The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Adofo » December 4th, 2013, 9:52 pm

Whether man or animal, everything is connected in the great circle of life, so we are all one!
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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Kipekee » December 4th, 2013, 9:53 pm

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Adofo » December 4th, 2013, 9:54 pm

Whether man or animal, everything is connected in the great circle of life, so we are all one!
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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Kipekee » December 4th, 2013, 9:56 pm

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Adofo » December 4th, 2013, 9:59 pm

Whether man or animal, everything is connected in the great circle of life, so we are all one!
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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Kipekee » December 4th, 2013, 10:00 pm

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Chapter 25

Postby Adofo » December 4th, 2013, 11:53 pm

They helped lay the weak Adofo on a slanted rock to relax.
Furaha: Tell us everything you know.
Adofo: Well when I was last at Priderock they had talked about running out all the prides i the land to this spot except one.
Mosi: Whoa wait! So they've taken over the rest of our kingdoms!?!
Adofo: Unfortunately yes. They brought back anyone they found as prisoners.
Mosi: Did you ever hear about a pregnant cheetah!?!
Adofo: A pregnant That definitely would have been something I would have heard about.
Mosi: Oh good, she must have gotten away!
Huzuni: I guess Vita is the one that they'll be shooting for now.
Jasiri: No he isn't. Vita left after the attack, not before. It's someone else.
Penda: Do you know who is could be?
Adofo: Yes, but Nala I think you may know her. Her name is Daji.
Nala: Aunt Daji!
Adofo: Yes. Apparently she's the queen of her own pride of lioness's. They said after the attack on the Quakelands they would go after them next, in the Swamplands. If we don't get over there they'll be overwhelmed. There much more of an army than what you've seen.
Penda: Then we have to get over there!
Simba: Then we'd better go now!
Adofo: Alright let's go! Ohhhhh ow!!
Simba: Adofo you're not going anywhere!
Kiara: You're too weak!
Christen: You need to rest!
Simba: We'll be fine, you relax, you're not going out there just to die in a small fight!
Adofo: ..............alright. But be careful...all of you!
Simba: Don't worry, I learned from watching the best!
Furaha: We should go now!
Jasiri: Okay, then the twins and their prides and mine stay here. Everyone else come on!
Jasiri's pride and the twins with their prides stay behind with the Jameson's while the others leave for the swamplands.
After traveling a long way they make it to the edge of the Swampands.
Mosi: EEEGGGGGHHHHH this place stinks! Good thing there's only one of these places around here.
Nala: Yeah, my aunt was never really bothered by bad smells.
Penda: Well....let's head in there!
They all head into the swampy, smelly forest. The mud under the surface of the water is thick and slimy.
Timon: Geez Pumbaa after being in here I think people may actually tolerate being around you more!
In a small fit of rage Pumbaa bumps Timon off his head, sending him into the disgusting water.
Pumbaa: Whoops!
Timon: UGH! You did that on purpose!
Pumbaa: Now who's the one who smells bad?! HUH!?!?
Timon tackles him and actually brings him down and they start fighting.
Simba: Guys knock it off we need to be prepared for-
Lioness's covered in mud and vines jump out of the trees and surround the huge party. They look very angry.
Simba: -anything.
Swamp Lioness: What are you all doing in our territory? Come to take our land too!?
Jasiri: NO NO!!! Actually our lands are being taken from us too! That's why we came! We came to warn you!
Swamp Lioness: SILENCE!! You probably think we're dumb! Letting strangers into our home and thinking we can just team up with them! We can take care of ourselves! I've ruled this land for years with no problems, and that's not about to change!
Nala: Wait! Aunt Daji!?
Daji: NALA!
Whether man or animal, everything is connected in the great circle of life, so we are all one!
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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Kipekee » December 5th, 2013, 12:42 am

Get off my lawn whippersnapper

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Chapter 26

Postby Adofo » December 11th, 2013, 6:19 am

Nala: It's so great to see you!
Daji: It's great to see you too little girl! I haven't seen you since you were knee high! Oh and is that who I think that is?
Nala: Yeah, that's Simba!
Simba: It's nice to see you again Ms. Daji!
Daji: It's nice to see you too!
Nala: And these are our kids Kopa and Kiara and our little in laws Kovu and Vitani.
Daji: Oh well it's nice to meet you all! Hey wait. Simba what happened to your brother? Uhhh....what was him name?
Simba: Adofo?
Daji: Yeah that's him, the human!
Simba: Well we'll tell you later but long story short he's back in the Quakelands recovering from a pretty bad accident.
Daji: Oh. Well why don't we take you back to our home. You probably don't like walking around in this muck.
Daji and her lionesses lead the party back to their home up a small hill in the center of the swamp.
Daji: So what are you doing out here?
Jasiri: Adofo told us that the ones that have been terrorizing everyone is planning on attacking you next.
Daji: Adofo?
Nala: Again, long story.
Daji: Well I don't think we have to worry. This place is like a fortress. Without living in this environment for a long time it's hard for someone to get through this place. It would take them a while to inch their way through all this mud and muck. But I'm sure you already knew that.
Kovu: I know you think that but trust us.
Simba: It would not take you very long to get cornered.
Kiara: Their army is huge!
Vitani: If you try to fight alone you will not last long!
Daji: Well...
Swamp Lioness: DAJI! There is a fight happening up to the north, right outside our boarders!
Daji: Hmm. Is is those ones that have been causing trouble?
Swamp Lioness: Yes. And they are fighting against another pride!
Daji: We'd better go help them! Come on!
Simba: We'd better go too. Let's go!
The huge group traveled up north and they came out of the swamp with a fight happening between some of Bali's army and Vita's pride.
Vita: Oh great. You're here! Well you think you could help here?!
Simba: Fine.
Kiara: But after what he did to Uncle Dofo?
Simba: We need all the help we can get. I don't want to either but we should! Now come on!
The group joined in on the fight and the enemy force just kept coming.
They all kept fighting until they were completely surrounded.
Right before they got rushed on all sides an air horn sounded in the distance.
Up on a nearby hill stood Reed, holding the air horn, looking down at the animals.

Reed: Well well well. Look what I got here! A gang of lions, trying to fight against my guys! How cute.
Vita stares right at Reed with confusion in his eyes.
Reed walks through a path to the lions.
Reed: Why can't you just learn your place?! And on top of that, you killed off my little minion! That just wasn't cool. Your own brother too!
Simba: Keep your mouth shut Reed!
Reed notices Vita staring right at him.
Reed: What are you looking at?
Vita: that you?
Reed: Oh....hello Vita.
Vitani: You know this guy!?
Reed: Well he should. I am his little brother after all.
Last edited by Adofo on December 20th, 2013, 4:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

Postby Kipekee » December 11th, 2013, 7:22 am

It's Daji not Naji x3 <3
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