TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » August 24th, 2012, 3:40 am

Hey everyone! This is just a story i wrote.Please leave comments. i love comments, especially good ones, but i also like criticizing comments on how my work could be better. Thx and enjoy!

The Lion King 4: A Reunion in Flames

All of the animals gathered around Priderock for an amazingly special occasion, the presenatation of King Simba and Queen Nala's son, Prince Kopa, who Nala just recently gave birth to. Just over 9 months ago Simba overthrew his devious and tyrannical uncle, Scar, from throne, who, in power, let Priderock litterally suicide itself into a period of famine and depression. When Simba became king, he restored the Pridelands to its rightful and glorious self. The plants, trees, and grass all started growing again and animals of all different species started flooding in. This ceremony was a really big one, and Simba and Nala couldn't be more
happy. The animals all of a sudden started bowing as the crazy yet wise
mandrill, Rafiki, walked through the giant masses of animals and onto
Priderock. He then met Simba, Nala, Timon, and Pumba at the peak.
Simba gazed up at the sky,which was letting heavenly light
shine down on them, and then heard his father's voice: " Remember....".
Rafiki then took Kopa out of Nala's paws and then lifted him up high, presenting him and all of his glory to the whole kingdom.

Its been a few years since the ceremony of Prince Kopa and he was now a strong growing cub. He was also a brother, for his father and mother had another baby cub, Kiara. Kopa loved his new born sister and promised to protect her as long as he was alive.

"Look at them Simba, they're getting along so well!" Nala said as Simba and her were watching their son bond with his little sister.

"Yeah, Kopa really does enjoy having a little sister." Simba replied."He
said it made him feel like he had a power of being superier and

"He really said that?"

"Yeah. I was suprised myself. He must actually be listening to my
terms during our lessons."

"Looks so." Nala smiled happily at Kopa. "He's going to make such a great king Simba." she said closing her paw in Simba's.

"Yes he will. He will. Have you heard about Zira's new born cub, Kovu?"

"I've seen him. I really hope that doesn't cause a problem with Kiara."

"I doubt it will. I mean, look at Kopa and Vitani. They're best friends,
maybe even a little more then that." Simba replied chuckling to himself.

The next day, Kopa asked Nala if he could go play with Vitani down by
the waterhole. Nala replied " Im sorry Kopa but you cant go down to the waterhole. I need you to stay with Kiara while i go hunting."

"Ok mom." Kopa replied glumly.

As Nala left, Kopa said to himself " Hmmmmmm. Maybe i can still hang
with Vitani while watching Kiara. Vitani can just come to the den so we can both watch her. Maybe she might even bring Kovu! That would be
fun!" Smiling at his idea, he ran off to find Vitani. He found her and told her about his idea.

"I love it Kopa!" Vitani exclaimed.

The two of them then went off to the small cave where Zira, Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu sleep. Nuka and Kovu were the only ones in the cave.

"What are you two brats doing here?" Nuka demanded.

Vitani replied " We came to get Kovu and watch him."

"Good! I cant take another second with this babysitting stuff, sitting alone in this stupid cave with this baby".

Kopa and Vitani took Kovu and left the cave to go to the den. When they
reached there, Zazu was sitting on a rock next to Kiara, looking annoyed

"Where have you've been Prince Kopa?! You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago! I have duties that i must attend to with your father and i had to waste 10 WHOLE minutes of them!" Zazu exclaimed.

"Im sorry Zazu." Kopa replied emmbarassed. " We were just getting Kovu.
We're here now though."

"Kopa, you have responsibilities and if you are to be king one day, you need to learn to live up to them. Im sorry i snapped at you. Please forgive me. But for now, I must attend my duties to the kingdom." And like that, he flew out of the cave.
"Finally, we're alone at last!" Vitani said. She put down Kovu next to Kiara and they curiously started sniffing eachother.

"Its about time too." Kopa said. "Hey Vitani, I was you want be my girlfriend?"

At first, Vitani was completeley overwhelmed by this. Her heart was
jumping all around inside her. She then got her control back and smacked
Kopa on the arm and then hugged him and said " Its about time you've
asked that!" This wasn't actually suprising. Kopa and Vitani have flirted with eachother almost everyday.......and have even kissed. It was only because they were looking straight in eachother's eyes one time and Nuka pushed they're heads together, causing them to touch each other's lips. It still always counted in Kopa and Vitani's minds, even if it wasn't a real one.

Kopa gave a sigh of relief and rubbed his arm. "Vitani im so happy that you said yes."

"Of course i said yes,nuthead. You're brave, smart, and really cute." Vitani replied, blushing.

"I want us to be together forever Vitani. You make me happy every time I even see you!"

"I want to be with you forever too Kopa." They both then looked eachother in the eyes. In Kopa's mind, Vitani's eyes were a brilliant rush
of beautiful violet and purple. In Vitani's mind, Kopa's eyes were a wonderful shade of handsome brown that showed how courageous he was. They then slowly and delightfully nuzzled their heads together.

In the entrance of the den, Timon and Pumba were spying on them and
thinking of how great they would make as a couple.

"Just look at them Pumba. Two lovebirds at work!" Timon whispered to Pumba.

"Hee-hee. I know Timon. They look great together." Pumba replied in whisper. He then sighed.

"What's wrong old buddy?"

"I need a lovelife Timon. Its just been soooooooo long!"

That second, Zira came strolling by in her stalkerish and deadly looking
stance. She then saw her daughter and Kopa nuzzling eachother.

"Isn't it wonderful Zira?" Timon whispered. "Don't they look wonderul together?"

Zira then gripped on Pumba's hoof and gritted through her teeth, "Yessssssss. You could say that."

She then let go of Pumba's now bleeding hoof and stommped off.

After sucking on his hoof, Pumba then said excitedly, " Hey Timon, did you see the way she grabbed my hoof! I think I have a shot!"

" Oh Pumba, what am I going to do with you?"

It's been about a week since Kopa and Vitani became boyfriend and girlfriend and it's been a wonderful expirience so far for the two young couples. Vitani was just coming back from the waterhole to go babysit Kovu in their cave. She was about to enter, when she heard her mother talking to Nuka.
"So Nuka, let me tell you once more about my plan to take care of Kopa. Im going to encounter him on his way to one of his...dates...with Vitani. He will most likely be alone and i'll say i want to have a talk with him. You with me so far Nuka?"

"Oh uh yes mother." Nuka responded.

"Good. now i'll bring him out really far into the grasslands and when he's not excpecting it, im going to cripple his leg by biting him in his calf. Now
he can't run away. I'll then just start ripping him apart until there is barely anything left!" Zira then gave out a harsh and evil laugh. Nuka then laughed, a little unsurely, with her.

Hearing all of this made Vitani's heart nearly stop. This was really, really bad since her next date with Kopa was tonight. Controlling herself, she then walked into the cave casually, acting as if nothing happened.

That night, Kopa was supposed to come pick up Vitani and then they
would go back to Priderock on one of the cliffs there. But Vitani had to warn Kopa about her mother's plan, so she went to get Kopa herself. On her way, she saw Kopa coming towards her. She dashed over to him, afraid her mother would pop out any second.

"Oh hi Vitani! I thought i was supposed to pick y-"

"Shut up and follow me" Vitani said. She took him to somewhat close to Priderock. She then told him about Zira's plan to kill him and how she would do it. Kopa was terrified, but he still tried to act brave. They both went to Priderock together and said goodbye to eachother, the date obviously canceld. When Vitani got back to her family's cave, her mother immediatley grabbed her out of nowhere and shoved her to the ground, pinning her.

"How DARE you try and ruin your own mother's plans!" She growled, biting on her hard. Vitani whimpered in pain. "Young lady you will tell me when and where your next date will be with Kopa!" She demanded, biting
deeper into her back. Vitani whimpered in pain even more. Tears were welling up in her eyes and started rolling down her cheeks.
"W...w....we were g....going to meet by in the big clearing north of Priderock tommorow at sunset m...m...mother." Vitani answered, stuttering in pain.

"Thank you for telling me sweety." Zira said in a scary, delightful way. She finally got off her daughter.

Then Vitani asked, " Mother, w...why do you want to kill Kopa and how d..did you know about me telling him y...your plan?"

" Well first of all you little brat, i was on my way to kill him when i saw you racing over to that disgrace they call Priderock, so i followed you there. I watched you tell him everything! So i returned back here and waited for you so I could punish you. Second of all, HE IS THE KING'S SON!!!!! If we kill Kopa, King Simba will be so devastated by his loss, we can easily ambush him! I already have 6 other lionesses with me on the plan. Now you are to stay here for the next 2 days so you don't spoil anything."

Vitani then slowely crawled into the corner of the cave, sobbing uncontrollably beacause of not the pain she was in, but because she just betrayed her best friend.

Sunset was starting and Kopa started off to the clearing to meet Vitani. His parents told him he could only be with Vitani for a half hour because it was going to be dark soon and that's when many predators like to hunt. Kopa reached the clearing and waited for his girlfriend to come. He waited for 5 minutes. Then 10 minutes. Then 20 minutes.

"Where could she be?" Kopa wondered out loud. "Time is running out."

"Yessssss, time is running out, for you." a voice said from behind him.

"Oh Zira, it's you. Do you know where Vit- wait. What did you say?"

"Kopaaaaaa?" Simba called. "Where could he be? He was supposed to be back at Priderock nearly 20 minutes ago."

Simba, Nala, and some of the other lionesses were looking for Kopa who has'nt returned yet from his "date". Simba started looking north and then saw a clearing. He started out into it and then stopped dead in his tracks, for in his eyesight was a still body of a young cub just meters away from him.

"Oh no. No no no no no no." Simba said as he ran over to the body. He was now looking at his dead son, Kopa. There were cuts and bite marks all over his limbs, scratches and bruises covered his once life filled face, and one giant gash over his rib cage. Simba couldn't control the tears that now flowed down his devastated face. He put an arm around his son and his legs started shaking.

"Simba, do you have any clue where Kopa went?" Nala asked as she and the other lionesses entered the clearing. "Simba? What's wro-" she then saw both of them and sprinted over to them.

"Simba, is h...he dead?"

Not even waiting for her king's answer, she fell onto Simba's shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Who.*sniff* Who would so something like this? Who would do this to our little boy?"

"Idk Nala. Or maybe I do." Simba answered, his eyes now starting to fill with anger. "I'm going back to Priderock to make sure Kiara is ok. When ever you're ready honey, take the lionesses to Zira's den. She's always been revengeful ever since Scar's reign was overthrown."

"I'm ready now!" Nala said in a dangerous and vicious voice. "I'm going to KILL her for this!"

"Alright, but just block her exit until I get there."

And like that, everyone knowing their parts, they left, leaving their lifeless prince behind in the dark, depressing clearing.

"Zazu, is Kiara alright?" Simba asked, out of breath as he got to Priderock.

"Yes sire. Why shouldn't she be? And have you've found Prince Kopa yet? If you've haven't I can help by flying hi-"

"Zazu, stop! I'm sorry, but..." tears started to fill Simba's eyes again.".... we found Kopa mauled in a clearing."

"I'm...I'm terribly sorry sire. I did not know." Zazu said as a face of depression and shock overwhelmed him.

"It's ok. We think Zira has done it. Have you seen her?"

"Yes. She came from the north and to the water hole. She started washing her face off and then looked like she was heading back to her cave."

"Thanks Zazu." And like that, Simba was off to confront the murderer of his beloved son.

As Simba reached the den of Zira and her cubs, the other lionesses were already there blocking off Zira's escape.

"Ahhhhh. King Simba, you look distressed. Have you lost something?" Zira asked, smiling evily.

"Zira..." Simba started." murdered my son and your future king. Do you deny this?

"Nope. I did it. And as for punishment, you should fight me and kill me." Zira replied, trying to lure Simba into the trap.

"I'll maul her in a second, Simba!" Nala said jumping up. Zira growled.

Simba gave this some thought.

"Zira, neither Nala or I will fight you. No one will. You do deserve death however. No. You deserve worse. So I'm going to bring up the past with your mate and my uncle, Scar."

Everyone, even Zira, was confused yet curious by this statement.

Simba continued. " I'm going to do to you what Scar did to me. Zira, I hereby exile you, your cubs, and all who follow you and Scar from the Pridelands. You will starve to death and water will just be a fantasy where you"ll go. This is my final word."

Everyone was dead silent. Even Zira couldn't let out anything except for an ugly scowl. Simba had outsmarted her.

Finally, she said,"As you wish, King Simba the COWARD! But let me tell you that this won't be the last you'll see of me." She then grabbed her cubs and stormed out of her small little cave and out of The Pridelands.

Simba also knew that this wouldn't be the last time he'll see her. She would come back with a group and try to take Priderock back.

"Nala..." Simba started, "...let's go get Kopa."

Nala agreed and like that, they left the little den and went back to the clearing to find and bury their little boy while the rest of the lionesses went back to Priderock to make sure Kiara, the new future ruler of Priderock, was safe.

As Simba and Nala went back to the clearing to retrieve their son's body, they stopped in awe and shock as they entered the clearing.

"Simba, w..where's Kopa?" Nala asked in confusion and shock, for the once lively body of the Prince, was gone.

A beautiful lioness was stalking around in the fields of The Pridelands, accompanied by her son, who she was teaching how to hunt. She rather enjoyed hunting at night. The cool wind refreshed her and the sound of bugs relaxed her. As she spotted an antelope just 50 meters or so away from her,the excited cub wandered away from her, trying to catch a firefly. He then entered a dark clearing. The young lion almost had the firefly now, jumping and sprinting for it. As he was about to catch it, he tripped over a rock and landed face first, right in the face of a dead cub about his age.

"Ahhhhhh!" the male cub yelped. He got up and sprinted towards his mother, who was sprinting towards him at the same time. He then buried himself into his mother.

"Zale what is the matter with you?" the lioness started. " I take my eyes off you for 1 minute and your gone! What's wrong baby?" she then realized that her son was trembling.

"Mother, it's over there." The young cub named Zale started. "I fell and landed right in front if it's face! It startled me, but I'm ok now." he said, now trying to sound less frightened.

"Hmmmm. Let's have a look." the lioness said as she walked over to the body. "Oh my. That's not good." she said in a startled yet depressed tone.

She was looking at the gashes and cuts on the body of the young cub when all of a sudden, it moved. The body's chest started inhaling and exhaling, in a weird pattern.

"Oh wow he's alive!" the lioness exclaimed excitedly.

"Mom, what are we going to do? I don't want to see him die."

The lioness thought hard for a few seconds, staring at the body that was now just barely functioning. Finally, she said "We should take him with us. Help revive him to his normal self at least. This is what I think we should do for the time being. That one mandrill I used to be friends with long before you were born taught me a few things. Just what kind of herbs and such. We should try at least."

And like that, she grabbed the bloody cub with her mouth and hurried off to her and her son's tree which they sleep at.

It has been a week and a half since Salina, the lioness, found Kopa. He was showing no signs of healing the first few days, but he started pulling through. Salina was able to feed Kopa water and little bits of antelope or zebra, and he was starting to make progress. He was now opening his eyes for the first time.

"Zale look..." Salina said as she noticed Kopa awakening. "...he is starting to wake."

As Kopa opened his eyes, he saw a bright blue sky and a lioness hovering over him.

"Mom?" Kopa was able to choke out.

"No." Salina responded. "How are you feeling?"

"T...terrible." Kopa coughed.

"I know sweety. Can you just give me your name and I'll let you rest?"

" name is Kopa." Kopa replied in a whisper before passing out.

Ever since Kopa has waken up, he was showing signs of progress, his breathing was becoming more normal, most of his cuts and bruises were going away, although there was a big scar on his rib cage where Zira basically slashed him open, and he started opening his eyes every once in a while, but never said anything, even when Salina asked him a question. His calf on his left hind leg was majorly damaged and he will have a small limp for most of his life.

"Mom, when will he wake up?" Zale asked.

"I don't know sweety." Salina replied. "We'll just have to wait and see."

A few days later, Kopa woke up again. But this time, he was ready to talk.

"Where am I?" Kopa asked, startling Salina who's back was turned from him.

"Ahhhh. You are finally awake."

"W..who are you?"

"I am Salina, and this is my son Zale." Salina replied, motioning to Zale, who was standing a few feet away. "How are you feeling?"

"Hurt. What pride am I at right now?"

It took Salina a few seconds to answer.

"My son and I are not with a pride. Our pride was devastated a while ago, just merely after Zale was born. We now roam the areas, knowing no pride will take us in beacause we are not one of them."

" Oh. I'm sorry." Kopa said, a little embarrassed.

"No Kopa, it's quite alright. We live perfectly normal lives. We can get food easily and move on to wherever we want. But let's stop talking about us. What pride were you in?"

Kopa was about to answer, but he thought about something for a minute.

"Where did you find me?" Kopa asked

"In a clearing, all alone. It was going to be sunrise soon."

Kopa thought about that for a minute. He all of a sudden realized something. Why didn't his parents come get him? Did they even care that he was gone all night long? Salina got him at nearly sunrise!

A strong wave of anger an jealousy swept over him. "They were all thinking about Kiara I bet!" Kopa thought to himself. "They stopped caring about me ever since Kiara came into their world. All of their attention has gone to Kiara and I've been getting nothing!"

Finally, Kopa replied "I...I don't remember. I don't remember which pride I came from."

"But you thought I was you mother earlier." Salina pointed out, a little confused.

"I did? I don't remember that." Kopa lied.

"Oh. Hmmmmmmmm." Salina started thinking of an idea. "How about I take care of you, honey? Just until you gain your memory back."

Kopa thought hard for another minute. He could pretend that he forgot everything and stay with Salina and her son for a while. Just for a month or two. He'll then go back home to see if his parents have forgotten about him yet.

"Ummmm ok. That could work." Kopa replied.

"Wonderful. Kopa, I now pronounce you as one of us!" Salina said, chuckling. "Zale, it looks like you have a temporary brother."

"Cool!" Zale exclaimed.

Kopa thought his plan over once more and decided to go with it. It'll only be a month or so.

Like that, Kopa smiled and fell asleep again.

Four weeks after Kopa was proclaimed as part of Salina's family, he was 99% better and was running around with his new brother, Zale. The two young lions have immediately formed a bond with each other. Everyday they would play and laugh with each other. Kopa also formed a strong bond with Salina, who was like a second mother to him now.

It was almost time for Kopa to return home. He was all healed up(even though he has a kind of permanent small limp and has a big scar running alongside his body), it has been a month and he was starting to feel homesick. He decided he was going to leave tomorrow after having one last meal with his "new" family.

"Hey Kopa," Zale said. "I bet you can't beat me in a race back to our tree."

"Oh you're on!" Kopa said, accepting the challenge and running off with Zale.

As they got "home", Zale asked Salina what was for dinner.

"Zebra baby. I got this nice sized one today!" Salina replied proudly."I guess I could get use to hunting in the day too."

"Alright! Thanks mom!" both of the cubs said as they dug into the zebra carcass. Kopa looked up from his dinner and saw something he swore was a lioness. The lioness seemed to have noticed Kopa looking at her and she quickly disappeared.

"Salina, I just saw a lioness!" Kopa exclaimed.

"Where?" Salina responded looking very alert.

"Over behind that hill. She just disappeared."

"Hmmmmmm. Well I think we should all stay close to the tree tonight. We don't want any trouble now do we?"

"No way!" Zale said.

"Alright then. Now finish up your dinner. It's hard to hunt these days.

The next day had come already and Kopa was ready to return to hs pride. He was planning on telling Salina and Zale during dinner. Right now he was out with Zale, just playing and running around. It was starting to get dark, so they decided to go find their mother. They headed to a clearing where they last saw Salina. As they approached, they heard voices from the clearing.

"Zale hold up. Something doen't seem right." Kopa warned.

"Yeah. It sounds like my mom is talking to someone." Zale said.

"Here. Let's go behind this bush." Kopa said, pointing his muzzle to a bush a few yards away from them. As they got behind the bush, they could see into the clearing. Salina was surrounded by five other lionesses, one of them Zira. Kopa heard Zale take a deep intake of breathe.

"Soooo. You're just going to lie to us then?" Zira asked Salina.

"What are you talking about?" Salina demanded. "I told you I don't have any cubs."

"Liar!" Zira growled, moving closer to Salina. "My scout saw you with two cubs, one of them I know of."

"I am a lonely lioness. My mate died years ago and my pride was destroyed. I bear no cubs and probably never will."

"Now listen here!" Zira yelled. "Tell us where the cub is and you and your other cub will not be harmed. I swear I will KILL YOU if I have to!"

Salina thought about it for a minute. She then looked at the pact surrounding her. This lioness was'nt fooling around when she said she would kill her and Zale. There was only one solution. She saw Kopa and Zale in the bush and smiled, a sad smile.

"Kill me."

"If that's your decision then that will be your fate." Zira growled. She then nodded her head and the four other lionesses jumped on Salina, biting and clawing at her vigorously. Salina did not even try to fight back. She just accepted her fate. She was then pinned to the ground, her face looking towards Kopa and Zale. Zale at this point was trying to jump into the action and trying to save his mother, but Kopa tackled him and covered his mouth. Salina smiled at the both of them when all of a sudden, she was still, for Zira had bitten and broken her neck. Blood was pouring out of Salina now and the lionesses have stopped their attack.

"Serves her right for being that pathetic." Zira growled, blood dripping from her mouth. " Spread out and try to find Kopa and the other cub. They can't be far. Keep Kopa alive for me so I can finish him off properly. Kill the other cub."

The lionesses split up in all directions to hunt down their victims. Zale stood still while tears slowly flowed down his face. Kopa had to hit him to snap him out of it.

"Come one Zale! We have to get moving!" Kopa said worriedly in a hushed tone.

The two cubs ran for miles and miles. They couldn't go back to their tree because that would be the first place the lionesses would look for them. They had to find somewhere else to stay. They finally stopped at a tree with a tiny waterhole next to it. They both collapsed on the ground and tried to regain their breathe. As soon as Zale did, he jumped on Kopa, pinning him and scratching him.

"It's all your fault!! My mother would still be alive if it wasn't for you! I could have saved her, but you STOPPED ME!" Zale yelled furiously.

Kopa kicked Zale off of him and ran back a few yards.

"Zale, you couldn't have done anything. There were five adult lionesses and one you! I saved you!"

Zale got up and started sobbing.

"I'm sorry Kopa. I j..just......" Zale couldn't finish his sentence. He just fell to the ground and let tears roll freely down his cheeks.

"It's ok Zale." Kopa said, putting his arm around Zale. "Let's stay here for the night. There's water and shade. We can just sort things out tomorrow."

"(sniff) Alright."

The two of them slept under the big and thick tree. Kopa started thinking about Salina and what she did to save him. She gave away her own life just to save a cub she only knew for a month. She could be alive right now and living happily with Zale if she just said where he was, but she didn't and threw away her life for him.

A tear rolled down Kopa's face. He didn't know what to do now. Because of him, Salina was dead. He looked up in the stars for answers, but got nothing. He finally fell asleep beside his heartbroken brother as the giant moon shined down on them.

The next morning, Kopa woke up and got a long, refreshing drink of water from the little water hole beside the tree. He saw that Zale was already awake and scouting out the landscape.

"Good morning Zale."

"Oh hey Kopa."

Kopa walked over to Zale.

"How are you feeling? "

It took Zale a long time to respond. Kopa was about to walk away when Zale responded.


Kopa grinned at his friend, for he had learned in his time living with him that Zale had the biggest appetite in the world.

"I'll see if I can find anything out there." Kopa said, pointing his paw in the grasslands before them.

"Alright." Zale said.

Kopa started out to the grasslands. He turned around and looked back at Zale, who glumly walked over to the tree and lay down under it. Kopa felt so bad for him. He lost his pride and now his mother. He sighed and went out to go on a hunt, but he wasn't actually going on one.

Kopa finally reached his destination. He ran for a really long time and was now staring at his home:Priderock. He could see all of the animals in the distance, running, laughing, and enjoying themselves. He could just run a couple hundred meters and he would be back home with his family and friends. He could just feel the warmth and comfort of his mother, father, and Vitani. It was so simple, but yet it wasn't. He thought about Zale and what him and his mother did for him. Because of them he is still alive. He couldnt just ditch Zale like that and have him be alone for the rest of his life. He stared at The Pridelands. He couldn't take Zale to Priderock because of the new law his dad enforced: No outsiders are welcome under any conditions. This law was enforced immediately after Simba overthrew Scar. Kopa didn't know what to do. He paced back and forth for a long period of time when finally, he came to a decision: he was going to stay with Zale. His new brother needed him more than ever since Salina's passing. Kopa wanted to return to his family so bad, but he needed to stay with Zale, and it could also be a pretty good life, no responsibilities, no rules, and no worries. He looked back at Priderock, The Pridelands, and everything else he use to love in this world before turning back to live his new life with Zale.


A lone antelope was grazing in the fields of the long and endless grasslands. She was munching on the supplant supply of long grass when suddenly, there was a slight sound nearby. The antelope twitched it's ear and then went back to eating its lunch. The antelope was unaware that just 30 feet behind her, stalking in the grass, was her predator, patiently waiting for the right moment. The antelope bent down for another bite of the succulent grass. That's when the predator decided to strike. A teenage lion, with golden fur and a growing mane, jumped out of the tall grass and leaped on the antelope. The antelope at the last second dodged her assaulter's attack and started sprinting away. The lion was right behind her, trying to chase her down the steep hill ahead of them, and his plan worked. The antelope dashed down the hill, followed by her hunter. She then realized how steep the hill is and before she knew it, she started tumbling down the hill. The lion seized the advantage and took a long jump onto the antelope's back. They both tumbled down together and then there was a loud crack. As they reached the bottom, the lion got up and saw that he broke the antelope's neck while tackling her. Suddenly, another lion his same age appeared from the top of the hill.

"Awesome work Kopa!" the other lion yelled down.

"Thanks Zale!" Kopa responded.

Zale finally reached the bottom of the hill and was about to dig into the body of the antelope, when Kopa stopped him immediately.

"Wait! Look at the eyes." Kopa replied, glumly. The antelope's eyes had grey and red all around them. The antelope's mouth was foaming and green stuff was starting to come out. "It's sick. JUST LIKE THE OTHER TWO!!!"

Zale let out an angry growl. "This is rediculous. Something in the grass or water must be poisoning these animals. That's all they ever eat!" He then let a grin appear on his face. "I guess you have to go again, since I found the last two and you only found one."

Kopa let out a sigh.

"I guess you're right. I'll go on another run before it gets to dark." Kopa said, reluctantly. And like that, he was gone, dashing through the tall grass and hopefully into another pursuit of dinner.

Kopa was getting really deep into the grasslands and was hoping for another shot at a meal. Then something caught his eye: a lioness on top of a hill. The lioness looked around the same age as him, and was very pretty. Something about her made Kopa feel special, and also very cautious. This lioness was obviously on watch duty for her pride, which meant that there must be trouble around this area happening. Kopa was about to leave when suddenly, the lioness turned her head all the way, facing Kopa's direction. Kopa immediately dropped down to blend in with the tall grass, but all of a sudden, he recognized her: Vitani! The lioness was his old best friend! Kopa immediately jumped up and started running towards her.

"Vitani! Vitani!" Kopa shouted in excitement.

Vitani turned around and lunged at the lion sprinting towards her. She pinned him to the ground painfully and growled.

"How do you know my name?" Vitani demanded.

Kopa was shocked at first when Vitani didn't recognize him, but realized that she and everyone else thinks that he is probably dead.

"Vitani, it's me, Kopa."

There was along silence. Vitani's face was struck with confusion. She finally got off of him.

"Kopa?" She whispered.

Kopa nodded with a smile and Vitani jumped on him and hugged him.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S REALLY YOU!!" She screamed excitedly.

Tears were filling up in her eyes and the two long-lost friends held each other for a long time.
Finally, they stopped and Vitani asked,

"Where have you been all this time?! All these years?"

Kopa hesitated before answering.

"It's complicated, but if you really want to know........." and he told her everything.

After taking in everything from what Kopa said, she felt guilty about her part: telling her mother where to go to kill Kopa. She felt tears about to stream down her face any second, so she buried her face into Kopa's chest, who put his arm around her.

"Hey it's ok." Kopa said. "I have a question though, why are you this far away from the Pridelands?"

Vitani lifted her head up and wiped her tears away. "Your father found out about your "death" and banished my mother, I, Nuka, Kovu, and anyone else who followed her or Scar."

Kopa was shocked. "I'm so sorry."

"You shouldn't be. We deserved it." She said guiltily.

"What do you mean "we"?"

Vitani was about to tell him about how she betrayed him, but then a distant roar rang through the plains.

"It's started."

"What's started? What's going on?" Kopa asked worriedly.

Vitani turned towards where the roar came from.

"My mother planned an ambush on Priderock in hopes of seizing it. That's why I'm on guard duty to make sure no one can counter ambush us. I'm sorry Kopa."

Kopa looked worriedly towards her direction.

"I have to help them. My family. I hope you can understand."

Vitani shook her head.

"It's to dangerous. Not even my own mother wants me in this attack. I can't let you get yourself killed!"

"I'm sorry Vitani." And he took off in a sprint towards Priderock, Vitani calling after him. He got to a hill that viewed the battle scene, and his eyes widened. The two prides were fighting ferociously and blood and fur covered the ground. He immediately ran down the hill and into the fight. He saw an outsider and pinned her to the ground. The lioness kicked Kopa off her and struck at him. Her claws struck him in the side of the face as he leapt away and ran by the edge of the cliff that the battle has taken place on. He had an idea. The outsider growled and stared at him. She was mad with rage and wanted to finish him off, so with all of her speed, she pounced low, hoping to take out his legs, but Kopa jumped right over her and as she was under him, he used his feet to kick off of her and sent her off the cliff howling. Kopa recovered his breath and looked around. The battle was nearly over and the Pridelanders were about to win, so he ran back to the top of the hill he used as an overview. He looked around and saw the outsiders retreating and saw Zira screaming at them all.

Vitani trotted up behind Kopa.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" She exclaimed. She then noticed the cut on the side of his face. "Oh no. You're hurt." She said, gently rubbing the blood off his face.

"Thanks. It's not that bad." Kopa said.

"I'm sorry you had to see all of that. It's terrible, this war."

Kopa looked at Priderock in the distance. "Yeah."

Vitani looked at Kopa and then where he was looking at.

"You're not going to return are you?"

Kopa sighed, and a tear started to form in his eye.

"No. At least not yet." He responded. He saw tears in Vitani's eyes. "But don't worry. We'll see each other again soon. I promise." He said with a smile.

Vitani wiped the tears from her eyes and smiled back.

"You better nuthead." She said, giving him a playful shove. They both then muzzled their heads together for a long time. They finally stopped and Vitani licked his cheek. She then trotted off to meet with her mother and her pride. Kopa stared at her until she disappeared behind a hill. He then continued to looke at Priderock, when something caught his eye: King Simba. He saw his father emerge behind some rocks, and then his mother and sister too. Then three others came out too. Kopa couldn't believe how much Kiara had grown. She was no longer a small, baby cub, but was now a kid like he was before Zira's "special plan". Simba was giving an angry lecture to Kiara, and Kopa tried to make out what they were saying. It seemed that Kiara had gotten to close to the battle and was almost snatched by an outsider, but his mother came in time to save her.

"Found you finally."

Kopa leapt and turned around to see Zale approaching him.

"Oh hey Zale." He then remembered why he was gone in the first place. "Sorry. I couldn't find anything, and I got a little lost."

Zale gave out a short laugh.

"No worries my brother. I got a zebra and it WASN'T poisoned. For once."

Kopa chuckled.

"Great." He then continued to stare at his family. A tear rolled down his eye, but wiped it immediately before Zale could see.

"Do you know them." Zale asked.

Kopa continued to stare at them. He then looked at Zale.

"No clue."

"Alright then. Let's head back before another animal eats our zebra."

"Sounds good."

Zale headed down the hill. Kopa gave one last look at everything: Priderock, the battlefield, and his family.

Kiara was looking glumly in the distance, barely listening to her dad, when she saw something: a lion staring back at her. She turned toward her dad.

"Dad! Dad! There's a lion on that hill!" She exclaimed, pointing at the hill.

Simba looked to where she was pointing and sure enough, no one was there.

"Kiara stop playing games. No one's there."

"But he was! I'm positive." She continued to stare at the hill, hoping the lion would come back.

Kopa was now leaving the Pridelands with Zale. He looked at Priderock, the place he use to call home.

"Soon Vitani. Soon......"

This is just the Prologue. Chapters will be coming and hopefully in plentiful numbers. 8-) If you liked it so far, please leave a comment. If you didn't, oh well. I tried at least :lol:
Last edited by Tacobell Lion on December 17th, 2012, 12:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Dark Huntress » September 25th, 2012, 6:19 am

I like it! Really good! Now most the next dang chapter already :)
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » October 30th, 2012, 4:38 am

I'll post chapter one soon hopefully. Leave a comment if you want. I like criticism: good and bad. :)
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » November 24th, 2012, 6:07 pm

Btw, the prologue takes place after TLK, but before TLK2: SP. The chapters take place after TLK2: SP. Just wanted to pitch that in there in case anyone was confused. :)
Last edited by Tacobell Lion on November 24th, 2012, 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » November 24th, 2012, 6:07 pm

Chapter 1: Resurrection

Quiet. That word perfectly describes the scenery of the grasslands he was now observing. Everything around him seemed to be perfect, untouched, but mostly quiet. The sudden sound of grass being pulled out from the ground and chewing loudly came to his ears. He got down low and moved towards where the sound came from. He spotted an antelope just 50 yards away, munching on his early dinner. Kopa got down real low. In the distance, he saw Zale about 75 yards behind the antelope, slowly making his way forward. They both nodded at each other and Zale got up from his spot and darted for the antelope, giving out a roar. The antelope saw right away and sprinted away from Zale, sprinting right towards Kopa. It was 20 yards away now and excitement was invading Kopa's body, for he hadn't eaten in days. He jumped up a just a little bit to early and the antelope saw him at the last second. He changed directions in a heartbeat as Kopa's extended claws just barely cut him. Kopa chased after him and was on his trail very closely, as Zale still lagged behind.

"Go get him Kopa!" Zale yelled.

Kopa stayed on the antelope for nearly ten minutes. They cut through part of a jungle and were now again in grassland. He was getting tired fast and was out of breath, but he could tell the antelope was too, so he pushed himself for one final stretch. He pounced with all his might and landed on the antelope's back, but another lion rammed itself into the antelope's side. The three animals rolled together for a second, then Kopa finally got up into his defensive stance, still trying to regain his breath. The other lion did the same. The second Kopa layed eyes on the other male lion, his stomach twisted into a full turn. He knew who he was immediately, but the lion didn't seem to recognize him. But he did drop his defensive stance. He spoke with a charming yet gentle voice,

"I'm sorry. Looks like you had him first. I'll back off." He then backed away slowly. But he then noticed something about Kopa. Something familiar. He also noticed that he looked like he'd seen an evil spirit. "You alright there?"

Kopa finally snapped out of his trance and nodded, afraid to even speak. The other lion spoke,

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He knew the lion! He just couldn't remember who he was.

Kopa was about to dart away and escape, but a voice came from behind him.

"Kopa! What happened?" Yelled Zale, who was now just emerging from the jungle.

The lion had a confused look on his face.

"What did he say your name was?"

There was no going back now. "It was time" he said in his head. He let out a deep breath.

"My name is Kopa, son of you, King Simba."
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby kopa4eva » December 11th, 2012, 7:14 am

Omg the story is getting good. Please write more!
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » December 15th, 2012, 9:30 pm

Chapter 2: Reunion

Simba stood there in silence, staring at Kopa real hard. He walked closer to him.

"Kopa?" Simba asked?

Kopa grinned and took a step forward.

"Hey dad." He said.

Simba took another step closer, and then the two embraced each other. Tears welled in both of their eyes.

" died. You were killed. I saw with my own eyes. You weren't breathing."

"No. I survived it."

Simba and Kopa stared at each other, noticing their different features from the last time they saw each other. Kopa noticed that his father was only a little bigger than him and he had aged only a little more. His mane was also lighter. Simba noticed that his son was almost as big as him. He noticed the huge amount of muscle he had and how his mane was much darker than his own. But he also found two scars on him: one on his left hind-leg calf and a big one on his rib age that went across to his side. His face darkened slightly as he thought of Zira.

"Kopa, I..I'm sorry. I had no idea....." Simba started, but never finished, as more tears flowed down his face.

"Hey it's ok." Kopa said as he embraced his father again. He then remembered about Zale, who was standing 10 feet away.

"Dad, this is Zale. He's my brother."

Simba walked over to Zale.

"Is this true?" Simba asked.

"Yes." Zale answered Zale.

Simba grinned and embraced Zale, who, after a few seconds, embraced back. Simba then let go and went back to Kopa.

"What happened?" He asked. "Why didn't you come back to Pride Rock?"

Kopa sighed.

"I think it might be better if I tell everyone back home. My old home. That is if it's ok with you." Kopa said.

Simba laughed.

"Of course that's ok, my son! You and Zale are both welcomed to the family."

Kopa smiled, but then looked at Zale. He started over to him.

"Zale, how do you feel about this?" Kopa asked. "I know this is not your family, but it could be if you want. It's up to you. We can stay here, or go back to our original ways."

Zale thought hard for a few seconds. He looked at Simba and then at Kopa. He grinned.

"You know Kopa, I think we're both ready for another family. A permanent family this time."

Kopa chuckled and looked at his father, and then at his brother. He then looked at Pride Rock that you could just barely see in the distance.

"Well guys, lets go home."

And the three lions walked back to Pride Rock, their home.

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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » December 17th, 2012, 6:14 am

Chapter 3: Reunion (Part 2)

"Hmmmmm." Nala sounded as she saw three lions approaching Pride Rock. One of them she already knew was her husband.

"Who do you suppose is with him?" Nala asked Zazu who had just appeared.

"Can't tell." Zazu replied. "Want me to find out, your highness?"

"Nah. Simba's just probably helping those two with something. But it still doesn't seem to safe to have two male lion strangers in our territory."

They waited at Pride Rock for Simba and the two others to arrive. When they finally did, Nala took immediate notice into the two strangers: the one on the right was the darkest out of the two. He also had more of a mane, but was a little smaller. He had green, beautiful eyes. The other was a little bigger and was the slightest bit more muscular. Both were very. He had a mane just like Simba's, but darker. He walked with a small limp and had a scar on his left hind-leg calf. He also bore another scar that went across his ribs to his side. Brown, courageous, and somewhat familiar, eyes. She then took notice into Simba, and realized that as she looked into his eyes, he was extremely happy.

"Hey, so how was hunting sweety?" She asked casually. "And I see that you've brought along two visitors." She added with a smile.

Simba stepped toward her and looked into her eyes before speaking.

"'s him."

Nala was confused.


Kopa walked towards his mother. He hasn't seen her in years. His eyes started to swell up with tears, but he stopped himself. He spoke.

"Mom, it's me. It's Kopa."

Nala stared at him. She didn't believe it at first, but then she stepped towards him. She looked into his eyes, deep into his eyes. She studied his face carefully.

"Kopa? Is it really you?"

Kopa grinned.

"Yes mother. I'm back."

At that moment Nala lunged towards him and hugged him and licked him.

"Oh my baby! I thought you were dead all of these years." She exclaimed, tears in her eyes.

Kopa chuckled and nuzzled his mother with delight and comfort. After a while, they separated from each other and Kopa looked at Zazu, who had an enormously big smile on his face. Kopa and Zazu laughed together at the sight of each other. Two lions, one lioness and one lion, appeared from the den that Kopa used to sleep in every night as a cub. He recognized one of them the second she stepped out of the den.

"What's going on?" The lionesses asked as she yawned. She then noticed Kopa and recognized him immediately.



The two ran towards each other and embraced. Vitani licked him a couple of times, then blushed as she noticed that his parents were standing right there.

"I told you I would see you again." Kopa said with a grin.

Vitani laughed and hugged him once more. Kopa looked at the other figure at the entrance of the den.

"No. That can't be." Kopa said. He walked towards the lion, who seemed lost in all of this.
"Is that really Kovu? He's so big!"

The others laughed and nodded their heads.

"Kovu, this is Kopa. He's Simba and Nala's first-born." Vitani told Kovu. "We all thought he was killed by mother a long time ago, when you were just born actually."

"Oh I see." Kovu said, comprehending it all together. "Great to meet you...again...I guess." He chuckled a bit. "So Kiara's not their only child?"

"Nope. I'm her big brother." Kopa said, smiling. "Speaking of her, where is Kiara?"

Right as Simba was about to answer, Kiara seemed to appear from out of nowhere.

"I'm right here." She said, smiling. She looked at Zale and Kopa. "So who's our guests here?"

"It's Kopa, sweety. It's Kopa." Nala answered.

Kiara stared at him.

"Who's Kopa?"
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Tacobell Lion » May 7th, 2013, 5:05 am

Sorry guys. I haven't been online in months ha. The chapter will be up soon hopefully :)
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Re: TLK4: A Reunion in Flames

Postby Dark Huntress » May 14th, 2013, 5:43 am

Eeps! ^^
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