's all he ever wanted - perfection in everything. His father dies under his paws, from his own sickness, his last words too quit to be heard by Usher.
Usher snaps completely, realizing he killed his father for nothing but his own paranoia and insecurity. Now, completely surrounded by madness, Usher reasons that this is all part of his nightmare, and one more reason to finish what he set out to do. He kills the lion guard, but is ultimately defeated by his oldest brother, now a king. Usher dies in has loving older brother's paws, declaring that his nightmare is finally over.
Decades later, Usher is a legend of a monster who haunts the Pride lands and awaits for its demise, giving power and protection to evil kings and queens. His real story remains unknown.
He looks derpy, but I just found an old sketch of a lion cub, and decided to give it a make-over and just have fun and mess around... Not a serious work.
:? 8-)
And he didn't go badshit insane at this age...
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Re: Things I draw! :3

Postby Simba_Lion » May 31st, 2016, 10:29 am

Wonderful work! :) I really like it a lot.
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