PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

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PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby PrinceTaka » February 21st, 2010, 12:47 am

Here are some of my works, If you want to see more you should go to




I know they are a little colourless but it is a little hard to colour without a tablet. :headache:

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Re: PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby thanigraphics » February 21st, 2010, 2:20 am

that is some nice lineart you have there! They look pretty awesome :D
did you know you can colour those with MS paint? the standard programme that's on windows?
it goes like this: you open the scanned file in paint and save it as a "monochrome bitfolder" (in dutch it says "monochrome bitmap" but it's something like that.
after that you re-save it as a 24-bitmap.
Some lines may be "broken", with the black pencil you can fill them up.
After that you can use all existing colours to colour your 24-bit scan.
If you need more info on this matter, just let me know and I'll help you out. It's easy and fun! ;)
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Re: PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby PrinceTaka » February 25th, 2010, 9:35 pm

These have been in the archive for a couple of days now and they were drawn in the sketcher. My first time in there actually.

It is not Zira though I had the intentions first. It just tuned to a random cub.

Scar has caught a mouse under his paw.

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Re: PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby Cdot » June 18th, 2010, 1:06 am

Your drawings look wonderful , keep up the good work.
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Re: PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby PrinceTaka » April 16th, 2011, 7:11 pm

I finally got myself a tablet and decided to add a little colour to an old picture. So any thought's? Better than the colourless line-art only? :D

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Re: PrinceTaka's (Takaja's) Fan-art

Postby PrinceTaka » April 26th, 2011, 2:43 pm

A new piece of art finally! The first one done completely digitally.


Taka likes his mother and Mufasa teases him about that fact by calling him a "Mommas boy". He can really be a mean brother.

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