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First art project ever

PostPosted: April 16th, 2016, 4:27 pm
by Daktari
This is my first ever project; I'm completely new to both drawing and photoshop. This is basically my first drawing in my entire life, so I spent hours on different tutorials and experimenting in the program to get this done. I've never been the artistic kind of person and never thought I could be, but this is ridiculously fun so maybe that could change?

I guess you can see who this is? (:

You're more than welcome to watch me on Deviantart to follow my progress :

Re: First art project ever

PostPosted: April 17th, 2016, 1:19 pm
by Shadowfax
For your first drawing and especially for on photoshop, that's awesome! Great anatomy and perspective :) Good job.

Re: First art project ever

PostPosted: April 25th, 2016, 11:36 am
by zerodix
that is a very nice start! photoshop is a difficult program to work with but you managed to get it look like a screenshot! hope to see more of these in the future (i will be watching) :D

Re: First art project ever

PostPosted: April 30th, 2016, 10:33 am
by Daktari
Thank you guys, that's so very kind of you! It means a lot :)

I'm planning to start a new project soon (I've actually already kind of started), I just have a lot to do at the university right now - I have my finals in one month and I need to revise the whole semester. But after that I'll be able to draw more frequently!

I'll definitely keep you updated! :-D