What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Regulus » July 5th, 2013, 7:52 pm

[quote="TheBlackCatCrossing"]Bolded for truth. I know I can come here and enjoy some amazing fics because I know that a lot of the writers here (DGFone, Regulus, Gemini, you) care about characterization. What I like is the challenge of keeping the characters within character and not making them say common vernacular words like 'd*******g* (Yes, I have seen that!).[/quote]

I'm still trying to figure out what word that is. :?

I know I use common speech all the time with my stories, but that's mainly because it's almost impossible not to. Just about every scene in TLK has at least one reference to human culture, in one way or another.

What is important isn't the words, as much as the context in which the words are used.

In DGFone's example, even though Simba is saying the word 'man', he isn't actually referring to the human race. 'Aww, man!' is just an expression of disappointment. If he said 'Aww, lion!' instead, it would have sounded incredibly weird, and that unexpected weirdness would almost detract from the immersion of the scene.

I'm pretty sure the editors saw that mistake, but chose not to correct it. For literal expressions, it is very important to make sure the language makes sense, but for figurative phrases and expressions, it's hardly relevant.

Consider this. As humans, we don't have tails, but sometimes we'll say things like 'he's on your tail' to mean that you're being chased or followed. It's the same concept, just in reverse.

Now that I think about it, I think I know what that word is. As weird as it would be to read that in a Lion King fanfic, would it really make sense to replace it with another word of the same meaning? There's an entire plethora of colorful words to use in the English language, to describe jerks.

The question is, who is using such a word, and why? It's not the terminology itself in question, so much as it is the reasoning behind it. I can't imagine any of the characters using the word, except maybe Kovu, in an informal context. I'm sure he learned a few expletives at a young age, growing up in the Outlands with only one parent.
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby FlipMode » July 5th, 2013, 8:43 pm

I tell you one thing for nothing, I like seeing characters express more human characteristics. I have seen tons of comments on fics along the lines of "Oh but how would a lion do X or know about Y?" and I'm just like "Dude, how would a lion be able to TALK?!". I appreciate some authors go for realism and it does make for quality reading. But most of the charm of TLK or the characters within it was how human and relateable they and (in my case) the story were.
Timon & Pumbaa use a DVD remote in TLK3 and I think, you know, you can either take that into deeper consideration than it ought to be and question why they are using human technology... Or take it at face value, for what it is, which is anthropomorphic.

Look up the definition if it helps any, anthromorph is not itself an actual word. It is a shortened term for anthropomorphic which is an adjective used to describe an animal or creature displaying traits of a human. It is why we love characters like Nemo and ... Nemo'sdadwhosenameIforgot, which of course goes some way to explain why Simba is so popular, he probably is the most human of all because we actually see him grow, mature and change from his mentality to his physical being. It makes him relateable. Thus the more anthromophic you make them, the better the character you have.
The phrase "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" comes to mind. We like seeing animals display emotion, HAVE YOU SEEN HOW CUTE A CAT LOOKS WHEN IT WATCHES TV?! For a more real example see Christian the lion story, its cute because he remembers them even though it was unexpected that he would.

Thus in conclusion then, the more human you make an animal character behave and think, the more most people (the minority being the ones who need to remove the stick from their butt) will like them. When you make them look human like in Equestria Girls, that's just weird, they are supposed to be humans in animal form in order to ensure you can connect best with readers or viewers but not the other way around!

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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Ninaroja » July 5th, 2013, 10:05 pm

[quote="Julie Skywalker"]

My main fic is actually about something several people posting here have spoken against- the cubs of Kiara and Kovu (they did have only two at first, but will have a total of five). I think I'm succeeding in not making it the same old problems and "TLK 3/4" plot, but hey I've not read any of them, so maybe I'm not. :ha:

I should have mentioned that another reason for my dislike of TLK 4 fics is a strong dislike for Simba's Pride (Kiara and Kovu in particular :disgust5: (<-- how ironic XD) ) and these fics usually focus on these characters. That's not to say they're all bad though, it's just a lot of them are very very similar to eachother
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby cleargreenwater » July 6th, 2013, 1:21 am

I must confess, with the occasional exception of what gets posted on the boards here I have neither attempted to read nor sought any TLK fanfic for a good 5/6 years now.

Perhaps it would be worthwhile & inspiring to other fanfic authors to have a thread where members can suggest GOOD fanfics they've found.

(And I completely forgot & just remembered that I wanted to make a "Character of the month" contest to highlight well-written and/or popular OCs. Will think about the best way to do that & try to start it soon.)

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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Ninaroja » July 6th, 2013, 1:38 am

Oh yes, add this to my "Things I hate in TLK fanfiction list"

Characters Going OOC
God, I hate this*, and in TLK fanfiction it seems to happen all the time. An example that immediately springs to mind:
(*unless done deliberately)

(In this particular fic, Mufasa survives (yay :')!) And lets Simba know that Scar tried to kill him. At one point during the first chapter Scar catches up with him)

Simba glared at me and slashed at my face, I easily dodged his small claws and laughed at him.
"You tried to kill my father…" Simba growled. "And me."

Now, this would be fine if it were adult Simba, but it isn't. This is still cub Simba, who we know gets pretty scared of hyenas, stampedes etc. He's just learned that his uncle is dangerous and is out to kill him. In my view there's no way he'd ever act like this.

And I just thought of another one:

First Person

This is something I don't like in the TLK fandom for some reason, because I'm fine with it everywhere else. In TLK fics I really prefer 3rd person of exclusively one character over first person. That's not to say I think all first person fics are bad! I just prefer to have a narrator of sorts than to have the character seemingly be talking to themselves.
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby cleargreenwater » July 6th, 2013, 1:57 am

[quote="Ninaroja"]First Person

This is something I don't like in the TLK fandom for some reason, because I'm fine with it everywhere else. In TLK fics I really prefer 3rd person of exclusively one character over first person. That's not to say I think all first person fics are bad! I just prefer to have a narrator of sorts than to have the character seemingly be talking to themselves.[/quote]

I think because it's difficult to get a width of experience in a first-person perspective, which is fine for action or mystery stories, where you're either keeping up with the character or trying to figure things out along with them, but for a more "broad landscape" and/or introspective sort of story-world like Lion King, the shift is jarring. First person can work in some very short TLK fiction, but anything sustained it just starts to read as very tedious. And then when it *does* shift to the big picture (because it's TLK and it's bound to,) it then makes the first-person P.O.V. narrator seem inordinately omniscient in a completely unbelieveable way.

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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Kal » July 6th, 2013, 1:59 am

I would not be able to write a first-person story. Obviously they can be done well and offer very personal, connecting qualities, but I find first-person far too restrictive for my writing.

How do you peeps feel about completely OC fanfics? (Cos I'm in the middle of writing one!) Do you think they can hold up interest as well as fanfics that have all those well-known, beloved characters to engage fans? It was a tough route to decide to go down for this reason.
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Regulus » July 6th, 2013, 2:14 am

^ I'm okay with OC fics, as long as there's a clear reason for it, other than a self-insert.

In fact, I actually prefer fics with OC's. If done properly, it can add much more depth and immersion to the backstory.
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Kal » July 6th, 2013, 2:19 am

^ Well I meant original characters only, as it is set many years before the events of the movies. So no canon/semi-canon/shot-out-of-a-cannon characters whatsoever.
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Re: What do you look for in a fanfic? (Rant, be warned)

Postby Ninaroja » July 6th, 2013, 2:23 am

I usually find lots of OCs mixed with canon characters extremely confusing, like I can barely keep up with them all. In my stories my OCs are mostly minor/secondary characters.

A story that was 100% OC wouldn't catch my eye immediately but I'd be willing to try reading one. Something to remember in fanfiction is that most readers are going to want to read stuff that furthers the development/stories of characters they already know. Make sure that your story is recognisably a TLK fic in the absence of TLK characters by making a few references or something like that.

Also as Regulus said STAY AWAY from self inserts. Everyone hates those.
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