Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Titanic-Wyvern » January 14th, 2015, 3:48 am

[quote="Shadowfax"]She sounds like an awesome character =)

An Imperial Mercenary eh? Hmm... Maybe he could be part of one of the armies? And Amaya and Altean could cross paths after there has been a Stormcloak/Legion miniature battle and could kind of con each other into helping one another? Amaya hunts Imperials, Altean is looking for her sister so they could mebbe team up? Would be interesting for Maya too if her and her husband ended up being on the Legion's side.

And Amaya's backstory:

She lived in Valenwood with her people and family up until she was seventeen. At fifteen she joined the hunting team, though her and her father tended to go off alone and soon became the best hunters and Scouts of the village. Amaya was raised by her father and was very close to him. He was a master bowman and taught her how to wield a bow.

One day they were out hunting, when an Imperial scouting group came close to their borders. The pair were taken hostage and dragged to Skyrim accused of being StormCloak spies. Amaya had to watch as they beheaded her father infront of her and if it weren't for a Stormcloak attack on the party, she too would have been killed there and then. A man called Ralof freed her and told her what the Legion's plans were. Amaya, deciding she could never go home decided to aid the StormCloaks and punish all who donned the cloak of the Legion. She began her path of revenge and vowed not to stop until they were all dead.

So she's spent the last eight years of her life wandering Skyrim killing as many Imperial Legion members as she can.

Age: 27
Personality: Blunt, Unsociable, a loner, Strong and good with a bow.
Appearence: She has shoulder length gingery blond hair with a braid in the side. She has war paint across her left eye which looks like a purple sun. Her eyes are golden brown like a normal wood elf and she wears Nightingale armor (Though she does not realize this is Thieves guild armor, she looted it off a body years ago)[/quote]

(Sorry! I would have replied sooner but my email didn't alert me that you replied and life got in the way. Derp!)

Aw, thanks. ^////^ Oh, I can go for that! :D That sounds like it would be fun to roleplay, plus it would definitely help expand on Altean a bit.

I really like Amaya's backstory. It is rather unique and interesting. :) Oh, btw, do you want any more info on Altean? Like maybe more on her personality or her appearance? I'm just curious. o3o
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Shadowfax » January 14th, 2015, 1:11 pm

Haha she's a little bit messed up, but not evil at heart. And if you could let me know what she looks like and a bit about her personality that would be awesome :D
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Titanic-Wyvern » January 15th, 2015, 12:51 am

[quote="Shadowfax"]Haha she's a little bit messed up, but not evil at heart. And if you could let me know what she looks like and a bit about her personality that would be awesome :D[/quote]

(Late reply, sorry! School got in the way and then I had my bestie over so that kind of made me forget. ^ ^U)

:D I had a feeling! Those are kind of my favorite characters, the ones who do bad things but that doesn't necessarily make them a bad person. And more info on Altean:

Age: 181 (She was turned around the age of 126, Dang Altmer can live long! (and the vampirism helps a bit)
Personality: (Positive) Courageous, decisive, helpful (to a degree), self-reliant, resilient (Negative) Close-minded (xenophobic and racist), Cold, Humorless, Aggressive, Self-doubting, doesn't let go of grudges easily
Appearance: Long, blondeish-brown hair that goes midway down her back and is tied back into a ponytail (she keeps her hair slicked back - Think Delphine! (minus a stray cowlick in the front). Rather thin, even for a vampire, so causes her cheeks to stick out more against her pale skin. Lots of scarring around her mouth and left cheek, due to the incident when her coven was destroyed for all but her. Often dons leather armor and a crudely made fur hood to hide her face and identity as a vampire, and uses a combo of both spells and her orcish mace for close combat, and uses her crossbow (stole it from a Dawnguard patrol) for long-range combat.
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Shadowfax » January 15th, 2015, 2:22 pm

She sounds awesome! Amaya has a daedric bow i forgot to mention and as she's more of a sneak in combat she uses daggers for hand to hand combat.

Where do you think we should start?
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Titanic-Wyvern » January 15th, 2015, 10:54 pm

[quote="Shadowfax"]She sounds awesome! Amaya has a daedric bow i forgot to mention and as she's more of a sneak in combat she uses daggers for hand to hand combat.

Where do you think we should start?[/quote]

Thanks. :D A daedric bow? That's cool, and sneaking in combat reminds me of my Dark Brotherhood Bosmer Assassin. She is the same way! XD

Hmm... I don't know? Maybe one of the inns in Skyrim, or maybe somewhere out in the wilds of one of the holds, like Falkreath Hold or something.
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Shadowfax » January 16th, 2015, 7:01 pm

Cool. Amaya has a bounty on her head so that might be some blackmail for Altean to get her to co operate with her search.

Would you like to start or shall I? :3
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Titanic-Wyvern » January 16th, 2015, 8:12 pm

[quote="Shadowfax"]Cool. Amaya has a bounty on her head so that might be some blackmail for Altean to get her to co operate with her search.

Would you like to start or shall I? :3[/quote]

(Would have replied sooner but game problems! D: I just hope the problem can be solved with this specialist I'm talking to right now. I really wanna play Spore again!)

O3O That would work! And some blackmail for Amaya can easily be the fact that Altean is a vampire and vampires aren't exactly welcomed in Skyrim. >3

You can start it, if you wish too. :D
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Re: Looking for an RP Buddy (One required)

Postby Shadowfax » January 16th, 2015, 8:17 pm

Cool, so the blackmail will work both ways hehe! Cool, i'll start it now ^^ eeee, can't wait! Looking forward to this one ^^
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