Lion Quest

Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 25th, 2012, 5:32 pm

This is where I'm going to keep my stuff for my TLK AU. No flames or mean comments.

The Lion King II: Lion Quest

Vitani listened in shock from the bushes to the two lionesses, the twin sisters Uzuri and Mema, who were speaking about her. The words that they said made it feel as if an invisible hand had ripped out her heart, burned it and fed her the ashes.

"If she hasn't figured out that she isn't a Pridelander by now, I don't think that she ever will," Mema said to her sister.

Vitani was saddened by this. The golden-furred princess made her way up to the den. She looked at Simba.

"Dad, what did Mema mean when she said that if I didn't figure out that I was a Pridelander now, I never would?" she asked.

Simba sighed and told Nala, Jasmine, Kiara, Sarabi, Sarafina and the other lionesses to leave, as this was a matter that he and Vitani needed to deal with themselves. The other lionesses left the den. Once they were outside, Simba looked at Vitani.

"Vitani, listen to me. There is something that I need to tell you. You were adopted," he said.

"What?! I'm not really your daughter and heiress?!" she shouted.

Simba looked into her dazzling blue eyes. They reminded him so much of Nala's eyes. He brought himself back to the moment.

"Vitani, this is the truth. Your birth mother was Zira, the mate of my uncle, and your birth father, Scar. When I returned from the jungle and reclaimed the throne, Zira refused to accept me as the new king. Therefore, I banished her and adopted you," he said.

Vitani snarled.

"So I'm really one of those backstabbing Outlanders?" she said.

Simba looked down sadly.

"No, you are my daughter and I love you. The same goes for your mother, sisters and grandmothers," he said.

"Don't lie to me! I hate you!" Vitani shouted as she ran out of the cave.

Simba ran after her.

"Vitani, wait!" he shouted.

Vitani ignored him and kept running down Pride Rock. Jasmine and Kiara chased after her.

"Vitani, wait!" Kiara shouted.

Vitani turned to her sisters.

"Are you two seriously that stupid? Did you even hear what happened?" she asked.

Jasmine and Kiara frowned as they finally got Vitani to stop running.

"Vitani, Daddy didn't mean to hurt you. He was just telling you the truth of who you really are," Jasmine said.

Vitani growled.

"What you say does not matter! I'm not a Pridelander!" she answered.

Jasmine and Kiara stepped back, frightened by Vitani's rage.

"Please, Vitani. Come home. You're supposed to be queen one day," Kiara said.

Vitani turned away.

"I'm not the lioness I thought I was," she said as she began to walk away.

"What do you mean?" Jasmine replied.

"Go ask the lion that I once called father," Vitani answered as she ran off.

The last that Vitani heard of Kiara and Jasmine was the sound of them calling her name until the voices finally faded from existence. She was determined to find the truth about herself.
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 25th, 2012, 5:38 pm

Loss Of A Daughter

I am Simba, king of Pride Rock

I am the proud father of three daughters

They are Jasmine, Vitani and Kiara

Each exceptionally lovely lionesses

However, things have changed today, for I have experienced the loss of a daughter

I have lost Vitani

She wasn't my daughter by blood, rather, I adopted her when Zira was banished

I knew that it wouldn't be right to leave a newborn cub with a wicked lioness like her

I intended to tell her when the time was right, when she was old enough to understand

However, she found the truth from one of her pride-sisters

It was a devastating blow to her

She had been destined to reign after me

That all changed after the revelation

We talked and she claimed she hated me and ran away

Now she is out there on the savannah

I will go and try to find her

It will be a true lion quest
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 25th, 2012, 5:41 pm

Girl From The Pridelands


A dark-furred beauty

The daughter of King Simba and Queen Nala

You look so different from your mother and sisters

However, this fact is one of the things that makes you unique

You are unlike any other lioness in your pride

Your difference from your pride-sisters is a wonderful thing

It is one of the many things that I love about you

You are also very brave

When Zira attacked, you were one of the first to get ready to defend Pride Rock

You helped bring peace to your kingdom

For this, I commend you

You, my beloved girl from the Pridelands

Never change, for you are special to me

There is none like you, and there never will be

You are the only lioness I will ever love
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 25th, 2012, 6:27 pm

My Sister


This is your sister Jasmine speaking

I wish you hadn't acted so rashly

I wish you hadn't told our father that you hated him

He was merely trying to help you, trying to explain your origins

However, you overreacted and ran away

Yes, rather than confront the problem, you fled

You are now out there all alone

Far from the only life you have ever known

You were destined to be a queen

You were our father's chosen heiress

The pride has begun to come and look for you

My hope is that you will see the light and return home

You belong with us, Vitani

With me

With Father

With Mother

With Kiara

With our pride-sisters

With everyone who cares for you and loves you

Rest easy, dear sister

We are coming to bring you home
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 26th, 2012, 10:49 pm


I, Princess Vitani, wish to speak now

I have brought great pain to this family

In my anger at knowing the truth, I fled from my family

I told my father that I hated him

Yes, the lion who took me in and kept me from Zira's clutches

I fled, leaving all those I loved behind, and not just my father

My mother

My sisters

My grandmothers

My pride-sisters

All of them were horrified at what had happened

However, they left Pride Rock and came to search for me

In that time, I met Hakara, the love of my life

He risked his life to save me when Zira finally attacked

Now, my family, I ask for reconciliation

Father, if you want to punish me and give one of my sisters the throne, go ahead

After what I did, it serves me right

How can I be queen if I can't control my emotions?

I love you, my family

I am happy to be with you once more
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 26th, 2012, 11:46 pm

First Hunt

I, Jasmine, am very excited on this day

Today is a special day for any lioness

Now that we are no longer cubs, it is time for us to go on our first hunt

This is a ritual performed by every Pridelands lioness when she reaches adolescence

The ritual was banned by Scar and Zira during their rule

This was because they sought to remove any memory of the old order

However, our father restored it

Now, my sisters and I stalk the savannah

We are led, of course, by Vitani, our father's chosen heiress

Kiara and I proudly follow

We search and search, waiting for the right moment and looking for the right prey

This can be risky, but we do not worry, for our mother trained us well

The day is warm, there isn't a cloud in the sky

The herds are plentiful, there isn't a shortage of prey

We will try for the wildebeest, as there are many of them

Now we have found our target

It is time for our hunt to begin

We sink low into the grass

The herd is preoccupied

At the right moment, Vitani leads us on the attack

We work to separate our victim from its protection, the herd flees in fright

Vitani jumps on the prey first, and then we join in

There is a struggle, but we ultimately prevail, the wildebeest dies in Vitani's jaws

Now it is time to return to Pride Rock, it is time to display our kill

Our family will surely be proud
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Re: Lion Quest

Postby KingKovu44 » June 27th, 2012, 6:30 pm

Welcome Home

Hush now, my pride

I, King Simba, speak now

The topic is my daughter Vitani, who has returned to us

She left us in anger

However, she is now back

Listen to me, beloved daughter

You said it was all right if I gave one of your sisters the throne after this

I want to tell you that this will not happen

You have learned a valuable lesson

You have learned to control your emotions

You have proven yourself worthy of the throne

Now, Princess Vitani, you are restored to your rightful place

Your mate Hakara shall reign as your king

You have my blessing forever

You also have the blessing of the great kings and queens of the past

Well done, my daughter, we are one
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