Are you a furry?

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Are you a furry?

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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby Stormy » July 22nd, 2020, 3:56 pm

[quote="Timon the great"]I think it's very sensible to note in this topic that if you like Lion King characters, then you Are a furry because the characters themselves are indeed furry and anthro.[/quote]

being a furry is mostly a self classified thing. most of them can acknowledge themselves if they are or not. i don't believe liking a Disney character/movie alone will classify me as one. I believe there is way more to it than one single instance.

while obviously its not a thing for a lion to sing or have human-like expressions, i've never liked the idea of animals walking on two legs when it's not natural nor dressing them in clothes. never liked it, and probably never will. you could argue a character like Timon walks on two legs, but in the end Meerkats can't walk on two legs, however while stationary they can stand on them. it's close enough.
Last edited by Stormy on July 23rd, 2020, 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby MeerkatOnTheMoon » July 23rd, 2020, 3:28 am

Having researched meerkats in my Animals As Media class and watched the Meerkat Manor series, it's definitely true that meerkats walk and run on four legs. They only stand on two legs if they are on sentry duty in the group and if they're warming their furs in the morning.

Also, meerkats are carnivores, because they eat small birds and also eggs. Any furry animal that they can fit into their mouths they will eat. Lol. I will show this in my TLK3 fanfic with Timon's soulmate (just the egg eating). They also eat meerkat pups from rival groups (meerkat queens would eat a subordinate female's meerkat pup because that subordinate female is seen as a threat to their status).

Timon is made to walk on two legs to make him more humane and entertaining, but in The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride, there were instances where he used four legs like when he and Pumbaa were spying on Kiara during her first hunting trip and also during the battle with the Outsiders. He also briefly used four legs when he first met Simba in the original.

Like Simba'sGuard, I won't be dressing up in an animal costume in real life, though I have an animal alter ego here. So I see myself as just an online furry. Lol.
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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby SimbasGuard » July 23rd, 2020, 7:35 am

Timon the great, remind Me to give you a Pride Point for that comment 8-)
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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby Timon the great » July 24th, 2020, 7:41 am

@ Stormy

"Furry", in its objective and simplest form and for the aspect of this topic, is meant to define someone who likes stuff that has fur, or specifically in this case, characters that have fur (which this no doubt includes LK characters). Hence, (fur)ry. The anthro or humanoid part on this is debatable because that doesn't have a clear connection to the term.

The "self classification" thing from what I've seen out there is something that people eventually conjured up after the furry fandom exploded online to let the world know that they don't associate themselves with them or the community. Most likely because of the stigma it consistently gets now that was also mentioned in this topic. That aspect of this is understandable and valid because you can like and express interest in something (or character) and not necessarily be involved in the fandom it's a part of.

Since you.. brought it up, Timon actually does in fact walk, stand, and run on two legs. They're all clearly shown numerous times in 1 1/2 with absolutely no room for doubt or debate here at least on that film's logic for him.

As far as everything else goes that you wrote in your last paragraph, like MeerkatOnTheMoon hinted, the artist intent was to definitely also make the characters look like, AND be people (that's what a character is, regardless of their design even if they look like an animal).

If not, then we wouldn't be able to connect to the character because we'd essentially have zero ways to understand, feel or be moved by their own expressions, thoughts, dialogue, etc. that have to purely look and be like that of a human in order for this to happen. And when it comes to Timon here, he's definitely Much more of a person than a meerkat himself. In fact, the traits of him to that of real life meerkats are actually minimal. Especially when compared to those that he has of a person. So I think it's quite safe to say that he just "looks" like a meerkat because even his visual features in his original 2D form also don't connect much to how a real life meerkat looks like.

@ SimbasGuard

Thanks bro : D
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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby Bunga2019 » September 22nd, 2020, 9:26 am

[quote="NalaKiaraTani"]I am a furry, a monster furry. But I'll probably never get lucky enough to have a fur suit or go to a furry convention.[/quote]
me too
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Re: Are you a furry?

Postby Sigurd » February 2nd, 2022, 12:40 pm

I would that I am 80 % a furry.
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